Java Integration Kit

Receiving multi-value attributes

The Agent Toolkit for Java supports receiving multi-value attributes in the SAML assertion from PingFederate.

Using the Agent Toolkit with Apache Commons MultiMap

Multi-value attributes are received as an org.apache.commons.collections.MultiMap collection of attributes.

try {
   //see "Using the Agent API" section for sample code
   //that instantiates and configures an Agent instance
   MultiMap userInfo = agent.readTokenToMultiMap(request);
   if(userInfo != null) {
     String username = (String)((List)userInfo.get(Agent.TOKEN_SUBJECT)).get(0);
     List groups = (List)userInfo.get("GROUP");
catch(TokenException e) {
    // Handle exception

Using the PingFederate MultiMap equivalent

    //see “Using the Agent API” section for sample code
    //that instantiates and configures an Agent instance
    PingFederateMultiMap userInfo = agent.readTokenToNativeMultiMap(request);
    if (null != userInfo)
        String username = (String) (userInfo.get(Agent.TOKEN_SUBJECT)).get(0);
        List groups = userInfo.get(“GROUP”);
catch (TokenException e)
    // Handle exception