Only out-of-the-box plugins that are part of the PingDirectory default deployment are currently supported. To have one or more of these plugins enabled, or to submit other types of plugin requests, submit your request through the service request form, accessible from the Support & Community page.
Complete the following fields:
Subject: Enter a description of your request, including the action to be taken.
Environment Type: Specify the type of environment affected by this request.
Proposed Change Window: Specify the dates or times in which you want the work complete.
From the Capability list, select PingDirectory service requests → Plugins.
In the Plugin name and Plugin version fields, provide information regarding your request. Some of the most common built-in plugins that can be configured for your deployment include:
Pass-through authentication: Refer to Working with the Pass-through Authentication Plugin for details.
Referential integrity: Refer to Working with the Referential Integrity Plugin for details.
UID unique attribute: Refer to Working with the Unique Attribute Plugin for details.
Select the appropriate description from the Business Priority list:
Change needed by deadline to avoid business impact
Change modifies existing functionality
Change adds new functionality
Enter a description of your request in the Description field.
If you are tracking your request within your organization, enter the tracking ID or ticket number associated with it in the Customer Tracking ID field.
Click Save to submit your request.