PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Tenant environment release information

Advanced Identity Cloud tenant environments each provide the following information about their status in the release process:

  • The current release version for that environment. This is available in all tenant environments.

  • The date and time of the next scheduled regular channel release to that environment. This is available in tenant environments that share promoted configuration (development, UAT[1], staging, and production).

    You can only view information about the next scheduled release using the API.

View release information using the UI

The easiest way to view the release versions of your tenant environments is to use the UI.

In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI in any tenant environment, choose one of the following:

  • Open the TENANT menu (upper right), then go to settings Tenant Settings > Details. The release version is displayed under Identity Cloud Version.

  • Scroll to the bottom of a page. The release version is displayed in the page footnotes.

    The UI does not display page footnotes in editors. For example, in the journey or hosted pages editors.

View release information using the API

You can use the API to view release information about your tenant environments. You might want to do this for these reasons:

  • To create monitoring alerts when release information changes.

  • To track the release information of your tenant environments in a single dashboard.

  • To track the seven-day deferral period for the next regular channel release to your production environment (if you’ve opted in to release deferral).

Release API endpoint

Advanced Identity Cloud provides the Release API endpoint to let you track release information.

Authenticate to the release API endpoint

To authenticate to the release API endpoint, use an access token created with the following scope:

Scope Description


Full access to the release API endpoint.

View release information

To view the release information in any tenant environment:

  1. Get an access token created with the fr:idc:release:* scope.

  2. Get the release information from the /environment/release endpoint:

    $ curl \
    --request GET 'https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/environment/release' \(1)
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' (2)
    1 Replace <tenant-env-fqdn> with the FQDN of your tenant environment.
    2 Replace <access-token> with the access token.
  3. The response format depends on the type of tenant environment:

    • For sandbox[2] environments:

      Show response
          "currentVersion": "15374.0", (1)
      1 The current release version of the tenant environment.
    • For environments that share promoted configuration (development, UAT[1], staging, and production):

      Show response
          "currentVersion": "15158.7", (1)
          "nextUpgrade": "2024-10-29T14:00:00Z" (2) (3)
      1 The current release version of the tenant environment.
      2 The date and time of the next scheduled regular channel release to the tenant environment.
      3 If you have opted in to release deferral, nextUpgrade shows a date and time in your production environment that reflects your seven-day deferral period.