PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Google Chrome Device Trust node

Use the Google Chrome Device Trust node to establish device trust with Chrome Enterprise.


Product Compatible?

Advanced Identity Cloud


PingAM (self-managed)


Ping Identity Platform (self-managed)



This node reads the challengeresponse property from the journey state. This property is populated by a Scripted Decision node that retrieves the value from PingGateway.


This node requires:

Set up PingGateway

  1. Install PingGateway as indicated in the Quick Install Guide.

  2. Configure the admin.json file to run PingGateway on ports 9090 / 9443. Learn more about starting up PingGateway with custom settings.

    If 9443 is for HTTPS, then readers need to configure PingGateway for server-side HTTPS. Learn more in Configure PingGateway for TLS.

  3. Download the generate_challenge.json and challengeresponse.json JSON route files.

  4. Store the two JSON route files in your routes directory, for example:

    • $HOME/.openig/config/routes (on Mac or Linx) or

    • %appdata%\OpenIG\config\routes (on Windows).

  5. Download and store the getChallenge.groovy Groovy script file in your groovy directory, for example:

    • $HOME/.openig/scripts/groovy (on Mac or Linux), or

    • %appdata%\OpenIG\scripts\groovy (on Windows).

      If you do not have the groovy directory, create one.

About PingGateway routes

The generate_challenge.json route executes the getChallenge.groovy Groovy script to perform the following tasks:

  1. Make an HTTP POST request to the Google Chrome Verified Access API to generate the challenge.

  2. Get the challenge from the API response.

  3. Set the challenge as the value of the x-verified-access-challenge custom HTTP response header.

    Google Chrome recognizes the custom HTTP response header and uses the challenge value to calculate a challenge-response.

  4. Finally, Google Chrome creates a new custom HTTP request header, x-verified-access-challenge, and sets the challenge-response as the header value.

The generate_challenge.json route redirects the user to the challengeresponse.json route to perform these tasks:

  1. Get the challenge-response from the request headers.

  2. Set the challenge-response value in the query parameter of the redirect URL as the challengeresponse key.

  3. Redirect back to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud.

Set up Scripted Decision node

This node requires a Scripted Decision node earlier in the journey to redirect the end user to PingGateway to generate and retrieve the challengeresponse.

  1. Configure a Script Decision node. The following is an example script used in the Script Decision node.

    Example Script Decision Node redirect script.
    try {
      var redirectMethod = "GET";
      var redirectUrl = "";
      if (!requestParameters.get("challengeresponse")) {
        callbacksBuilder.redirectCallback(redirectUrl, {}, redirectMethod, true);
      } else {
        var challenge = requestParameters.get("challengeresponse");
        nodeState.putShared("x-verified-access-challenge", challenge);
    } catch (error) {
      nodeState.putShared("errorMessage", error.toString());
    • The above script uses the Next Generation Script Engine.

    • The challengeresponse parameter must be in the redirect to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud as a query parameter from PingGateway.

    • The Google Chrome Device Trust node retrieves the challengeresponse value from the request parameters.


Property Usage


The Google Cloud API key.

Private Key

Google Cloud administrator credential’s private key.

Key ID

The credential used to verify the authenticity and integrity of the JWT.

Credentials Client Email

The email ID of the client with Google Cloud administrator credentials.


The node writes the Chrome Device Trust signals to transient state.



Successfully authenticated the user.


The journey follows this outcome path if the node is unable to obtain the device trust signals.


If this node logged an error, review the log messages for the transaction to find the reason for the exception. Review the GCP configuration for the Chrome Enterprise Device Trust node and contact Google Support for further information.


auth node chrome journey

The example journey shows the following:

  • A user logs in.

  • The Chrome Device Trust Headers node, a Scripted Decision node, redirects to PingGateway to handle the Google Chrome challenge-response process.

  • PingGateway generates the challenge, retrieves the challenge response, and sets it as a request parameter before redirecting back to the journey.

  • The Google Chrome Device Trust node uses the challenge response to retrieve Chrome Device Trust signals, storing them in transient state.

  • The Check Disk Encryption node, another Scripted Decision node, determines if the diskEncryption signal is disabled or enabled and makes an informed access decision.

    The sample script used in this node.
    var diskEncrypted = nodeState.get("deviceSignals").get("diskEncryption");
    if(diskEncrypted === "DISK_ENCRYPTION_DISABLED") {
        outcome = "true"
    } else {
        outcome = "false"