Creating a worker application and getting an access token
Create a worker application if you need to enable API actions, such as provisioning users or automatic device enrollment. A worker application is essentially client credentials in a service application. A worker application is an administrator application that can have the same roles as human administrators.
About this task
PingOne MFA can integrate with third-party identity providers. The PingOne console has a wizard for configuring a PingFederate connection. A PingFederate connection in PingOne MFA is actually a worker app with a specific configuration. The wizard for creating a new PingFederate connection is an abridged worker app creation flow.
To create a worker app, follow the steps in Applications and Adding an application.
If you’re going to make API calls, generate an access token from your worker app.
The access token is valid for one hour.
An access token is an object encapsulating the security identity of a process or thread. It is used for making security decisions and to store tamper-proof information about a particular system entity. An access token contains the security credentials for a login session and identifies the user, the user’s privileges, and in some cases, a particular application.
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In PingOne, generate an access token for the worker application. For information, see Getting an access token.
Application developers can get an access token from the worker application, by using the following
You can find details in POST: GET a Worker Application Access Token in the API reference.