Class Profile

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Profile extends Object implements Comparable<Profile>
Represents a setup profile.

Goal of setup profile is to allow a highly customizable setup of a directory server instance.

A setup profile is uniquely identified by its name and its version (e.g am-cts and 6.5). It uses groovy script for collecting parameters (parameters.groovy) and executing actions (profile.groovy. Executed by the setup tool, the profile script provides a domain specific language to allow to easily:

  • Create a backend
  • Import initial LDIF data in the backend
  • Add custom schema into the directory server
  • Create indexes
  • Rebuild indexes
  • Run dsconfig tool to perform other configuration actions

Setup profile use parameters to allow using properties in resource files (such as LDIF data), parameter values must be provided using a Profile.ParameterValuesProvider object passed in argument of resolveParameterValues(ExecutionContext, SetupConfiguration, ParameterValuesProvider) method. Parameters can then be used in the profile.groovy script with their variable names.

Setup profile actions are all run in offline mode, if setup tool should start the server, it will be started after the profile.groovy script execution.

  • Field Details


      public static final Pattern PROFILE_NAME_PATTERN
      Defines characters allowed in a profile name.
  • Method Details

    • createProfileVersionFile

      public static void createProfileVersionFile(Collection<Profile> profiles, Path instancePath) throws SetupException
      Creates a config/profile.version file in the provided instance path referencing provided profiles.
      profiles - Collection of profiles to register into the file
      instancePath - Path of the server instance where the file should be created
      SetupException - If any errors occur while writing the file
    • rejectIfContainsDuplicatedProfiles

      public static void rejectIfContainsDuplicatedProfiles(Collection<Profile> profiles) throws com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException
      Ensures that provided profiles collection does not contain one (or more) profile(s) with the same name.
      profiles - Collection of setup profiles to test
      com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException - If the provided collection contains profiles with the same name
    • parameters

      public static Profile.ParameterValues parameters()
      Entry point method to programmatically define profile parameters values. Profile.ParameterValues returned object should be used as follow:
       final SetupConfiguration = new SetupConfiguration() { ... }
           parameters().set("parameterVariableName", parameterValue)
                       .set("anotherParameter", "anotherValue");
      a Profile.ParameterValues object for programmatically set parameter values
    • availableProfiles

      public static SortedSet<Profile> availableProfiles()
      Returns the setup profiles available within the running binaries path.

      Returned profiles are sorted by name first, then by most recent version.

      the setup profiles available within the running binaries path
    • availableProfilesGroupedByFriendlyName

      public static SortedMap<String,SortedSet<Profile>> availableProfilesGroupedByFriendlyName()
      Returns the setup profiles available within the running binaries path, sorted and grouped by user friendly names.

      Returned profile map keys (profile name) are sorted alphabetically, associated values (profile sets) are sorted by most recent version.

      the setup profiles available within the running binaries path, sorted and grouped by user friendly names
    • newSetupProfile

      public static Profile newSetupProfile(String name, Path folder) throws com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException
      Creates and returns a new setup profile associated to the provided parameters.
      name - A non null nor blank string representing the setup profile name
      folder - A Path representing the setup profile folder. Last folder of this path must represent the profile version (e.g /path/to/profile/6.0.0, /path/to/profile/6-5)
      A new setup profile associated to the provided parameters
      com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException - If the provided folder parameter does not reference a valid setup profile folder
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Profile other)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Profile>
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hasSameName

      public boolean hasSameName(Profile profile)
      Returns true if this profile has the same name as the provided profile.

      Note that equals(Object) method checks for both the name and the version.

      profile - Profile to test
      true if this profile has the same name as the provided profile, false otherwise
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns this profile name.
      A string representing this profile name
    • getUserFriendlyName

      public String getUserFriendlyName()
      Returns this profile user friendly name.

      User friendly name should be written in a name.txt file in the profile folder or its parent. If user friendly name cannot be retrieved, this method returns the profile ID (name:version)

      A LocalizableMessage representing the profile user friendly name
    • getVersion

      public com.forgerock.opendj.util.Version getVersion()
      Returns this profile version.
      This profile version
    • getPath

      public Path getPath()
      Returns this profile path.
      This profile path
    • loadParameterDefinitions

      public Collection<Profile.Parameter<?,?>> loadParameterDefinitions() throws SetupException
      Returns all parameters associated to this profile.

      Profile parameters must be declared in the parameters.groovy script which must be located in the profile directory.
      This method will run the parameters.groovy script and will load in memory all parameter definitions, regardless whether they are enabled.
      This method does not resolve parameter values.

      A collection containing all parameters associated to this profile
      SetupException - If an error occurs while running the parameters.groovy script
      See Also:
    • resolveParameterValues

      public void resolveParameterValues(Profile.ExecutionContext context, Profile.SetupConfiguration setupConfig, Profile.ParameterValuesProvider parameterValuesProvider) throws com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException, SetupException
      Resolves this profile parameter values using the provided value provider.

      Profile parameters must be declared in the parameters.groovy script which must be located in the profile directory.
      This method always try to load parameter definitions before resolving their values (i.e calling loadParameterDefinitions()) before this method is not mandatory.

      context - Whether the resolution happens during setup or post setup
      setupConfig - All configuration parameter already collected to setup the server.
      Each parameter will be added as build-in profile parameter
      parameterValuesProvider - A Profile.ParameterValuesProvider used for resolving parameter values
      com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException - If an error occurs while resolving this profile parameter values
      SetupException - If an error occurs while running the parameters.groovy script while loading parameters
    • run

      public void run(Path configFilePath, SetupConsole console) throws SetupException
      Runs this profile.

      This profile parameter values must have been resolved before this method is called.

      configFilePath - Configuration file path of the server on which the profile should be run
      console - Console to be used by this profile to report logs and errors
      SetupException - If an error occurs during this profile execution