
Adding a worker application for the PingOne Authorize service

After PingOne Authorize is in your PingOne environment, add a worker application to enable dynamic authorization API actions for the service.

About this task

PingOne integrates with client applications through application connections that define access to PingOne resources. A worker application is a userless service application connection that can perform administrator functions. Access is encoded in the worker application’s access token, which you submit with API requests. Learn more about how PingOne manages access to applications in Applications.

You must assign the Environment Admin and Identity Data Admin roles to the worker app after you create it. Learn more in Configuring roles for a worker application.


  1. In PingOne, go to Applications → Applications.

  2. Click the icon next to Applications.

  3. For Application Name and Description, enter a unique identifier for the application and a brief characterization of the application.

    Screen capture showing the name and description of the worker app on the Create App Profile page.
  4. For the Application Type, click Worker.

  5. Click Save.


    The Applications page displays your worker application.

  6. On the Roles tab, click Grant Roles.

  7. In Available responsibilities, select the following roles:

    • Identity Data Admin role for your environment

    • Environment Admin role for your organization, or for a specific environment

      The Granted responsibilities tab provides a simplified view of your selected roles.

      Screen capture showing the name and description of the worker app on the Create App Profile page.
  8. Click Save.

  9. To enable the application, click the Enable toggle.

    Screen capture showing the enable toggle for the worker app.

Next steps

Complete these tutorials to familiarize yourself with PingOne Authorize capabilities: