PingOne DaVinci

Best practices for gathering support information

Use these best practices to gather information for working with Ping support to resolve issues.

Gather environment information

Find the environment and organization details in PingOne:

  1. In the PingOne admin console, go to Settings > Environment Properties.

  2. Copy the Environment ID for later reference.

  3. Copy the Organization ID for later reference.

Gather flow-specific information

If your issue involves a specific flow, gather information about the flow:

  1. Export the flow as JSON:

    1. In DaVinci, go to Flows.

    2. Click the flow you want to export.

    3. Click ⋮ > Download Flow JSON.

    4. Clear Include Variable Values.

    5. Click Export.

  2. Capture an HTTP trace of the flow, following the HTTP tracing best practices.

  3. If the flow is a sample flow created by Ping, note any customization you applied to the flow.

  4. If the flow is custom, describe the use case, the intended method of operation, and, if possible, the section or sections causing problems.

  5. Update the logging settings to gather additional information:

    1. In DaVinci, go to Flows.

    2. Click the flow, then click ⋮ > Flow Settings.

    3. Click the Logging tab.

    4. Set the Log Level to Debug.

    5. If the flow normally contains sensitive information, select Scrub Sensitive Information.

  6. If you can identify specific flow executions or nodes where the problem occurs, gather information about the specific error:

    1. In DaVinci, go to Flows.

    2. Click the flow.

    3. Click Analytics.

    4. In the timeframe selector, select a timeframe that includes the relevant executions.

    5. In the Events Logs section, select a search parameter and locate a flow execution affected by the error.

    6. Note the Flow Execution ID.

    7. If possible, note the User ID or User Name of the user associated with the flow execution.

    8. If you can identify the node or nodes causing the error, take a screenshot of the node. Locate the response event for the node and note any additional details such as error codes or messages. If it’s a PingOne connector, note the Correlation ID for the node execution.