
Adding the LDAP gateway service

Download the .zip archive and extract it to the computer that will run the gateway.


  1. In the PingOne admin console, go to Integrations → Gateways and locate the appropriate gateway.

  2. Click the gateway name to expand the gateway details.

  3. Click the Download tab.

  4. In the Standalone section, review the prerequisites and instructions.

  5. In the Instructions section, click the download link for the gateway bundle.

    If prompted, complete the sign-on process.


    The download begins.

  6. Extract the .zip archive to the computer that will run the gateway.

    We recommend that you use a common location as the parent directory, such as C:\Program Files\Ping Identity.

  7. Follow the instructions in the README.txt file to:

    1. Configure the file, including providing the gateway credential information.

      The file is located in the config directory. For example, C:\Program Files\Ping Identity\pingone-ldap-gateway-2.3.0\config.

    2. (Optional) To configure an LDAP Gateway client application to use a forward web proxy server to handle traffic between the gateway and PingOne, in the file provide the relevant access information.

      • To add the web proxy details after installing the LDAP gateway client application as a Windows service, update the file, and then run the bin/windows/reinstall-service.bat file using an account with administrator privileges.

      • You must also configure the web proxy settings locally per each running instance. For example, if you’re running two gateway client applications, you must configure web proxy settings in both instances.

      • Digest authentication does not support international characters.

      • Basic authentication requires configuration in the proxy server to support international characters.

  8. Sign on to Windows with administrator privileges.

  9. Start a command prompt or PowerShell.

  10. Run the install-service.bat file without any parameters.

    By design, the install-service.bat file does not start the service automatically after completion. However, the service is configured to start automatically at the next and subsequent restarts of the Windows operating system.

  11. In the Services system application, start the PingOne LDAP Gateway service.