
Using the PingID Device Trust agent

Your risk policies can include the PingID Device Trust risk predictor if your users have installed the PingID Device Trust agent on their computers.

The PingID Device Trust predictor checks if a device is trusted by validating the trust created during the installation of the PingID Device Trust agent.

Use of the PingID Device Trust risk predictor requires a PingID license. Currently, to use the predictor you also need to have a PingOne Protect license.

In terms of browser support, the trust agent currently does not work for users who are accessing applications from Safari.

Basic steps

To use the PingID Device Trust risk predictor in risk evaluations, perform the following steps:

  • In a PingOne environment where a PingID account has been integrated:

    • Create a worker application.

      In this context, the worker application requires only the Accessing Device permissions, so for maximum security, it is recommended that you create a custom PingOne role that has only these permissions, and grant only that role to the worker application.

    • Add the PingID Device Trust risk predictor to one of your risk policies

  • Using PingFederate (minimum version 11.3) or PingOne DaVinci, create a flow that uses the risk policy with the PingID Device Trust predictor, and carry out the additional configuration steps required.

  • Ensure that the PingID Device Trust agent has been installed on your users' computers.

Designing flows with PingID Device Trust predictor in PingFederate

Before designing the flow:

Designing the flow:

  • In your HTML Form Adapter:

    1. Go to Manage CAPTCHA and Risk Providers.

      The steps in this section refer to the provider, but you can also enable and configure the PingID Device Trust agent in the configuration of the PingOne Protect Adapter.

    2. Select the existing PingOne Protect provider, or create a new one.

    3. In the Instance Configuration, click Show Advanced Fields and then select Collect PingID Device Trust attributes.

      Screen capture of configuring PingFed to use the PingID Device Trust agent

    4. If you don’t want the agent to use the default port (9400), use the PingID Device Trust agent port field to specify the port to use.

    5. If you don’t want to use the default agent timeout (1000 ms), use the PingID Device Trust agent timeout field to specify the timeout to use.

    6. Save.

  • Design your flow, using the possible risk evaluation responses for policies with the PingID Device Trust predictor.

  • You can take into consideration both the risk level calculated for the trust predictor and the detailed data that is included in the response under details.device.agent. Note that the details.device.agent object is not included in the response if the risk level calculated for the trust predictor is HIGH. For details of the agent-related fields included in the response, see the Details data model table in the API documentation.

Designing flows with PingID Device Trust predictor in DaVinci

Carry out the following steps so that the risk evaluation in your flow receives the data from the trust agent:

  • In your flow with risk evaluation, locate the HTTP connector where you added the skrisk component to the flow (as described in PingOne Protect Connector) and open the Update Component window for the skrisk component.

    Screen capture of component settings for skrisk

    • Set Enable PingID Agent to True.

    • If you don’t want to use the agent timeout (1000 ms), use the PingID Agent Timeout field to specify the timeout to use.

    • If you don’t want the agent to use the default port (9400), use the PingID Agent Port field to specify the port to use.

    You can also enable and configure the PingID Device Trust agent using the PingOne Forms connector (General tab, after enabling Device Profiling).

  • Continue designing your flow, using the possible risk evaluation responses for policies with the trust predictor.

  • You can take into consideration both the risk level calculated for the trust predictor and the detailed data that is included in the response under details.device.agent. Note that the details.device.agent object is not included in the response if the risk level calculated for the Trust predictor is HIGH. For details of the agent-related fields included in the response, see the Details data model table in the API documentation.

Installing the PingID Device Trust agent on Windows computers

You can install the PingID Device Trust agent on a Windows computer with a GUI-based installation or with a command-line installation.

The GUI-based installation is provided only for testing purposes. Installation of the agent on user computers should be done only with the CLI installation.

At the moment, it is not possible to define a custom path for the installation. The agent will be installed to: C:\Program Files\Ping Identity\PingID\Device Trust

The user installing the agent must have administrator privilges for the computer.

GUI installation

  • Download the GUI-based installation from the PingID download page.

  • Run the downloaded .exe file to launch the installation wizard.

  • On the first screen of the wizard (Device Trust Agent Settings), enter the mandatory information.

  • If your company uses a proxy, click Confgure Proxy and enter the necessary proxy information.

  • Click Next to proceed to the Optional Settings page

  • If you want to run a custom script to provide the risk evaluation with additional data for the computer, enter the path to the relevant batch file. The use of custom scripts with the PingID Device Trust predictor is explained here.

  • Use the Custom domain field if sign-on flows are going to be initialized from a domain other than the PingOne base domain.

  • If you don’t want the agent to listen on the default port - 9400, enter a different port number.

CLI installation

  • Download the installation executable from the PingID download page.

  • From the command-line, run the executable with the necessary parameters:

PingIdDeviceTrust_<version>.exe /LOG=intsllation.log /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /PingOneBaseDomain="<PingOne base domain>" /EnvironmentID="<the environment id>" /ClientID="<the client id>" /ClientSecret="<the client secret>"   /NORESTART

Mandatory parameters

Parameter Description


The PingOne base domain, for example,


The ID of the environment that contains the worker app and the risk policy


The client ID for the worker app


The client secret for the worker app

Optional parameters

Parameter Description


The location of installation log file. If left out, no log file is created.


Specify a port number if you don’t want the agent to listen on the default port, 9400.


The path to the relevant batch file if you want to run a custom script to provide the risk evaluation with additional data for the computer. The use of custom scripts with the PingID Device Trust predictor is explained here.


If sign-on flows are going to be initialized from a domain other than the PingOne base domain, specify the domain.


If your company uses a proxy, specify the address.


If the proxy requires authentication, specify the username.


If the proxy requires authentication, specify the password.


Should be included to prevent the display of UI elements such as progress window during CLI installation.


Should be included to prevent the display of message boxes during CLI installation.


Include to prevent the computer from rebooting when the installation is complete.

Installing the PingID Device Trust agent on Mac computers

You can install the PingID Device Trust agent on a Mac computer with a GUI-based installation or with a command-line installation.

The GUI-based installation is provided only for testing purposes. Installation of the agent on user computers should be done only with the CLI installation.

At the moment, it is not possible to define a custom path for the installation. The agent will be installed to: /usr/local/pingid/DeviceTrust

The user installing the agent must have administrator privilges for the computer.

GUI installation

  • Download the Mac installation file from the PingID download page.

  • Extract the individual files:

    • Package file: DeviceTrust.<version>.pkg

    • CLI installer: InstallPingIdDeviceTrust

    • Installer settings:

  • Copy the file to the /tmp directory (this is currently not configurable - the installer looks for the properties file in /tmp)

  • Update the file with the values for the mandatory properties:

    • PingOneBaseDomain

    • EnvironmentID

    • ClientID

    • ClientSecret

  • Specify values for any of the optional properties you want to use:

    • If your organization uses a proxy: ProxyAddress, ProxyUsername, ProxyPassword

    • If you want to run a custom script to provide the risk evaluation with additional data for the computer, set ScriptFilePath to the path to your script. The use of custom scripts with the PingID Device Trust predictor is explained here.

    • If sign-on flows are going to be initialized from a domain other than the PingOne base domain, set CustomDomain to that domain.

    • If you don’t want the agent to listen on the default port - 9400, set Port to a different port number.

    • If you want more detailed information to be logged during installation, set LogLevel to 1.

  • Launch the .pkg file to begin the installation.

  • Click Install.

CLI installation

  • Download the Mac installation file from the PingID download page.

  • Extract the individual files:

    • Package file: DeviceTrust.<version>.pkg

    • CLI installer: InstallPingIdDeviceTrust

    • Installer settings:

  • From the command line, run the Mac installer, providing the necessary values for the parameters:

    sudo ./InstallerPingIdDeviceTrust "[-Package= full path to DeviceTrust .pkg]" "-PingOneBaseDomain=<PingOne base domain>" "-EnvironmentID=<EnvironmentID>" "-ClientID=<ClientID>" "-ClientSecret=<ClientSecret>" "[-ScriptFilePath=<ScriptFilePath>]" "[-Port=<Port>]" "[-CustomDomain=<CustomDomain>]" "[-ProxyAddress=<ProxyAddress>" "-ProxyUsername=<ProxyUsername>" "-ProxyPassword=<ProxyPassword>]"

Mandatory parameters

Parameter Description


The full path of the package file (.pkg). If not specified, the installer looks for the .pkg file in the current folder.


The PingOne base domain, for example,


The ID of the environment that contains the worker app and the risk policy.


The client ID for the worker app.


The client secret for the worker app.

Optional parameters

Parameter Description


Specify a port number if you don’t want the agent to listen on the default port, 9400.


The path to the relevant batch file if you want to run a custom script to provide the risk evaluation with additional data for the computer. The use of custom scripts with the PingID Device Trust predictor is explained here.


If sign-on flows are going to be initialized from a domain other than the PingOne base domain, specify the domain.


If your company uses a proxy, specify the address.


If the proxy requires authentication, specify the username.


If the proxy requires authentication, specify the password.


The level of logging carried out during installation and running of the agent. The default level is 0. To raise the logging level from Info to Debug, set LogLevel to 1.

To uninstall the PingID Device Trust agent, run the following command:

sudo /usr/local/pingid/DeviceTrust/bin/uninstall


Separate log files are created for installation of the agent and for the ongoing activity of the agent.

Log files on Windows

When installing on Windows, an installation log file is created if you included the /LOG parameter with the installation command. The value should be a full path.

For installation, the log level is set to DEBUG.

The path of the log file for the ongoing activity of the agent is C:\Program Files\Ping Identity\PingID\Device Trust\logs\PingIdDeviceTrust.log.

For the ogoing activity of the agent, the level is set to INFO. To raise the log level to DEBUG:

  1. Open the Registry Editor.

  2. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ping Identity\PingId\DeviceTrust, add a new key of type Dword32 called LogLevel.

  3. Set the value of the new key to 1.

  4. After making the change to the registry, restart the PingIDESVC service or restart the computer.

    To restore the logging level to INFO, change the value of the key to 0 and restart the PingIDESVC service or the computer.

    There is no mechanism to limit the log file size. So it’s best not to leave the logging at DEBUG level for an extended period of time.

Log files on Mac

When installing on Mac, two installation log file are created:

  • /tmp/devicetrust.cliinstaller.log

  • /tmp/devicetrust.install.log

If an error occurred during installation, run the installation command again but set -LogLevel to 1. The log files will then contain more detailed information that you can use for debugging.

The path of the log file for the ongoing activity of the agent is /usr/local/pingid/DeviceTrust/logs/PingIdDeviceTrust.log.

If you encounter issues with the agent and want to raise the logging level of the activity log file to DEBUG, run the command:

sudo /usr/local/pingid/DeviceTrust/bin/install -LogLevel=1

To restore the logging level to INFO, run the command:

sudo /usr/local/pingid/DeviceTrust/bin/install -LogLevel=0

Custom scripts

When a risk evaluation is carried out using a policy that includes the PingID Device Trust predictor, the API response includes various device identification fields in the object device.agent. If you would like to include additional identifying information, you can specify the path of a local script when installing the trust agent on individual computers.

  • The script should return a single string.

  • In the API response returned for the risk evaluation, the string generated by the script is included as the value for the field device.agent.customScript.output.

  • On Windows, the script should be a batch file.

  • On Mac computers, the script should be a shell script.

The following example is a script that is run in order to pass a computer’s third-party-generated ID to the risk evaluation.

@echo off
powershell.exe -command "[System.BitConverter]::ToString(((Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ThirdPartyAgent\Sim').AG)).ToLower() -replace '-','' | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -NoNewline $_ }"
exit 0

If you are using a custom script, keep in mind that the time it takes for the script to run may affect user experience. You may also have to adjust the length of the agent timeout to prevent situations where the agent ends up returning an empty response.

Examples of risk evaluation response

Sample responses for predictor:

The following is an example response from a risk evaluation where the agent successfully verified the trusted device:

"trustedDevice": {
    "reason": "PingID Device trust verified successfully",
    "level": "LOW",
    "type": "DEVICE",
    "status": "TRUST_VERIFIED"

The following is an example response from a risk evaluation where the agent failed to verify the trusted device (due to factors such as an invalid signature):

"trustedDevice": {
    "reason": "PingID Device trust verification failed",
    "level": "HIGH",
    "type": "DEVICE",

The following is an example response from a risk evaluation where the agent was unable to verify the trusted device because the agent was not running or was unable to retrieve the JWT:

"trustedDevice": {
    "reason": "Not enough information to verify device trust",
    "level": "HIGH",
    "type": "DEVICE",
    "status": "NOT_AVAILABLE"

Agent-supplied information under device in risk evaluation API response

"device": {
    "agent": {
        "customScript": {
            "exitCode": 5,
            "output": "b90ce386-f74f-473c-bc27-f19b3569b8b5"
        "loggedInUser": {
            "name": "jj",
            "objectSid": "objectSid",
            "domainName": "domainName"
        "macAddress": [
        "os": {
            "name": "macOS",
            "version": "14.6.1"
        "name": "mac-2CD4BNMD",
        "id": "94970C21-D879-6ACD-E208-99C6ECF9D7EA",
        "version": "0.1.0"
    "os": {
        "name": "Mac OS X"
    "browser": {
        "name": "Chrome"
    "id": "Id-aeb87d04-9f59-4e68-aace-d7b211933a48",
    "estimatedDistance": 0