IDM 7.2.2

Instagram social identity provider

Social authentication is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of IDM. For more information, see Deprecation.

Set up Instagram

To set up Instagram as a social identity provider, navigate to Facebook for Developers, and follow the steps. You’ll need a minimum of:

  • An Instagram account

  • A Facebook developer account

  • An application name and description

  • A website URL for your app, such as

  • A Redirect URL for IDM, such as

Configure an Instagram social identity provider

To configure an Instagram social identity provider using the admin UI:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Configure > Social ID Providers.

  2. On the Social Identity Providers page, enable Instagram.

  3. In the Instagram Provider window, enter applicable values in the fields, and click Save. For a complete list of fields, see Instagram Social Identity Provider Configuration Details.

After you save the social identity provider configuration, IDM generates a conf/identityProvider-instagram.json file:

   "provider" : "instagram",
   "clientId" : "<Client_ID_Name>",
   "clientSecret" : {
      "$crypto" : {
         "type" : "x-simple-encryption",
         "value" : {
            "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
            "stableId" : "openidm-sym-default",
            "salt" : "<hashValue>",
            "data" : "<encryptedValue>",
            "keySize" : 16,
            "purpose" : "idm.config.encryption",
            "iv" : "<encryptedValue>",
            "mac" : "<hashValue>"
   "authorizationEndpoint" : "",
   "tokenEndpoint" : "",
   "userInfoEndpoint" : ",username",
   "redirectUri" : "",
   "scope" : [

The file includes schema information for each social identity account, as collected by IDM, as well as the order in which it appears in the admin UI. When you’ve registered a user with an Instagram social identity, you can verify this by selecting Manage > Instagram, and then selecting a user. For more information about the properties in this file, refer to Instagram Social Identity Provider Configuration Details.

Configure user registration to link to Instagram

After you configure the Instagram social identity provider, you can activate it through User Registration. To do so in the admin UI, select Configure > User Registration, and activate that feature. Under the Social tab that appears, enable Social Registration. For more information on IDM user self-service features, see Self-service end user UI.

When you enable Social Registration, you’re allowing users to register on IDM through all active social identity providers.

Instagram social identity provider configuration details

You can set up the Instagram social identity provider through the admin UI or in a conf/identityProvider-instagram.json file. IDM generates the identityProvider-instagram.json file when you configure and enable this social identity provider in the admin UI. Alternatively, you can create the file manually.

The following table includes the information shown in the admin UI Instagram Provider pop-up window, along with associated information in the identityProvider-instagram.json file:

Instagram social identity provider configuration properties
Property (UI) Property (JSON file) Description

Client ID


Your Instagram App client identifier

Client Secret


Used with the Client ID to access the Instagram API



An array of strings that allows access to user data

Authorization Endpoint


Typically; known as an Instagram Authorize URL

Token Endpoint


Endpoint that receives a one-time authorization code, and returns an access token; typically

User Info Endpoint


Endpoint that transmits scope-related fields; typically,username

Not in the admin UI


Name of the social identity provider

Not in the admin UI


Configuration class for the authentication module

Not in the admin UI


Whether to use basic authentication

Not in the admin UI


Mapping between Instagram and IDM

For information on social identity provider buttons and badges, see Social identity provider button and badge properties.