PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Migration dependent features

Certain PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud features require changes to your tenant environments before they can be introduced. In such cases, Ping Identity defines a migration strategy for the feature. Some examples of feature migration strategies are:

  • Updating the format of your static configuration

  • Updating the way your automated applications are configured

  • Restricting the new feature only to tenants built after the feature is introduced

Current migration dependent features

Feature Effective date Summary

Two-factor authentication (2FA) profile attributes


Ping Identity has introduced five multivalue (array) strings to existing Alpha and Bravo realm user identities in Advanced Identity Cloud:

  • deviceProfiles

  • devicePrintProfiles

  • webauthnDeviceProfiles

  • oathDeviceProfiles

  • pushDeviceProfiles

The five multivalue (array) strings are not enabled by default. To enable, refer to 2FA profile attributes.

Additional indexed strings


Ping Identity has introduced 15 additional indexed strings which can be used as general purpose extension attributes. The 15 indexed strings are not enabled by default. To enable them, learn more in Enable additional indexed strings.

Outbound static IP addresses


ForgeRock has introduced outbound static IP addresses to each of your tenant environments. Outbound static IP addresses are enabled by default in tenants created on or after April 18, 2023. To enable in tenants created before that date, you can raise a support ticket.

Tenant administrator mandatory 2-step verification


ForgeRock has deprecated the option to let Advanced Identity Cloud tenant administrators skip 2-step verification. Customers can continue to use the skip option in their tenants, but this functionality will be removed from Advanced Identity Cloud on April 2, 2024.

Application management


ForgeRock has introduced an improved application management UI to Advanced Identity Cloud. The UI is only available in tenants created on or after January 12, 2023.

Event hooks


ForgeRock has introduced event hooks to Advanced Identity Cloud. This feature is only available in tenants created on or after January 12, 2023.

Learn more in Event hooks migration FAQ.

Group identity


ForgeRock has introduced a group identity to simplify the management of permissions and authorizations for collections of users. The group identity is enabled by default in tenants created on or after November 29, 2022. Tenants created before that date can follow an upgrade path to enable it.