Java Integration Kit

Known issues and limitations

The following are known issues or limitations with the Java Integration Kit.

Known issues

There are no known issues.

Known limitations

  • The user interface doesn’t enforce this, but the adapter instance’s Token Name field must be unique within a federation.

  • Multi-value attributes fail if the SP adapter sends extended attributes as cookies because multiple cookies with the same name aren’t allowed.

  • When running the sample applications in a separate container, the back-channel web-SSO directory service fails unless the certificate is trusted by the JDK. As a result, the sample applications won’t list available partners to SSO in the list.

    To get around this limitation, import the certificate into the JDK or web container’s trusted certificate authority (CA) store or use HTTP instead.

  • Support for UTF-8 encoding is limited to the sample applications and the attributes displayed. UTF-8 encoded usernames, passwords, and token names for the OpenToken configuration, SSO Directory Service configuration, and sample application configuration are not supported.

  • The Java Integration Kit isn’t compliant with FIPS-140 cryptographic standards. By forcing the Sun JCE to be used in the adapter, keys aren’t stored in the hardware security module (HSM).