Ping SDKs

Step 2. Configure connection properties

In this step, you configure the "kotlin-ui-prototype" sample to connect to the OAuth 2.0 application you created in PingOne, using OIDC login.

  1. In Android Studio, open the sdk-sample-apps/android/kotlin-ui-prototype project you cloned in the previous step.

  2. In the Project pane, switch to the Android view.

  3. In the Android view, navigate to app > kotlin+java > > env, and open EnvViewModel.kt.

    This file contains the server environments the sample app can use. Each specifies the properties using the method.

  4. Add the following after any existing environments, with a suitable name. For example, you could use the name of the OAuth 2.0 client, sdkNativeClient:

    val sdkNativeClient = {
        server {
            url = "<PingOne Issuer URL>"
        oauth {
            oauthClientId = "<PingOne Client ID>"
            oauthRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthSignOutRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthScope = "openid profile email address revoke"

    Replace the following strings with the values you obtained when you registered an OAuth 2.0 application for native mobile apps in PingOne.

    <PingOne Client ID>

    The client ID from your OAuth 2.0 native mobile application in PingOne.

    For example, 6c7eb89a-66e9-ab12-cd34-eeaf795650b2

    <PingOne Issuer URL>

    The Issuer endpoint from your OAuth 2.0 application in PingOne.

    For example,

    The issuer URL is the same as the OIDC Discovery Endpoint, after removing /.well-known/openid-configuration.

    The result resembles the following:

    val sdkNativeClient = {
        server {
            url = ""
        oauth {
            oauthClientId = "6c7eb89a-66e9-ab12-cd34-eeaf795650b2"
            oauthRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthSignOutRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthScope = "openid profile email address revoke"
  5. In the init object, add your configuration to the list of servers available to the app:

    The result resembles the following:

    init {
        // ...
  6. Optionally, specify which of the configured policies PingOne uses to authenticate users.

    In /app/kotlin+java/, in the login(fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity) function, add an acr_values parameter to the authorization request by using the setAdditionalParameters() method:

    fun login(fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity) {
        // Add acr values to the authorization request
              "acr_values" to "<Policy IDs>"
        .customTabsIntent {
        }.appAuthConfiguration { appAuthConfiguration → }
            object : FRListener<FRUser> {
                override fun onSuccess(result: FRUser) {
                  state.update {
                      it.copy(user = result, exception = null)
                override fun onException(e: Exception) {
                    state.update {
                        it.copy(user = null, exception = e)

    Replace <Policy IDs> with either a single DaVinci policy, by using its flow policy ID, or one or more PingOne policies by specifying the policy names, separated by spaces or the encoded space character %20.


    DaVinci flow policy ID

    "acr_values" to "d1210a6b0b2665dbaa5b652221badba2"

    PingOne policy names

    "acr_values" to "Single_Factor%20Multi_Factor"

    For more information, refer to Editing an application - OIDC.

With the sample configured, you can proceed to Step 3. Test the app.