Uses of Class
Packages that use LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4
This package provides an alternative localization mechanism to
.APIs for implementing REST to LDAP gateways.
Defines all the messages that may be used in the Directory Server and tools.
Contains various implementations of Directory Server APIs that are not appropriate for other packages.
Contains implementations for a number of Directory Server data types.
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4 in org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j
Methods in org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j with parameters of type LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4Modifier and TypeMethodDescription<T1,
T2, T3, T4>
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<T1, T2, T3, T4> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4) Logs an error message.<T1,
T2, T3, T4>
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<T1, T2, T3, T4> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4) Logs a message at INFO level.<T1,
T2, T3, T4>
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<T1, T2, T3, T4> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4) Logs a message at NOTICE level.<T1,
T2, T3, T4>
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<T1, T2, T3, T4> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4) Logs a warning message. -
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4 in org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap
Fields in org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap declared as LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionRest2ldapMessages.ERR_AMBIGUOUS_RESOURCE_TYPE
The property "%s" in resource "%s" specifies an ambiguous resourcePath "%s". The relative path must reference a single resource type, yet this one references the following types of resource: %s
Cannot resolve the referenced base DN for the resource path '%s' because the sub-resource path '%s' does not match any sub-resource of the resource '%s'. Possible sub-resource paths are: %s
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4 in org.opends.messages
Fields in org.opends.messages declared as LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionServerMessages.DEBUG_ERROR_UPDATING_RUV
Error %s when updating server state %s : %s base dn : %s
A conflict was detected but the conflict information could not be added to entry %s. Conflict with %s %s, Result: %s
Could not get or create replica DB for base DN '%s', serverId '%s', generationId '%s': %s
Invalid JSON element %s from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
The Directory server DS(%s) and Replication server RS(%s) are working on different dataset regarding the domain '%s' : the Directory server DS(%s) will reject all modification operations and must be re-initialized
The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to directory server DS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed
Could not compute new status in DS replication domain %s with server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication domain '%s' on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot read server ID from server '%s' on DNs '%s' and '%s'. The errors were: %s
Duplicate server IDs found: replication server '%s' tried to connect from '%s', but replication server '%s' is already connected from '%s'. Make sure the two replication servers are configured with different server IDs
Error %s when searching for server state %s : %s base dn : %s
An Exception was caught while replaying operation %s %s (%s) : %s
Caught IOException while sending topology info (for update) on domain %s for %s server %s : %s
Directory server DS(%s) encountered an unexpected error while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s": %s
On domain %s, initialization of server with serverId:%s has been requested from a server with an invalid serverId:%s. %s
The server attempted to send a response to the %s operation (conn=%d, op=%d), but this type of operation is not allowed to have responses. Backtrace: %s
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search of base DN "%s" returned more than one entry matching the filter "%s"
An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s while writing updated data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the attribute on line "%s": %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because the value of attribute %s was to be read from a URL but the URL was invalid: %s
A loop was detected while replaying operation: %s %s (%s) error %s
When attempting to modify entry %s to add one or more values for attribute %s, value "%s" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
When attempting to modify entry %s to replace the set of values for attribute %s, value "%s" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
File based key manager provider '%s' failed to load content from file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Ensure that keystore file contains at least one private key compatible with the security providers. Security providers available in the running JVM are '%s'. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
File based trust manager provider '%s' failed to load content from file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Ensure that truststore file contains at least one private key compatible with the security providers. Security providers available in the running JVM are '%s'. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
File based key manager provider '%s' cannot load an X509 extended key manager from keystore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
File based trust manager provider '%s' cannot load an X509 extended trust manager from truststore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s. The connection will be terminated
The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s
The post-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The post-response %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The pre-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The pre-parse %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The referential integrity plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no %s extensible matching rule index defined for this attribute in backend %s
The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not match the filter '%s'
The search result entry plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with entry %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated
The search result reference plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with referral URL(s) %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated
The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
An error occurred while attempting to decode value "%s" for attribute %s in user entry %s in accordance with the generalized time format: %s
The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed
Could not compute new status in RS replication domain %s for server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
The value '%s' for parameter '%s' in profile '%s' is invalid. Please provide a value having the following syntax: %s
Error in profile '%s': the default value for parameter '%s' cannot be derived from the SetupConfiguration method '%s' because the method invocation threw an error: %s
The file '%s' is referring to an invalid instance (%s). You must remove this file before setting up a new instance in the directory %s. Please use either the --%s option in non interactive mode or the interactive mode to setup an instance elsewhere
The value '%s' for domain parameter '%s' of profile '%s' is invalid (%s)
The value '%s' for parameter '%s' in profile '%s' is invalid because it does not match any allowed values (%s)
'%s' setup profile failed to update server configuration file, dsconfig tool options: '%s'. Exception message:'%s'. Tool output: %s
Counter of %s reports wrong number of entries for key <%s> (got %d, expecting %d)
The directory server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then it will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s)
The replication server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory servers connected to this replication server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then the directory servers will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s)
%s.%s succeeded but generated the following messages for entry %s: %s
Registered %d static groups, %d dynamic groups and %d virtual static groups. The static group cache is using %d bytes of memory
Proxy backend '%s' successfully configured failover via the service discovery mechanism '%s': primary servers are %s and secondary servers are %s
Replication server RS(%s) has accepted a connection from directory server DS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
Replication server RS(%s) has accepted a connection from replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
Replication server RS(%s) has connected to replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
%d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds
Account-Status-Notification type='%s' userdn='%s' id=%d msg='%s'
Exported %d entries and skipped %d in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Finished total update: exported domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to remote directory server DS(%s). %s
Starting total update: exporting %d entries in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to remote directory server DS(%s)
Finished total update: imported domain "%s" from remote directory server DS(%s) to this directory server DS(%s). %s
Setting DB cache size to %d MB. Using %d mb off-heap memory through %d phase one buffers of %d KB
Processed %d entries, skipped %d and rejected %d (recent rate %.1f/sec)
JVM Host: %s, running %s, %d bytes physical memory size, number of processors available %d
JVM Information: %s by %s, %s architecture, %d bytes heap size
Directory Server DS(%s) is disconnecting from replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" in order to find another replication server in the topology and distribute load more equally
%.1f%% Completed. Processed %d/%d entries. (recent rate %.1f/sec)
RS(%s) generation Id %s does not match DS(%s) generation Id %s, but at least another RS does
RS(%s) groupId '%s' does not match DS(%s) groupId '%s', but at least one other RS does
RS(%s) newest change %s is behind another RS which is ahead of DS(%s) newest change %s
RS(%s) newest change %s is behind DS(%s) newest change %s, but at least another RS is at the same point or ahead of the DS
The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class %s (alert type %s, alert ID %s): %s
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a DELETE of "%s" as child entries exist (renaming child "%s" to "%s"). Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting the renamed child entries
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a MODIFYDN of "%s" to "%s" which already exists (renaming as "%s"). Consider merging the two entries manually, or deleting one of them
Checked %d records and found %d error(s) in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Checked %d entries and found %d error(s) in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Processed %d out of %d records and found %d error(s) (recent rate %.1f/sec)
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" references hostname %s, which resolves to IP address %s, but the canonical hostname for that IP address is %s. This likely means that the provided hostname will never match any clients
Entry "%s" contains a value "%s" for attribute %s that is invalid according to the syntax for that attribute: %s
%s.%s indicated that administrative action is required for entry %s: messages="%s"
Property '%s' in %s '%s' is DEPRECATED for removal since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
Disk free space of %d bytes for directory %s is now below disk low threshold of %d bytes. Backend %s is now offline and will no longer accept any operations until sufficient disk space is restored
Disk free space of %d bytes for directory %s is now below low threshold of %d bytes. Backend %s is now locked down and will no longer accept any operations from clients until sufficient disk space is restored
Directory server DS(%s) encountered a transient problem while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s". Directory server will try to connect to a replication server again. The problem was: %s
Directory server DS(%s) is closing its connection to replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" because it could not detect a heart beat
Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d includes a duplicate attribute %s with value %s. The second occurrence of that attribute value has been skipped
Property '%s' in %s '%s' is LEGACY since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
File based key manager provider '%s' has loaded multiple key manager from keystore file '%s'. Only one will be used for securing TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
File based trust manager provider '%s' has loaded multiple trust manager from truststore file '%s'. Only one will be used for securing TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
Peer replica '%s' is too late compared to changelog '%s' for domain '%s'. It asked for changes that are not present in the changelog or have been purged. The peer replica will no longer receive replicated changes and must be re-initialized. Diagnostic information follows: %s
The proxy backend '%s' will ignore the discovered servers '%s' from shard '%s' because they do not expose the required base DNs '%s'
Replication server RS(%s) at %s has closed the connection to this directory server DS(%s). This directory server will now try to connect to another replication server in order to receive changes for the domain "%s"
Timed out while trying to acquire the domain lock for domain "%s". The connection attempt from replication server RS(%s) at %s to this replication server RS(%s) will be aborted. This is probably benign and a result of a simultaneous cross connection attempt
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4 in org.opends.server.extensions
Methods in org.opends.server.extensions with parameters of type LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(Dn cfgDn, Set<Dn> cfgBaseDNs, Collection<AttributeType> attrTypes, MatchingRule matchingRule, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object, Object, Object, Object> notIndexedMsg, ConfigChangeResult ccr, BackendConfigManager backendConfigManager) Checks whether all attribute types are indexed for a given matching rule. -
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4 in org.opends.server.types
Methods in org.opends.server.types with parameters of type LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(Entry entry, Attribute attribute, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object, Object, Object, Object> invalidSyntaxErrorMsg, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object, Object, Object> invalidSyntaxNoValueErrorMsg, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> rejectErrorMsg) Checks whether an attribute's values conform to its syntax.