• Represents a callback used to initialize and start device and behavioral data collection.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



payload: Callback

The raw payload returned by OpenAM


  • Gets the value of the specified input element, or the first element if selector is not provided.


    • selector: string | number = 0

      The index position or name of the desired element

    Returns unknown

  • Sets the value of the specified input element, or the first element if selector is not provided.


    • value: unknown
    • selector: string | number | RegExp = 0

      The index position or name of the desired element

    Returns void

  • Gets the value of the specified output element, or the first element if selector is not provided.


    • selector: string | number = 0

      The index position or name of the desired element

    Returns unknown

  • Gets the value of the first output element with the specified name or the specified default value.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • name: string

      The name of the desired element

    • defaultValue: T

    Returns T

  • Get callback's initialization config settings

    Returns {
        envId: string;
        consoleLogEnabled: boolean;
        deviceAttributesToIgnore: string[];
        customHost: string;
        lazyMetadata: boolean;
        behavioralDataCollection: boolean;
        deviceKeyRsyncIntervals: number;
        enableTrust: boolean;
        disableTags: boolean;
        disableHub: boolean;