Interface SmtpAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgClient

All Superinterfaces:
AccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgClient, ConfigurationClient

public interface SmtpAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgClient extends AccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgClient
A client-side interface for reading and modifying SMTP Account Status Notification Handler settings.

The SMTP Account Status Notification Handler is a notification handler that sends email messages to end users and/or administrators whenever an account status notification is generated.

  • Method Details

    • definition

      Get the configuration definition associated with this SMTP Account Status Notification Handler.
      Specified by:
      definition in interface AccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgClient
      Specified by:
      definition in interface ConfigurationClient
      Returns the configuration definition associated with this SMTP Account Status Notification Handler.
    • getEmailAddressAttributeType

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<AttributeType>> getEmailAddressAttributeType()
      Gets the "email-address-attribute-type" property.

      Specifies which attribute in the user's entries may be used to obtain the email address when notifying the end user.

      You can specify more than one email address as separate values. In this case, the OpenDJ server sends a notification to all email addresses identified.

      Returns the values of the "email-address-attribute-type" property.
    • setEmailAddressAttributeType

      void setEmailAddressAttributeType(Collection<ValueOrExpression<AttributeType>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "email-address-attribute-type" property.

      Specifies which attribute in the user's entries may be used to obtain the email address when notifying the end user.

      You can specify more than one email address as separate values. In this case, the OpenDJ server sends a notification to all email addresses identified.

      values - The values of the "email-address-attribute-type" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getJavaClass

      Gets the "java-class" property.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the SMTP Account Status Notification Handler implementation.

      Default value: org.opends.server.extensions.SMTPAccountStatusNotificationHandler

      Specified by:
      getJavaClass in interface AccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgClient
      Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
    • setJavaClass

      Sets the "java-class" property.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the SMTP Account Status Notification Handler implementation.

      Specified by:
      setJavaClass in interface AccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgClient
      value - The value of the "java-class" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getMessageSubject

      Gets the "message-subject" property.

      Specifies the subject that should be used for email messages generated by this account status notification handler.

      The values for this property should begin with the name of an account status notification type followed by a colon and the subject that should be used for the associated notification message. If an email message is generated for an account status notification type for which no subject is defined, then that message is given a generic subject.

      Returns the values of the "message-subject" property.
    • setMessageSubject

      @MandatoryProperty void setMessageSubject(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "message-subject" property.

      Specifies the subject that should be used for email messages generated by this account status notification handler.

      The values for this property should begin with the name of an account status notification type followed by a colon and the subject that should be used for the associated notification message. If an email message is generated for an account status notification type for which no subject is defined, then that message is given a generic subject.

      values - The values of the "message-subject" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getMessageTemplateFile

      Gets the "message-template-file" property.

      Specifies the path to the file containing the message template to generate the email notification messages.

      The values for this property should begin with the name of an account status notification type followed by a colon and the path to the template file that should be used for that notification type. If an account status notification has a notification type that is not associated with a message template file, then no email message is generated for that notification.

      Returns the values of the "message-template-file" property.
    • setMessageTemplateFile

      @MandatoryProperty void setMessageTemplateFile(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "message-template-file" property.

      Specifies the path to the file containing the message template to generate the email notification messages.

      The values for this property should begin with the name of an account status notification type followed by a colon and the path to the template file that should be used for that notification type. If an account status notification has a notification type that is not associated with a message template file, then no email message is generated for that notification.

      values - The values of the "message-template-file" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getRecipientAddress

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getRecipientAddress()
      Gets the "recipient-address" property.

      Specifies an email address to which notification messages are sent, either instead of or in addition to the end user for whom the notification has been generated.

      This may be used to ensure that server administrators also receive a copy of any notification messages that are generated.

      Returns the values of the "recipient-address" property.
    • setRecipientAddress

      void setRecipientAddress(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "recipient-address" property.

      Specifies an email address to which notification messages are sent, either instead of or in addition to the end user for whom the notification has been generated.

      This may be used to ensure that server administrators also receive a copy of any notification messages that are generated.

      values - The values of the "recipient-address" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • isSendEmailAsHtml

      ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isSendEmailAsHtml()
      Gets the "send-email-as-html" property.

      Indicates whether an email notification message should be sent as HTML.

      If this value is true, email notification messages are marked as text/html. Otherwise outgoing email messages are assumed to be plaintext and marked as text/plain.

      Default value: false

      Returns the value of the "send-email-as-html" property.
    • setSendEmailAsHtml

      void setSendEmailAsHtml(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "send-email-as-html" property.

      Indicates whether an email notification message should be sent as HTML.

      If this value is true, email notification messages are marked as text/html. Otherwise outgoing email messages are assumed to be plaintext and marked as text/plain.

      value - The value of the "send-email-as-html" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getSenderAddress

      Gets the "sender-address" property.

      Specifies the email address from which the message is sent. Note that this does not necessarily have to be a legitimate email address.

      Returns the value of the "sender-address" property.
    • setSenderAddress

      @MandatoryProperty void setSenderAddress(ValueOrExpression<String> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "sender-address" property.

      Specifies the email address from which the message is sent. Note that this does not necessarily have to be a legitimate email address.

      value - The value of the "sender-address" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • isSendMessageWithoutEndUserAddress

      @MandatoryProperty ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isSendMessageWithoutEndUserAddress()
      Gets the "send-message-without-end-user-address" property.

      Indicates whether an email notification message should be generated and sent to the set of notification recipients even if the user entry does not contain any values for any of the email address attributes (that is, in cases when it is not be possible to notify the end user).

      This is only applicable if both one or more email address attribute types and one or more additional recipient addresses are specified.

      Default value: true

      Returns the value of the "send-message-without-end-user-address" property.
    • setSendMessageWithoutEndUserAddress

      @MandatoryProperty void setSendMessageWithoutEndUserAddress(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "send-message-without-end-user-address" property.

      Indicates whether an email notification message should be generated and sent to the set of notification recipients even if the user entry does not contain any values for any of the email address attributes (that is, in cases when it is not be possible to notify the end user).

      This is only applicable if both one or more email address attribute types and one or more additional recipient addresses are specified.

      value - The value of the "send-message-without-end-user-address" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.