Class LdapServer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public final class LdapServer extends Object implements Closeable
An LDAP server connection listener which waits for LDAP connection requests to come in over the network and binds them to a server connection created using the provided server connection factory.

When processing requests, server connection implementations are passed an integer as the first parameter. This integer represents the requestID associated with the client request and corresponds to the requestID passed as a parameter to abandon and cancel extended requests. The request ID may also be useful for logging purposes.

An LdapServer does not require server connection implementations to return a result when processing requests. More specifically, an LdapServer does not maintain any internal state information associated with each request which must be released. This is useful when implementing LDAP abandon operations which may prevent results being sent for abandoned operations.

The following code illustrates how to create a simple LDAP server:

 /** Server connection. */
 class MyClientConnection implements BiFunction<Integer, Request, Flowable<Response>> {
     private final LDAPClientContext clientContext;

     private MyClientConnection(LDAPClientContext clientContext) {
         this.clientContext = clientContext;

     public Flowable<Response> apply(Integer requestID, Request request) throws Exception {
         // ...

 /** Server connection factory. */
 class MyServer implements Function<LdapSession, BiFunction<Integer, Request, Flowable<Response>>> {
     public BiFunction<Integer, Request, Flowable<Response>> accept(LDAPClientContext context) {
         System.out.println("Connection from: " + context.getPeerAddress());
         return new MyClientConnection(context);

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     try (LdapServer server = new LdapServer(1389, new MyServer())) {
         // ...
  • Field Details


      public static final Option<Integer> CONNECT_MAX_BACKLOG
      Specifies the maximum queue length for incoming connections requests. If a connection request arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused.

      public static final Option<Integer> MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS
      Specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests per connection. Once this number is reached, back-pressure mechanism will stop reading requests from the connection.

      public static final Option<Boolean> PROXY_PROTOCOL_SERVER_ENABLED
      Indicates if the proxy protocol is enabled on the server .

      public static final Option<Set<AddressMask>> PROXY_PROTOCOL_SERVER_ALLOWED_CLIENTS
      Specifies the clients that are allowed to access the server and that should use proxy protocol.

      public static final Option<Consumer<RxSocket<?>>> ACCEPTED_CLIENT_VALIDATOR
      A consumer which is invoked immediately after a new connection has been accepted in order to determine whether the connection should be accepted or not, in which case it will be closed immediately. Implementations should throw an appropriate exception if the connection should be rejected.

      public static final String DEFAULT_TRANSPORT
      The name of the default transport implementation which has the value "Default".
      See Also:

      public static final String MEMORY_RX_TRANSPORT
      The name of the memory transport implementation which has the value "MemoryRx".
      See Also:

      public static final String ASYNC_RX_TRANSPORT
      The name of asynchronous transport implementation which has the value "AsyncRx".
      See Also:

      public static final String SYNC_RX_TRANSPORT
      The name of synchronous transport implementation which has the value "SyncRx".
      See Also:

      public static final Option<String> TRANSPORT
      Specifies the name of the transport implementation to be used. Possible values are:

      public static final Option<Boolean> TCP_NO_DELAY
      Specifies the value of the TCP_NODELAY socket option for new connections.

      The default setting is true and may be configured using the "" property.


      public static final Option<Boolean> SO_REUSE_ADDRESS
      Specifies the value of the SO_REUSEADDR socket option for new connections.

      The default setting is true and may be configured using the "" property.


      public static final Option<Integer> SO_LINGER_IN_SECONDS
      Specifies the value of the SO_LINGER socket option for new connections.

      The default setting is -1 (disabled) and may be configured using the "" property.


      public static final Option<Boolean> SO_KEEPALIVE
      Specifies the value of the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option for new connections.

      The default setting is true and may be configured using the "" property.


      public static final Option<Duration> WRITE_TIMEOUT
      Maximum time allowed for write operations to complete. Once the timeout is reached the socket will become unusable and an appropriate exception returned.

      public static final Option<Integer> BUFFER_SIZE
      Size of the buffer used when reading/writing data from/to the network.

      public static final Option<DecodeOptions> DECODE_OPTIONS
      Sets the decoding options which will be used to control how requests and responses are decoded.

      public static final Option<Integer> MAX_MSG_SIZE_IN_BYTES
      Specifies the maximum request size in bytes for incoming LDAP messages. If an incoming request exceeds the limit then the connection will be aborted. Default value is 0, indicating that no limit will be enforced by default.

      public static final Option<SslOptions> SSL_OPTIONS
      Specifies the options to use for the SSL support or null if SSL is disabled.

      public static final Option<IntConsumer> PROBE_BYTES_READ
      Callback invoked each time this server read bytes from the network. Must be thread-safe.

      public static final Option<IntConsumer> PROBE_BYTES_WRITTEN
      Callback invoked each time this server write bytes to the network. Must be thread-safe.

      public static final Option<Integer> SELECTOR_THREAD_COUNT
      Specifies the number of threads which will be used to handle incoming network events. Default value is 0, indicating that the selected transport should select a suitable value.

      public static final Option<String> SELECTOR_THREAD_NAME
      Specifies the thread name used for selector threads.
  • Constructor Details

    • LdapServer

      public LdapServer(int port, Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory) throws IOException
      Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP client connections at the provided address.
      port - The port to listen on.
      factory - The handler factory which will be used to create handlers.
      IOException - If an error occurred while trying to listen on the provided address.
      NullPointerException - If {code factory} was null.
    • LdapServer

      public LdapServer(int port, Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory, Options options) throws IOException
      Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP client connections at the provided address.
      port - The port to listen on.
      factory - The handler factory which will be used to create handlers.
      options - The LDAP listener options.
      IOException - If an error occurred while trying to listen on the provided address.
      NullPointerException - If {code factory} or options was null.
    • LdapServer

      public LdapServer(Set<InetSocketAddress> addresses, Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory) throws IOException
      Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP client connections at the provided address.
      addresses - The addresses to listen on.
      factory - The handler factory which will be used to create handlers.
      IOException - If an error occurred while trying to listen on the provided address.
      NullPointerException - If address or {code factory} was null.
    • LdapServer

      public LdapServer(Set<InetSocketAddress> addresses, Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory, Options options) throws IOException
      Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP client connections at the provided address.
      addresses - The addresses to listen on.
      factory - The handler factory which will be used to create handlers.
      options - The LDAP listener options.
      IOException - If an error occurred while trying to listen on the provided address.
      NullPointerException - If address, {code factory}, or options was null.
    • LdapServer

      public LdapServer(String host, int port, Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory) throws IOException
      Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP client connections at the provided address.
      host - The address to listen on.
      port - The port to listen on.
      factory - The handler factory which will be used to create handlers.
      IOException - If an error occurred while trying to listen on the provided address.
      NullPointerException - If host or {code factory} was null.
    • LdapServer

      public LdapServer(String host, int port, Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory, Options options) throws IOException
      Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP client connections at the provided address.
      host - The address to listen on.
      port - The port to listen on.
      factory - The handler factory which will be used to create handlers.
      options - The LDAP listener options.
      IOException - If an error occurred while trying to listen on the provided address.
      NullPointerException - If host, {code factory}, or options was null.
  • Method Details

    • setOptions

      public void setOptions(Options options)
      Updates the options of this LDAP listener. Most of the options will be applied only for next client connection, current connections will not impacted by this operation. Some options are not modifiable and will be ignored by this operation.
      options - The LDAP listener options.
    • getOptions

      public Options getOptions()
      Returns a copy of the options currently used by this LDAP listener. Modifying the returned Options will have not impact until applied with setOptions(Options).
      The LDAP listener options.
    • close

      public void close()
      Closes this LDAP connection listener.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • getSocketAddresses

      public Set<InetSocketAddress> getSocketAddresses()
      Returns the addresses that this LDAP listener is listening on.
      The addresses that this LDAP listener is listening on.
    • firstSocketAddress

      public InetSocketAddress firstSocketAddress()
      Returns the first address that his LDAP listener is listening on.
      The addresses that this LDAP listener is listening on.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object