Configure DaVinci client for iOS properties
Configure DaVinci client module for iOS properties to connect to PingOne and step through an associated DaVinci flow.
Installing and importing the DaVinci client
To use the DaVinci client for iOS, use Swift Package Manager (SPM) to add the dependencies to your project:
You can install this by using SPM (Swift Package Manager) on the generated iOS project.
In Xcode, select your project and navigate to Package Dependencies.
Click the sign, and add the Ping SDK for iOS repository,
. -
Add the
library to the project.
Configuring connection properties
Create an instance of the DaVinci
class by passing configuration to the createDaVinci
method. This uses the underlying PingOidc
module to set configuration properties.
The following properties are available for configuring the DaVinci client for iOS:
Property | Description | Required? | ||
Your PingOne server’s Example:
Yes |
The For example, |
Yes |
A set of scopes to request when performing an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow. For example, |
Yes |
For example, |
Yes |
A timeout, in seconds, for each request that communicates with the server. Default is |
No |
Request which flow the PingOne server uses by adding an Authentication Context Class Reference (ACR) parameter. Enter a single DaVinci policy by using its flow policy ID. Example:
No |
The following shows an example DaVinci client configuration, using the underlying Oidc
let daVinci = DaVinci.createDaVinci { config in
// Oidc as module
config.module(OidcModule.config) { oidcValue in
oidcValue.clientId = "6c7eb89a-66e9-ab12-cd34-eeaf795650b2"
oidcValue.discoveryEndpoint = ""
oidcValue.scopes = ["openid", "profile", "email", "address", "revoke"]
oidcValue.redirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
Stepping through DaVinci flows
To authenticate your users the DaVinci client for iOS must start the flow, and step through each node.
Starting a DaVinci flow
To start a DaVinci flow, call the start()
var node = await daVinci.start()
Determining DaVinci flow node type
Each step of the flow returns one of four node types:
This type indicates there is input required from the client. The
object for this type contains acollector
object, which describes the information it requires from the client.Learn more in Handling DaVinci flow collectors in continue nodes.
This type indicates the flow is complete, and authentication was successful.
Learn more in Handling DaVinci flow success nodes.
This type indicates an error in the data sent to the server. For example, an email address in an incorrect format, or a password that does not meet complexity requirements.
You can correct the error and resubmit to continue the flow.
Learn more in Handling DaVinci flow error nodes.
This type indicates that the flow could not be completed and must be restarted. This can be caused by a server error, or a timeout.
Learn more in Handling DaVinci flow failure nodes.
You can use the helper functions to determine which node type the server has returned:
type.switch (node) {
case is ContinueNode: do {}
case is ErrorNode: do {}
case is FailureNode: do {}
case is SuccessNode: do {}
Handling DaVinci flow collectors in continue nodes
The ContinueNode
type contains collectors
. These collectors define what information or action to request from the user, or client device.
There are specific collector types. For example there are TextCollector
and PasswordCollector
To complete a DaVinci flow we recommend that you implement a component for each connector type you will encounter in the flow. Then you can iterate through the flow and handle each collector as you encounter it.
node.collectors.forEach { item in
switch(item) {
case is TextCollector:
(item as! TextCollector).value = "My First Name"
case is PasswordCollector:
(item as! PasswordCollector).value = "My Password"
case is SubmitCollector:
(item as! SubmitCollector).value = "click me"
case is FlowCollector:
(item as! FlowCollector).value = "Forgot Password"
Continuing a DaVinci flow
After collecting the data for a node you can proceed to the next node in the flow by calling the next()
method on your current node
let next =
You do not need to pass any parameters into the |
The server responds with a new node
object, just like when starting a flow initially.
Loop again through conditional checks on the new node’s type to render the appropriate UI or take the appropriate action.
Handling DaVinci flow error nodes
DaVinci flows return the ErrorNode
type when it receives data that is incorrect, but you can fix the data and resubmit. For example, an email value submitted in an invalid format or a new password that is too short.
You can retrieve the error message by using node.message()
, and the raw JSON response with node.input
let node = await daVinci.start() //Start the flow
//Determine the Node Type
switch (node) {
case is ContinueNode: do {}
case is FailureNode: do {}
case is ErrorNode:
(node as! ErrorNode).message //Retrieve the error message
case is SuccessNode: do {}
This is different than a |
You can retain a reference to the node
you submit in case the next node
you receive is an ErrorNode
type. If so, you can re-render the previous form, and inject the error information from the new ErrorNode
After the user revises the data call next()
as you did before.
Handling DaVinci flow failure nodes
DaVinci flows return the FailureNode
type if there has been an issue that prevents the flow from continuing. For example, the flow times out or suffers a server error.
You can retrieve the cause of the failure by using node.cause()
, which is an Error
typelet node = await daVinci.start() //Start the flow
//Determine the Node Type
switch (node) {
case is ContinueNode: do {}
case is FailureNode:
(node as! FailureNode).cause //Retrieve the cause of the Failure
case is ErrorNode: do {}
case is SuccessNode: do {}
You should offer to restart the flow on receipt of a FailureNode
Handling DaVinci flow success nodes
DaVinci flows return the SuccessNode
type when the user completes the flow and PingOne issues them a session.
To retrieve the existing session, you can use the following code:
typelet user: User? = await daVinci.user()
_ = await user?.token()
await user?.revoke()
_ = await user?.userinfo(cache: false)
await user?.logout()
Leverage SwiftUI
The following shows how you could use the DaVinci client with SwiftUI:
//Define State that listen by the View
@Published var state: Node = EmptyNode()
//Start the DaVinci flow
let next = await daVinci.start()
//Update the state
state = next
func next(node: ContinueNode) {
val next = await
state = next
if let node = state.node {
switch node {
case is ContinueNode:
// Handle ContinueNode case
case is ErrorNode:
// Handle Error case
case is FailureNode:
// Handle Failure case
case is SuccessNode:
// Handle Success case