Package org.opends.messages
Class ServerMessages
This file contains localizable message descriptors having the resource
. This file was generated
automatically by the opendj-maven-plugin
from the property file
and it should not be manually edited.-
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionError %s when updating server state %s : %s base dn : %s
Recovery interrupted because shutdown of replication domain has been requested
No plugin found to handle the storage scheme '%s'
Access denied to file '%s'
The '%s' backend files have been removed after restore failed. The backend is now empty
Either the --%s or --%s argument must be provided
The backup process failed with one or more errors
The backup ID '%s' already exists
{backup ID}
Location containing backups: file-system path or URI for alternative storage mechanisms. File-system paths may be expressed as absolute or relative paths and are resolved relative to the current working directory when the tool is run in offline mode, or relative to the server instance directory when the tool is run in task mode. Read the documentation for further information regarding alternative backup storage mechanisms
Backup file-system path or URI for alternative storage mechanisms. File-system paths may be expressed as absolute or relative paths and are resolved relative to the current working directory when the tool is run in offline mode, or relative to the server instance directory when the tool is run in task mode. Read the documentation for further information regarding alternative backup storage mechanisms
Backing up file (%d/%d) '%s'
Starting backup for backend '%s'
Backup completed for backend '%s' with backup ID '%s'
Cannot find backup with ID %s
The attempt to remove backend files from directory '%s' has failed, backend '%s' may contain corrupted data, please remove the files manually
Cannot compute the fingerprint for backend file '%s': %s
Cannot create the backend directory '%s' before restoring: %s
Cannot delete backend files from directory '%s': %s
Cannot delete corrupted file '%s'
Cannot delete the backup lock file '%s', please remove this file manually: %s
There are no backups for backends %s
Cannot read backend files in directory '%s': %s
Cannot read backup directory content: %s
The backends %s cannot be restored while the server is running. Please stop the server first and try again with the --offline option
Deleting corrupted file from backend directory
Deleting corrupted file from backup storage
The name of the backend to back up. Specify this option multiple times to backup multiple backends or skip this option to backup all the enabled backends that support backups
Cannot acquire a shared lock for backend '%s': %s. This generally means that some other process has exclusive access to this backend (e.g., a restore or an LDIF import)
Cannot release the shared lock for backend '%s': %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the backup process exits, so no further action should be required
Take encrypted and signed backups of individual backends and send them to the desired location
There are no enabled backends that support backup operation
The backup command was interrupted
The following backends do not support backups: %s. Here is the list of enabled backends that support backups: %s
The following backends do not exist or are disabled: %s. Here is the list of enabled backends that support backups: %s
Backup and restore backends, manage backup files
Backup and restore backends
The directory does not exist
'%s' is not a valid name for a directory
Not a directory
An error occurred while attempting to backup backend '%s': %s
An error occurred while attempting to restore backend '%s' with backup ID '%s': %s
Cannot continue purging backups, errors were encountered while reading the list of available backups: %s
Cannot continue the restore process, errors were encountered while reading the list of available backups: %s
File '%s' is corrupted: %s
File '%s' is missing
IO error: %s
Problem with file '%s' : %s
Backend name: %s
Show only backups taken from the provided backend
Backup ID: %s
%s backup(s) cannot be restored
Backup Date: %s
List the backups at the specified location
Error: %s
Found %s backup(s) that cannot be fully identified due to the following error(s):
Show only the last backup for each backend
There are no backups with the requested characteristics
Found %s backup(s) with the requested characteristics
Server ID: %s
Show only backups taken from the provided server
{server ID}
Status: %s
{backup location}
signature does not match
Backup still in progress, new files have been created
Indicates that the command will operate independently of the server process. It will run regardless of whether the server is started or stopped. When using this option with the %1$s sub-command, the server must be stopped; also as the command will write to server files, you should run the command as a user having the same filesystem permissions as the user running the server. Using this option with the %2$s sub-command when the server is running is possible and supported. With JE Backends, the integrity of the backup is ensured by the process. With LDIF backends, avoid simultaneous changes to the backends
Operation was interrupted
The option '--%s' can only be used with the option '--%s'
At least one of these options must be declared: %s
An error occurred while attempting to purge backup files starting with '%s': %s
Purge only backups of the specified backend. Specify this option multiple times to allow purging backups of different backends. Skip this option to allow purging backups of all backends. This can only be used with options '--%s' or '--%s'
{backend name}
The ID of the backup that should be deleted. Specify this option multiple times to purge multiple backups
Backup purge process failed with one or more errors
Delete one or more backups
An error occurred while attempting to purge the backup '%s': %s
Must be used with the '--%s' option, indicates that the last backup of each backend can be deleted if older than the provided duration
The number of backups to keep per backend. Use this option to keep the n latest backups of each backend and delete the others. If n=0, all the backups will be removed
{number of backups}
Invalid value for '%s': %s
'%d' is not allowed: the value must be equal or greater than 0
Delete backups that are older than the provided duration. The latest backup of each backend will always be kept unless the '--%s' option is also provided. Duration examples: '12 hours', '3 days', '1y'
Purging backup (%d/%d) '%s'
Purge completed successfully
Found backup IDs that correspond to the same backend name: %s. Make sure each backup ID corresponds to a distinct backend
Restore the last backup of the provided backend. Specify this option multiple times to restore multiple backends
Restore the backup having the provided ID. Specify this option multiple times to restore multiple backends
Cannot acquire an exclusive lock for backend '%s': %s. This generally means some other process is still using this backend (e.g., it is in use by the Directory Server or a backup or LDIF export is in progress)
Cannot release the exclusive lock for backend '%s': %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the restore process exits, so no further action should be required
The restore process failed with one or more errors
Restore one or more backends. In order to decrypt and verify signatures on backup files, the server must have access to the master key pair used to encrypt and sign the files when they were created
The backends %s cannot be restored because they do not exist or are disabled
Restoring file (%d/%d) '%s'
Starting restore for backend '%s' with backup ID '%s'
Restore completed for backend '%s' with backup ID '%s'
Cannot enable backend '%s' after restoring: %s
The storage property '%s' has several values while it can have only one. The provided properties string was: "%s"
Assigns a value to a storage property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it
Unable to access the backup storage: %s
unexpected content
Verifying file (%d/%d) '%s'
Verify backups completeness, integrity and whether they can be decrypted
User authentication is mandatory to access server monitoring information
Entry %s cannot be added because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the provided entry
Entry %s can not be added because BER encoding of %s attribute is not supported
Entry %s cannot be added because it includes attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema
The entry %s cannot be added due to insufficient access rights
Unable to add entry %s because the backend that should hold that entry is configured in read-only mode
The provided entry cannot be added because it contains a null DN. This DN is reserved for the root DSE, and that entry may not be added over protocol
Entry %s cannot be added because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts
You do not have sufficient privileges to add entries that include privileges
The entry '%s' cannot be added because an entry with that name already exists
The provided entry %s cannot be added because it does not have a parent and is not defined as one of the suffixes within the Directory Server
The provided entry %s cannot be added because its suffix is not defined as one of the suffixes within the Directory Server
Entry %s cannot be added because it is missing attribute %s that is contained in the entry's RDN. All attributes used in the RDN must also be provided in the attribute list for the entry
Entry %s cannot be added because its parent entry %s does not exist in the server
The entry '%s' cannot be added because its parent entry does not exist
Entry %s cannot be added because its parent entry %s is a subentry
Unable to add entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
Entry %s cannot be added because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
An error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the certificates in "cn=admin data": %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to read the instance key '%s' in "cn=admin data": %s
An unexpected error occurred while accessing the instance keys in "cn=admin data": %s
Assured replication is not supported anymore, it should be disabled on the topology
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because character '%c' at position %d is not allowed in an attribute name
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the hyphen character is not allowed as the first character of an attribute name
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the parsed attribute name %s included a period but that name did not appear to be a valid OID
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because it contained an RDN containing an empty attribute name
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because an unexpected failure occurred while attempting to parse an attribute value from one of the RDN components: "%s"
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the last non-space character was part of the attribute name '%s'
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the last non-space character was a comma or semicolon
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because one of the RDN components included a value with an escaped hexadecimal digit that was not followed by a second hexadecimal digit
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because an attribute value started with an octothorpe (#) but was not followed by a positive multiple of two hexadecimal digits
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because character '%c' at position %d is not valid
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because an attribute value started with an octothorpe (#) but contained a character %c that was not a valid hexadecimal digit
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the next non-space character after attribute name "%s" should have been an equal sign but instead was '%c'
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because one of the RDN components included a quoted value that did not have a corresponding closing quotation mark
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid subtree specification
There is no index configured for attribute type '%s'
The provided password was found in another attribute in the user entry
Unwilling to add entry "%s" because add operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
Confidentiality cannot be disabled on suffix '%s' because the following indexes have confidentiality still enabled: %s
The Directory Server was unable to obtain a lock on entry %s after multiple attempts. This could mean that the entry is already locked by a long-running operation or that the entry has previously been locked but was not properly unlocked
An error occurred while attempting to register the base DNs %s in the Directory Server: %s
Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-percent has a value of %d%% but the JVM has only %d%% available
Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d but the JVM has only %d available. Consider using ds-cfg-db-cache-percent
An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has exclusive access to this backend (e.g., a restore or an LDIF import)
Unable to decode base DN string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
None of the Directory Server JE backends are configured with the requested backend ID %s
None of the entry containers are configured with the requested base DN %s in backend %s
Unwilling to remove entry "%s" because delete operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
Entry %s does not exist in the "%s" backend
Error while enabling confidentiality with cipher %s, %d bits: %s
Unable to retrieve the requested entry from the "%s" backend because the provided DN was null
LDIF import and export operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
The "%s" backend does not support LDIF import operations
An error occurred while trying to list the files to backup for backend '%s': %s
Unwilling to rename entry "%s" because modify DN operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
The backend does not support indexing
An error occurred when searching for %s : %s
At key number %d, %s:
Data decoder for printing is not available, should use hex dump
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to initialize the backend '%s': %s
An error occurred while listing the base DNs: %s
An error occurred while listing indexes: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to read and/or decode records from an index: %s
An error occurred while trying to execute %s: %s
No index exists with the requested name '%s' in base DN '%s' and backend '%s'
No storage index exists with the requested name %s in backend %s
Cannot specify a maximum key both as a string and as an hexadecimal string
Cannot specify a minimum key both as a string and as an hexadecimal string
An error occurred while processing arguments: %s
An error occurred while attempting to obtain a list of the files in directory %s to include in the backup: %s
The requested admin API version '%s' is unsupported. This endpoint only supports the following admin API version(s): %s
Entry %s was containing some unknown historical information, This may cause some inconsistency for this entry
The account has been locked as a result of too many failed authentication attempts. It may only be unlocked by an administrator
The account has been locked as a result of too many failed authentication attempts (time to unlock: %s)
The user cannot bind due to insufficient access rights
Unable to process the simple bind request because it contained a bind DN but no password, which is forbidden by the server configuration
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been administratively disabled
Rejecting a bind request because the account has expired
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been locked due to too many failed authentication attempts
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been locked after remaining idle for too long
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been locked after the user's password was not changed in a timely manner after an administrative reset
Rejecting a SASL %s bind request for user %s because the password policy requires secure authentication
Rejecting a simple bind request because the password policy requires secure authentication
Unable to bind to the Directory Server using simple authentication because that user does not have a password
Rejecting a bind request because that user's password is expired
Unable to process the bind request because it attempted to use an unknown SASL mechanism %s that is not available in the Directory Server
Unable to bind to the Directory Server because no such user exists in the server
Rejecting a bind request for user %s because either the entire server or the user's backend has a writability mode of 'disabled' and password policy state updates would not be allowed
The password provided by the user did not match any password(s) stored in the user's entry
Unable to process the non-root bind because the server is in lockdown mode
Unable to process the bind request because it contained a control with OID %s that was marked critical but this control is not supported for the bind operation
The ds-cfg-exclude-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are excluded from the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s
The ds-cfg-include-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are included in the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s
Backend database cache preload for backend '%s' is not supported in this release
The Directory Server could not acquire an exclusive lock on file %s: %s. This generally means that another instance of this server is already running
A conflict was detected but the conflict information could not be added to entry %s. Conflict with %s %s, Result: %s
The Directory Server is currently running. The configuration may not be bootstrapped while the server is online
Abandon requests cannot be canceled
Bind requests cannot be canceled
Cancel extended operations can not be canceled
Start TLS extended operations cannot be canceled
Unbind requests cannot be canceled
An error occurred while attempting to create the JMX MBean server that will be used for monitoring, notification, and configuration interaction within the Directory Server: %s
Could not create replica database because the changelog database is shutting down
Unable to decode base DN string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
Cannot decode the provided control %s because an error occurred while attempting to decode the control value: %s
Input stream ended unexpectedly while decoding entry
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user becausethe peer certificate issuer "%s" could not be decoded as an LDAP DN: %s
Cannot encode entry for writing on storage: %s
An error occurred while trying to retrieve the root DSE configuration entry (cn=Root DSE,cn=config) from the Directory Server configuration: %s
Cannot properly use SHA-1 using the java provider. Verify is properly configured
An error occurred while initializing server backends: %s
Cannot initialize the configuration framework: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize the core Directory Server configuration: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the crypto manager: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the password policy components: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize server components to run the tool: %s
An error occurred while initializing plugins: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize the Directory Server password storage schemes: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the subentry manager: %s
Unable to create an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a Directory Server backend: %s
'%s' cannot list the secret files in directory '%s', all the secrets will be ignored: %s
Unable to load class %s referenced in configuration entry %s for use as a Directory Server backend: %s
An error occurred while trying to load the Directory Server configuration: %s
An error occurred while trying to load the Directory Server schema: %s
An error occurred when trying to read the configuration version in %s : %s
An error occurred when trying to read the upgrade version in second line of file '%s' (%s)
Error when searching old changes from the database for base DN %s: %s
An error happened trying to rename a conflicting entry. DN: %s, Operation: %s, Result: %s
The Directory Server is currently running. The environment configuration can not be altered while the server is online
The Directory Server may not be started before the configuration has been bootstrapped
The Directory Server may not be started while it is already running. Please stop the running instance before attempting to start it again
Subsystem %s should be initialized first
Replication peer certificate verification failed with error: %s
Could not find the "%s" command in "%s"
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the matching user entry with DN '%s' does not contain an issuer DN matching the certificate issuer DN '%s'
Error when enabling external changelog: %s
An error occurred when retrieving attribute value for attribute '%s' for entry DN '%s' in changelog backend : %s
Could not convert value '%s' to long
Could not find replica update message matching the index record. No more replica update messages with a csn newer than %s exist
The search cannot be processed because the external changelog is not configured to generate change numbers. Change the replication server configuration if change numbers are needed
An exception was encountered while trying to encode a replication %s message for entry "%s" into an External Change Log entry: %s
An error occurred when searching base DN '%s' with filter '%s' in changelog backend : %s
Unexpected message type when trying to create changelog entry for dn %s: '%s'
Could not position and read newest record from log file '%s'. Current thread is '%s'. Error was: %s
The domain state file cannot be written. The server will shutdown but it should be restored from backup. Cause was : %s
Cursor on log '%s' has been aborted after a clear
Cursor on log '%s' has been aborted after a purge
Detected one or more corrupted records in log file '%s', this replication server will be removed from the replication topology. Recover the server from a valid filesystem backup if available or re-create it
An unexpected error occurred while sending an Error Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened
An unexpected error occurred while sending a Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened
Could not read generation id because it uses a wrong format, expecting a number but got '%s'
There is a mismatch between domain state file and actual domain directories found in file system. Expected domain ids : %s. Actual domain ids found in file system: %s
Could not read replica offline state file '%s' for domain %s, it should contain exactly one line corresponding to the offline CSN
An error occurred while verifying integrity of log file '%s' : %s
Some data in the domain state file '%s' in not of the form <domainId>[csn:csn]:<domainDN>, the replication server cannot start. Restore the server from backup
Error when retrieving changelog state from root path '%s' : IO error on domain directory '%s' when retrieving list of server ids
Unable to position reader to key '%s' using strategy '%s' on log '%s'. Changelog may be corrupted. Directory servers connected to this replication server may need to be reinitialized
The change number index could not be reset to start with %d in base DN '%s' because starting CSN '%s' does not exist in the change log
The change number could not be reset to %d because the associated change with CSN '%s' has already been purged from the change log. Try resetting to a more recent change
Could not read server id filename because it uses a wrong format, expecting '[id].server' where [id] is numeric but got '%s'
Cannot convert the filename '%s' to a valid change number
Cannot convert the filename '%s' to a valid CSN
The output folder '%s' cannot be created
Cannot list the changelog files in '%s': %s
The replication domain '%s' is not found. Make sure the domain is replicated
Error while decoding the changelog file '%s' : %s
An error occurred when reading the replication server configuration entry '%s': %s
The provided change number '%s' is not valid
The provided CSN '%s' is not valid
The provided DN '%s' is invalid
The provided output folder '%s' doesn't exist
Replica DB folder '%s' not found
Could not add record '%s' in log file '%s': %s
Could not get or create change number index DB in root path '%s', using path '%s': %s
Could not create generation id file '%s': %s
Could not create file '%s' to store last log rotation time %d
Could not create root directory '%s' for log file: %s
Could not create log file '%s': %s
Could not get or create replica DB for base DN '%s', serverId '%s', generationId '%s': %s
Could not create directory '%s' for server id %s: %s
Could not decode DN from domain state file '%s', from line '%s'
Could not decode the key from string [%s]
Could not decode a record from data read in log file '%s'
Could not delete generation id file '%s' for DN '%s': %s
Could not delete file '%s' that stored the previous last log rotation time
Could not delete log files: %s
While purging log, could not delete log file(s): '%s'
Could not initialize the log '%s' : %s
Could not open log file '%s' for write: %s
Could not open a reader on log file '%s': %s
Could not read domain state file '%s'. The replication server cannot continue, it should be restored from a backup. Cause was : %s
Could not read content of replica offline state file '%s' for domain %s
An error occurred while recovering the replication change log file '%s'. The recovery has been aborted and this replication server will be removed from the replication topology. The change log file system may be read-only, full, or corrupt and must be fixed before this replication server can be used. The underlying error was: %s
Could not retrieve file length of log file '%s'
Could not retrieve key bounds from log file '%s': %s
Could not retrieve read-only log files from log '%s': %s
Could not seek to position %d for reader on log file '%s'
Could not synchronize written records to file system for log file '%s': %s
Could not create a new domain id %s for domain DN %s and save it in the domain state file. Replication will continue, but if the domain state file cannot be written when stopping the server, it should be restored from backup. Cause was : %s
Changelog file %s should be version %d, but found version %d. Likely causes for this error: the server binaries were accidentally downgraded, data was restored from a file system backup taken on a more recent version of the server, or the changelog file was corrupted. If the server was downgraded, upgrade it. If the data was restored from a file system backup, restore it again from a recent, valid file system backup taken on the same version of the server. Otherwise, as last resort, remove the changelog by running the 'dsrepl clear-changelog' command and restart the server
The following log '%s' must be released but it is not referenced
An error occurred when accessing the change number database : %s
The named character set is invalid because the provide name "%s" has an invalid character at position %d. Only ASCII alphabetic characters are allowed in the name
The named character set is invalid because it does not contain a name
Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because there are no characters to include in the set
Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because it does not contain a colon to separate the name from the set of characters
Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because it does not contain a name to use for the character set
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because it contains character '%s' which has already been used
The provided password contained character '%s' which is not allowed for use in passwords
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the value before the colon must be an integer greater or equal to zero
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because the value before the colon must be an integer greater or equal to zero
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the range '%s' is missing the minus
The provided minimum required number of character sets '%d' is invalid because it is greater than the total number of defined character sets
The provided minimum required number of character sets '%d' is invalid because it must at least include all mandatory character sets
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because it does not contain a colon to separate the minimum count from the character range
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because it does not contain a colon to separate the minimum count from the character range
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because the provided character set is empty
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because it does not contain a colon to separate the minimum count from the character set
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the range '%s' is too short
The provided password did not contain enough characters from the character range '%s'. The minimum number of characters from that range that must be present in user passwords is %d
The provided password did not contain enough characters from the character set '%s'. The minimum number of characters from that set that must be present in user passwords is %d
The provided password did not contain characters from at least %d of the following character sets or ranges: %s
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the range '%s' is reversed
An unexpected error occurred when testing existence or creating the replication backend : %s
Type %d is not a valid secret key type. The Valid type is '0' for a cipher key. Secret key initialization cannot continue, check the data source and re-initialize if needed
Requested cipher for a non existing cipher key: cryptographic services were not properly initialized, programming error
Attribute %s is set as confidential on a backend whose entries are still cleartext. Enable confidentiality on the backend first
Error while creating or updating common audit log publisher %s: %s
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, delimiter char '%s' should not contain more than one character
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, quote char '%s' should not contain more than one character
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore file %s could not be read: %s
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore pin file %s could not be read: %s
Error while creating common audit external log publisher %s: %s
Error while reading JSON configuration file %s while creating common audit external log publisher %s: %s
Error while creating common audit log publisher %s: %s
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, time of the day value '%s' for fixed time log rotation policy is not valid, it should use a 24-hour format "HHmm" : %s
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore file %s is empty
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore file %s is missing
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore pin file %s contains an empty pin
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore pin file %s is missing
Error while processing a log event for common audit: %s
Error while adding common audit log publisher %s, the publisher has an unsupported handler type
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, this type of log publisher is unsupported
Error while adding common audit log publisher %s, the publisher defines an unsupported log retention policy %s
Error while adding common audit log publisher %s, the publisher defines an unsupported log rotation policy %s
Cannot perform the compare operation on entry %s because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
The entry %s cannot be compared due to insufficient access rights
You do not have sufficient privileges to access the server configuration
The specified entry %s does not exist in the Directory Server
Cannot perform the compare operation on entry %s because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
Unable to decode the provided object class set because it used an undefined token %s
Unable to decode the provided attribute because it used an undefined attribute description token %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode an attribute description token from the compressed schema definitions: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode an object class set token from the compressed schema definitions: %s
An error occurred while attempting to store compressed schema information in the database: %s
The configuration for the account status notification handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
Unable to add a new account status notification handler entry with DN %s because there is already a notification handler registered with that DN
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an account status notification handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The configuration for the alert handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an alert handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is greater than the largest allowed value of %d
Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is less than the lowest allowed value of %d
Unable to set the value for Boolean configuration attribute %s because the provided value %s was not either 'true' or 'false'
Unable to set the value for integer configuration attribute %s because the provided value %s cannot be interpreted as an integer value: %s
The configuration for the trust manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
The authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing a non existing DN: %s
An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in the access control configuration entry %s: %s
The entry cn=Backends,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry
Unable to configure the backend '%s' because one of its base DNs is the empty DN
The Directory Server was unable to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that the backend is in use by a process that requires an exclusive lock (e.g., importing from LDIF or restoring a backup). This backend will be disabled
Backend config error when trying to delete an entry: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This backend will be disabled
The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a backend instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This backend will be disabled
Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow read and write access to the backend database directory by the backend
Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-directory-permissions (It should be an UNIX permission mode in three-digit octal notation.)
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the backend associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled
Big index for attribute '%s' cannot be created for matching rule '%s' because it is not an equality matching rule
An error occurred while attempting to calculate a SHA-1 digest of file %s: %s
Cannot configure java.util.logging root logger level: %s. java.util.logging support is now disabled
Unable to determine the Directory Server instance root from either an environment variable or based on the location of the configuration file. Please set an environment variable named %s with a value containing the absolute path to the server installation root
An unexpected error occurred while trying to register the configuration handler base DN "%s" as a private suffix with the Directory Server: %s
The configuration for the certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a certificate mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
%s.%s returned a result of null for entry %s
%s.%s failed for entry %s: result code=%s, admin action required=%b, messages="%s"
An error occurred while trying to initialize a connection handler loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This connection handler will be disabled
The core schema provider defined by '%s' has been disabled. The core schema must always be enabled
An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s for use as the Directory Server entry cache: %s. As a result, the entry cache will be disabled
An unexpected error occurred that prevented the server from installing its default entry cache framework: %s
The configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: the entry cache level %d is already in use
The configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
Error creating SSL socket factory: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an extended operation handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid extended operation handler implementation: %s
Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because another configuration entry already exists with that DN
The attempt to apply the configuration add failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was added to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration add listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to add configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform add operations in the Directory Server configuration
Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because its parent entry %s does not exist
Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because that DN does not have a parent
The Directory Server is unwilling to add configuration entry %s because one of the add listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s
An error occurred while trying to create the configuration archive directory %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to open the configuration file %s for reading: %s
An error occurred while trying to write the current configuration to the configuration archive: %s
The attempt to apply the configuration delete failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was removed from the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration delete listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to remove configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the specified entry has one or more subordinate entries
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform delete operations in the Directory Server configuration
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the entry does not have a parent and removing the configuration root entry is not allowed
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because that DN does not have a parent
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the specified entry does not exist
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because one of the delete listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s
The specified configuration file %s does not exist or is not readable
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s
The first entry read from LDIF configuration file %s had a DN of "%s" rather than the expected "%s" which should be used as the Directory Server configuration root
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform modify DN operations in the Directory Server configuration
Modify DN operations are not allowed in the Directory Server configuration
The attempt to apply the configuration modification failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the modified entry was written to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration change listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to modify configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform modify operations in the Directory Server configuration
Entry %s cannot be modified because the specified entry does not exist
You do not have sufficient privileges to change the set of default root privileges
Entry %s cannot be modified because one of the configuration change listeners registered for that entry rejected the change: %s
Configuration entry %s cannot be modified because the change would alter its structural object class
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform search operations in the Directory Server configuration
The Directory Server configuration may not be altered by importing a new configuration from LDIF
An error occurred while attempting to export the new Directory Server configuration to file %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to rename the new Directory Server configuration from file %s to %s: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to write configuration entry %s to LDIF: %s
The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is referencing mutually exclusive authorization DNs %s and %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an HTTP endpoint as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is referencing a non existing authorization DN %s
The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is invalid: %s
An error occurred while starting the HTTP endpoint as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The configuration for the identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an identity mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The attribute '%s' cannot enable confidentiality for keys and values at the same time
The time-to-live (TTL) feature can only be enabled for generalized time ordering indexes
Index for attribute '%s' cannot be created for matching rule '%s' because it cannot be found in the schema. Fix the matching rule name in the config or add the matching rule to the schema
Index for attribute '%s' cannot be created because the configuration contains an included attribute value '%s' which appears to be invalid according to the schema: %s
The metric name pattern to exclude '%s' cannot be parsed as a valid regular expression due to the following error: '%s'
The metric name pattern to include '%s' cannot be parsed as a valid regular expression due to the following error: '%s'
The smtp-server value '%s' is invalid: %s
An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property is already defined for this component
An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property does not follow a singular property=value form
An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property shadows configuration attribute %s
Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d which is less than the minimum: %d
Configuration entry %s does not contain attribute %s (or that attribute exists but is not accessible using JMX)
Unable to retrieve JMX attribute %s associated with configuration entry %s: %s
The Directory Server could not register a JMX MBean for the component associated with configuration entry %s: %s
There is no method %s for any invokable component registered with configuration entry %s
The configuration for the key manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a key manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the Directory Server configuration to LDIF: %s
An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server access logger: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server debug logger: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server error logger: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server HTTP access logger: %s
Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid objectclass for a Directory Server access, error, or debug logger definition
An error occurred while attempting to create a text writer for a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to open the configured log file %s for logger %s: %s
Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow write access to the log file by the log publisher
The access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid target DN pattern "%s"
The timestamp format string "%s" is not a valid format string. The format string should conform to the syntax described in the documentation for the "java.text.SimpleDateFormat" class
The access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid user DN pattern "%s"
Invalid UNIX file permissions %s: %s
The Directory Server encountered an error while attempting to determine whether the configuration file %s has been externally edited with the server online, and/or trying to preserve such changes: %s. Any manual changes made to that file may have been lost
The list of keys defined for the JSON matching rule contains an invalid JSON pointer : %s
Unable to configure the authorization mechanism defined in %s: %s
The OAuth2 authorization mechanism defined in %s contains an invalid JSON Pointer %s: %s
The authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing an invalid URL %s: %s
The authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing a non-existing or non-readable directory: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s as a Directory Server plugin using the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This plugin will be disabled
The configuration for the plugin defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
Cannot create the property resolver due to the following error: '%s'
The configuration for the password generator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password generator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The default password policy value '%s' is invalid because it refers to an authentication policy which is not a password policy
The configuration entry '%s' is currently defined to be the default password policy, however it is not a password policy
The password policy defined in configuration entry %s is invalid: %s
The Directory Server default password policy is defined as %s, but that entry does not exist or is not below the password policy configuration base cn=Password Policies,cn=config
No default password policy is configured for the Directory Server. The default password policy must be specified by the ds-cfg-default-password-policy attribute in the cn=config entry
No password policies have been defined below the cn=Password Policies,cn=config entry in the Directory Server configuration. At least one password policy configuration must be defined
The configuration for the password storage scheme defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
Unable to add a new password storage scheme entry with DN %s because there is already a storage scheme registered with that DN
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password storage scheme as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The configuration for the password validator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password validator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Invalid configuration element from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to read the configuration from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
Invalid JSON element %s from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log retention policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log retention policy: %s
An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log rotation policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log rotation policy: %s
The configuration for the SASL mechanism handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a SASL mechanism handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions from directory %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to list the files in that directory: %s
Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s exists but is not a directory
Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s does not exist
The schema provider class '%s' could not be instantiated or initialized with the configuration '%s' : %s
The configuration of schema provider '%s' is not acceptable for the following reasons: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server synchronization provider referenced in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in synchronization provider configuration entry %s: %s
The configuration for the trust manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a trust manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
One or more errors occurred while applying changes on server startup: %s
An error occurred while attempting to apply the changes contained in file %s to the server configuration at startup: %s
Unable to resolve the host for the listen address '%s' of the LDAP connection handler %s
Cannot configure new SSL cipher suites because the following cipher suites are not supported: %s. Look for supported cipher suites in 'cn=jvm,cn=monitor'
Cannot configure new SSL protocols because the following protocols are not supported: %s. Look for supported protocols in 'cn=jvm,cn=monitor'
The configuration for the virtual attribute provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
An error occurred while trying to load an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a virtual attribute provider: %s
Unable to parse value "%s" from config entry "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but the conflict behavior is configured to merge real and virtual values
The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but provider %s may generate multiple values
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' does not match the installed configuration version '%s'. Please run upgrade before continuing
An error occurred while parsing the search filter %s defined for VLV index %s: %s
VLV index '%s' must be configured with at least one sort attribute
Sort attribute %s for VLV index %s is not defined in the server schema
Unable to initialize an instance of class %s as a work queue as specified in configuration entry %s: %s
Worker thread "%s" has experienced too many repeated failures while attempting to retrieve the next operation from the work queue (%d failures experienced, maximum of %d failures allowed). This worker thread will be destroyed
An error occurred while attempting to write the monitor user entry: %s
An error occurred while attempting to configure the backend for the monitor user: %s
You must provide at least one of the following arguments: enableService, disableService or serviceState or cleanupService
You can only provide one of the following arguments: enableService, disableService, serviceState or cleanupService
The server received configuration changes that require a restart of the %s connection handler to take effect
The connection attempt from client %s to %s has been rejected because the client was included in one of the denied address ranges
The connection attempt from client %s to %s has been rejected because the client was not included in one of the allowed address ranges
The connection attempt from client '%s' to '%s' has been rejected because the proxy protocol header indicated that the client used SSL but the header does not specify which SSL cipher was used. The proxy should be configured to transmit all SSL headers
The attempt to register this connection with the Directory Server was rejected. This indicates that the server already has the maximum allowed number of concurrent connections established
The connection attempt from client %s to %s has been rejected because there are too many open connections from this client
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the SSL context for use in the LDAP Connection Handler: %s
The request control with Object Identifier (OID) "%s" cannot be used due to insufficient access rights
Could not add change %s to replicaDB %s %s because flushing thread is shutting down
Replication Server failed to start : could not bind to the listen port : %d. Error : %s
The Replication Server socket could not be closed : %s
The replication server failed to start because the database %s could not be read : %s
Could not restart the Replication Server, bind to listen port %d failed : %s
Replication server failed to start because setting socket timeout on port %d caused error %s
Error while trying to solve conflict with DN : %s ERROR : %s
The Replication was not started on base-dn %s : %s
The replication server connector thread could not be stopped : %s
The thread listening on the replication server port could not be stopped : %s
The backend database directory could not be created: %s
An error occurred while attempting to generate the RC script: %s
An error occurred while attempting to generate the systemd service file: %s
The directory %s specified as the OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME path does not exist or is not a directory
This tool may only be used on UNIX-based systems
You must provide either the --%s or the --%s argument
Unable to determine the path to the server root directory. Please ensure that the %s system property or the %s environment variable is set to the path of the server root directory
A problem occurred while connecting to cloud provider '%s' using the provided credentials: %s
The CryptoManager could not encode a symmetric because the master key with alias '%s' does not exist in the '%s' key manager. Please check that the correct key manager has been configured and that it contains the specified master keys
CryptoManager cannot get the preferred key wrapping cipher: %s
CryptoManager cannot get the requested digest %s: %s
CryptoManager cannot get the requested encryption cipher %s: %s
CryptoManager cannot get the requested MAC engine %s: %s
The master key with alias '%s' does not exist in the '%s' key manager. Please check that the correct key manager has been configured and that it contains the specified master keys
CryptoManager failed to sign the wrapped key entry: %s
CryptoManager failed to verify the wrapped key entry signature: %s
CryptoManager failed to decipher the wrapped secret-key value: %s
CryptoManager symmetric key attribute value "%s" syntax is invalid: incorrect number of fields
CryptoManager symmetric key attribute value "%s" syntax is invalid. Parsing failed in field "%s" at offset %d
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because there was an error reading from the input stream: %s
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because it could not read the cipher initialization vector in the data prologue
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because it could not read the symmetric key identifier in the data prologue: %s
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because it could not read the version number in the data prologue: %s
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because the symmetric key identifier in the data prologue does not match any known key entries
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because the version "%d" in the data prologue is unknown
CryptoManager failed to encode symmetric key attribute value: %s
CryptoManager failed to retrieve the collection of instance-key-pair public-key-certificates from ADS container "%s": %s
CryptoManager cipher transformation specification "%s" is invalid: it must be of the form "algorithm/mode/padding"
CryptoManager cipher transformation specification "%s" is invalid: it must be of the form "algorithm/mode/padding"
CryptoManager cannot initialize Cipher: %s
CryptoManager passed invalid Cipher transformation "%s": %s
CryptoManager failed to write the stream prologue: %s
CryptoManager failed to initialize MAC engine: %s
CryptoManager passed invalid MAC algorithm "%s": %s
CryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s": %s
CryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s" because it could not add a symmetric key attribute value that can be decoded by this instance
CryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s" because it could not obtain a symmetric key attribute value that can be decoded by this instance
CryptoManager detected a field mismatch between the key entry to be imported and an entry in the key cache that share the key identifier "%s"
CryptoManager failed to decode the key entry identifier "%s": %s
CryptoManager failed to instantiate a KeyGenerator for algorithm "%s": %s
CryptoManager failed to initialize because the specified cipher key length "%d" is beyond the allowed cryptography strength "%d" in jurisdiction policy files
The wrapped key entry is missing the following attributes: %s
CryptoManager cannot find the public-key-certificate (identifier "%s") requested for symmetric key re-encoding
An error occurred while attempting to initialize a SSL context for server to server communication: %s
CryptoManager failed to add locally produced symmetric key entry "%s": %s
CryptoManager failed to find the master key pair with ID '%s', make sure cryptoManager has access to the master key pair that was used at the time of wrapping the key
The CryptoManager could was not able to obtain the deployment's pepper. Please check that the CryptoManager has a correctly configured key manager and preferred digest mechanism
The wrapped key entry signature does not match the entry content
Specified CSNs '%s' and '%s' have two different server ids. The historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule requires CSNs to have the same server id
Specified operators '%s' and '%s' do not specify a range for historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' does not match the installed data version '%s'. Please run 'upgrade --dataOnly' before continuing
Database exception: %s
A plugin caused the delete operation to be aborted while deleting a subordinate entry %s
Entry %s cannot be removed because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
The entry %s cannot be deleted due to insufficient access rights
Unable to delete entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode
Entry %s cannot be removed because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts
Entry %s cannot be removed because the backend that should contain that entry has a subordinate backend with a base DN of %s that is below the target DN
Entry %s does not exist in the Directory Server
The entry '%s' cannot be removed because it does not exist
The entry '%s' cannot be removed because it has subordinate entries
Unable to delete entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
Entry %s cannot be removed because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
This server received a replication message to signal a disaster recovery. This means that this server is part of a mixed topology where the deprecated start-disaster-recovery command is used. The operation will continue, but it is not supported anymore and the disaster recovery procedure for mixed topologies must be used instead.
Unable to de-register base DN %s with the Directory Server because that base DN is not registered for any active backend
Error loading dictionary: %s
An error occurred while attempting to load the dictionary from file %s: %s
The specified dictionary file %s does not exist
The provided password contained a word from the server's dictionary
The Directory server DS(%s) and Replication server RS(%s) are working on different dataset regarding the domain '%s' : the Directory server DS(%s) will reject all modification operations and must be re-initialized
The specified config file path '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a file
The specified schema configuration directory '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a directory
The specified server root directory '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a directory
The Directory Server is currently running. Environment configuration changes are not allowed with the server running
The backend database directory '%s' is not a valid directory
The replication server has detected that the file system containing the changelog is full. In order to prevent further problems, the replication server will disconnect from the replication topology and wait for sufficient disk space to be recovered, at which point it will reconnect
The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is below full threshold for the following subsystems: %s. Write operations to the backend, replication updates included, will fail until the free space rises above the threshold
Could not get filesystem for directory %s: %s
The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is between low and full threshold for the following subsystems: %s. Write operations are only permitted by a user with the BYPASS_LOCKDOWN privilege until the free space rises above the threshold. Replication updates are still allowed
Failed to update free disk space for directory %s: %s
"%s" (low=%s, full=%s)
There is no data in domain '%s' to run disaster recovery on
The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to directory server DS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed
Could not compute new status in DS replication domain %s with server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
DN sent by replication server: %s does not match local directory server one: %s
Directory server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s
Received invalid requested status %s in DS replication domain %s with server id %s
Changelog on replication server '%s' no longer contains changes for domain '%s' which are required by replica '%s'. The replica will no longer receive replicated changes and must be re-initialized
An error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the Directory Server: %s
An error occurred while trying to start the Directory Server: %s
OpenDJ is configured to run as a Windows service and it cannot run in no-detach mode
In no-detach mode, the 'timeout' option cannot be used
An error occurred while attempting to parse the provided set of command line arguments: %s
The replication changelog file '%s' could not be deleted. Check file permissions and filesystem status. The error is: %s
The replication changelog files could not be retrieved. Check file permissions and filesystem status. The error is: %s
Cannot read the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
Cannot delete entries under '%s' in admin backend. The error was: %s
Cannot disable admin backend on the local server. The error was: %s
Cannot obtain a connection for one of the servers in the topology. The error was: %s
Cannot obtain a connection to server '%s' from the topology. The error was: %s
Cannot read monitor entries under '%s' on the local server. The error was: %s
Cannot update configuration for server '%s'. The error was: %s
An error occurred opening (or closing) a connection to read or change the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
A problem occurred while clearing the changelog data: %s
The CSN cannot be parsed as a valid CSN
The provided base DN '%s' does not match the disaster recovery id '%s'. Please verify that the base DN and disaster recovery id correspond to the base DN and id from the first recovered server
The disaster recovery procedure cannot be continued on this server because the domain '%s' does not contain the expected data. Make sure the server has been restored using exactly the same procedure used on the first server
An error occurred while clearing the changelog for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which have already completed the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is readable with delete permissions and try again. The error is: %s
An error occurred while clearing the change number index. The change number index on this server will expose erroneous data. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is readable with delete permissions and try again. The error is: %s
An error occurred while computing the disaster recovery id for base DN '%s': %s
An error occurred while rewriting the base entry of the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which already have received the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem is writeable and there is some free disk space, and try again. The error is: %s
An error occurred while rewriting replication data for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which already have received the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at %s is writeable and there is some free disk space and try again. The error is: %s
Disaster recovery for base DN '%s' failed on this server
Disaster recovery must be started on a directory server or a combined directory/replication server
The disaster recovery id '%s' is invalid. Verify the value of the disaster recovery id parameter matches the value printed when '--generate-recovery-id' was run on the first server
The provided disaster recovery id had version %d, but only version 1 is supported. Verify the value of the disaster recovery id parameter matches the value printed when '--generate-recovery-id' was run on the first server
Base Dn '%s' is not a replicated domain on this server. Disaster recovery must be run on a directory server or a combined directory/replication server
The server is neither a replica nor a replication server for base DN '%s'
Cannot add the entry '%s' to the server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot add an entry describing the new server to 'cn=admin data' in the remote server '%s' in the existing topology. The error was: %s
Cannot add '%s' to the bootstrap replication server list on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication domain '%s' on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication server on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot configure the local server so it can replicate with the servers in the existing topology. The error was: %s
Cannot configure all the servers in the existing topology to replicate with the new server. The error was: %s
Cannot determine server ID for server '%s' on DNs '%s' and '%s'
Cannot discover the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
Cannot modify the entry '%s' on server '%s' to reconcile it with what is expected by the tool. The error was: %s
Cannot obtain a connection for one of the servers in the existing topology. The error was: %s
Cannot obtain a connection to server '%s' from the existing topology. The error was: %s
Cannot read 'cn=admin data' in server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot read the entry '%s' on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot read server ID from server '%s' on DNs '%s' and '%s'. The errors were: %s
Cannot read the server ID or the group ID for the local server. The error(s) are: %s
Error when reading the server IDs from all the servers in the old topology. The error was: %s
Cannot retrieve the replication port from server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot add server instance keys to the new server. The error was: %s
An error occurred opening connections to the server in the existing topology or the new server. The error was: %s
An error occurred opening (or closing) a connection to change the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
Inappropriate group ID '%s' for the local server: it cannot be converted to an integer, but this is required to communicate with pre 7.0 servers. Use a group ID that can be converted into an integer, or use 'default' if you do not want to set a group ID
Inappropriate server ID '%s' for the local server: it does not represent a numeric value as required to communicate with pre 7.0 servers. Use an integer server ID without leading zeros
Once done, restart the server for the changes to take effect
Cannot use server ID '%s' for the local server because it is already used by server '%s' (configuration object %s)
Error while reading cn=monitor: %s
An error occurred while reading cn=monitor on server %s: %s
General error: %s
Cannot contact server: no admin port could be discovered in its entry %s
Server is not healthy: %s
Duplicate server IDs found: replication server '%s' tried to connect from '%s', but replication server '%s' is already connected from '%s'. Make sure the two replication servers are configured with different server IDs
Duplicate server IDs found: replica '%s' for domain '%s' tried to connect from '%s', but replica '%s' is already connected from '%s'. Make sure the two replicas are configured with different server IDs
Dynamic groups do not support explicitly altering their membership
Unable to decode value "%s" in entry "%s" as an LDAP URL: %s
An error occurred while attempting to perform an internal search with base DN %s and filter %s to resolve the member list for dynamic group %s: result code %s, error message %s
Cannot decode the provided entry changelog notification control because an error occurred while attempting to decode the control value: %s
Cannot decode the provided entry changelog notification control because it does not have a value
The specified e-mail message could not be sent using any of the configured mail servers
The provided recipient address %s is invalid: %s
The provided sender address %s is invalid: %s
The setup from an archive can only be done with a server root directory named after the root directory contained in the archive: '%s'. The provided server root was: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the configuration version of the directory server: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the data version of the directory server: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to import LDIF file '%s' into embedded server with server root '%s': '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to import LDIF file '%s' into embedded server with server root '%s'. Import LDIF task state was '%s'. You can look at the task logs printed on the embedded server output stream for more details
An error occurred while initializing configuration of embedded server with server root '%s': %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve an internal connection to the server with the user DN '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the configuration framework or to read the configuration file '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to rebuild index of embedded server with server root '%s': %s
An error occurred while attempting to rebuild index of embedded server with server root '%s'. Rebuild task state was '%s'. You can look at the task logs printed on the embedded server output stream for more details
An error occurred while attempting to extract server archive '%s' before setup of embedded server with server root '%s': %s
Configuration error: an LDAP port or an LDAPS port must be configured before finishing configuring the embedded server
An error occurred while attempting to start the embedded server with server root '%s' : %s
An error occurred while attempting to upgrade the embedded server with server root '%s' : %s
The embedded server with server root '%s' cannot be started because it is already running
An error occurred while attempting to encode the clear-text password: %s
Cannot read password from the input: %s
The provided password is not a valid encoded authentication password value: %s
The provided password is not a valid encoded user password value: %s
No clear-text password was specified. Use --%s, --%s or --%s to specify the password to encode
No password storage scheme was specified. Use the --%s argument to specify the storage scheme
No password storage schemes have been configured for use in the Directory Server
Authentication password storage scheme "%s" is not configured for use in the Directory Server
Password storage scheme "%s" is not configured for use in the Directory Server
Provided passwords don't matched
A bind operation is currently in progress on the associated client connection. No other requests may be made on this client connection until the bind processing has completed
%s must change their password before it will be allowed to request any other operations
A SASL bind operation is currently in progress on the associated client connection. No other requests may be made on this client connection until the SASL bind processing has completed
A StartTLS operation is currently in progress on the associated client connection. No other requests may be made on this client connection until the StartTLS processing has completed
Object class %s added to entry %s is marked OBSOLETE in the server schema
Object class %s cannot be added to entry %s because that class is not defined in the Directory Server schema
An entry container named '%s' is already registered for base DN '%s'
The entry database does not contain a valid record for ID %s
Unable to decode an entry because an unexpected exception was caught during processing: %s
Unable to decode an entry because it had an unsupported entry version byte value of %s
Unable to decode the provided entry encode configuration element because it has an invalid length
Unable to process the virtual list view request because the target start position was before the beginning of the result set
No value found for property '%s'
No environment value '%s' found for property '%s'. If you are running the tool in offline mode, make sure the command has access to this variable, or else make sure the directory server has access to it
While clearing the database %s, the following error happened: %s
The following error has been received : %s
An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments: %s
Could not replay operation %s %s with ChangeNumber %s error %s %s
Error %s when searching for server state %s : %s base dn : %s
Could not start connection handler %s with listen addresses "%s". The error was: %s
Could not start connection handlers
The baseDN '%s' specified as match base DN in the exact match identity mapper defined in configuration entry '%s', does not belong to a local backend
The internal search based on ID string %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
ID string %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
ID string %s mapped to multiple users
An internal failure occurred while attempting to resolve ID string %s to a user entry: %s
Error during the Replication Server database trimming or flush process. The Changelog service is going to shutdown: %s
Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s after reset for generation id: %s
Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s from status analyzer: %s
Error trying to replay %s, operation could not be decoded: %s
Caught IOException while forwarding ResetGenerationIdMsg to peer replication servers for domain %s : %s
Replication server caught exception while listening for client connections: %s
An Exception was caught while replaying operation %s %s (%s) : %s
An Exception was caught while replaying replication message : %s
Replication broker with dn %s and server id %s failed to signal status change because of: %s
Caught IOException while sending topology info (for update) on domain %s for %s server %s : %s
Directory server DS(%s) encountered an unexpected error while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s": %s
Execution error during backend operation: %s
I/O error occurred while exporting entry: %s
Could not stop export-ldif threads after 30 seconds. Now forcing stop by interrupting them
The extended operation %s cannot be performed due to insufficient access rights
There is no extended operation handler registered with the Directory Server for handling extended operations with a request OID of %s
Unable to process the request for extended operation %s because it contained an unsupported critical control with OID %s
External process has been interrupted: '%s'
External process contains errors: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode the value of the cancel extended request: %s
Unable to process the cancel request because the extended operation did not include a request value
The user account has been administratively disabled
The user account is locked
Password modification is not supported for user %s because the account is not managed locally
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because the server cannot decode "%s" as a valid DN for use in the authorization ID for the operation
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode the password modify extended request sequence: %s
An error occurred while attempting to determine the identity mapper to use in conjunction with the password modify extended operation defined in configuration entry %s: %s. The password modify extended operation will not be enabled for use in the server
Unable to encode the provided password using the default scheme(s): %s
An error occurred while attempting to create a new password using the password generator: %s
An error occurred while attempting to get the password policy for user %s: %s
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock on user entry %s after multiple attempts
The provided authorization ID string "%s" could not be mapped to any user in the directory
An error occurred while attempting to map authorization ID string "%s" to a user entry: %s
The password cannot be changed because the previous password change was too recent
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform password reset operations
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because it contained an invalid userIdentity field. The provided userIdentity string was "%s"
The password modify extended operation cannot be processed because the current password provided for the user is invalid
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because it does not contain an authorization ID and the underlying connection is not authenticated
No new password was provided, and no password generator has been defined that may be used to automatically create a new password
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because it was not possible to identify the user entry to update based on the authorization DN of "%s"
The password cannot be changed because it is expired
The password policy does not allow users to supply pre-encoded passwords
The provided new password was already contained in the password history
The current password must be provided for self password changes
Password modify operations that supply the user's current password must be performed over a secure communication channel
Password changes must be performed over a secure communication channel
The provided new password failed the validation checks defined in the server: %s
End users are not allowed to change their passwords
The password policy state extended operation is not supported for user %s because the account is not managed locally
You do not have sufficient privileges to use the proxied authorization control
Error when purging historical information for entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to calculate the fingerprint for the peer certificate with subject %s: %s
The internal search based on the certificate with fingerprint %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
The certificate with fingerprint '%s' could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
The certificate with fingerprint %s mapped to multiple users
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
An internal failure occurred while attempting to map the certificate with fingerprint %s to a user entry: %s
A fatal error occurred while trying to initialize fifo entry cache: %s
An Exception was caught while testing existence or trying to create the directory for the Replication Server database : %s %s
Could not collect all the files
Failed to parse the credential file '%s'
Credential file '%s' not found
An error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of keystore file %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to load the keystore contents from file %s: %s
The keystore type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s
The keystore file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-file of configuration entry %s does not exist
An error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of trust store file %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to load the trust store contents from file %s: %s
The trust store type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s
The trust store file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-file of configuration entry %s does not exist
The attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to create the lock file failed: %s
The attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because an error occurred while attempting to acquire the lock: %s
The attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to open the lock file failed: %s
The exclusive lock requested for file %s was not granted, which indicates that another process already holds a shared or exclusive lock on that file
The attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because an exclusive lock was already held on that file
The attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because a shared lock was already held on that file
The attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to create the lock file failed: %s
The attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because an error occurred while attempting to acquire the lock: %s
The attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to open the lock file failed: %s
The shared lock requested for file %s was not granted, which indicates that another process already holds an exclusive lock on that file
The attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because an exclusive lock was already held on that file
The attempt to release the exclusive lock held on %s failed: %s
The attempt to release the shared lock held on %s failed: %s
The attempt to release the lock held on %s failed because no record of a lock on that file was found
The provided string %s does not represent a valid UNIX file mode. UNIX file modes must be a three-character string in which each character is a numeric digit between zero and seven
One or more exceptions were thrown in the process of updating the file permissions for %s. Some of the permissions for the file may have been altered
Unable to set permissions for file %s because it does not exist
Could not retrieve the configuration for a replication domain matching the entry %s
Cannot start total update in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s): cannot find remote directory server DS(%s)
Cannot start total update in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s): no remote directory servers found
Cannot decode the provided symmetric key extended request: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode the symmetric key extended request sequence: %s
Cannot decode the provided symmetric key extended operation because it does not have a value
The global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid target DN pattern "%s"
The global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid user DN pattern "%s"
The global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an unrecognized control alias "%s"
The global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an unrecognized extended operation alias "%s"
The value %s cannot be decoded as a hexadecimal string because it contains an illegal character %c that is not a valid hexadecimal digit
The value %s cannot be decoded as a hexadecimal string because it does not have a length that is a multiple of two bytes
The connection handler %s is trying to use the listener %s which is already in use by another connection handler
Error while starting the HTTP application: %s
Unable to process request '%s' received for HTTP client connection: %s
Unable to process HTTP request '%s': %s
Unable to write HTTP response to the client '%s': %s
The processed ID string %s is mapped to multiple users
An error occurred while attempting to disconnect client connection %d: %s
The backend must be disabled before the import process can start
Unable to create the temporary directory %s
The import has been aborted because the data to be imported contains duplicate copies of entry '%s'
Insufficient free memory (%d bytes) to perform import. At least %d bytes of free memory is required
The import has been aborted because the entry '%s' does not have a parent entry
Entry record is not compatible with this version of the backend database. Entry version: %x
An error occurred while reading from index %s. The index seems to be corrupt and is now operating in a degraded state. The index must be rebuilt before it can return to normal operation
Indexes are not supported in the "%s" backend
Bad msg id sequence during import. Expected:%s Actual:%s
Initialization cannot be done because the following error occurred while locking the backend %s : %s
Initialization of replication domain '%s' interrupted because the domain is shutting down. The domain still needs to be re-initialized
Initialization cannot be done because export is not supported by the backend %s
Domain %s (server id: %s) : remote exporter server disconnection (server id: %s ) detected during initialization
When initializing remote server(s), the initialized server with serverId=%s is potentially stopped or too slow
During initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred : %s
Initialization cannot be done because import is not supported by the backend %s
The following servers did not end initialization being connected with the right generation (%s). They are potentially stopped or too slow. Servers list: %s
The following servers did not acknowledge initialization in the expected time for domain %s. They are potentially down or too slow. Servers list: %s
Replica '%s' seems to have disconnected from the topology while it was being re-initialized, initialization will stop
When initializing remote server(s), connection to Replication Server with serverId=%s is lost
Connection failure with Replication Server %s during import
The initialization failed because the domain %s is not connected to a replication server
Invalid plugin type '%s', a backup plugin must be of type '%s'
The server has not been configured. Please run the 'setup' command first
Value '%s' must be a valid number
Value '%s' must be a valid version (two or three digits separated with a dot)
Please select at least version %s
Unable to process request '%s' received for internal client connection: %s
No result received after completion for request '%s' received for internal client connection
An internal error occurred when accessing backend '%s': %s
An internal error was detected when accessing backend '%s'
Unable to process the provided internal modifications request control because it did not contain modifications
Unable to process the provided internal modifications request control because it did not contain an origin
Error: %s
User %s does not exist in the directory
Backup id '%s' is invalid: cannot parse '%s' as a timestamp
Backup id '%s' is invalid: expected to find an underscore in it
Invalid syntax for the provided cookie '%s'
Specified assertion '%s' for historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule does not conform to expected syntax. The assertion must specify a CSN range
Invalid operator '%s' specified in historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule assertion
Invalid target for the export
On domain %s, initialization of server with serverId:%s has been requested from a server with an invalid serverId:%s. %s
No usable key was found for '%s', which may cause subsequent SSL connections to fail. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured
The date argument for "logsAfterDate" is invalid
The number argument for "maxLogFiles" is invalid
The following paged results control cookie value was not recognized: %s
Invalid excluded file name pattern: %s
The provider class does not allow the operation requested
The serverPID argument is not a valid number
The database logging level string '%s' provided for configuration entry '%s' is invalid. The value must be one of OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, or ALL. Note that these values are case sensitive
An error occurred while trying to register the JMX alert handler with the MBean server: %s
JMX connection %s with JMX connection ID '%s' has been disconnected because it was finalized by GC
Unable to process request '%s' received for JMX client connection: %s
No result received after completion for request '%s' received for JMX client connection
JMX connection %s with JMX connection ID '%s' has been disconnected because it received a '%s' notification
Unable to process request '%s' received for JMX client because this type of request is not supported for JMX
Unable to process response received for JMX client connection for request '%s' because the response '%s' is not of any of the expected types
You do not have sufficient privileges to establish the connection through JMX. At least JMX_READ privilege is required
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform search operations through JMX
Unable to get the JVM default truststore: %s
An error occurred while reading information contained within key manager provider from configuration: "%s"
An error occurred while trying to retrieve the key managers from the key manager provider `%s`
The key with alias '%s' used by '%s' could not be found, which may cause subsequent SSL connections to fail. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured
The key with alias '%s' used by '%s' has expired. The key will be used, but SSL connections may fail depending on the validation performed by the peer. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured with a valid key
The key with alias '%s' used by '%s' is not valid yet. The key will be used, but SSL connections may fail depending on the validation performed by the peer. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured with a valid key
cancel() invoked
The server attempted to send a response to the %s operation (conn=%d, op=%d), but this type of operation is not allowed to have responses. Backtrace: %s
The server attempted to send a response to the %s operation (conn=%d, op=%d), but the operation did not have a result code. This could indicate that the operation did not complete properly or that it is one that is not allowed to have a response. Using a generic 'Operations Error' response
LDAP connection %s has been closed because the LDAP connection handler %s is shutting down
This client connection is being terminated because a protocol error occurred while trying to process a bind request. The LDAP message ID was %d and the error message for the bind response was %s
Terminating this connection because the client sent an invalid message of type %s (LDAP message ID %d) that is not allowed for request messages
An unexpected failure occurred while trying to process a request of type %s (LDAP message ID %d): %s. The client connection will be terminated
An error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of LDAP keystore with base DN '%s': %s
The mapped search filter template "%s" could not be parsed as a valid LDAP filter
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the bind failed unexpectedly for the following reason: %s
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search failed unexpectedly for the following reason: %s
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search did not return any entries matching the filter "%s"
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search of base DN "%s" returned more than one entry matching the filter "%s"
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the following mapping attributes were not found in the user's entry: %s
The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because it does not specify a means for obtaining the mapped search bind password
An error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of LDAP keystore with base DN '%s': %s
The Directory Server does not support LDAP protocol version %d. This connection will be closed
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the port number portion %s cannot be decoded as an integer
The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the character at byte %d was not a valid hexadecimal digit
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the provided port number %d is not within the valid range between 1 and 65535
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the scope string %s was not one of the allowed values of base, one, sub, or subordinate
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain the necessary :// component to separate the scheme from the rest of the URL
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a host before the colon to specify the port number
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a port number after the colon following the host
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a protocol scheme
The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the percent character at byte %d was not followed by two hexadecimal digits
The Directory Server has been configured to deny access to LDAPv2 clients. This connection will be closed
LDAPv2 clients are not allowed to use request controls
The client with connection ID %d authenticated to the Directory Server using LDAPv2, but attempted to send an extended operation request (LDAP message ID %d), which is not allowed for LDAPv2 clients. The connection will be terminated
The original result code for this message was 10 but this result is not allowed for LDAPv2 clients
The response included one or more referrals, which are not allowed for LDAPv2 clients. The referrals included were: %s
An extended response message would have been sent to an LDAPv2 client (connection ID=%d, operation ID=%d): %s. LDAPv2 does not allow extended operations, so this response will not be sent
A search performed by an LDAPv2 client (connection ID=%d, operation ID=%d) would have included a search result reference %s. Referrals are not allowed for LDAPv2 clients, so this search reference will not be sent
Entry %s already exists in the LDIF backend
The parent for entry %s does not exist
An error occurred while trying to create the reader for the LDIF import operation: %s
An error occurred while trying to create the writer for the LDIF export operation: %s
An error occurred while trying to write entry %s during the LDIF export: %s
Entry %s does not exist
Entry %s has one or more subordinate entries and cannot be deleted until all of its subordinate entries are removed first
LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s has multiple entries with a DN of %s
LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s includes entry %s which is not below the base DN defined for that backend
An error occurred while trying to close file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to create file %s to write an updated version of the data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The file %s written for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s is 0 bytes long and unusable
An unrecoverable error occurred while attempting to read data from the import file: %s. The LDIF import cannot continue
An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s while writing updated data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to write updated data to file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The target entry %s does not exist
LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s contains entry %s but its parent entry has not yet been read
The new parent DN %s does not exist
Source entry %s does not exist
Target entry %s already exists
Entry %s does not exist
The LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s only supports a single base DN, but was configured for use with multiple base DNs
The target entry %s does not exist
Entry %s specified as the search base DN does not exist
An error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was attempting to delete processed file %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to read a change record from the LDIF file: %s. No further processing on this LDIF file can be performed
An error occurred while trying to read a change record from the LDIF file: %s. This change will be skipped but processing on the LDIF file will continue
An error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was attempting to rename partially-processed file from %s to %s: %s
An I/O error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was processing LDIF file %s: %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the attribute on line "%s": %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the DN on line "%s": %s
An error occurred while attempting to determine whether LDIF entry "%s" starting at line %d should be imported as a result of the include and exclude filter configuration: %s
The specified LDIF file %s already exists and the export configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it has an invalid binary option for attribute %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because an error occurred while trying to parse the value of line "%s" as a distinguished name: %s
Unable to parse line %d ("%s") from the LDIF source because the line started with a space but there were no previous lines in the entry to which this line could be appended
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because the value of attribute %s was to be read from a URL but the URL was invalid: %s
Entry %s starting at line %d includes multiple values for single-valued attribute %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because the line "%s" does not include an attribute name
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because the first line does not contain a DN (the first line was "%s"
Skipping entry %s because the following error was received when reading its attributes: %s
Rejecting entry %s because it was rejected by a plugin: %s
Rejecting entry %s because it was rejected by a plugin
Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d is not valid because it violates the server's schema configuration: %s
Skipping entry %s because the DN is not one that should be included based on the include and exclude branches/filters
Skipping entry %s because the DN is excluded by the exclude branch "%s"
Skipping entry %s because the DN is excluded by the exclude filter "%s"
Skipping entry %s because the DN is not included by any include branches
Skipping entry %s because the DN is not included by any include filters
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because the value of attribute %s was to be read from URL %s but an error occurred while trying to read that content: %s
Unable to decode exclude branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
Unable to decode wrap column value "%s" as an integer
The Directory Server backend with backend ID "%s" does not provide a mechanism for performing LDIF exports
An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The LDIF export cannot continue
Unable to decode exclude filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
Unable to decode include filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
An error occurred while attempting to process the LDIF export: %s
Provided include base DN "%s" is not handled by the backend with backend ID %s
Multiple Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"
None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"
Unable to decode exclude branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
Unable to decode include branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
The Directory Server backend with backend ID %s does not provide a mechanism for performing LDIF imports
An error occurred while attempting to acquire an exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means some other process is still using this backend (e.g., it is in use by the Directory Server or a backup or LDIF export is in progress). The LDIF import cannot continue
An error occurred while trying to open the rejects file %s for writing: %s
An error occurred while trying to open the skip file %s for writing: %s
Unable to decode exclude filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
Unable to decode include filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
Unable to parse the specified file %s as a MakeLDIF template file: %s
The value %s for threadCount cannot be parsed: %s
The specified LDIF file %s cannot be read
The %s argument is not supported for online imports
An error occurred while attempting to process the LDIF import: %s
Provided include base DN "%s" is not handled by the backend with backend ID %s
Unable to access the LDIF file %s to import. Please check that the file is local to the server and the path correct
Neither the %s nor the %s argument was provided. One of these arguments must be given to specify the backend for the LDIF data to be imported to
Neither the %s nor the %s argument was provided. One of these arguments must be given to specify the source for the LDIF data to be imported
Imported branches or backend IDs can not span across multiple Directory Server backends
None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID or base DNs that include the specified branches
An unexpected error occurred when searching in %s for the generation ID : %s
Unable to load JVM default keystore from system properties: %s
Proxy backend '%s' is being deregistered from base DN %s because local backend '%s' is registering against it. Local backends take precedence over proxy backends
The message with ID %d has been generated %d times in the last second: %s
The log file %s unexpectedly disappeared. It looks like an external system is also trying to manage the log files retention (either deleting or moving files away). This system configuration is incorrect: either ForgeRock DS manages the log file retention OR the external system does. Pick one only
Error occurred while closing log file for logger %s: %s
Error occurred while enforcing retention policy %s for logger %s: %s
Error occurred while flushing writer buffer for logger %s: %s
Error occurred while listing log files named by policy with initial file name %s
Error occurred while obtaining free disk space in the partition containing log file %s: %s
Error occurred while opening log file %s for logger %s: %s
Error occurred while writing log record for logger %s: %s. Any further write errors will be ignored
A loop was detected while replaying operation: %s %s (%s) error %s
Could not write data to the client for %s
The directory server is not accepting a new persistent search request because the server has already reached its limit
Unable to create an LDIF reader: %s
Unable to create an LDIF writer: %s
Cannot delete entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries
Cannot rename entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries
Cannot rename entry %s because the target entry is in a different backend
Cannot write entry %s to LDIF: %s
Entry %s already exists in the memory-based backend
Entry %s does not belong in the memory-based backend
An unexpected error occurred while processing the import: %s
An unrecoverable error occurred while reading from LDIF: %s
Unable to add entry %s because its parent entry %s does not exist in the memory-based backend
Cannot rename entry %s because the new parent entry %s doesn't exist
Exactly one base DN must be provided for use with the memory-based backend
Cannot complete initialization of server's backends because the root and administrative backends have not been initialized yet
The --bindDN and/or --bindPassword arguments are missing
The entry database does not contain a record for ID %s
An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments: The argument --outputDirectory is required to have a value but none was provided in the argument list and no default value is available
A sub-command must be specified
Entry %s cannot be renamed because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
The entry %s cannot be renamed due to insufficient access rights
Unable to rename entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock for that DN
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock for the new DN %s
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the backend holding the current entry is different from the backend used to handle the new DN %s. Modify DN operations may not span multiple backends
Entry %s cannot be renamed because the new RDN includes attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema, and the target value for that attribute is not already included in the entry
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the new superior entry %s is equal to or a subordinate of the entry to be moved
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the new RDN includes attribute type %s which is declared OBSOLETE in the server schema
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because no backend is registered to handle that DN
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because no backend is registered to handle the new DN %s
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because that entry does not exist in the server
A modify DN operation cannot be performed on entry %s because the new RDN would not have a parent DN
Entry %s cannot be renamed because the current DN includes attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema and the deleteOldRDN flag was set in the modify DN request
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because a pre-operation plugin modified the entry in a way that caused it to violate the server schema: %s
Unable to rename entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
Entry %s cannot be renamed because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the change would have violated the server schema: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because it would have resulted in one or more duplicate values for attribute %s: %s
When attempting to modify entry %s to add one or more values for attribute %s, value "%s" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
When attempting to modify entry %s, one value for attribute %s was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because the modification contained an add component for attribute %s but no values were provided
Entry %s cannot be modified because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
Entry %s cannot be modified because the modification attempted to update attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema
Entry %s cannot be modified because the modification attempted to set one or more new values for attribute %s which is marked OBSOLETE in the server schema
The entry %s cannot be modified due to insufficient access rights
Unable to modify entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode
Entry %s cannot be modified because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts
You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the set of privileges contained in an entry
Entry %s cannot be modified because the attempt to update attribute %s would have removed one or more values from the attribute that were not present: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to remove one or more values from attribute %s but this attribute is not present in the entry
Entry %s cannot be modified because the change to attribute %s would have removed a value used in the RDN
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s which is used as an RDN attribute for the entry
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but that attribute did not have any values in the target entry
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but the value "%s" could not be parsed as an integer
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but the request contained multiple values, where only a single integer value is allowed
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but the request did not include a value for that attribute specifying the amount by which to increment the value
Invalid modification type %s attempted on password attribute %s
The provided user password does not match any password in the user's entry
The password change would result in multiple password values in the user entry, which is not allowed
Multiple password values are not allowed in user entries
%s must change their password before it will be allowed to perform any other operations
The user entry does not have any existing passwords to remove
Entry %s cannot be updated because the request did not contain any modifications
User passwords may not be provided in pre-encoded form
Entry %s cannot be modified because no such entry exists in the server
The entry '%s' cannot be modified because it does not exist
Users are not allowed to change their own passwords
The specified password value already exists in the user entry
Attributes used to hold user passwords are not allowed to have any attribute options
The password policy requires that user password changes include the current password in the request
The provided new password was found in the password history for the user
The provided password value was rejected by a password validator: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to reset user passwords
When attempting to modify entry %s to replace the set of values for attribute %s, value "%s" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
When attempting to modify entry %s to replace the set of values for attribute %s, one value was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
Password changes must be performed over a secure authentication channel
Unable to modify entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
Entry %s cannot be modified because the resulting entry would have violated the server schema: %s
The password cannot be changed because it has not been long enough since the last password change
A plugin caused the modify DN operation to be aborted while moving and/or renaming an entry from %s to %s
The entry cannot be renamed to '%s' because an entry with that name already exists
The entry '%s' cannot be renamed because it does not exist
You do not have sufficient privileges to read directory server monitoring information
An attempt was made to configure the monitor backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no monitor information will be available over protocol
Unable to retrieve the requested entry %s from the monitor backend because the DN is not below the monitor base of %s
Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the monitor backend. If you wish to alter the contents of the base monitor entry itself, then it may be possible to do so by modifying the "%s" entry in the configuration
An error occurred while attempting to export the base monitor entry: %s
An error occurred while attempting to export the monitor entry for monitor provider %s: %s
Could not collect monitoring data from the directory server: %s
The directory to move %s exists but is a file
The directory to move %s does not exist
The target directory %s already exists
Multiple Directory Server backends are configured to support base DN "%s"
Multiple domains match the base DN provided
The entry cannot be moved because the new parent entry '%s' does not exist
No backend is associated with the base DN '%s'
None of the Directory Server backends are configured to support the requested base DN "%s"
Could not find file '%s' in cloud bucket '%s'
There is no private key entry in keystore '%s' used by file based key manager provider '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Ensure that keystore file contains at least one private key
File based key manager provider '%s' failed to load content from file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Ensure that keystore file contains at least one private key compatible with the security providers. Security providers available in the running JVM are '%s'. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
No domain matches the provided base DN '%s'
Domain %s: the server with serverId=%s is unreachable
File based trust manager provider '%s' failed to load content from file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Ensure that truststore file contains at least one private key compatible with the security providers. Security providers available in the running JVM are '%s'. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
File based key manager provider '%s' cannot load an X509 extended key manager from keystore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
File based trust manager provider '%s' cannot load an X509 extended trust manager from truststore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
No enabled connection handler available
Server %s should be initialized but is not connected to the topology
There are insufficient resources to perform the operation
This backend does not provide support for the numSubordinates operational attribute
A target server must be specified either by using LDAP connection options or the --%s option
The database environment could not be opened: %s
Internal Error : Operation %s change number %s was not found in local change list
Internal Error : Operation %s change number %s was not found in remote change list
The output directory "%s" could not be found
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of attribute type: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of DIT content rule: '%s'
Unable to parse the rule ID from the provided definition of DIT structure rule: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of ldap syntax: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of matching rule use: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of name form: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of objectclass: '%s'
An error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of the PKCS#11 keystore: %s
An error occurred while trying to access the PKCS#11 key manager: %s
An error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of the PKCS#11 keystore: %s
An error occurred while trying to access the PKCS#11 trust manager: %s
The entry included a value for attribute %s that was not 7-bit clean
The 7-bit clean plugin is configured with invalid plugin type %s. Only the ldifImport, preOperationAdd, preOperationModify, and preOperationModifyDN plugin types are allowed
The modify DN operation would have resulted in a value for attribute %s that was not 7-bit clean
The LDAP attribute description list plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s lists an invalid plugin type %s. This plugin can only be used as a pre-parse search plugin
The LDAP attribute description list plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s does not list any plugin types. This plugin must be configured to operate as a pre-parse search plugin
Attribute '%s' is not defined in the directory schema
The attribute '%s' has already been defined in the configuration
The mapping '%s:%s' maps the attribute to itself
Invalid plugin type '%s' for the Attribute Cleanup plugin
An attempt was made to register the Change Number Control plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
An attempt was made to register the Change Number Control plugin with the following plugin types : %s. However this plugin must be configured with all of the following plugin types : %s
An attempt was made to register the Entity Tag plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
An attempt was made to register the EntryUUID plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
The fractional replication ldif import plugin is configured with invalid plugin type %s. Only the ldifImport plugin type is allowed
An attempt was made to register the Graphite Monitor Reporter Plugin plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
Unable to report metrics to Graphite server '%s' because the Graphite server hostname resolution has failed. Ensure that the plugin configuration is correct and that the Graphite server is reachable. The Graphite plugin will be disabled until a change is performed in its configuration or the server restart
An attempt was made to register the LastMod plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
The LDIF import plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked on entry %s: %s
The LDIF import plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked on entry %s. This is an illegal response
The post-commit %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s
The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s. The connection will be terminated
The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response, and the connection will be terminated
The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s
The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response
The post-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
The post-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The post-response %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
The post-response %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The post-synchronization %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s
The pre-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
The pre-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The pre-parse %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
The pre-parse %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
Auth password storage scheme %s referenced by the password policy import plugin is not configured for use in the server
User password storage scheme %s referenced by the password policy import plugin is not configured for use in the server
The password policy import plugin is not configured any default auth password schemes, and the server does not support the %s auth password scheme
The password policy import plugin is not configured any default user password schemes, and the server does not support the %s auth password scheme
The password policy import plugin references default auth password storage scheme %s which is not available for use in the server
An error occurred while attempting to encode a password value stored in attribute %s of user entry %s: %s. Password values for this user will not be encoded
An attempt was made to register the password policy import plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
The referential integrity plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no %s extensible matching rule index defined for this attribute in backend %s
The property 'check-references-filter-criteria' specifies filtering criteria for attribute '%s', but this attribute is not listed in the 'attribute-type' property
The referential integrity plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s
The filtering criteria '%s' specified in property 'check-references-filter-criteria' is invalid because the filter could not be decoded: '%s'
The Referential Integrity plugin failed to decode a entry DN from the update log: %s
An error occurred closing the Referential Integrity plugin update log file: %s
An error occurred during Referential Integrity plugin initialization because log file creation failed: %s
The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not exist in any of the configured naming contexts
The operation could not be processed due to an unexpected exception: '%s'
The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not match the filter '%s'
An error occurred in the Referential Integrity plugin while attempting to configure the attribute type %s which has a syntax OID of %s. A Referential Integrity attribute type must have a syntax OID of either (for the distinguished name syntax) or (for the name and optional uid syntax) or (for the name and json syntax)
An attempt was made to register the Referential Integrity plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performing an internal modify on entry %s: %s
The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not belong to any of the configured naming contexts
An error occurred replacing the Referential Integrity plugin update log file: %s
The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performing an internal search: %s
The Samba password synchronization plugin could not encode a password for the following reasons: %s
An attempt was made to register the Samba password synchronization plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
The Samba password synchronization plugin could not process a modification for the following reason: %s
The search result entry plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d with entry %s: %s. Processing on this search operation will be terminated
The search result entry plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with entry %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated
The search result reference plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d with referral URL(s) %s: %s. Processing on this search operation will be terminated
The search result reference plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with referral URL(s) %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated
The shutdown plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked during the Directory Server shutdown process: %s
The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s. The server startup process has been aborted
The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s encountered an error when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s (error ID %d). The server startup process has been aborted
The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned a null value when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process. This is an illegal return value, and the server startup process has been aborted
The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The plugin defined in configuration entry %s does not support the %s plugin type
A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute %s: value %s already exists in entry %s
The unique attribute plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s
An internal error occurred while attempting to determine whether the operation would have resulted in a unique attribute conflict (result %s, message %s)
An internal error occurred while attempting to determine whether the synchronization operation (connID=%d, opID=%d) for entry %s would have resulted in a unique attribute conflict (result %s, message %s)
An attempt was made to register the Unique Attribute plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute %s during synchronization (connID=%d, opID=%d): value %s in entry %s conflicts with an existing value in entry %s. Manual interaction is required to eliminate the conflict
Proxy backend '%s' cannot register itself against base DN %s because this base DN is already registered against backend '%s'
Proxy backend '%s' could not discover remote servers capabilities: %s
Proxy backend '%s' is non functional because it could not find any primary nor secondary servers via the service discovery mechanism '%s'
The partition base DN '%s' should be subordinate to one of the base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'
The partition base DN '%s' shouldn't be subordinate to one of the other partition base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'
Proxy backend '%s' cannot find the configured service discovery mechanism '%s'
Authorization as '%s' specified in the proxied authorization control is not permitted
You do not have sufficient privileges to use the proxied authorization control
User %s specified in the proxied authorization V1 control does not exist in the Directory Server
Use of the proxied authorization V1 control for user %s is not allowed by the password policy configuration
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account is disabled
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account is expired
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account is locked
The authorization ID "%s" contained in the proxied authorization V2 control is invalid because it does not start with "dn:" to indicate a user DN or "u:" to indicate a username
Unable to process proxied authorization V2 control because it contains an authorization ID based on a username and no proxied authorization identity mapper is configured in the Directory Server
User %s specified in the proxied authorization V2 control does not exist in the Directory Server
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account's password is expired
Caught exception publishing fake operations for domain %s : %s
The provided password differs less than the minimum required difference of %d characters
The configured minimum password length of %d characters is greater than the configured maximum password length of %d
The provided password is longer than the maximum allowed length of %d characters
The provided password is shorter than the minimum required length of %d characters
Attribute options are not allowed for the password attribute %s
An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-require-change-by-time in configuration entry %s: %s
The dictionary data could not be decompressed: %s
Cannot use both pwdValidatorPolicy and ds-pwp-validator in subentry '%s'
Password policy configuration entry %s references deprecated password storage scheme DN %s which does not support the auth password syntax
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid boolean
The dictionary validator configuration is invalid
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid duration
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid time
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid integer
The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified last login time format "%s" is not a valid format string The last login time format string should conform to the syntax described in the API documentation for the 'java.text.SimpleDateFormat' class
The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified password attribute "%s" has a syntax OID of %s. The password attribute must have a syntax OID of either (for the user password syntax) or (for the authentication password syntax)
The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified previous last login time format "%s" is not a valid format string The previous last login time format strings should conform to the syntax described in the API documentation for the 'java.text.SimpleDateFormat' class
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid state update failure policy
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid string
The values for the '%s' attribute are not valid strings
The password policy configuration entry "%s" is invalid because if both a minimum password age and a maximum password age are configured, then the sum of the minimum password age and the password expiration warning interval must be shorter than the maximum password age
Only a single value may be provided for the password attribute %s
The password policy defined in configuration entry %s is configured to always send at least one warning notification before the password is expired, but no warning interval has been set. If configuration attribute ds-cfg-expire-passwords-without-warning is set to "false", then configuration attribute ds-cfg-password-expiration-warning-interval must have a positive value
The subentry %s using the %s objectclass cannot define validators using the new %s objectclass
The subentry %s cannot use both %s and %s objectclasses
The subentry %s must have either the pwdPolicy or ds-pwp-password-policy objectclasses, which is required for the Directory Server password policy
The subentry %s using the %s objectclass cannot define validators using the old %s objectclass
Pre-encoded passwords are not allowed for the password attribute %s
The password for user %s could not be validated because the password policy subentry %s is referring to an unknown password validator (%s). Please make sure the password policy subentry only refers to validators that exist on all replicas
The password could not be validated because of misconfiguration. Please contact the administrator
The password storage scheme defined in configuration entry %s does not support the auth password syntax, which is used by password attribute %s
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid attribute
A values for the '%s' attribute is not a valid attribute name
The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified password attribute "%s" is not defined in the server schema
No enabled password storage schemes in '%s' in subentry '%s'
The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the password validator "%s" specified in attribute "%s" cannot be found
The password value for attribute %s was found to be unacceptable: %s
The password policy configuration entry "%s" is invalid because if a maximum password age is configured, then the password expiration warning interval must be shorter than the maximum password age
Unable to decode value "%s" for attribute %s in user entry %s as a Boolean value
An error occurred while attempting to decode value "%s" for attribute %s in user entry %s in accordance with the generalized time format: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode the ds-pwp-password-policy-dn value "%s" in user entry "%s" as a DN: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update password policy state information for user %s: %s
The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the account expiration time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the account expiration time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to add an authentication failure time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to add a grace login use time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to update the authentication failure times was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
The value provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user was invalid. The value must be either 'true' or 'false'
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to update the grace login use times was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the last login time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the last login time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the password changed time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the password changed time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the password warned time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the password warned time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the required change time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the required change time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
The value provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user was invalid. The value must be either 'true' or 'false'
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode password policy state extended request value: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode an operation from the password policy state extended request: %s
No value was provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
You do not have sufficient privileges to use the password policy state extended operation
The provided password policy state extended request did not include a request value
No value was provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
The password policy state extended request included an operation with an invalid or unsupported operation type of %s
User entry %s is configured to use a password policy subentry of %s but no such password policy has been defined in the server configuration
A new Argon2 password storage scheme can only be added by running dsconfig in offline mode
The Argon2 password storage scheme could not be configured because it requires %s kB of memory, exceeding the maximum available of %s kB. Configure a bigger heap or reduce the Argon2 memory requirements
An error occurred while attempting to base64-decode the password value %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode the SCRAM credential value %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to decrypt a value using password storage scheme %s: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to encode a password using the storage scheme defined in class %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to encrypt a value using password storage scheme %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the message digest generator for the %s algorithm: %s
The %s SCRAM password storage scheme could not be initialized because the algorithm is not supported by the JVM
Password storage scheme %s does not support use with the authentication password attribute syntax
The password value %s has been base64-decoded but is too short to be valid
An error occurred while attempting to match a bcrypt hashed password value: %s
The %s password storage scheme is not reversible, so it is impossible to recover the plaintext version of an encoded password
An error occurred while attempting to decode the value(s) of the configuration attribute ds-cfg-password-character-set, which is used to hold the character set(s) for use in generating the password: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode the value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-password-format, which is used to specify the format for the generated passwords: %s
Configuration entry "%s" contains multiple definitions for the %s character set
The password format string "%s" contains an invalid syntax. This value should be a comma-delimited sequence of elements, where each element is the name of a character set followed by a colon and the number of characters to choose at random from that character set
Configuration entry "%s" does not contain attribute ds-cfg-password-character-set which specifies the sets of characters that should be used when generating the password. This is a required attribute
The password format string "%s" references an undefined character set "%s"
An error occurred while reading file '%s': %s
Rebuilding system index(es) must be done with the backend containing the base DN disabled
An error occurred while attempting to acquire a exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an lock on this backend or the server is running with this backend online. The rebuild process cannot continue
An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The rebuild process cannot continue
An error occurred while attempting to perform index rebuild: %s
Rebuild index aborted: an error has occurred while rebuilding indexes for base DN '%s'
At least one index must be specified for the rebuild process
The backend does not support rebuilding of indexes
Received change status message does not come from a directory server (dn: %s, server id: %s, msg: %s)
The provided schedule value has an invalid format. The schedule must be expressed using a crontab(5) format. Error details: %s
An error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s
An error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?
An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided recurring task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the month token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the month token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid hour token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid hour token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid minute token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid minute token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid month of the year token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid month of the year token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid number of tokens
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid number of tokens
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid tokens combination yielding a nonexistent calendar date
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the week token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the week token
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the recurring task ID, but only a single instance is allowed
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID, but only a single value is allowed
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold recurring task schedule, but only a single instance is allowed
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule, but only a single value is allowed
The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID
The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to hold the recurring task ID
The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify recurring task schedule
The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule
File based key manager provider '%s' cannot load content from keystore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Restarting the server or the impacted connection handler may resolve this problem. Error detail: %s
File based trust manager provider '%s' cannot load content from truststore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Restarting the server or the impacted connection handler may resolve this problem. Error detail: %s
The baseDN '%s' specified as match base DN in the regular expression identity mapper defined in configuration entry '%s', does not belong to a local backend
The internal search based on processed ID string %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
The provided match pattern "%s" could not be parsed as a regular expression: %s
The processed ID string %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
The processed ID string %s mapped to multiple users
An internal failure occurred while attempting to resolve processed ID string %s to a user entry: %s
Unable to register backend %s with the Directory Server because another backend with the same backend ID is already registered
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that base DN is already registered for backend %s
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is not subordinate to the same base DN in the parent backend
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is within the same hierarchical path
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains one or more other base DNs that are subordinate to backend %s but the new base DN is not
The index(es) cannot be rebuilt because the server failed to obtain a write lock for the entry '%s' after multiple attempts
The specified reject file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file
Rejecting the requested operation because the connection has not been authenticated
Initialization of domain '%s' interrupted: no data received from the remote exporter '%s' for %s
The backend database files could not be removed: %s
The provided password contained too many instances of the same character appearing consecutively. The maximum number of times the same character may appear consecutively in a password is %d
Change number indexing is disabled for replication domain '%s'
The Replication is configured for suffix %s but was not able to connect to any Replication Server
Unable to process the provided replication context request control because it did not contain a CSN
Unable to process the provided replication context request control because it did not contain an entry UUID
The following replication server listener threads were unexpectedly stopped: %s. A server restart may be needed
Replication protocol error. Bad message type. %s received, %s required
Replication Server '%s' expected to negotiate with another Replication Server but got information for Directory Server '%s' instead. The connection will be closed
Cannot enable replication to server '%s' as this server's ID '%s' is not a number between 1 and 32767
New replication connection from %s started with unexpected message %s and is being closed
The entry '%s' specified in the request does not exist in the Directory Server
For replicated domain %s, in server with serverId=%s, the generation ID could not be set to value %s in the rest of the topology because this server is NOT connected to any replication server. You should check in the configuration that the domain is enabled and that there is one replication server up and running
The generation ID could not be reset for domain %s
Unable to resolve the server installation root directory
Full resync required. Reason: The provided cookie is older than the start of historical in the server for the replicated domain : %s
Full resync required. Reason: The provided cookie contains unknown replicated domain %s. Current starting cookie <%s>
The root container for backend %s has not been initialized preventing this backend from processing the requested operation
An attempt was made to configure the root DSE backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed
Unwilling to perform a search (connection ID %d, operation ID %d) with a base DN of "%s" in the root DSE backend. The base DN for searches in this backend must be the DN of the root DSE itself
Unable to process the search with connection ID %d and operation ID %d because it had an invalid scope of %s
Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the root DSE backend. If you wish to alter the contents of the root DSE itself, then it may be possible to do so by modifying the "%s" entry in the configuration
An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the root DSE backend: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the root DSE entry to the specified LDIF target: %s
The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed
Could not compute new status in RS replication domain %s for server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
DN sent by remote replication server: %s does not match local replication server one: %s
Replication server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s
Replication server received invalid initial status: %s for replication domain %s from server id %s
Received invalid new status %s in RS for replication domain %s and directory server id %s
Error when trying to publish a message in '%s'. The connection is going to be closed and reopened. Error: %s
Error when trying to publish a message in '%s'. The connection is going to be closed and reopened
Error when initializing publisher of messages in '%s'
Error when initializing publisher of messages in '%s'
SASL %s authentication is not supported for user %s because the account is not managed locally
The server was unable to find any entry corresponding to authentication ID %s
The entry %s specified as the authorization identity could not be retrieved: %s
The authenticating user %s does not have sufficient access to assume a different authorization identity
The authenticating user %s does not have sufficient privileges to assume a different authorization identity
The provided authorization ID %s contained an invalid DN: %s
The server was unable to find any entry corresponding to authorization ID %s
The entry %s specified as the authorization identity does not exist
An error occurred during multi-stage authentication: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to decode the SASL %s username "%s" because it appeared to contain a DN but DN decoding failed: %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve user entry %s as specified in the DN-based username of a SASL %s bind request: %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the clear-text password(s) for user %s in order to perform SASL %s authentication: %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the SCRAM credentials for user '%s' in order to perform SASL %s authentication: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-server-fqdn attribute in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to map authorization ID %s to a user entry: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to create an %s context: %s
Failed to create a SASL server for SASL mechanism %s
GSSAPI SASL mechanism handler initialization failed because the keytab file %s does not exist
The server was not able to find any user entries for the provided username of %s
SASL %s authentication is not possible for user %s because none of the passwords in the user entry are stored in a reversible form
SASL %s authentication is not possible for user '%s' because the user entry does not contain any SCRAM credentials
SASL %s protocol error: %s
The %s SCRAM SASL mechanism handler could not be initialized because the algorithm is not supported by the JVM
The username in the SASL %s bind request appears to be an empty DN. This is not allowed
The username contained in the SASL %s bind request had a length of zero characters, which is not allowed. %s authentication does not allow an empty string for use as the username
An error occurred while attempting to map username %s to a Directory Server entry: %s
The provided authorization ID was empty, which is not allowed for DIGEST-MD5 authentication
An error occurred while attempting to validate the peer certificate presented by the client with a certificate from the user's entry %s: %s
Unable to authenticate via SASL EXTERNAL because the mapped user entry %s does not have any certificates with which to verify the presented peer certificate
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request could not be processed because the client did not present a certificate chain during SSL/TLS negotiation
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request could not be processed because the associated bind request does not have a reference to the client connection
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request failed because the certificate chain presented by the client during SSL/TLS negotiation could not be mapped to a user entry in the Directory Server
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request could not be processed because the associated client connection instance is not an instance of LDAPClientConnection
Unable to authenticate via SASL EXTERNAL because the mapped user entry %s did not contain the peer certificate presented by the client
An error occurred while attempting to write a temporary JAAS configuration file for use during GSSAPI processing: %s
An error occurred while attempting to create the JAAS login context for GSSAPI authentication: %s
The server was unable to because both the ds-cfg-kdc-address and ds-cfg-realm attributes must be defined or neither defined
The authentication ID in the SASL PLAIN bind request appears to be an empty DN. This is not allowed
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve entry %s specified as the authorization ID: %s
An error occurred while attempting to map authorization ID %s to a user entry: %s
The authenticating user %s does not have sufficient privileges to specify an alternate authorization ID
The provided authorization ID %s contained an invalid DN: %s
No entry corresponding to authorization ID %s was found in the server
The entry corresponding to authorization DN %s does not exist in the Directory Server
An error occurred while attempting to verify the password for user %s during SASL PLAIN authentication: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode the SASL PLAIN authentication ID "%s" because it appeared to contain a DN but DN decoding failed: %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve user entry %s as specified in the DN-based authentication ID of a SASL PLAIN bind request: %s
An error occurred while attempting to map username %s to a Directory Server entry: %s
The provided password is invalid
The server was not able to find any user entries for the provided authentication ID of %s
The SASL PLAIN bind request did not include any NULL characters. NULL characters are required as delimiters between the authorization ID and authentication ID, and also between the authentication ID and the password
SASL PLAIN authentication requires that SASL credentials be provided but none were included in the bind request
The SASL PLAIN bind request did not include a second NULL character in the credentials, which is required as a delimiter between the authentication ID and the password
The authentication ID contained in the SASL PLAIN bind request had a length of zero characters, which is not allowed. SASL PLAIN authentication does not allow an empty string for use as the authentication ID
The password contained in the SASL PLAIN bind request had a length of zero characters, which is not allowed. SASL PLAIN authentication does not allow an empty string for use as the password
Unable to decode peer certificate subject %s as a DN: %s
Configuration entry %s contains multiple mappings for certificate attribute %s
Configuration entry %s contains multiple mappings for user attribute %s
The internal search based on the certificate with subject %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
Configuration entry %s has value '%s' which violates the format required for attribute mappings. The expected format is 'certattr:userattr'
The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
The certificate with subject %s mapped to multiple users
Peer certificate subject %s does not contain any attributes for which a mapping has been established
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Mapping %s in configuration entry %s references attribute %s which is not defined in the server schema
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
An internal failure occurred while attempting to map the certificate with subject %s to a user entry: %s
Unable to find a file containing concatenated schema element definitions in order to determine if any schema changes were made with the server offline. The file was expected in the %s directory and should have been named either %s or %s
An error occurred while attempting to write file %s containing a concatenated list of all server schema elements: %s. The server may not be able to accurately identify any schema changes made with the server offline
An attempt was made to configure the schema backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no schema information will be available over protocol
Schema definition could not be parsed as valid attribute value
An error occurred while attempting to determine whether any schema changes had been made by directly editing the schema files with the server offline: %s
There should be no warnings on the schema, but instead got %d warnings: %s
Unable to retrieve the requested entry %s from the schema backend because the DN is equal to one of the schema entry DNs
The schema backend does not support the %s modification type
The schema backend does not support the Replace modification type for the %s attribute type
An error occurred while attempting to decode the ldapsyntax description "%s": %s
An error occurred while attempting to write new versions of the server schema files: %s. A problem also occurred when attempting to restore the original schema configuration, so the server may be left in an inconsistent state and could require manual cleanup
An error occurred while attempting to write new versions of the server schema files: %s. The server was able to restore the original schema configuration, so no additional cleanup should be required
An error occurred while attempting to write the updated schema: %s
An error occurred while attempting to create copies of the existing schema files before applying the updates: %s. The server was able to restore the original schema configuration, so no additional cleanup should be required
An error occurred while attempting to create copies of the existing schema files before applying the updates: %s. A problem also occurred when attempting to restore the original schema configuration, so the server may be left in an inconsistent state and could require manual cleanup
Circular reference detected for attribute type %s in which the superior type chain references the attribute type itself
Circular reference detected for DIT structure rule %s in which the superior rule chain references the DIT structure rule itself
Circular reference detected for objectclass %s in which the superior class chain references the objectclass itself
The server will not allow removing all values for the %s attribute type in the server schema
You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the Directory Server schema
Unable to remove attribute type %s from the server schema because no such attribute type is defined
Unable to remove DIT content rule %s from the server schema because no such DIT content rule is defined
Unable to remove DIT structure rule %s from the server schema because no such DIT structure rule is defined
Unable to remove ldap syntax description %s from the server schema because no such ldap syntax description is defined
Unable to remove matching rule use %s from the server schema because no such matching rule use is defined
Unable to remove name form %s from the server schema because no such name form is defined
Unable to remove objectclass %s from the server schema because no such objectclass is defined
The schema backend does not support the modification of the %s attribute type. Only attribute types, object classes, ldap syntaxes, name forms, DIT content rules, DIT structure rules, and matching rule uses may be modified
Ignoring schema definition '%s' because the following error occurred while it was being parsed: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the schema backend: %s
An error occurred while attempting to export the base schema entry: %s
The internal search based on the certificate with subject %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
The certificate with subject %s mapped to multiple users
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
An internal failure occurred while attempting to map the certificate with subject %s to a user entry: %s
The search request cannot be processed because it contains an LDAP assertion control and the assertion filter did not match the contents of the base entry
The entry %s cannot be searched due to insufficient access rights
An unexpected error was encountered while processing a search in one of the Directory Server backends: %s
The entry %s specified as the search base does not exist in the Directory Server
The search request cannot be processed because it contains an LDAP assertion control and an error occurred while trying to retrieve the base entry to compare it against the assertion filter: %s
The requested search operation included both the simple paged results control and the virtual list view control. These controls are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together
The requested search operation included the persistent search control together with either the simple paged results control or the virtual list view control. These controls are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together
The search results cannot be sorted because the given search request is not indexed
The VLV request cannot be processed because the search is not indexed. Configure a VLV index matching the request
The search request cannot be processed because it contains an LDAP assertion control but the search base entry does not exist
The search base entry '%s' does not exist
This search operation has sent the maximum of %d entries to the client
The maximum time limit of %d seconds for processing this search operation has expired
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform an unindexed search
The search request cannot be processed because it contains a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
An unexpected error occurred when looking for the replicated backend : %s. It may be not configured or disabled
An unexpected error occurred when loading the fractional replication configuration of domain "%s": %s
An unexpected error occurred when loading the generation id of domain "%s": %s
'%s' cannot decode the secret file '%s': %s
The file '%s' exceeds max size '%s'
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate subject "%s" could not be decoded as an LDAP DN: %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because an error occurred while attempting to retrieve the user entry with DN "%s": %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because no user entry exists with a DN of %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
When sending a new initialization request for an initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred %s. The initial error was : %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the Directory Server client-side code: %s
Peer '%s' has sent an update, but it is not allowed to do so by the configuration of this replication server. This update will be discarded. Check the configuration of both this replication server and its peer to determine if they have to be adjusted
Server is running. Please stop the server before running this tool
An error occurred while adding Service Discovery Mechanism '%s': %s
Discovery mechanism '%s' initialization failed : %s
Registering Service Discovery Manager's listener failed : %s
Error occurred while creating an SSL context for service discovery mechanism '%s' : %s
Service discovery mechanism '%s' failed to refresh the connection options. Exception : %s",
Service discovery mechanism '%s' failed to refresh the partition information. Exception : %s",
Could not retrieve auto-configuration data from directory server '%s' for replication server group '%s'. Exception : %s"
Could not retrieve the list of replicas from replication server '%s' for replication server group '%s'. Exception : %s
An error occurred in session '%s' when trying to send a message to the socket: %s
Could not access the %s keystore '%s'. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid keystore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
Could not read the %s keystore '%s' entries. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid keystore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
Could not access the PKCS#11 keystore. Check that the JVM security settings have been configured to use a PKCS#11 keystore and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
Could not access the %s truststore '%s'. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid truststore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
Unable to write the upgrade version in '%s' file (%s)
The fully qualified host name must be a non blank string
Unable to bind to port %d. This port may already be in use, or you may not have permission to bind to it
Unable to bind to port %d. This port may already be in use, or you may not have permission to bind to it. On UNIX-based operating systems, non-root users may not be allowed to bind to ports 1 through 1024
An error occurred while configuring the server ID or the advertised listen address in global configuration: %s
An error occurred while creating the PKCS#11 key manager provider: %s
An error occurred while attempting to enable key manager provider entry: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the administration connector port: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the crypto manager in the Directory Server: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the port on which to listen for LDAP communication: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the port on which to listen for LDAPS communication: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the entry for the initial Directory Server root user: %s
Unable to write a required file. Make sure that the %s tool has sufficient permissions to create and write the file: %s
You cannot specify certificate aliases without providing an existing keystore
The provided certificate nickname '%s' could not be found. The keystore contains the following certificate nicknames: %s
clear-text password cannot be empty
The --%s option should only be provided when using a file based trust store option
Unable to bootstrap the Directory Server configuration because of the following error: %s
An error occurred while writing password in configuration file: '%s'
An error occurred while copying file '%s' into '%s': '%s'
Unable to set access permissions to allow write operations on file '%s'. Ensure that you have enough rights to change the access permissions on instance files
An error occurred while creating directory '%s'
An error occurred while trying to write instance.loc file: %s
An error occurred while creating the file based trust manager provider: %s
Unable to create server instance directory '%s'
Unable to parse the version in '%s' file in order to initialize the content of the '%s' file
Unable to add certificates derived from deployment ID in keystore: %s
This deployment ID is using a key-pair generator which is not available in this Java environment. Retry the command with the Java environment that was used for generating this deployment ID
Unable to display license because '%s'
The value '%s' for parameter '%s' in profile '%s' is invalid. Please provide a value having the following syntax: %s
Invalid profile parameter value '%s'. Supported format is '%s'
Option to setup profile parameters have been provided but not the profile name. If you want to use a setup profile, please provide its name with the '%s' option
Error in profile '%s': the default value for parameter '%s' cannot be derived from the SetupConfiguration method '%s' because the method invocation threw an error: %s
Error in profile '%s': the default value for parameter '%s' cannot be derived from the SetupConfiguration method '%s' because no such method exists
The parameter '%s' is required by profile '%s', but no value has been provided
Setup profile '%s' cannot be found. %s
Setup profile parameter '%s' references the profile '%s' which has not been provided on the command line. Setup profiles can be added on the command line with the '%s' option
Setup profile parameter '%s' has been provided multiple times with different values. Please either choose one value or prefix the option values with a profile name
Profile '%s' has been specified multiple times. It is not possible to configure the server for multiple versions of the same profile. Please choose one version for this profile
The server can only be enabled as a windows service on a Windows operating system
Unable to enable the file based HTTP access logger because: %s
An error occurred while enabling the %s trust manager provider: %s
Unable to enable windows service (return code '%d'): %s
Unable to encode provided password because '%s'
You must specify the keystore password of the file based keystore. You can use either --%s or --%s options to specify it
The provided truststore file '%s' must be an existing readable file
There is already a server instance configured in the directory %s. Please make sure there is no configuration (config) or data (db) directory in the server instance root path
A server instance (%s) has already been setup in the directory %s
The file '%s' is referring to an invalid instance (%s). You must remove this file before setting up a new instance in the directory %s. Please use either the --%s option in non interactive mode or the interactive mode to setup an instance elsewhere
The instance parent (%s) must be a valid existing directory
The instance path must be a directory
The file based keystore password cannot be empty
You must specify a valid port number
'%s' is not a valid hostname
Invalid input: keystore path cannot be empty
License not accepted, %s will exit
Input tries limit reached (%d)
Invalid configuration: you must use at least one certificate nickname
The provided password values do not match
Please provide a value having the following syntax: %s
Administration connector port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
HTTP port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
HTTPS port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
The provided server install path '%s' must reference an existing directory
LDAP port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
LDAPS port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
Port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
Replication port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
You cannot provide a keystore password without providing an existing keystore
You must accept the product license to run setup. Either use interactive mode or the '--%s' option
Unable to write configuration file '%s' (%s)
DN for the monitor user cannot be empty
Monitor user DN value '%s' is invalid because: %s
The keystore contains the following certificate nicknames: %s.%nYou have to provide the nickname of the certificate you want to use
The number of entries to import must be a positive integer
The deployment ID password is missing, provide it with the --%s option
No private key entry found in keystore '%s'. Keystores used for securing client connections must contain at least one private key entry. Beware: you may need to provide the keystore password to access keystore private entries
The root user password is missing, provide it with the --%s option
password is empty
The provided password file '%s' must be an existing readable file
Invalid content for password file '%s'. A password file must contain a single line with the password
Unable to read password in file '%s'. A password file must contain a single line with the keystore password, details: %s
Value '%d' has been specified for different ports
Unable to create '%s' backend (%s)
Unable to add index for attribute '%s' (%s)
An error occurred while initializing tool: %s
Instance path '%s' is not a valid existing directory
Instance path '%s' does not contain an OpenDJ instance
You must select at least one profile by using the option '%s'. %s
Unable to setup the profile '%s' because it is already configured in the server
Unable to setup profiles '%s' because they are already configured in the server
Profiles can be setup only when the server is offline, please stop the server and retry
Unable to create replication domain for base DN '%s' (%s)
Unable to update server configuration
The value for DN parameter '%s' of profile '%s' cannot be empty
Unable to encode password associated to parameter '%s' of profile '%s' (%s)
Unable to read file '%s'. Please ensure that the file exists and that you have appropriate permissions to read the file
An IO error occurred while running profile '%s': '%s'
Unable to import data
Unable to import data because some entries have been rejected
Unable to import data because some entries have been skipped
Unable to import data (%s)
Unable to import generated users (%s)
The value '%s' for domain parameter '%s' of profile '%s' is invalid (%s)
The value '%s' for parameter '%s' in profile '%s' is invalid because it does not match any allowed values (%s)
Folder '%s' of the setup profile '%s' must be a readable existing folder
File '%s' from the setup profile '%s' must be a readable regular file
The value for password parameter '%s' of profile '%s' is invalid (%s)
Last folder of profile '%s' path '%s' must be the profile version (two or three digits separated by either dot or hyphen, e.g /path/to/profile/6.5.0)
'%s' setup profile failed to update server configuration file, dsconfig tool options: '%s'. Exception message:'%s'. Tool output: %s
'%s' setup profile failed to import data contained in '%s' file(s) into '%s' backend. Import LDIF tool options: '%s'. Exception message:'%s'. Tool output: %s
'%s' setup profile failed to import data contained in '%s' file(s) into '%s' backend because of rejected entries (listed in '%s'). Import LDIF tool options: '%s'. Tool output: %s
'%s' setup profile failed to import data contained in '%s' file(s) into '%s' backend because of skipped entries (listed in '%s'). Import LDIF tool options: '%s'. Tool output: %s
Folder of the setup profile '%s' must contain a '%s' readable regular file
No backend has been created in the profile
The value for domain parameter '%s' of profile '%s' cannot be blank
Unable to read template file '%s'. Please ensure that the file exists and that you have appropriate permissions to read the file
An error occurred while substituting properties from profile '%s' resource file '%s': %s
The '%s' setup profile failed: %s
Unable to find resource '%s' of profile '%s' in profile version folders
An error occurred while configuring replication: %s
The root user DN cannot be empty
The administrator user bind DN '%s' is invalid. %s
Server ID '%s' is not valid. A Server ID is an ASCII alpha-numeric string possibly containing underscore and hyphen characters
You cannot specify truststore without providing an existing keystore
Unable to edit runtime settings file because '%s'
An error occurred while trying to read instance.loc file: %s
The provided keystore file '%s' must be an existing readable file
Unable to write file '%s' because: '%s'
An unexpected error has been raised during setup: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to update the HTTP connector port: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to update the HTTPS connector: '%s'
An error occurred while storing provided password in the instance file '%s', details: %s
The Directory Server shutdown hook detected that the JVM is shutting down. This generally indicates that JVM received an external request to stop (e.g., through a kill signal)
The current request is rejected due to an import or an export already in progress for the same data
The specified skip file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file
Skipping log "%s" (unsupported config)
An error occurred while attempting to send an account status notification message for notification type %s for user entry %s: %s
The SMTP account status notification handler defined in configuration entry %s cannot be enabled unless the Directory Server is with information about one or more SMTP servers
SMTP account status notification handler configuration entry '%s' does not include any email address attribute types or recipient addresses. At least one of these must be provided
The message subject definitions contained in configuration entry '%s' have multiple subjects defined for notification type %s
Unable to parse message subject value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because '%s' is not a valid account status notification type
Unable to parse message subject value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because the value does not contain a colon to separate the notification type from the subject
An error occurred while attempting to parse message template file '%s' referenced in configuration entry '%s': %s
The message template file path definitions contained in configuration entry '%s' have multiple template file paths defined for notification type %s
Unable to parse message template file path value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because '%s' is not a valid account status notification type
Unable to parse message template file path value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because the value does not contain a colon to separate the notification type from the template file path
The message template file '%s' referenced in configuration entry '%s' does not exist
An unclosed token was found starting at column %d of line %d
The notification-user-attr token starting at column %d of line %d references undefined attribute type %s
The notification-property token starting at column %d of line %d references undefined notification property %s
An unrecognized token %s was found at column %d of line %d
The Directory Server is not configured with any SMTP servers. The SMTP alert handler cannot be used unless the Directory Server is configured with information about at least one SMTP server
A fatal error occurred while trying to initialize soft reference entry cache: %s
A Server Side Sort control must be specified whenever a Virtual List View control is present
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the sort request
Unable to process the provided server-side sort request control: %s
When specifying a default user for monitoring a password should also be provided
The specified start time '%s' has already passed
The start date/time must in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time
An error occurred while attempting to open the current configuration file %s for reading in order to copy it to the ".startok" file: %s
An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s
An error occurred while attempting to copy the current configuration from file %s into temporary file %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s
StartTLS cannot be used on this client connection because this connection type is not capable of using StartTLS to protect its communication
A fatal error occurred when executing one of the Directory Server startup plugins: %s (error ID %d). The Directory Server startup process has been aborted
Group instance with DN %s has been deleted and is no longer valid
Entry %s cannot be parsed as a valid static group because it does not contain the groupOfEntries, groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames object classes
An error occurred while printing server status script friendly output: %s
An error occurred while reading the server configuration: %s
Unable to perform the search on the monitor backend. To display information, the status tool requires the remote server monitor backend to be enabled
ERROR: Unable to decode the provided stop time. It should be in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time
The specified stop time '%s' has already passed
ERROR: An I/O error occurred while attempting to communicate with the Directory Server: %s
This operation involves LDAP subentries which you do not have sufficient privileges to administer
There was at least one error during the tasks execution: %s
The configured DN is already used by another domain
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the server was unable to obtain a write lock on the schema entry %s after multiple attempts
An error occurred while attempting to notify a synchronization provider of type %s about the schema changes made by the add schema file task: %s
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because an error occurred while attempting to determine whether file %s exists in schema directory %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to load the contents of schema file %s into the server schema: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the server schema
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because no schema file names were provided in attribute %s of task entry %s
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the specified schema file %s does not exist in schema directory %s
The changes made by the add schema file task failed schema validation: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server backup or backup purge
An error occurred while trying to parse the actual start time value %s from task entry %s
An error occurred while trying to parse the completion time value %s from task entry %s
An error occurred while trying to parse the scheduled start time value %s from task entry %s
State for task '%s' cannot be determined
Task '%s' has finished and cannot be canceled
There are no tasks defined with ID '%s'
Unable to decode value %s as an integer connection ID
Unable to decode value %s as an indication of whether to notify the client before disconnecting it. The provided value should be either 'true' or 'false'
Attribute %s must be provided to specify the connection ID for the client to disconnect
You do not have sufficient privileges to terminate client connections
There is no client connection with connection ID %s
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may place the server in lockdown mode
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may place the server in lockdown mode
An error occurred while executing the task defined in entry %s: %s
Index option cannot be specified when the rebuildAll or rebuildDegraded option is used
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an index rebuild
Invalid DN provided to the Initialize task: %s
Invalid DN provided to the Initialize Target task: %s
Attribute %s has an invalid value. Reason: %s
The task defined in entry %s is invalid because it has an invalid state %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF export
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF import
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may cause the server to leave lockdown mode
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may cause the server to leave lockdown mode
Task entry %s is missing required attribute %s
There are multiple instances of attribute %s in task entry %s
There are multiple values for attribute %s in task entry %s
Invalid DN provided to the Purge Conflicts Historical task: %s
No changelog database was found for baseDN '%s'. Either the baseDN is not replicated or its changelog has not been enabled in this server
Unable to reset the change number index: %s
Invalid change number (%d) specified, it must be greater than zero
The change number index cannot be reset because this OpenDJ instance does not appear to be a replication server
Invalid DN provided to the Reset Generation ID task: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restore
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restart
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server shutdown
tool exit with error return code '%d'
You have provided options for scheduling this operation as a task but options provided for connecting to the server's tasks backend resulted in the following error: '%s'
New entries in the task backend may only be added immediately below %s for scheduled tasks or immediately below %s for recurring tasks
The specified task data backing file %s already exists and the Directory Server will not attempt to overwrite it. Please delete or rename the existing file before attempting to use that path for the new backing file, or choose a new path
The parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s does not exist. Please create this directory before attempting to use this path for the new backing file or choose a new path
The parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s exists but is not a directory. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file
Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because its DN is either not appropriate for that backend or it is not below the scheduled or recurring tasks base entry
Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with that entry DN
Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with that entry DN
Unable to delete entry %s from the task backend because the associated task is currently running
An error occurred while attempting to determine the new path to the task data backing file: %s
The specified path %s for the new task data backing file appears to be an invalid path. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file
Entry %s cannot be modified because the associated task has completed running. Completed tasks cannot be modified
Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a task entry. Only task entries may be modified in the task backend
Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a valid task in the server
Entry %s cannot be modified because the server does not currently support modifying recurring task entries
The task associated with entry %s is currently running. The only modification allowed for running tasks is to replace the value of the ds-task-state attribute with "cancel"
Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because the provided base DN %s is not valid for entries in the task backend
Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with the provided search base entry %s
Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with the provided search base entry %s
Error accessing logs for task '%s': %s
Error canceling task '%s': %s
Invalid menu item or task number '%s'
Task at index %d is not cancelable
Error retrieving task entry %s: %s
Error: task %s is not in a cancelable state
There are no tasks with ID %s
An error occurred while attempting to export task backend data: %s
An error occurred while attempting to create a new tasks backing file %s for use with the task scheduler: %s
An error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s
An error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?
An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?
An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is an unrecoverable error, and parsing cannot continue
An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is not a fatal error, so the task scheduler will attempt to continue parsing the file and schedule any additional tasks that it contains
An error occurred while attempting to rename the new tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. If the Directory Server is restarted, then the task scheduler may not work as expected
An error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a recurring task and add it to the scheduler: %s
An error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a task and add it to the scheduler: %s
An error occurred while attempting to send an email for the completion of %s task: Task ID: %s, Task State: %s, Scheduled Start Time: %s, Actual Start Time: %s, Completion Time: %s. The error was: %s
An error occurred while attempting to write the new tasks data backing file %s: %s. Configuration information reflecting the latest update may be lost
Unable to schedule task %s because its dependency task %s is missing
Unable to add recurring task %s to the task scheduler because another recurring task already exists with the same ID
Unable to schedule task %s because another task already exists with the same ID
Entry %s read from the tasks backing file is invalid because it has no parent and does not match the task root DN of %s
An error occurred while attempting to read from the tasks data backing file %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to schedule the next iteration of recurring task %s: %s
Entry %s read from the tasks backing file %s has a DN which is not valid for a task or recurring task definition and will be ignored
The provided task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the task class name, but only a single instance is allowed
The provided task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the task class name, but only a single value is allowed
The provided task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic
The provided task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic
The Directory Server is not configured to allow task %s to be invoked
Unable to remove completed task %s because no such task exists in the list of completed tasks
Unable to remove pending task %s because no such task exists
Unable to remove pending task %s because the task is no longer pending
The failed dependency action option is to be used in conjunction with one or more dependencies
The value %s for option %s is not a valid email address
The failed dependency action value %s is invalid. The value must be one of %s
The option %s is only applicable when scheduling this operation as a task
The timeout of '%d' seconds has been reached. You can use the argument '--%s' to increase this timeout
An error occurred in the trust store synchronization thread: %s
Unable to load the configuration-enabled schema: %s
An unexpected error occurred while purging expired entries: %s
Unable to retrieve children of configuration entry with dn: %s
An uncaught exception during processing for thread "%s" has caused it to terminate abnormally. The stack trace for that exception is: %s
%s encountered an uncaught exception while processing operation %s: %s
Unchecked exception during database transaction: %s
Publish of a replication message to server '%s' was interrupted
The provided password does not contain enough unique characters. The minimum number of unique characters that may appear in a user password is %d
The entry %s has historical information for attribute %s which is not defined in the schema. This information will be ignored
The base DN %s is not stored by any of the Directory Server backend
An unexpected error has been raised during execution of the tool: '%s'
Digest algorithm '%s' of fingerprint '%s' is not supported by the JVM
Unknown operation type : %s
Cannot decode change-log record with version %x
%s in Replication Server=%s, an initialization message of type %s cannot be sent to its destination server. Details: routing table is empty
%s message of type %s cannot be routed. Details: %s
%s for domain %s cannot route message of type %s to all the replicas in the topology because none are reachable
%s for domain '%s' cannot route message of type %s to replica %s because it is unreachable. Reachable replicas: %s
An unexpected error occurred when updating generation ID for domain "%s": %s
An error occurred while adding configuration file '%s': %s
An error occurred while adding one or more attributes to the schema file '%s': %s
An error occured when trying to read the configuration file %s: %s
'%s' attributes couldn't be removed from backup tasks
The restore tasks couldn't be removed
Attribute 'ds-backup-directory-path' could not be renamed to 'ds-backup-location' in entries of objectclass '%s'
An error occurred when trying to upgrade the config/upgrade folder: %s
"Error parsing existing schema file '%s' - %s"
An error occurred while copying data from '%s' to the server instance configuration directory. Error details: %s
An error occurred while copying OpenDMK jar file '%s' to '%s': %s
An error occurred while copying the schema file '%s': %s
'%s' is missing or empty, it is probably corrupted
OpenDJ data has already been upgraded to version %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to display a confirmation : %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to display a notification: %s
The upgrade failed because %d errors were encountered. Please check log for further details
The argument '%s' is incompatible with '%s'
Invalid log file %s
Invalid sequence for task version: task %s tried to register for version %s but the previous task used a higher version: %s. This suggests there is a copy/paste error in the version number
The upgrade failed to complete for the following reason: %s
An error occurred during post upgrade task. Process aborted. Please check log for further details
An error occurred while reading configuration file: %s
OpenDJ cannot be upgraded because the server is currently running. Please stop the server and try again
The directory '%s' could not be created: %s
An error occurred reading the changelog files: %s
An error occurred while renaming the changelog files: %s
The file '%s' could not be renamed to '%s': %s
An error occurred while migrating encrypted changelog files: %s
An error occurred while migrating replicas' offline states to the changelog files: %s
Root DNs could not be migrated because the '%s' directory could not be created: %s
An error occurred while trying to modify %s : %s
Could not find a server ID to set for the server. Verify the configuration references a valid server ID for domain cn=admin data
An error occurred while performing an upgrade task: %s
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' is older than the configuration version '%s', it usually means that an older version has been unzipped over the previous binaries. Unzip a more recent version than the configuration version and run upgrade again
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' is older than the data version '%s', it usually means that an older version has been unzipped over the previous binaries. Unzip a more recent version than the data version and run upgrade again
No %s with OID %s exists in the schema
OpenDJ has already been upgraded to version %s
An error occurred while uploading the file to the cloud storage. The cloud provider returned the following error message: '%s'
An error occurred while uploading the file to the cloud storage: the host '%s' is an unknown host
Crypto manager configuration entry not found
The %s attribute is not searchable and should not be included in otherwise unindexed search filters
Counter of %s reports wrong number of entries for key <%s> (got %d, expecting %d)
File dn2id is missing key %s
File dn2id has DN <%s> referencing unknown ID %d
File dn2id has DN <%s> referencing entry with wrong DN <%s>
File dn2id has ID %d instead of %d for key %s
Duplicate reference to ID %d%n%s
Empty ID set: %n%s
The entry with ID %s is associated with the wrong key%n%s
File id2childrenCount has wrong number of children for DN <%s> (got %d, expecting %d)
File id2ChildrenCount references non-existing EntryID <%d>
Missing entry %s in index %s
Missing ID %d%n%s
Reference to entry <%s> which does not match the value%n%s
Reference to unknown entry ID %s%n%s
Reference to unknown ID %d%n%s
The stored entry count in id2entry (%d) does not agree with the actual number of entry records found (%d)
An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The index verification cannot continue
An error occurred while attempting to perform index verification: %s
Only one index at a time may be verified for cleanliness
The version of the installed OpenDJ could not be determined because the version file '%s' exists but contains invalid data. Restore it from backup before continuing
The version of the installed OpenDJ could not be determined because the version file '%s' could not be found. Restore it from backup before continuing
Altering membership for virtual static group %s is not allowed
Unable to decode "%s" as the target DN for group %s: %s
The virtual static group defined in entry %s contains multiple target group DNs, but only one is allowed
The virtual static group defined in entry %s does not contain a target group definition
Target group %s referenced by virtual static group %s does not exist
Virtual static group %s references target group %s which is itself a virtual static group. One virtual static group is not allowed to reference another as its target group
Unable to process the virtual list view request because the target assertion could not be decoded as a valid value for the '%s' attribute type
There is no VLV index configured with name '%s'
An unexpected error occurred cleaning up the service %s
Could not find the service with name %s
An unexpected error occurred trying to disable the server as a Windows service%nCheck that you have administrator rights (only Administrators can disable the server as a Windows Service)
An unexpected error occurred trying to enable the server as a Windows service.%nCheck that you have administrator rights (only Administrators can enable the server to run as a Windows Service)
The Windows Service was successfully configured but there was an error starting it. Error code starting Windows Service: %d
The server could not be enabled to run as a Windows service. The service name is already in use
Could not find the service name for the server
An unexpected error occurred starting the server as a windows service
An unexpected error occurred trying to retrieve the state of the server as a Windows service
An unexpected error occurred stopping the server windows service
The directory server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then it will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s)
The replication server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory servers connected to this replication server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then the directory servers will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s)
An unexpected error happened handling connection with %s. This connection is going to be closed
Could not find 'ads-certificate' entry in the truststore '%s'. This entry is required for the correct behavior of the directory server
Unable to retrieve the local hostname, the 'advertised-listen-address' attribute in global configuration must be set manually
A mandatory argument is missing. Choose one and only one argument from '--generate-recovery-id', '--generated-id' and '--user-generated-id'
An error occurred when launching initialization: %s
An error occurred during initialization. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
An error occurred during initialization. Task state: %s
Error during the processing of the reset generationID task. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
Error during the processing of the reset generationID task. Task state: %s
A mandatory argument is missing. Choose one and only one argument from '--toServer', '--fromServer' and '--toAllServers'
An error occurred while attempting to monitor the task progress. The error was: %s
An error occurred while purging old replication meta-data. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
An error occurred while purging old replication meta-data. Task state: %s
An error occurred while purging old replication meta-data: %s
The source and target server have distinct replication domains. As a consequence the change number from the target server can't be reset from a change number of the source server
An error occurred during the re-synchronization of the change number. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
An error occurred during the re-synchronization of the change number. Task state: %s
An error occurred when re-synchronizing the change number: %s
An error occurred when searching replicated domains in server: %s
No base DN found for the change number '%s' in the source server
No CSN found for the change number '%s' in the source server
Unable to find a replicated domain in the target server
Unable to find a replicated domain matching the DN '%s' corresponding to the change number
Error when searching change number '%s' in the source server: %s
Unable to retrieve the newest change number in the source server
Unable to retrieve change number '%s' in the source server
An error occurred when searching replicated domains in server. Result code was: '%s'
Invalid combination of arguments. Choose one and only one argument from '--toServer', '--fromServer' and '--toAllServers'
Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from replication server RS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
Error while loading "": %s
Could not find ""
Parameter(s) '%s' provided for profile '%s' is (are) not used in the profile
Parameter '%s' is provided without any profile specification which is not allowed when multiple profiles are used
An error occurred while removing some 'listen-address' attribute values from the configuration
The current 7.4.0 server is configured to use an incompatible confidentiality setting which prevents automated upgrade from working. Follow the procedure detailed in the Upgrade Guide to upgrade this server
An attempt to add the entry "%s" containing an aci attribute type failed, because the authorization DN "%s" lacked modify-acl privileges
Added %s Access Control Instruction (ACI) attribute types found in context "%s" to the access control evaluation engine
Added %s Global Access Control Instruction (ACI) attribute types to the access control evaluation engine
An unexpected error occurred while processing the aci attributes in the configuration system: %s
An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-global-aci attribute in configuration entry %s: %s
An attempt to modify an aci attribute type in the entry "%s" failed, because the authorization DN "%s" lacked modify-acl privileges
The add operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
Adding %s
Administration connector port
The following archive has been created : %s
Define and enable a default user for querying monitoring information?
Backend ID(s)
Backup Location
Storage property
Backup ID(s)
Backup location
Keep count
Remove older than
Backend name(s)
Purge backup(s)
Free memory = %d MB, Cache miss rate = %.1f/record
The operation was canceled because the client issued an abandon request (message ID %d) for this operation
Processing on this operation has been canceled because the Directory Server received a bind request on this connection, which requires that all operations in progress to be abandoned
Processing on this operation has been canceled because the Directory Server is shutting down
Upgrade failed to delete the obsolete file '%s'. Reason: %s
Cursor on replica '%s' invalidated
Log file '%s' was successfully recovered by removing unreadable records. The file changed size from %d to %d bytes.
Arguments for changelogstat: %s
{base dn}
{change number}
Change number indexing will resume since replica '%s' is now sending messages again
Collecting backend statistics
Collecting ChangelogDb information
No changelogDb data found (is a DS or is not replicated)
Disk information
Extract environment variables
Collecting the GC log files
Collecting JVM heap dump : using %s
Collecting the log files
Collecting the monitoring info from cn=monitor
Network information
Collecting system node information
OS information
Linux /proc info files
Linux release
DS /proc files
Collecting process statistics
Collecting process thread information, sample number : %d
Processor information
Collecting the configuration files
VM environment information
OpenDJ will be upgraded from version %s to %s
The backend defined in configuration entry %s is marked as disabled and therefore will not be used
%s.%s succeeded but generated the following messages for entry %s: %s
Password policy entry %s has been removed from the Directory Server configuration. Any user entries that explicitly reference this password policy will no longer be allowed to authenticate
OpenDJ configuration was successfully upgraded to version %s
OpenDJ configuration will be upgraded from version %s to %s
The class used to provide the Directory Server work queue implementation has been changed from %s to %s, but this change will not take effect until the server is restarted
Disables the server as a Windows service and removes the Windows registry information associated with the specified service
Disables the server as a Windows service and stops the server
Enables the server as a Windows service
Provides information about the state of the server as a Windows service
This utility can be used to configure the server as a Windows service
An internal error prevented the Directory Server from properly registering the client connection from %s to %s with an appropriate request handler: %s
Continuing data gathering though there was an error: %s
Making copy of the %s file before collecting process statistics
The name of the group account under which the server should run
A set of arguments that should be passed to the JVM when running the server
The path to the Java installation that should be used to run the server
The path to the RC script to create
The path to the systemd service file to create
Create an RC script or systemd service that may be used to start, stop, and restart the Directory Server on UNIX-based systems
The name of the user account under which the server should run
OpenDJ data will be upgraded to version %s
OpenDJ data was successfully upgraded to version %s
OpenDJ data will be upgraded from version %s to %s
Remove LDIF change record remnants from the configuration
The delete operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
Removing file copy %s
The backend ID of the backend
The base DN within the backend
The name of the index
Only show records whose data is no larger than the provided value
Only show records with keys that should be ordered before the provided value using the comparator for the database container
Only show records whose data is no smaller than the provided value
Only show records with keys that should be ordered after the provided value using the comparator for the database container
The raw database name
Do not try to decode backend data to their appropriate types
Do not display backend data, just statistics
List the base DNs in a backend
Shows the status of indexes for a backend base DN. This subcommand can take a long time to complete, as it reads all indexes for all backends
This utility can be used to debug a backend
Dump records from an index, decoding keys and values. Depending on index size, this subcommand can generate lots of output
Dump the raw records in hexadecimal format for a low-level database within the pluggable backend's storage engine. Depending on index size, this subcommand can generate lots of output
List the pluggable backends
List the indexes associated with a pluggable backend. This subcommand may take a long time to complete depending on the size of the backend
List the low-level databases within a pluggable backend's storage engine. This subcommand may take a long time to complete depending on the size of the backend
Write hexadecimal data on a single line instead of pretty format
Uses SI Units for printing sizes
This utility can be used to debug changelog and changenumber files
The base-dn of the changes contained in the provided replica DB file
The lower bound of the range of change numbers to dump
The lower bound of the range of changes to dump
The output directory for the dump files
Dump the change number DB
Dump the replica DB for a given domain and replica
Dump a replica DB file
The upper bound of the range of change numbers to dump
The upper bound of the range of changes to dump
Initialize replication data for the server
This tool manages data synchronization between servers. For replication to work you must initialize the contents of one of the servers with the contents of the others using the '%s' subcommand
Performs disaster recovery on the local server. The subcommand has two forms. The first form verifies each replica has the same data after recovery: on a replica, run dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --generate-recovery-id The command prints the identifier to use on all other servers with the --generated-id option: dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --generated-id {identifier} The second form uses an identifier you provide. It lets you automate the recovery process when you cannot use the first form. Do not use this form if the topology has standalone replication servers. With this form of the subcommand, you must ensure you recover each replica with the same data. Run the same subcommand on all servers. Example: dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --user-generated-id Recovery_Date_20240101 Read the documentation on disaster recovery carefully before using this command
End disaster recovery for all servers. Read the documentation on disaster recovery carefully before using this command
Purges old replication meta-data from application data
Re-synchronizes the change-log change number of the target server with the change-log change number of the source server
Start disaster recovery for all servers. Read the documentation on disaster recovery carefully before using this command
Displays the status of the replication service and various diagnostics about it. The information is derived from reading cn=monitor on all the servers in the replication topology. The status of a server is one of the following. - BAD - DATA MISMATCH: either the fractional replication configuration does not match the backend data, or the initial state of the replicated data does not match other servers and this server must be re-initialized; - BAD - TOO LATE: the server has fallen further behind than the replication purge delay and must be re-initialized; - GOOD: normal operation, nothing to do; - SLOW: the server's replay delay is greater than five seconds; - UNHEALTHY: read the server health errors in the server monitoring data for details
Path were the instance should be set up
Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern
When this argument is specified, the status command will display its contents periodically. Used to specify the period (in seconds) between two displays of the status
Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately
Adds the local server (with version 7.0 or more) to a topology with older server versions (prior to 7.0)
Clean all the servers (with version 7.0 or more) that have been migrated from a topology of older servers (version prior to 7.0)
Clears all replication server changelog data for the offline local server; the other replication servers in the topology will transfer any needed data when the server restarts
Decodes one or more CSNs and displays them in a human readable JSON format
Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once
ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution
Gives a description to the task
Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once
Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of %s. If not specified defaults to %s
Gives an ID to the task
Task Backend Connection Options
Task Scheduling Options
DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism using a realm of: %s
The Directory Server is beginning the configuration bootstrapping process
Administrative Termination
Connection Closed by Plugin
Administrative Limit Exceeded
Client Disconnect
Idle Time Limit Exceeded
Invalid Credentials
I/O Error
I/O Timeout
Maximum Request Size Exceeded
Protocol Error
Client Connection Rejected
Security Problem
Server Error
Server Shutdown
Client Unbind
Server in lockdown mode
Unknown Closure Reason
Attempt to start using the configuration that was in place at the last successful startup (if it is available) rather than using the current active configuration
Do not detach from the terminal and continue running in the foreground. This option cannot be used with the -t, --timeout option
Display general system information
Maximum time (in seconds) to wait before the command returns (the server continues the startup process, regardless). A value of '0' indicates an infinite timeout, which means that the command returns only when the server startup is completed. The default value is 60 seconds. This option cannot be used with the -N, --nodetach option
This utility can be used to start the Directory Server, as well as to obtain the server version and other forms of general server information
Base DN(s) to use. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times
Check the server error logs for additional details
Servers have been cleaned, however the administrator user '%s' in the admin backend was not removed because it was used to bind to the server. To remove it, you should run the following commands on all servers using a bind DN, such as "uid=admin", which lies outside the "cn=admin data" backend:
All servers have been cleaned
All servers have been cleaned. The admin backend will remain enabled because it contains secret keys that may be used by reversible password storage schemes
This server has already been cleaned, there is nothing left to do
Cleaning and updating configuration of server %s
Disable admin backend for server %s
Removing administrators from admin backend
Removing instance keys from admin backend
Removing servers from admin backend
The server %s has now been cleaned
Set bootstrap servers configuration for server %s
The remaining cleanup on this server cannot be performed because the administrator user '%s' in the admin backend was used to bind to the server. You should run again this command using a bind DN, such as "uid=admin", which lies outside the "cn=admin data" backend to be able to complete the cleanup on this server
Nothing to do: this server does not keep any replication server changelog data
Clearing all replication server changelog data for the local server
csn [csn ...]
Base DN of the domain to be recovered
The disaster recovery process has been canceled, no operation was performed. This server may still not be operational
dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn '%s' --generated-id %s
The disaster recovery process completed successfully for the first server. The next step is to restore the same data using the same procedure on all the remaining servers in the topology and run the following command on each server:
Disaster recovery id: %s
Disaster recovery for base DN '%s' ended successfully on this server
Starting disaster recovery on local server for base DN '%s'
Disaster recovery for domain '%s' has already been run with recovery ID '%s'. Verify all servers in the topology are being recovered with the same recovery ID
Enabling 'cn=admin data' backend
Server ID of the server containing the source data
Generate a disaster recovery identifier during recovery. Use this for the first directory server in a replication topology with standalone RS servers. For all subsequent servers to recover, omit this option and use --generated-id {generatedRecoveryId} with the generated identifier
Use the disaster recovery identifier generated on the first server. You must use the same identifier for all servers involved in the same disaster recovery procedure
Continue the disaster recovery procedure
Disaster recovery will erase replication metadata on this server. This server will then only be able to replicate changes with other recovered servers. You will have to run the recovery procedure on every other server of the topology. Servers which have not been recovered will not be able to connect to recovered servers anymore
Adding server instances keys from the existing topology into 'cn=admin data' in the new server
Base DN(s) to replicate
Cannot find a CA certificate in the replication trust managers of the local server. Please verify the %s trust-manager-provider configuration value
Cannot extract the master key pair certificate with alias '%s' because the crypto-manager's key manager provider of the local server does not contain such key or does not support extracting certificates
Updating replication configuration on local server
Updating replication configuration for baseDN '%s' on local server
Configuring the servers in the topology to talk to the local server
Creating the trust manager '%s' to be used by replication connections in the local server
Replication has been successfully configured on the local server. Note that for replication to work you must initialize the contents of the base DNs that are being replicated. Run the following command(s) to do so:
Maximum duration of the command in seconds
{maximum duration in seconds}
Purging old replication meta-data for server '%s' for base DNs: %s
The change number to use as the basis for re-synchronization
{change number}
Change number corresponds to start CSN '%s' and base DN '%s'
Re-synchronizing with change number '%s'
Start to re-synchronize the change-log change number of server '%s' from the source server '%s'
Starting initialization for base DN: '%s'
Starting initialization from '%s' to '%s' for base DNs: %s
Starting initialization from '%s' to all replicas for base DNs: %s
Base DN(s) to display. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times. If no base DNs are provided, then all the base DNs will be displayed
Base DN
Base DN / DS
Base DN / RS
Base DN / RS / DS
Entry count
Error or diagnostic
Receive delay (ms)
Replay delay (ms)
Server / host port
Displays individual changelog servers in the output
Display replication group information in the output
Displays individual replicas in the output
Initialize all the other servers in the topology
Server ID of the server to be initialized
Set the identifier for this recovery to {userGeneratedRecoveryId}, a string of your choice. Do not use this option if the replication topology has standalone RS servers. You must use the same identifier for all servers involved in the same disaster recovery procedure.
Use the authentication password syntax rather than the user password syntax
Clear-text password to encode or to compare against an encoded password
Encoded password to compare against the clear-text password
The password to encode or to compare against an encoded password is interactively asked to the user
List available password storage schemes
Scheme to use for the encoded password
Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the password comparison
Please enter the password :
Please renter the password:
The provided clear-text and encoded passwords do not match
The provided clear-text and encoded passwords match
This utility can be used to encode user passwords with a specified storage scheme, or to determine whether a given clear-text value matches a provided encoded password
JE backend '%s' does not specify the number of cleaner threads: defaulting to %d threads
JE backend '%s' does not specify the number of lock tables: defaulting to %d
Connection handler '%s' does not specify the number of request handler threads: defaulting to %d threads
No worker queue thread pool size specified: sizing automatically to use %d threads
An error occurred while configuring the certificates: %s
An error occurred while copying the file '%s' to '%s'
An error occurred creating the temporary file
An error occurred while deleting directory '%s'. Check that you have the rights to delete this directory and that there is no other application using it. Error was: %s
An error occurred while deleting file '%s': %s. Check that you have the rights to delete this file and that there is no other application using it
Error Enabling Windows service
Error Installing Backup Cloud Extension for Directory Server: %s
Unable to process operation because this search scope is not allowed in this network group
Error Starting Directory Server
Error Starting Directory Server. Error code: %s
Append To LDIF
Backend ID
Compress LDIF
Encrypt LDIF
Exclude Attribute
Exclude Branch
Exclude Filter
Include Attribute
Include Branch
Include Filter
Sign Hash
Wrap Column
%s with exception: %s
Launch external process: '%s'
External process standard output: %s
Processing on this operation was terminated as a result of receiving a cancel request (message ID %d)
Password to use to bind to the server
Collect log files after this date. Format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" like "20161123143612" = 23 November 2016, 14:36 12s. Overrides --maxLogFiles
Maximum number of log files to collect. Ignored if --logsAfterDate is provided
Specifies whether a Java Heap Dump (using jmap) should be produced. The binary file is generated at the same location as the ZIP archive before being added to it; please make sure that the target directory's volume has sufficient capacity
Specifies whether audit files are excluded
Specifies whether keystore files are excluded
Specifies that the tool should not interact with the server, that is no LDAP operation, and no jstack sampling
The folder into which the files will be placed into
When the server is embedded in OpenAM, there is no PID file. Therefore this option indicates the server PID of the OpenAM application server
This tool collects support data from the OpenDJ instance it is bound to
Path to the JDK utility binaries directory such as jstack
See %s for a detailed log of the failed operation.%nPlease report this error and provide the log file mentioned above
Generating stack dump, sample number : %d using %s for pid %d
Registered %d static groups, %d dynamic groups and %d virtual static groups. The static group cache is using %d bytes of memory
GSSAPI mechanism using a principal name of: %s
GSSAPI SASL mechanism using a server fully qualified domain name of: %s
The GSSAPI SASL mechanism handler initialization was successful
The GSSAPI SASL mechanism handler has been stopped
Use %s %s to list profile parameters
Profiles available with this OpenDJ version are:
This connection has been terminated because it has remained idle for too long
Backend ID
Clear Backend
Exclude Attribute
Exclude Branch
Exclude Filter
Include Attribute
Include Branch
Include Filter
Is Compressed
Is Encrypted
Random Seed
Reject File
Skip File
Skip Schema Validation
Template File
The filter value exceeded the index entry limit for the %s index
%s index is invalid and needs to be rebuilt
%s index type is disabled for the %s attribute
%s entries processed (%s %% complete)
%s entries processed
%s remaining to be processed
Task '%s' to initialize domain '%s' failed to contact the source server. The task will be retried because the current server may be in the process of re-connecting to the best replication server for itself
The instance is not running
The instance is running
Internal operations can't be cancelled
No value was provided for %s, JDK tool directory is set to %s
Backend ID
Base DN
Entry Limit
Key Count
Index Name
%nIndex: %s%n
Key (len %d):
Keys Size
Over index-entry-limit keys: %s%n
Raw DB Name
%nTotal: %d%n
Total / Average Data Size: %d bytes / %d bytes%n
Total / Average Key Size: %d bytes / %d bytes%n
Total Keys
%nTotal Records: %d%n
Total Size
Value (len %d):
Values Size
The Directory Server is closing the connection to this client
The change to the LDIF backend base DN will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled
The change to the LDIF file path will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled
The change to the LDIF backend visibility will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled
Additional Info: %s
Matched DN: %s
Referral URL: %s
Result Code: %d (%s)
Append an existing LDIF file rather than overwriting it
Backend ID for the backend to export
Compress the LDIF data as it is exported
Attribute to exclude from the LDIF export
Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF export
Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF export
Exclude operational attributes from the LDIF export
Attribute to include in the LDIF export
Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF export
Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF export
Path to the LDIF file to write. All paths are relative to the server's installation directory, which can be remote
Column at which to wrap long lines (0 for no wrapping)
Exporting to %s
This utility can be used to export data from a Directory Server backend in LDIF form
Backend ID for the backend to import
Remove all entries for all base DNs in the backend before importing
Count the number of entries rejected by the server and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions)
Attribute to exclude from the LDIF import
Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF import
Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF import
Attribute to include in the LDIF import
Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF import
Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF import
LDIF file is compressed
Path to the LDIF file to import. All paths are relative to the server's installation directory, which can be remote
Overwrite an existing rejects and/or skip file rather than appending to it
Use quiet mode (no output)
Seed for the MakeLDIF random number generator. To always generate the same data with the same command, use the same non-zero seed value. A value of zero (the default) results in different data each time the tool is run
Write rejected entries to the specified file
Write skipped entries to the specified file
Skip schema validation during the LDIF import
Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during LDIF import
Path to a MakeLDIF template to use to generate the import data
Number of threads used to read LDIF files during import. If 0, the number of threads will be set to twice the number of CPUs
This utility can be used to import LDIF data into a Directory Server backend, overwriting existing data. It cannot be used to append data to the backend database
Do you accept the License Agreement?
Please read the License Agreement above.%nYou must accept the terms of the agreement before continuing with the installation
The following logging categories are defined for the server: %s
Listing the security stores
The modify DN operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
The user account has been administratively disabled
The user account has been administratively enabled
The user account has been administratively unlocked
The modify operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
The user password has been changed
The user password has been administratively reset
The monitor configuration has been updated so that it will now use a new set of user-defined attributes
Skipping GC logs collection because GC logging is not enabled
No JVM stack dump can be produced when the server is not running or no server interaction is allowed
No monitoring data can be collected when the server is not running or no server interaction is allowed
%s: received message <%s>
The Referential Integrity plugin has started background processing using the update interval %s
The Referential Integrity plugin background processing has been stopped
The Referential Integrity plugin background processing update interval has been changed from %s to %s, the new value will now be during background processing
The file name that the Referential Integrity plugin logs changes to during background processing has been changed from %s to %s, but this change will not take effect until the server is restarted
The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performing a search because the base DN %s does not exist
Derived from the setup global options
%s (%s) parameters
Profile '%s (%s)' does not have any parameters
Enabling Windows service
Starting directory server
Configuring certificates
Proxy backend '%s' automatically registered itself against the base DNs %s. It was previously registered against the base DNs %s
Configuration of proxy backend '%s' with service discovery mechanism '%s' is in progress. Requests will not be proxied until configuration completes
Proxy backend '%s' successfully configured failover via the service discovery mechanism '%s': primary servers are %s and secondary servers are %s
The primary servers for proxy backend '%s' are now available and will be used for proxying requests
The secondary servers for proxy backend '%s' are now available and will be used if the primary servers are unavailable
The server '%s' for proxy backend '%s' is available and will be used for proxying requests
The purge delay has been set to: %s
Purging is disabled (delay set to 0)
Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Rebuild is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN
Indicates that indexes do not need rebuilding because they are known to be empty and forcefully marks them as valid. This is an advanced option which must only be used in cases where a degraded index is known to be empty and does not therefore need rebuilding
Names of index(es) to rebuild. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. At least one index must be specified for rebuild. Cannot be used with the "--rebuildAll" option
Rebuild all indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the "-i" option or the "--rebuildDegraded" option
Rebuild all degraded indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the "-i" option or the "--rebuildAll" option
Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during index rebuilding
This utility can be used to rebuild index data within an indexed backend database
Replacing non allowed comma in groupID definition with a dot
Directory server DS(%s) did not find a generation ID for domain '%s'. A new generation ID will be computed by exporting the first %d entries in the domain
Checking registration information
Establishing connections
Replication server RS(%s) has accepted a connection from directory server DS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
Replication server RS(%s) has accepted a connection from replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
Replication server RS(%s) has connected to replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
Backup Directory
Backup ID
Invalid Credentials
Operations Error
The root DSE configuration has been updated so that configuration attribute %s will now use a value of %s
The root DSE configuration has been updated so that it will now use a new set of user-defined attributes
An unsupported or unexpected callback was provided to the SASL server for use during %s authentication: %s
Root user DN
Server ID
Monitor user
Monitor user password
Skipping backup of %s log (file not found)
Configuring server
Accept these choices and continue?
Port on which the Administration Connector should listen for communication
Available setup profiles: %s
The addresses of one or more replication servers within the topology which the server should connect to for discovering the rest of the topology. Use syntax "hostname:port" or "[IPv6Address]:port" for IPv6 addresses
Nickname of a keystore entry containing a certificate that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL. Multiple keystore entries may be provided by using this option multiple times
Deployment ID password
Enable StartTLS to allow secure communication with the server using the LDAP port
Enable the server to run as a Windows Service
Display profile parameters
Display all available profiles
The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication
Path of the file containing the keystore password. The specified path will be used as the configuration value in the new server
Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAP communication
Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAPS communication. The LDAPS port will be configured and SSL will be enabled only if this option is explicitly specified
DN of the default user allowed to query monitoring information
Password of the default user allowed to query monitoring information
There are no setup profiles available for this OpenDJ version
Setup profile to apply when initially configuring the server. If the version is not specified, the most recent version older or equal to this OpenDJ version is used. Use this option multiple times to apply multiple profiles. This option cannot be combined with data import options. %s
Assign a value to a setup profile parameter. Profile name must be provided if multiple profiles are provided, indicate the profile that a parameter applies to by using the profileName/parameterName format
Port used for replication protocol communications with other servers. Use this option to configure a local replication server. When this option is not used, this server is configured as a standalone DS (no local replication server)
DN for the initial root user for the Directory Server
Password for the initial root user for the Directory Server
Specify the server ID for this server. An acceptable ID is an ASCII alpha-numeric string; it may also contain underscore and hyphen characters provided they are not the first character
Skip the check to determine whether the specified ports are usable
Start the server when the configuration is completed
Blindly trust peer SSL certificates
Path of the file containing the truststore password. The specified path will be used as the configuration value in the new server
The deployment ID which should be used for securing the deployment. If no existing certificates are specified using the key-store and trust-store options then the deployment ID will also be used for securing all TLS network communication
Path of a JCEKS keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL
Use existing JCEKS truststore file for validating peer SSL certificates
Path of a JKS keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL
Use existing JKS truststore file for validating peer SSL certificates
Use certificate(s) in a PKCS#11 token that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation
Path of a PKCS#12 keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL
Use existing PKCS12 truststore file for validating peer SSL certificates
Enable windows service command (return code '%d') output: %s
You have chosen to combine an evaluation profile with another profile that is intended for production. Applying an evaluation profile after others can compromise the security of your server. Review the server configuration carefully before deployment
Port on which the server should listen for HTTP communication
Port on which the server should listen for HTTPS communication
Do you want to add another replication server
Administration connector port
All Server Parameters
Replication server hostname
What are the hostname and port number of the server to replicate with? (e.g on port 8989)
Replication port on %s
Replicate with server
Use an existing certificate in a JCEKS keystore
Use an existing certificate in a JKS keystore
Use an existing certificate on a PKCS#11 token
Use an existing certificate in a PKCS#12 keystore
Configure server for profile '%s'
What would you like to do?
Confirm the password for the default monitor user:
Confirm the password for root user:
How would you like to secure your deployment?
You already have a CA certificate for the deployment and an SSL key-pair for this server
Generate a CA certificate and SSL key-pair using the deployment ID (easier to deploy, but not suitable for public facing services)
Enable HTTP?
Enable HTTPS?
Enable LDAP?
Enable LDAPS?
Listening on port %d
Equivalent non-interactive command:
Provide the deployment ID:
Global Parameters
Welcome to the OpenDJ %s interactive setup.%n%nInteractive mode helps you quickly set up an OpenDJ server.%nProvide all required options to set up the server in non-interactive mode,%nor use the command shown at the end of your interactive session
Provide the server's fully qualified host name
Provide hostname for '%s'
Provide port for '%s'
HTTP port
HTTPS port
Do you want to specify a server to replicate with? This step can be skipped if this is the first server in the topology
JCEKS truststore path:
JKS truststore path:
Provide the SSL certificate that will be used for securing server connections:
LDAP port
LDAPS port
The keystore contains the following certificate nicknames: %s.%nYou will be prompted for the nickname(s) to use
Do you want to add another value for parameter '%s'?
Network Parameters
No password provided
No value specified for '%s'
PKCS#12 truststore path:
Confirm the %s:
Value set for '%s'
Provide a value for '%s'
Which version of '%s' do you want to use (minimum %s)?
Customize Server With Profiles
Enter profile number(s) separated by comma (leave empty to skip this step):
Available profiles:
Enter profile number(s) separated by comma [%s]:
Use nickname %s?
Provide the deployment ID password:
Enable the server to run as a Windows Service?
Provide the server instance path
JCEKS keystore path:
Java keystore (JKS) path:
Keystore password:
Provide the DN for the default monitor user
Provide the password for the default monitor user:
PKCS#12 keystore path:
Provide the directory root user DN
Provide the password for root user (leave empty to use the deployment ID password):
Unique server ID (used for identifying the server in the topology)
Start the server when setup is complete? Note: starting with version 7.0, it is advised to only start the server once it is customized for the intended deployment. If more configuration is needed, then select 'no'
Replication port
Set up the server with the specified settings
Do you want to set a value for parameter '%s'?
Start over
Certificate nickname(s) to use
Server security
No profiles configured or data to be imported
Use existing JCEKS keystore
Use existing JCEKS truststore
Use existing JKS keystore
Use existing JKS truststore
Keystore file
Keystore password
Use existing PKCS#11 keystore
Use existing PKCS#12 keystore
Use existing PKCS#12 truststore
Configure server for profile '%s (%s)'
Trust remote server certificates
Truststore file
Truststore password
Same as deployment ID password
Server's fully qualified host name
HTTP (cleartext)
HTTPS (secure)
Server instance path
LDAP (cleartext)
LDAPS (secure)
Root user password
Replication (secure)
Start server after setup
Use deployment ID
Run as Windows service
How should the server trust certificates from SSL peers?
Truststore password (leave empty if the truststore has no password):
Blindly trust all certificates (evaluation only - unsafe for production)
Use a JCEKS truststore
Use a JKS truststore
Use the JVM truststore
Use a PKCS#12 truststore
Name of the profile to be configured. If the version is not specified, the most recent version older or equal to this OpenDJ version is used. Use this option multiple times to apply multiple profiles
Path of the server instance where profiles should be setup
configure profiles in an offline OpenDJ server instance
This utility configures profiles in an offline OpenDJ server instance. %s
Decimal number
Domain name
One of the following values:
File or directory path
%s or configuration expression
install OpenDJ server
Configuring profile %s
To see basic server status and configuration, you can launch %s
Validating parameters
Skipping audit files
Skipping %s
Skipping java security stores
Directory Account Status Notification
Unable to process the provided server-side sort request control because it included attribute %s which does not have a default ordering matching rule and no ordering rule was specified in the sort key
Replication server accepted a connection from %s to local address %s but the SSL handshake failed. This is probably benign, but may indicate a transient network outage or a misconfigured client application connecting to this replication server. The error was: %s
Administration port (LDAPS)
Active cache
Load m1 rate
Load m5 rate
This utility can be used to display basic server information
Connect to the server to obtain disk space information
Connect to the server to obtain JVM information
There are no connection handlers setup in the server
Connection handlers
Free space
Disk space
No disks are monitored by the server
Receive delay
Replay delay
Base DN
General details
Host name
Installation and instance path
Installation path
Instance path
Java vendor
Java version
JVM max heap size
JVM available CPUs
There are no local backends setup in the server
Local backends
Open connections
There are no proxy backends setup in the server
Proxy backends
Running server Java details
Server ID
Run status
Reason the server is being stopped or restarted
Indicates the date/time at which the shutdown operation will begin as a server task expressed in format YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the shutdown to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately
Stopping Server...
Server already stopped
This utility can be used to request that the Directory Server stop running or perform a restart. When run without explicit connection options, this utility sends a signal to the OpenDJ process to stop the server. When run with explicit connection options, this utility connects to the OpenDJ administration port and creates a shutdown task to stop the server
Add Schema File
Task ID: %s Task State: %s Scheduled Start Time: %s Actual Start Time: %s Completion Time: %s Description: %s Log Messages:
Disconnect Client
An administrator has terminated this client connection
Initialize From Replica
Initialize Backend
Leave Lockdown
Purge conflicts historical
Rebuild Index
Reset change number index to begin with a given number and change
Set Generation ID
The Directory Server shutdown process has been initiated by task %s: %s
The Directory Server shutdown process has been initiated by task %s
Canceled before starting
Completed successfully
Completed with errors
Stopped by administrator
Stopped by error
Stopped by shutdown
Waiting on dependency
Waiting on start time
Task was stopped by an administrator: %s
Recurring %s task %s scheduled successfully
%s task %s did not complete successfully
%s task %s scheduled to start %s
%s task %s scheduled to start immediately
%s task %s has been successfully completed
This file contains the data used by the Directory Server task scheduler backend. Do not edit this file directly, as there is a risk that those changes will be lost. Scheduled and recurring task definitions should only be edited using the administration utilities provided with the Directory Server
The tasks backend is being shut down
Task processing was interrupted by a modify request to cancel the task
The path to the task data backing file has been changed to %s. A snapshot of the current task configuration has been written to that file and it will continue to be used for future updates
The completed task retention time has been updated to %d seconds. This will take effect immediately
cancel task
Enter the number of a task to cancel
Task %s canceled
view logs
Task Details
Actual Start Time
Completion Time
Failed Dependency Action
Last Log Message
Log Message(s)
Email Upon Completion
Email Upon Error
Scheduled Start Time
Immediate execution
Error connecting to the directory server: '%s'. Verify that the connection options are correct and that the server is running
There are currently no cancelable tasks
No tasks exist
None Specified
%s Options
Show only tasks with this status
Print a summary of tasks
ID of a particular task to cancel
ID of a particular task about which this tool will display information
This utility can be used to obtain a list of tasks scheduled to run within the Directory Server as well as information about individual tasks
Show only tasks of this type
The server '%s' may retry the initialization process because the server '%s' in domain '%s' is temporarily unreachable
%d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds
%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds
%d minutes, %d seconds
%d seconds
Cannot extract process statistics (by running "top" command) on OS '%s'. Only %s dump samples will be collected
Error while trying to add entry %s to the trust store: %s
Error while searching base %s to synchronize the trust store: %s
The upgrade has been canceled
Add ACI to make Root DSE fullVendorVersion operational attribute user visible
Add a new HDAP authorization mechanism '%s'
Adding 'ds-cfg-exclude-values-of-attributes' with the list the attribute names which values will be excluded from the list of requested modifications
You have to rebuild all indexes manually to get a fully functional server
Allowing dsbackup purge tasks
Add 'ldapSyntaxes' to attribute list which can be read in the schema access global access control policies
Removing 'ds-cfg-argon2-migration-memory' and adding 'ds-cfg-argon2-memory-pool-size' which specifies the size of the memory pool allocated for concurrent Argon2 password hashing computations
...Change(s) done in %s (x%s)
The classes folder has been renamed to '%s' to avoid compatibility issues
OpenDJ data can't be upgraded because the configuration has not been upgraded yet. Upgrade the configuration first before upgrading the data
Removing debug logging configuration
Removing replica degraded status threshold configuration
Removing deprecated HTTP Basic DN and JWT authorization mechanisms. The HDAP authorization mechanism '%s' replaces them
Removing look through limit from the configuration
Removing LDAP send reject notification configuration
Removing VLV indexes with base-object scope from the configuration
Upgrades OpenDJ configuration and application data so that it is compatible with the installed binaries.%n%nThis tool should be run immediately after upgrading the OpenDJ binaries and before restarting the server.%n%nNOTE: this tool does not provide backup or restore capabilities. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the OpenDJ administrator to take necessary precautions before performing the upgrade
Continue to allow invalid certificate lists, certificate pairs and postal addresses
The upgrade is ready to proceed. Do you wish to continue?
Enabling change numbers in the replication changelog
See '%s' for a detailed log of this operation
Migrating JE environment properties to configuration attributes
...No change applied in %s
No indexes to rebuild for backend '%s'
Upgrades only application data. OpenDJ configuration must have been upgraded before
Forces a non-interactive upgrade to continue even if it requires user interaction. In particular, long running or critical upgrade tasks, such as re-indexing, which require user confirmation will be performed automatically. This option may only be used with the '%s' option
Ignores any errors which occur during the upgrade. This option should be used with caution and may be useful in automated deployments where potential errors are known in advance and resolved after the upgrade has completed
Performing post upgrade tasks
Performing upgrade
Post upgrade tasks complete
End of the upgrade process
Rebuilding all indexes
Changes in Unicode string normalization require that all indexes are rebuilt. Do you want to rebuild the indexes automatically at the end of the upgrade?
OPENDJ-9550 on 7.3.0 caused static groups to lose their operational attributes on modify operations, corrupting data and the entryUUID index which needs to be rebuilt. Do you want to rebuild the indexes automatically at the end of the upgrade?
The rebuild index tool arguments are %s
Rebuild index task ends
Rebuilding index(es) %s for base dn(s): %s
You have to rebuild the '%s' index(es) manually to get a fully functional server
OpenDJ 7.0.0 changed the indexing algorithm for TelephoneNumber equality and substring matching rules. All TelephoneNumber syntax based attribute indexes must be rebuilt which may take a long time. Do you want to rebuild the indexes automatically at the end of the upgrade?
Removing 'backup' backend
Removing empty configuration for groups
Removing references to 'backup' backend
Removing '%s' attribute(s) from backup tasks
Removing restore tasks
Removing SNMP support
Removing max-work-queue-capacity
Renaming 'ds-cfg-cursor-entry-limit' to 'ds-cfg-max-candidate-set-size'
Replace the authentication mechanism of the '/hdap' endpoint '%s' with the new HDAP authorization mechanism '%s'
Replace multiple severity values by a single one in logging configurations
Preparing to upgrade
DS 7.0.0 breaks restore tasks compatibility, all existing restore tasks will be removed
OpenDJ was successfully upgraded to version %s
Adding configuration entry '%s'
Adding '%s' configuration file
Adding Mail Servers
Replacing compute change number setting in replication server
Consolidating bootstrap replication servers from replication server and replication domains into Multimaster Synchronization provider
Set the database cache mode 'ds-cfg-db-cache-mode' to 'cache-ln'
Removing file '%s'
Use the old JE backend caches instead of the new shared cache
Changing syntax for 'inheritAttribute' attribute type to IA5String
Add 'inheritFromDNParent' attribute type to the 'inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry' object class
Replacing high durability settings in JE backends
Replacing low durability settings in JE backends
Replacing medium durability settings in JE backends
Make the File-Based Error Loggers perform asynchronous logging for optimal performance after merging the debug and error logger
Migrating replication changelog files to 6.5.0 format
The upgrade will not be performed because the configuration file config.ldif could not be parsed
Remove External change log domain configuration entries and migrate information to the domains and the replication server configuration entries
Migrating encrypted replication changelog files
Migrate isolation policy attribute to replication synchronization provider configuration
Merge replication-purge-delay and conflicts-historical-purge-delay attribute into a single replication-purge-delay attribute in replication synchronizer provider configuration
Migrate common replication domain configuration attributes to replication synchronization provider configuration
The upgrade will not be performed because some Root DNs need to be migrated
Removing root DN users from configuration
OpenDJ 6.0.0 drops support for Root DNs and replaces them with standard user entries which are stored in LDIF backends. The root DN '%s' has multiple alias names, but only the alias name '%s' will be kept. Do you want to proceed with the upgrade?
OpenDJ 6.0.0 drops support for Root DNs and replaces them with standard user entries which are stored in LDIF backends. The root DN '%s' does not have an alias name so it must be renamed to '%s' so that it no longer resides inside the configuration. Do you want to proceed with the upgrade?
Migrating root DN '%s'
Migrate source address attribute from replication server configuration to replication synchronization provider configuration
Migrating truststore backend configuration
Migrating truststore backend configuration to crypto manager
Move SSL protocols and cipher suites configuration from crypto manager into each configuration element where they are used
%s.%nDo you want to make this change?
WARNING: OpenDJ %s removes support for the PDB Backends. The upgrade tool will reconfigure all PDB backends as JE backends. After the upgrade the new JE backend(s) will be empty. It is therefore very strongly recommended that any data that was in the PDB backends be exported to LDIF so that it can be re-imported once the upgrade completes
Reconfiguring PDB backends to JE backends
You must reimport all your data into the JE backends in order to have a fully functional server
Updating existing Prometheus endpoints to keep using the legacy format
Set the proxy backend configuration property 'hash-function' to MD5
OpenDJ 6.5.0 changed the indexing algorithm for replication metadata. Its index must be rebuilt which may take a long time; without a working index every server start will take longer than normal. Do you want to rebuild the index automatically at the end of the upgrade?
OpenDJ 7.2.0 fixed an indexing bug that may cause searches to return duplicate entries in certain circumstances. All indexes have to be rebuilt. This could take a long time to proceed. Do you want to launch this process automatically at the end of the upgrade?
Archiving concatenated schema
Replacing "reject unauthenticated requests" policy in global configuration
Removing configuration for assured replication
Removing configuration entries for the monitor providers
Removing configuration for replication monitoring
The attribute has been removed because it was referring to a file that does not exist. You should replace it with the attribute %s before being able to enable the object corresponding to the configuration entry
Removing profiler plugins
Removing 'ds-cfg-load-balancing-algorithm' attribute from the proxy backend
Removing generation-id data from configuration
Removing 'listen-address' attributes that are redundant with default value provided by the global configuration
Removing synchronization state data from configuration
Removing 'ds-cfg-request-connection-pool-size' attribute,'ds-cfg-connection-pool-size' will be used instead
Removing global server ID from replication domains and replication server
Removing send and receive window size configuration in replication
Rename attribute 'ds-backup-directory-path' to 'ds-backup-location' in entries of objectClass '%s'
Renaming 'ds-cfg-big-index-matching-rule' attribute to 'ds-cfg-big-index-extensible-matching-rule`
Renaming 'ds-cfg-bind-connection-pool-*' attributes to 'ds-cfg-connection-pool-*'
Renaming replication changelog files from .log to .cdb suffix
Renaming ds-cfg-connection-pool-* attributes to ds-cfg-bind-connection-pool-*
Renaming 'ds-cfg-json-schema' object class to 'ds-cfg-json-query-equality-matching-rule'
Renaming 'ds-cfg-log-control-oids' attribute to 'ds-cfg-log-controls'
Renaming the 'use-mutual-tls' configuration property to 'use-sasl-external'
Renaming PDB backend directory '%s' to '%s'
Renaming proxy 'ds-cfg-heartbeat-*' attributes to 'ds-cfg-keep-alive-*`
Renaming the 'replication-server' configuration property to 'bootstrap-replication-server'
Renaming the proxy backend configuration property 'service discovery mechanism' to 'shard'
Replacing all pin related configuration attributes by a single pin configuration attribute
Replacing schema file '%s'
Segregating mutable and immutable files
Adding 'listen-address' and 'advertised-listen-address' attributes to the global configuration
Setting global group ID and removing per domain values
Setting global server ID
Setting new global server ID
Update admin-backend.ldif file location
Adding objectClass to JSON, CSV, and External access logger configurations
Migrating security settings
Update replication SSL configuration
Update replication SSL configuration from crypto manager and trust store backend to dedicated key and trust manager provider configuration elements
Update tasks backend file location
OpenDJ Upgrade Utility
This tool cannot be used for upgrading versions of OpenDJ which are older than '%s'. Please upgrade to the latest 6.5 revision first before attempting further upgrades
Average number of entries referenced is %.2f/record
Number of records that exceed the entry limit: %d
Statistics for records that have exceeded the entry limit:
File %s has %d such record(s) min=%d max=%d median=%d
Maximum number of entries referenced by any record is %d
Number of records referencing more than one entry: %d
Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Verification is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN
Count the number of errors found during the verification and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions)
Name of an index to be verified. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. Multiple indexes may be verified for completeness, or all indexes if no indexes are specified. An index is complete if each index value references all entries containing that value
Specifies that a single index should be verified to ensure it is clean. An index is clean if each index value references only entries containing that value. Only one index at a time may be verified in this way
This utility ensures that index data is consistent within an indexed backend database. Stop the server before running this tool
Path to a file containing log output to monitor
Path to a file to which the command will write the output
Path to the file to watch for deletion
Maximum length of time in seconds to wait for the target file to be deleted before exiting
This utility can be used to wait for a file to be removed from the filesystem
The server was already disabled as a Windows service
The server was already enabled to run as a Windows service
Clean up of service %s was successful
Next Generation Directory Server. Installation path: %s
The server is disabled as a Windows service
The server is enabled as a Windows service. The service name for the server is: %s
The server was successfully disabled as a Windows service
The server was successfully enabled to run as a Windows service
%s has been stopped because the total number of worker threads in the Directory Server was reduced
The SASL mechanism "%s" provided in the Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule authmethod expression is not one of the currently registered mechanisms in the server
Available Processors: %d
DS(%s) stayed connected to RS(%s) to avoid the yoyo effect
The backend %s is now taken offline
The database backend %s containing %d entries has started
Ignoring reset generation ID request from '%s' to '%s' for replica '%s' because the replica is being re-initialized
RS(%s) has been evaluated to be the best replication server for DS(%s) to connect to because it was the only one standing after all tests
DS(%s) will connect to RS(%s) because it has the biggest weight among all the replication servers
Build ID: %s
Access control has been enabled and will use the %s implementation
The requested change to configuration entry %s would cause the class for the associated backend to change from %s to %s. This change will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled, or until the Directory Server is restarted
The change to the DB directory will not take effect until the backend is restarted. The DB files from the previous directory %s must be moved to the new directory %s after shutting down the backend to retain the existing data
The Directory Server is starting using the last known good configuration file %s rather than the active configuration file %s
Changing confidentiality for index '%s' requires the index to be rebuilt before it can be used again
Some index keys have already exceeded the previous index entry limit in index %s. This index must be rebuilt before it can use the new limit
Started listening for new connections on %s
Stopped listening for new connections on %s
Current Directory: %s
DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism using a server fully qualified domain name of: %s
Directory server DS(%s) for domain "%s" has changed its status to %s
The Directory Server is leaving lockdown mode and will resume normal operation
The Directory Server has started successfully
%s (build %s, revision number %s) starting up
DS(%s) disconnected from overloaded RS(%s)
The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is now above the low threshold for the following subsystems: %s
DS(%s) not disconnected from current RS(%s), because RS is underloaded or its load goal is reached
DS(%s) not disconnected from overloaded RS(%s), other DSs will disconnect
This replica `%s` has received a notification from its replication server `%s` to stop processing updates for domain `%s` as part of a disaster recovery procedure. This replica must be reinitialized as part of the recovery procedure
Cannot change the configuration while a total update is in progress
Fractional replication : exception for domain : %s : %s
Wrong fractional replication configuration : cannot use both exclusive and inclusive modes
Wrong fractional replication configuration : attribute %s is not optional in class %s
Wrong fractional replication configuration : prohibited attribute %s usage
Wrong fractional replication configuration : could not find attribute type definition for %s in schema
Wrong fractional replication configuration: could not find object class definition for %s in schema
Wrong fractional replication configuration : wrong format : %s (need at least [<className>|*],attributeName)
The export of domain %s from server %s to all other servers of the topology is forbidden as the source server has some fractional configuration : only fractional servers in a replicated topology does not make sense
The following operation has been forbidden in suffix %s due to inconsistency with the fractional replication configuration : %s
The online full update for importing suffix %s data from remote directory server %s has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency between destination and source server : imported data set has not the same fractional configuration
The online full update for importing suffix %s data from remote directory server %s has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency between destination and source server : imported data set has some fractional configuration but not destination server
The LDIF import for importing suffix %s data has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency : imported data set has not the same fractional configuration as local server
The LDIF import for importing suffix %s data has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency : imported data set has some fractional configuration but not local server
Error when loading a virtual attribute for external change log: Attribute: %s , Error: %s
Account-Status-Notification type='%s' userdn='%s' id=%d msg='%s'
Exported %d entries and skipped %d in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Exported %d records and skipped %d (recent rate %.1f/sec)
Warning : domain %s fractional replication configuration is inconsistent with backend data set : need resynchronization or fractional configuration to be changed
Currently Free Memory: %d
Finished total update: exported domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to remote directory server DS(%s). %s
Finished total update: exported domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to all remote directory servers. %s
Starting total update: exporting %d entries in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to remote directory server DS(%s)
Starting total update: exporting %d entries in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to all remote directory servers
Finished total update: imported domain "%s" from remote directory server DS(%s) to this directory server DS(%s). %s
Starting total update: importing domain "%s" from remote directory server DS(%s) to this directory server DS(%s)
Flushing data to disk
Processed %d entries, imported %d, skipped %d and rejected %d in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Setting DB cache size to %d bytes and phase one buffer size to %d bytes
Index %s phase two processing completed
Index %s phase two started processing %d buffers in %d batches
Setting DB cache size to %d MB. Using %d mb off-heap memory through %d phase one buffers of %d KB
Index %s %d%% complete: remaining = %d KB, rate = %d KB/s; batch %d/%d
Import LDIF environment close took %d seconds
The amount of free memory available to the import task is %d bytes. The number of phase one buffers required is %d buffers
Total import time was %d seconds. Phase one processing completed in %d seconds, phase two processing completed in %d seconds
Processed %d entries, skipped %d and rejected %d (recent rate %.1f/sec)
%s starting import (build %s, R%s)
Import Thread Count: %d threads
Due to changes in the configuration, index %s is currently operating in a degraded state and must be rebuilt before it can be used
Installation Directory: %s
Instance Directory: %s
Class Path: %s
JAVA Home: %s
JAVA Vendor: %s
JAVA Version: %s
JVM Architecture: %s
JVM Arguments: %s
JVM Host: %s, running %s, %d bytes physical memory size, number of processors available %d
JVM Host: %s, running %s, unknown physical memory size, number of processors available %d
JVM Information: %s by %s, %s architecture, %d bytes heap size
JVM Vendor: %s
JVM Version: %s
Directory Server DS(%s) is disconnecting from replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" in order to find another replication server in the topology and distribute load more equally
Max Available Memory: %d
Directory Server DS(%s) is switching from replication server RS(%s) at %s to RS(%s) for domain "%s" because it is more suitable. The previous replication server evaluation was: "%s", and the new replication server evaluation was: "%s"
DS(%s) not disconnected from current RS(%s), since there is no need to rebalance all directory servers to other replication servers in the topology
Directory server DS(%s) has connected to replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s with generation ID %s
Operating System: %s
Connection options have changed for the proxy backend '%s'. The existing connections are being closed immediately. New ones are being opened
Connection pool options have changed for the proxy backend '%s'. The existing connections are being closed and re-opened
Remote servers changed for the proxy backend '%s'. The proxy was using: primary servers=%s, secondary servers=%s; and it will now be using: primary servers=%s, secondary servers=%s
Service discovery mechanism has changed from '%s' to '%s' for proxy backend '%s'. The existing connections are being closed immediately
Exception when reading messages from %s: %s
An I/O error occurred while reading replication messages from %s. The connection will close and replication server (%s) will not process any more updates from it. Reported error is: %s
%s is disconnecting from this replication server %s
Rebuild of all indexes started with %d total entries to process
Degraded state of index(es) %s has been cleared
Rebuild of all degraded indexes started with %d total entries to process
Rebuild complete. Processed %d entries in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Rebuilding index finished: no indexes to rebuild
%.1f%% Completed. Processed %d/%d entries. (recent rate %.1f/sec)
Rebuild of index(es) %s started with %d total entries to process
A referral entry %s indicates that the operation must be processed at a different server
Rejecting the requested operation because the server is in lockdown mode and will only accept requests from root users over loopback connections
Replication server RS(%s) started listening for new connections on address %s port %d
Resending a new initialization request for an initialization from a remote server due to the root error : %s
The generation ID for domain "%s" has been reset to %s
RS(%s) generation Id %s does not match DS(%s) generation Id %s, but at least another RS does
RS(%s) groupId '%s' does not match DS(%s) groupId '%s', but at least one other RS does
RS(%s) groupId '%s' has lower priority than groupId '%s' which matched at least one other RS
RS(%s) has no generation Id, but at least one other RS has the same generation Id %s as DS(%s)
RS(%s) newest change %s is behind another RS which is ahead of DS(%s) newest change %s
RS(%s) newest change %s is behind DS(%s) newest change %s, but at least another RS is at the same point or ahead of the DS
RS(%s) is on a different host than DS(%s), but at least another RS is on the same host
RS(%s) is not on the same virtual machine as DS(%s) but another RS is
A schema element could not be imported: %s, %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform a search request on cn=changelog
The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class %s (alert type %s, alert ID %s): %s
The Directory Server has started the shutdown process. The shutdown was initiated by an instance of class %s and the reason provided for the shutdown was %s
ServerState recovery for domain %s, updated with changeNumber %s
The Directory Server is now stopped
System Name: %s
%s task %s finished execution in the state %s
%s task %s started execution
Currently Used Memory: %d
Installation Directory: unknown
Instance Directory: unknown
RS(%s) could not be contacted by DS(%s)
Both equality and presence index types are defined for attribute '%s'. When no presence index exists, presence search filters are processed using the equality index. Therefore, consider deleting the presence index for attribute '%s'
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying an ADD of "%s" which already exists (adding as "%s"). Consider reviewing both entries and either merge the contents manually or delete one
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying an ADD of "%s" as the parent entry is missing (adding as "%s"). Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting the new entry
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a DELETE of "%s" as child entries exist (renaming child "%s" to "%s"). Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting the renamed child entries
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a MODIFYDN of "%s" to "%s" which already exists (renaming as "%s"). Consider merging the two entries manually, or deleting one of them
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a MODIFYDN of "%s" as the new parent entry "%s" does not exist. Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting this entry
Checked %d records and found %d error(s) in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Checked %d entries and found %d error(s) in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Processed %d out of %d records and found %d error(s) (recent rate %.1f/sec)
The global access control policy '%s' has been added
The global access control policy '%s' has been modified
The global access control policy '%s' has been removed
The global access control engine has been initialized with %d policies
Initial result code was '%s', with diagnostic message: %s
gather OpenDJ backend debugging information
debug changelog and changenumber files
script to manage OpenDJ as a service on UNIX
Manages data synchronization between servers
encode a password with a storage scheme
export directory data in LDIF
extract support data
import directory data from LDIF
manage server administration tasks
rebuild index after configuration change
start OpenDJ server
display basic OpenDJ server information
stop OpenDJ server
upgrade OpenDJ configuration and application data
check index for consistency or errors
register OpenDJ server as a Windows Service
This utility sets up an OpenDJ server. Use the %s option to list available profiles
<xinclude:include href="variablelist-backendstat-index-status.xml" />
<xinclude:include href="description-recurring-task-info.xml" />
<xinclude:include href="description-upgrade.xml" />
<xinclude:include href="description-supportextract.xml" />
An attempt to add the entry "%s" containing an aci attribute type failed because of the following reason: %s
"%s", located in the entry "%s", because of the following reason: %s
Backend %s does not have a presence index defined for attribute type %s. Access control initialization may take a very long time to complete in this backend
The server is being put into lockdown mode because invalid ACIs rules were detected either when the server was started or during a backend initialization
An error occurred while attempting to determine whether hostname %s referenced in dns expression bind rule "%s" used the correct canonical representation: %s. This likely means that the provided hostname will never match any clients
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" references hostname %s, which resolves to IP address %s, but the canonical hostname for that IP address is %s. This likely means that the provided hostname will never match any clients
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" references hostname %s, but the canonical representation for that hostname is configured to be %s. The server will attempt to automatically interpret the correct localhost value
An attempt to modify an aci attribute type in the entry "%s" failed because of the following reason: %s
Selfwrite check skipped because an attribute "%s" with a distinguished name syntax was not a valid DN
Failed to decode the Access Control Instruction (ACI)%s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule value "%s" is invalid because it is missing a close parenthesis that corresponded to the initial open parenthesis
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetcontrol OID value "%s" could not be parsed because the numeric OID contained two consecutive periods at position %d
The provided string "%s" could not be parsed as a valid Access Control Instruction (ACI) because it failed general ACI syntax evaluation
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetcontrol OID value "%s" could not be parsed because the value contained an illegal character %c at position %d
The provided Access Control Instruction access type value "%s" is invalid. A valid access type value is either allow or deny
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) attribute name value %s is invalid. A valid attribute type name must begin with an ASCII letter and must contain only ASCII letters,digits or the "-" character
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule authmethod expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid authmethod value is one of the following: none, simple,SSL, or "sasl mechanism", where mechanism is one of the supported SASL mechanisms including CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, and GSSAPI
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule boolean operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid bind rule boolean operator value is either "OR" or "AND"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule keyword value "%s" is invalid. A valid keyword value is one of the following: userdn, groupdn, roledn, userattr,ip, dns, dayofweek, timeofday or authmethod
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule keyword string "%s" is invalid for the bind rule operator string "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid bind rule operator value is either '=' or "!="
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule value "%s" is invalid. A valid bind rule value must be in the following form: keyword operator "expression"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dayofweek expression value "%s" is invalid, because of an invalid day of week value. A valid dayofweek value is one of the following English three-letter abbreviations for the days of the week: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, or sat
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid dns keyword expression value requires a valid fully qualified DNS domain name
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" is invalid, because a wild-card pattern was found in the wrong position. A valid dns keyword wild-card expression value requires the '*' character only be in the leftmost position of the domain name
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule groupdn expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid groupdn keyword expression value requires one or more LDAP URLs in the following format: ldap:///groupdn [|| ldap:///groupdn] ... [|| ldap:///groupdn]
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule groupdn expression value failed to URL decode for the following reason: %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression inheritance pattern value "%s" is invalid because it is non-numeric
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule ip expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid ip keyword expression requires one or more comma-separated elements of a valid IP address list expression
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv4 address expression "%s" format was invalid
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv4 address expression "%s" contains an invalid value. All values of the address must be between 0 and 255
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression "%s" failed to parse for the following reason: "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the netmask part of the expression "%s" has an invalid value
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the netmask part of the expression "%s" has an invalid format
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the prefix part of the expression "%s" has an invalid format
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the prefix value of the expression "%s" was an invalid value. All values must greater than or equal to 0 and either less than or equal 32 for IPV4 addresses or less than or equal to 128 for IPV6 addresses
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) rights keyword values "%s" are invalid. The valid rights keyword values are one or more of the following: read, write, add, delete, search, compare or the single value all
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) rights values "%s" are invalid. The rights must be a list of 1 to 6 comma-separated keywords enclosed in parentheses
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule SSF expression "%s" failed to parse for the following reason: "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule ssf expression value "%s" is not in the valid range. A valid ssf value is in the range of 1 to 1024
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilter expression value %s is invalid because it is not in the correct format. A valid targattrsfilters expression value must be in the following format: "add=attr1: F1 && attr2: F2 ... && attrN: FN,del= attr1: F1 && attr2: F2 ... && attrN: FN"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because the provided filter list string is in the wrong format. A valid targattrfilters filter list must be in the following format: add=attr1: F1 && attr2: F2 ... && attrN: FN
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because one or more of the specified filters are invalid because of non-matching attribute type names in the filter
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because one or more of the specified filters are invalid for the following reason: %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because there are more than two filter list statements
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilter expression value %s is invalid because the both operation tokens match in the two filter lists
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target keyword value "%s" was seen multiple times in the ACI "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target keyword value "%s" is invalid. A valid target keyword value is one of the following: target, targetscope, targetfilter, targetattr or targattrfilters
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target operator value "%s" is invalid. The only valid target operator value for the "%s" keyword is '='
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target rule value "%s" is invalid. A valid target rule value must be in the following form: keyword operator "expression"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetattr expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid targetattr keyword expression value requires one or more valid attribute type names in the following format: attribute1 [|| attribute2] ... [|| attributeN]. Attribute options are not supported
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetcontrol expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid targetcontrol keyword expression value requires one or more valid control OID strings in the following format: oid [|| oid1] ... [|| oidN]
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetfilter expression value "%s" is invalid because it is not a valid LDAP filter
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid target keyword expression value requires a LDAP URL in the following format: ldap:///distinguished_name_pattern
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target keyword operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid target keyword operator value is either '=' or "!="
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetscope expression operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid targetscope expression value is one of the following: one, onelevel, subtree or subordinate
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) extop expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid extop keyword expression value requires one or more valid extended operation request OID strings in the following format: oid [|| oid1] ... [|| oidN]
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule timeofday expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid timeofday value is expressed as four digits representing hours and minutes in the 24-hour clock (0 to 2359)
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule timeofday expression "%s" failed to parse for the following reason: "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule timeofday expression value "%s" is not in the valid range. A valid timeofday value is expressed as four digits representing hours and minutes in the 24-hour clock (0 to 2359)
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value failed to parse because the attribute field of the ldap URL "%s" either contains more than one description or the field is empty
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value failed to parse because the ldap URL "%s" contains an empty base DN
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value "%s" is invalid
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression inheritance pattern value "%s" is invalid. A valid inheritance pattern value must have the following format: parent[inheritance_level].attribute#bindType
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value failed to URL decode for the following reason: %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userdn expression failed to URL decode for the following reason: %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) version value "%s" is invalid, only the version 3.0 is supported
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv4 address expression "%s" contains a non-numeric value
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv6 address expression "%s" contains an illegal wildcard character. Wildcards are not supported when using IPv6 addresses in a IP bind rule expression
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression inheritance pattern value "%s" is invalid. The inheritance level value cannot exceed the max level limit of %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule expression value corresponding to the keyword value "%s" is missing an expression. A valid bind rule value must be in the following form: keyword operator "expression"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the prefix part of the expression "%s" has an non-numeric value
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) expression value "%s" is invalid because it contains the roledn keyword, which is not supported, replace it with the groupdn keyword
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target expression DN value "%s" is invalid. The target expression DN value must be a descendant of the ACI entry DN "%s", if no wild-card is specified in the target expression DN
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetattr expression value "%s" is invalid because the expression contains invalid or duplicate tokens
Entry "%s" cannot be added because it contains attribute type %s which is declared OBSOLETE in the server schema
Entry "%s" cannot be added because it contains objectclass %s which is declared OBSOLETE in the server schema
Entry "%s" contains a value "%s" for attribute %s that is invalid according to the syntax for that attribute: %s
Entry "%s" contains a value for attribute %s that is invalid according to the syntax for that attribute: %s
An error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the process exits, so no further action should be required
The file system used by '%s' backend does not support last file modification time. Backups will still work but will take longer and consume more space in the backup storage
Directory server DS(%s) at %s presented generation ID %s for domain "%s", but the generation ID of this replication server RS(%s) is %s. This usually indicates that one or more directory servers in the replication topology have not been initialized with the same data, and re-initialization is required
Replication server RS(%s) at %s presented generation ID %s for domain "%s", but the generation ID of this replication server RS(%s) is %s. This usually indicates that one or more directory servers in the replication topology have not been initialized with the same data, and re-initialization is required
The user-specific cursor entry limit value '%s' contained in user entry '%s' could not be parsed as an integer. The default server cursor entry limit will be used
The user-specific idle time limit value %s contained in user entry %s could not be parsed as an integer. The default server idle time limit will be used
The user-specific size limit value %s contained in user entry %s could not be parsed as an integer. The default server size limit will be used
The user-specific time limit value %s contained in user entry %s could not be parsed as an integer. The default server time limit will be used
There are multiple user-specific cursor entry limit values contained in user entry '%s'. The default server cursor entry limit will be used
There are multiple user-specific idle time limit values contained in user entry %s. The default server idle time limit will be used
There are multiple user-specific size limit values contained in user entry %s. The default server size limit will be used
There are multiple user-specific time limit values contained in user entry %s. The default server time limit will be used
The user password is about to expire (time to expiration: %s)
Cannot open database %s because shutdown was requested from replication server RS(%s)
Property '%s' contains value '%s' which cannot be parsed as a long. Defaulting to '%s' bytes for small DB size
'%s' cannot read the secret file '%s': %s
Error while setting replication listener socket timeout to 1 second for domain '%s', server state may be reported as being a bit late with respect to other servers. Cause was: %s
The changelog '%s' has been opened in read-only mode, it is not enabled for write
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to replication server at %s for domain '%s': unknown host
The Directory Server is currently in the process of closing this client connection
Terminating the client connection because its associated authentication or authorization entry %s has been deleted
Change number indexing cannot advance because replica '%s' has not sent any messages since '%s'. The changelog is temporarily unable to purge old files. Verify whether the replica is still running or is connected to a replication server
Change number indexing cannot advance because some replicas do not seem to be part of the topology anymore. The changelog will not be able to purge old files until replicas reconnect or their reference is deleted from user data. The following replicas are referenced by replication, but they are not connected to the topology or they have not been properly stopped: %s
Entry "%s" does not contain any values for attribute "%s"
Entry "%s" does not contain any values for attribute "%s" with the specified set of options
The latest archived configuration file %s appears to be invalid. Forcing creation of a new one
Access control has been disabled
An error occurred while attempting to register backend %s with the Directory Server: %s
An error occurred while attempting to release a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This may interfere with operations that require exclusive access, including LDIF import and restoring a backup
The backend defined in configuration entry %s has a backend ID of %s that conflicts with the backend ID for another backend in the server. The backend will be disabled
%s.%s indicated that administrative action is required for entry %s: messages="%s"
The entry cache configuration entry "cn=Entry Caches,cn=config" does not exist in the Directory Server configuration. No entry cache will be available until this entry is created with a valid entry cache configuration
No last known good configuration file %s exists. The server will attempt to start using the active configuration file %s
There are no active access loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No access logging will be performed
There are no active error loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No error logging will be performed
There are no active HTTP access loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No HTTP access logging will be performed
The log format for %s contains the following unsupported fields: %s. Their output will be replaced with a dash ("-") character
The Directory Server has detected that one or more external changes have been made to the configuration file %s while the server was online, but another change has caused the server configuration to be overwritten. The manual changes have not been applied, but they have been preserved in file %s
The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s contains an empty element. This may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly
The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s includes multiple references to the '%s' plugin. This may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly
The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s contains multiple wildcard characters. All plugin definitions should contain exactly one wildcard element to indicate where unmatched plugins should be included in the order, and including multiple wildcards may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly
The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s does not include a wildcard element to indicate where unmatched plugins should be included in the order. The server will default to invoking all unnamed plugins after set of named plugins
The specified entry %s is currently defined as the configuration entry for the default password policy. The default password policy configuration entry may not be removed
Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to open the file for reading: %s
Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to read its contents as an LDIF entry: %s
The config schema file '%s' generated warning when trying to update schema with its content: %s
The config schema file '%s' generated warning when trying to update schema with its content, despite allowing to overwrite definitions: %s
Schema configuration file %s in directory %s contains more than one entry. Only the first entry will be examined, and the additional entries will be ignored
Connected to a replication server with wrong group id. We have group id %s and replication server id %s %s has group id %s. This is for domain %s in directory server %s
Replica '%s' for domain '%s' tried to connect but the replication server is still processing messages from the previous replication session and considers the replica already connected. The connection will be closed, the replica will connect again
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to any of the following replication servers for domain "%s": %s
Unable to look up server key id '%s' in the admin backend
Unable to retrieve the hostname from the admin backend using the truststore as source of keys; 'advertised-listen-address' attribute in global configuration will use the local hostname as value. Cause: %s
Unable to retrieve the keys from the truststore
Unable to find configuration for crypto manager "%s", replication SSL configuration will use default values
ChangeTime Heartbeat publisher '%s' for domain '%s' will be forcibly stopped because the peer server is unresponsive
An error occurred while decoding a internal modification control: %s
An error occurred while decoding a replicated request control: %s
'%s' is DEPRECATED for removal since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
Property '%s' in %s '%s' is DEPRECATED for removal since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
Base DN %s has been deregistered from the Directory Server for backend %s. This base DN had both superior and subordinate entries in other backends, and there might be inconsistent or unexpected behavior when accessing entries in this portion of the hierarchy because of the missing entries that had been held in the de-registered backend
The Directory Server is entering lockdown mode, in which clients will only be allowed to connect via a loopback address, and only root users will be allowed to process operations
Disk space for the replication changelog is getting low. The replication server will continue to operate, but will stop in the event of a full disk
The replication server has detected that the file system containing the changelog has sufficient disk space to resume operation
Disk free space of %d bytes for directory %s is now below disk low threshold of %d bytes. Backend %s is now offline and will no longer accept any operations until sufficient disk space is restored
Disk free space of %d bytes for directory %s is now below low threshold of %d bytes. Backend %s is now locked down and will no longer accept any operations from clients until sufficient disk space is restored
A transient problem occurred while Directory Server %s was connecting to this Replication Server %s. The peer server may try to establish a connection again. The problem was: %s
Directory server %s stopped the handshake process with replication server %s because it received the unexpected message '%s'
Some reversible password storage schemes are enabled in the configuration, note that it won't be possible to use them in password policies since the admin data backend has been disabled
The local replication server never received changes for base DN '%s'. Make sure you are running the disaster recovery on the right server
Base DN %s specified in dynamic group %s does not exist in the server
Embedded Directory Servers are NOT SUPPORTED in production
Invalid error log category "%s"
Invalid override of severity level "%s"
Invalid error log severity "%s"
Invalid error log severity "%s", only one severity must be provided, the highest one at which logging should occur
The exact match identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
Directory server DS(%s) encountered a transient problem while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s". Directory server will try to connect to a replication server again. The problem was: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the password policy state information for user %s as part of a password modify extended operation (result code='%s', error message='%s')
The password modify operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
The replication domain connection for '%s' will be forcibly closed because the peer replication server '%s' is unresponsive
The replication server domain connection for '%s' will be forcibly closed because the peer replication server '%s' is unresponsive
The requested operation is not supported by this backend
Unable to determine the total number of entries in the container: %s
The search filter "%s" used by group implementation %s is not indexed in backend %s. Backend initialization for this group implementation might take a very long time to complete
Directory server DS(%s) is closing its connection to replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" because it could not detect a heart beat
Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because the peer DS reported to be in BAD_DATA status. The generation ID matches, (DS is %s, RS is %s), there may be a problem with fractional replication configuration. Check the DS error logs for more details
Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because it is currently performing a full update
Replication server RS(%s) is ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because the replica is too late and must be re-initialized
Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to directory server DS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to directory server DS(%s) at %s because the peer DS reported to be in BAD_DATA status. The generation ID matches, (DS is %s, RS is %s), there may be a problem with fractional replication configuration. Check the DS error logs for more details
Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to directory server DS(%s) at %s because it is currently performing a full update
Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to replication server RS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
Replication server RS(%s) is not sending update %s for domain '%s' to directory server DS(%s) at %s because the replica is too late and must be re-initialized
The attribute value '%s' is not a valid synchronization history value
The Directory Server is already processing another request on the same client connection with the same message ID of %d
The directory %s referenced by the LDIF connection handler defined in configuration entry %s does not exist. The LDIF connection handler will start, but will not be able to process any changes until this directory is created
The value %s specified as the LDIF directory path for the LDIF connection handler defined in configuration entry %s exists but is not a directory. The specified path must be a directory. The LDIF connection handler will start, but will not be able to proces any changes until this path is changed to a directory
Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d includes a duplicate attribute %s with value %s. The second occurrence of that attribute value has been skipped
Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d includes value "%s" for attribute %s that is invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
An error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the export process exits, so no further action should be required
An error occurred while attempting to release the exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the import process exits, so no further action should be required
'%s' is LEGACY since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
Property '%s' in %s '%s' is LEGACY since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
Error occurred while setting file permissions for the log file %s: %s
This platform does not support setting file permissions %s to the log file %s
File based key manager provider '%s' has loaded multiple key manager from keystore file '%s'. Only one will be used for securing TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
Found %d conflicting password policy subentries for user %s, used %s
File based trust manager provider '%s' has loaded multiple trust manager from truststore file '%s'. Only one will be used for securing TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to any replication servers for domain "%s"
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to replication server %s for domain "%s". Please check that there is a replication server listening at this address
The subtree delete against '%s' is being performed non-atomically because it is deleting more than %s subordinate entries. To prevent inconsistency across replicas, the client must retry this same delete operation until it succeeds
Directory server DS(%s) has connected to replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s, but the generation IDs do not match, indicating that a full re-initialization is required. The local (DS) generation ID is %s and the remote (RS) generation ID is %s
The request to process this operation has been rejected because the Directory Server has already started its shutdown process
The pattern DN %s is not valid because it contains two consecutive wildcards in an attribute value
The pattern DN %s is not valid because it uses wildcards for substring matching on an attribute type. A single wildcard is allowed in place of an attribute type
The pattern DN %s is not valid because it contains a wildcard in an attribute type in a multi-valued RDN
Peer replica '%s' is too late compared to changelog '%s' for domain '%s'. It asked for changes that are not present in the changelog or have been purged. The peer replica will no longer receive replicated changes and must be re-initialized. Diagnostic information follows: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode the value of the custom password policy attribute in entry '%s': %s. Any passwords contained in the entry will be encoded using the default storage schemes, but authentication as this user might not be possible
Entry '%s' indicates that it uses custom password policy '%s', but no such policy is defined in the server. Any passwords contained in the entry will be encoded using the default storage schemes, but authentication as this user might not be possible
Version %s not found, best match is %s
Proxy backend '%s' cannot failover: only primary servers have been discovered via the service discovery mechanism '%s'. Primary servers are %s
Proxy backend '%s' cannot failover: only secondary servers have been discovered via the service discovery mechanism '%s'. Secondary servers are %s
The primary servers for proxy backend '%s' are unavailable. The secondary servers, if available, will be used for processing requests until the primary servers become available again. The last failure that prevented the primary servers from being used was: %s
The secondary servers for proxy backend '%s' are unavailable. If the primary servers are unavailable, or become unavailable, then it will no longer be possible to proxy requests. The last failure that prevented the secondary servers from being used was: %s
The server '%s' for proxy backend '%s' is unavailable. The last failure that prevented the server from being used was: %s
The proxy backend '%s' will ignore the discovered servers '%s' from shard '%s' because they do not expose the required base DNs '%s'
The work queue caught an exception while trying to cancel pending operation %s when the Directory Server was shutting down: %s
An error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the rebuild process exits, so no further action should be required
The regular expression identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
Backend %s already contains entry %s which has just been registered as the base DN for backend %s. These conflicting entries can cause unexpected or errant search results, and both backends should be reinitialized to ensure that each has the correct content
Peer replica asked for changes from replica '%1$s' starting from %2$s (CSN '%3$s'), but changelog DB only contains changes starting from %4$s (CSN '%5$s'). The last recorded purge information in 'domains.state' is: last update CSN: %6$s, last message CSN: %7$s. The replica DB description is: number of files: %8$d, replica offline: %9$b. The replica DB newest file content is: oldest CSN: %10$s, newest CSN: %11$s, number of updates: %12$d, number of ReplicaOfflineMsg: %13$d
Peer replica asked for changes from replica '%1$s' starting from %2$s (CSN '%3$s'), but changelog DB only contains changes starting from %4$s (CSN '%5$s'). The administrator explicitly decided to ignore the recorded purge information in 'domains.state' by setting the 'org.forgerock.opendj.allowReplicaPastPurgeDelay' system property to 'true'. The replica DB description is: number of files: %6$d, replica offline: %7$b. The replica DB newest file content is: oldest CSN: %8$s, newest CSN: %9$s, number of updates: %10$d, number of ReplicaOfflineMsg: %11$d
Peer replica asked for changes from replica '%s' starting from %s (CSN '%s'), but the changelog DB has purged this change, and the last known generated change timestamp is %s (CSN '%s'). The last recorded purge information in 'domains.state' is: last update CSN: %s, last message CSN: %s
Replication delay for '%s' is above %dms, current delay: %dms
Replication domain '%s' status '%s' is not healthy
Directory server DS(%s) encountered an error while receiving changes for domain "%s" from replication server RS(%s) at %s. The connection will be closed, and this directory server will now try to connect to another replication server. The error was: %s
Replication server RS(%s) at %s has closed the connection to this directory server DS(%s). This directory server will now try to connect to another replication server in order to receive changes for the domain "%s"
The replication server has detected that the file system containing the changelog has sufficient disk space to resume operation. It is now reconnecting to the rest of the replication topology
Base DN "%s" is configured as one of the subordinate base DNs to use for searches below the root DSE. However, this base DN is not handled by any suffix registered with the Directory Server and will therefore not be used
A transient problem occurred while Replication Server %s was connecting to this Replication Server %s. The Replication Server should try to reconnect later. The problem was: %s
Replication server RS(%s) is closing its connection to %s at %s for domain '%s' because it could not detect a heartbeat: time since last message (%s) is greater than the timeout interval %s ms (heartbeat interval is %s ms)
The subject attribute to user attribute certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
'%s' has ignored the file '%s' either because the certificate does not contain the key usage extension '%s', or because the file does not contain the appropriate key types
Cannot connect to replica '%s' for replication service discovery mechanism '%s'. The replica entry is: %s
Settings for Replica '%s' should provide a hostname
Replication server '%s' references server '%s' that could not be parsed correctly; the definition will be skipped
Scheduled discovery '%s' failed : %s
Cannot gather naming contexts from server %s: %s
An error occurred while setting file permissions for the backend database directory %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to remove content of directory '%s': %s
Setup has failed, see the errors in the messages below. The process also failed to automatically remove the files that it created during setup. Please manually remove the 'db' and 'config' directories from the instance directory before trying to run the setup again
Setup has failed, see the errors in the messages below. The process also failed to automatically remove the files that it created during setup. Please manually remove the 'db' and 'config' directories from the instance directory and the '%s' file before trying to run the setup again
An error occurred while attempting to release a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should be automatically cleaned when the Directory Server process exits, so no additional action should be necessary
An error occurred when trying to send an e-mail message for administrative alert with type %s and message %s: %s
The search filter "%s" used by subentry manager is not indexed in backend %s. Backend initialization for subentry manager processing might take a very long time to complete
An error occurred while attempting to rename the current tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. The previous task configuration (which does not reflect the latest update) may be lost
Unable to add completed task %s to the task scheduler because another task already exists with the same ID
Directory server DS(%s) timed out while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s"
Timed out while trying to acquire the domain lock for domain "%s". The connection attempt from replication server RS(%s) at %s to this replication server RS(%s) will be aborted. This is probably benign and a result of a simultaneous cross connection attempt
A transient problem occurred while DS(%s) was connecting to RS(%s), Directory Server will try to connect again. Problem was: %s
Unable to find configuration for truststore backend "%s", using default values instead
Unable to locate all expired entries on backend '%s' because the ttl-enabled index '%s' has reached the configured index-entry-limit
This platform does not support setting file permissions %s to the database directory %s
%s is unexpectedly exiting when the Directory Server is not in the process of shutting down. This likely indicates that the thread encountered an unexpected error
The server is performing an unindexed internal search request with base DN '%s', scope '%s', and filter '%s'. Unindexed internal searches are usually unexpected and could impact performance. Please verify that this backend's indexes are configured correctly for these search parameters
Unable to find the task backend file location in the configuration file %s, entry '%s' or attribute '%s' is missing
EXPERIMENTAL virtual threads support has been enabled. DO NOT USE in production
An error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the verification process exits, so no further action should be required
WARNING: Unable to open log file %s for reading: %s
WARNING: Unable to open output file %s for writing: %s
Service %s has been marked for deletion
The server has been marked for deletion as a Windows Service
%s was interrupted while waiting for new work: %s. This should not happen, but the thread will resume waiting for new work so there should be no adverse effects
An unexpected exception was caught while %s was waiting for new work: %s. This should not happen, but the thread will resume waiting for new work so there should be no adverse effects
Configuration attribute %s has distinct values in replication domain configuration entries. Migration to replication synchronization provider configuration will keep only one value, '%s' and discarded '%s'
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
Returns the name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class.
Field Details
The provided string "%s" could not be parsed as a valid Access Control Instruction (ACI) because it failed general ACI syntax evaluation
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) version value "%s" is invalid, only the version 3.0 is supported
The provided Access Control Instruction access type value "%s" is invalid. A valid access type value is either allow or deny
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) rights values "%s" are invalid. The rights must be a list of 1 to 6 comma-separated keywords enclosed in parentheses
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) rights keyword values "%s" are invalid. The valid rights keyword values are one or more of the following: read, write, add, delete, search, compare or the single value all
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_BIND_RULE_MISSING_CLOSE_PARENThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule value "%s" is invalid because it is missing a close parenthesis that corresponded to the initial open parenthesis
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule value "%s" is invalid. A valid bind rule value must be in the following form: keyword operator "expression"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule keyword value "%s" is invalid. A valid keyword value is one of the following: userdn, groupdn, roledn, userattr,ip, dns, dayofweek, timeofday or authmethod
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid bind rule operator value is either '=' or "!="
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_MISSING_BIND_RULE_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule expression value corresponding to the keyword value "%s" is missing an expression. A valid bind rule value must be in the following form: keyword operator "expression"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_BIND_RULE_BOOLEAN_OPERATORThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule boolean operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid bind rule boolean operator value is either "OR" or "AND"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_BIND_RULE_KEYWORD_OPERATOR_COMBOThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule keyword string "%s" is invalid for the bind rule operator string "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userdn expression failed to URL decode for the following reason: %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule groupdn expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid groupdn keyword expression value requires one or more LDAP URLs in the following format: ldap:///groupdn [|| ldap:///groupdn] ... [|| ldap:///groupdn]
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule groupdn expression value failed to URL decode for the following reason: %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule ip expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid ip keyword expression requires one or more comma-separated elements of a valid IP address list expression
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid dns keyword expression value requires a valid fully qualified DNS domain name
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" is invalid, because a wild-card pattern was found in the wrong position. A valid dns keyword wild-card expression value requires the '*' character only be in the leftmost position of the domain name
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dayofweek expression value "%s" is invalid, because of an invalid day of week value. A valid dayofweek value is one of the following English three-letter abbreviations for the days of the week: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, or sat
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule timeofday expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid timeofday value is expressed as four digits representing hours and minutes in the 24-hour clock (0 to 2359)
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule timeofday expression value "%s" is not in the valid range. A valid timeofday value is expressed as four digits representing hours and minutes in the 24-hour clock (0 to 2359)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_AUTHMETHOD_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule authmethod expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid authmethod value is one of the following: none, simple,SSL, or "sasl mechanism", where mechanism is one of the supported SASL mechanisms including CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, and GSSAPI
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value "%s" is invalid
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_USERATTR_INHERITANCE_PATTERNThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression inheritance pattern value "%s" is invalid. A valid inheritance pattern value must have the following format: parent[inheritance_level].attribute#bindType
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_MAX_USERATTR_INHERITANCE_LEVEL_EXCEEDEDThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression inheritance pattern value "%s" is invalid. The inheritance level value cannot exceed the max level limit of %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression inheritance pattern value "%s" is invalid because it is non-numeric
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target rule value "%s" is invalid. A valid target rule value must be in the following form: keyword operator "expression"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target keyword value "%s" is invalid. A valid target keyword value is one of the following: target, targetscope, targetfilter, targetattr or targattrfilters
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGET_NOT_OPERATORThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target operator value "%s" is invalid. The only valid target operator value for the "%s" keyword is '='
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGET_DUPLICATE_KEYWORDSThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target keyword value "%s" was seen multiple times in the ACI "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target keyword operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid target keyword operator value is either '=' or "!="
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGETSCOPE_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetscope expression operator value "%s" is invalid. A valid targetscope expression value is one of the following: one, onelevel, subtree or subordinate
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGETKEYWORD_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid target keyword expression value requires a LDAP URL in the following format: ldap:///distinguished_name_pattern
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_TARGET_DN_NOT_DESCENDENTOFThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) target expression DN value "%s" is invalid. The target expression DN value must be a descendant of the ACI entry DN "%s", if no wild-card is specified in the target expression DN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGETATTRKEYWORD_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetattr expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid targetattr keyword expression value requires one or more valid attribute type names in the following format: attribute1 [|| attribute2] ... [|| attributeN]. Attribute options are not supported
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGETFILTERKEYWORD_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetfilter expression value "%s" is invalid because it is not a valid LDAP filter
An attempt to add the entry "%s" containing an aci attribute type failed, because the authorization DN "%s" lacked modify-acl privileges
An attempt to modify an aci attribute type in the entry "%s" failed, because the authorization DN "%s" lacked modify-acl privileges
An attempt to add the entry "%s" containing an aci attribute type failed because of the following reason: %s
An attempt to modify an aci attribute type in the entry "%s" failed because of the following reason: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_ACI_ADD_LIST_FAILED_DECODEObject> "%s", located in the entry "%s", because of the following reason: %s
Added %s Access Control Instruction (ACI) attribute types found in context "%s" to the access control evaluation engine
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGATTRFILTERS_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilter expression value %s is invalid because it is not in the correct format. A valid targattrsfilters expression value must be in the following format: "add=attr1: F1 && attr2: F2 ... && attrN: FN,del= attr1: F1 && attr2: F2 ... && attrN: FN"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGATTRFILTERS_OPS_MATCHThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilter expression value %s is invalid because the both operation tokens match in the two filter lists
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGATTRFILTERS_MAX_FILTER_LISTSThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because there are more than two filter list statements
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGATTRFILTERS_FILTER_LIST_FORMATThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because the provided filter list string is in the wrong format. A valid targattrfilters filter list must be in the following format: add=attr1: F1 && attr2: F2 ... && attrN: FN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGATTRFILTERS_FILTER_LISTS_FILTERThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because one or more of the specified filters are invalid for the following reason: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGATTRFILTERS_FILTER_LISTS_ATTR_FILTERThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targattrfilters expression value %s is invalid because one or more of the specified filters are invalid because of non-matching attribute type names in the filter
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) attribute name value %s is invalid. A valid attribute type name must begin with an ASCII letter and must contain only ASCII letters,digits or the "-" character
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_ACI_SYNTAX_DUBIOUS_AUTHMETHOD_SASL_MECHANISMThe SASL mechanism "%s" provided in the Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule authmethod expression is not one of the currently registered mechanisms in the server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_ACI_LOCALHOST_DOESNT_MATCH_CANONICAL_VALUEObject> The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" references hostname %s, but the canonical representation for that hostname is configured to be %s. The server will attempt to automatically interpret the correct localhost value
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_ACI_HOSTNAME_DOESNT_MATCH_CANONICAL_VALUEObject, Object> The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" references hostname %s, which resolves to IP address %s, but the canonical hostname for that IP address is %s. This likely means that the provided hostname will never match any clients
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_ACI_ERROR_CHECKING_CANONICAL_HOSTNAMEObject> An error occurred while attempting to determine whether hostname %s referenced in dns expression bind rule "%s" used the correct canonical representation: %s. This likely means that the provided hostname will never match any clients
Added %s Global Access Control Instruction (ACI) attribute types to the access control evaluation engine
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_ACI_HANDLER_FAIL_PROCESS_GLOBAL_ACIAn unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-global-aci attribute in configuration entry %s: %s
An unexpected error occurred while processing the aci attributes in the configuration system: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_PATTERN_DN_CONSECUTIVE_WILDCARDS_IN_VALUEThe pattern DN %s is not valid because it contains two consecutive wildcards in an attribute value
The pattern DN %s is not valid because it uses wildcards for substring matching on an attribute type. A single wildcard is allowed in place of an attribute type
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_PATTERN_DN_TYPE_WILDCARD_IN_MULTIVALUED_RDNThe pattern DN %s is not valid because it contains a wildcard in an attribute type in a multi-valued RDN
Selfwrite check skipped because an attribute "%s" with a distinguished name syntax was not a valid DN
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetattr expression value "%s" is invalid because the expression contains invalid or duplicate tokens
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) expression value "%s" is invalid because it contains the roledn keyword, which is not supported, replace it with the groupdn keyword
Failed to decode the Access Control Instruction (ACI)%s
The server is being put into lockdown mode because invalid ACIs rules were detected either when the server was started or during a backend initialization
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value failed to URL decode for the following reason: %s
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value failed to parse because the ldap URL "%s" contains an empty base DN
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule userattr expression value failed to parse because the attribute field of the ldap URL "%s" either contains more than one description or the field is empty
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the prefix part of the expression "%s" has an invalid format
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the prefix value of the expression "%s" was an invalid value. All values must greater than or equal to 0 and either less than or equal 32 for IPV4 addresses or less than or equal to 128 for IPV6 addresses
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the prefix part of the expression "%s" has an non-numeric value
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv4 address expression "%s" format was invalid
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv4 address expression "%s" contains an invalid value. All values of the address must be between 0 and 255
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv4 address expression "%s" contains a non-numeric value
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the IPv6 address expression "%s" contains an illegal wildcard character. Wildcards are not supported when using IPv6 addresses in a IP bind rule expression
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression "%s" failed to parse for the following reason: "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the netmask part of the expression "%s" has an invalid format
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule IP address expression failed to parse because the netmask part of the expression "%s" has an invalid value
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGETCONTROL_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetcontrol expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid targetcontrol keyword expression value requires one or more valid control OID strings in the following format: oid [|| oid1] ... [|| oidN]
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Character, WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_ILLEGAL_CHAR_IN_NUMERIC_OIDNumber> The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetcontrol OID value "%s" could not be parsed because the value contained an illegal character %c at position %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_DOUBLE_PERIOD_IN_NUMERIC_OIDThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetcontrol OID value "%s" could not be parsed because the numeric OID contained two consecutive periods at position %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TARGEXTOP_EXPRESSIONThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) extop expression value "%s" is invalid. A valid extop keyword expression value requires one or more valid extended operation request OID strings in the following format: oid [|| oid1] ... [|| oidN]
Backend %s does not have a presence index defined for attribute type %s. Access control initialization may take a very long time to complete in this backend
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule SSF expression "%s" failed to parse for the following reason: "%s"
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule ssf expression value "%s" is not in the valid range. A valid ssf value is in the range of 1 to 1024
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_TIMEOFDAY_FORMATThe provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule timeofday expression "%s" failed to parse for the following reason: "%s"
The global access control policy '%s' has been added
The global access control policy '%s' has been removed
The global access control policy '%s' has been modified
The global access control engine has been initialized with %d policies
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_GLOBAL_ACCESS_CONTROL_INVALID_TARGET_DN_PATTERNThe global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid target DN pattern "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_GLOBAL_ACCESS_CONTROL_INVALID_USER_DN_PATTERNThe global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid user DN pattern "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_GLOBAL_ACCESS_CONTROL_UNRECOGNIZED_CONTROL_ALIASThe global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an unrecognized control alias "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_GLOBAL_ACCESS_CONTROL_UNRECOGNIZED_EXTOP_ALIASThe global access control policy defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an unrecognized extended operation alias "%s"
This utility can be used to display basic server information
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_SUBCMD_ADD_SERVER_TO_PRE_7_0_TOPOLOGYAdds the local server (with version 7.0 or more) to a topology with older server versions (prior to 7.0)
Establishing connections
Checking registration information
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_INITIALIZE_PROGRESS_WITH_PERCENTAGE%s entries processed (%s %% complete)
%s entries processed
%s remaining to be processed
A target server must be specified either by using LDAP connection options or the --%s option
An error occurred while reading the server configuration: %s
An error occurred while printing server status script friendly output: %s
Run status
Open connections
General details
Host name
Server ID
Administration port (LDAPS)
Installation path
Instance path
Installation and instance path
Running server Java details
Java version
Java vendor
JVM available CPUs
JVM max heap size
Connection handlers
Load m1 rate
Load m5 rate
Local backends
Proxy backends
Active cache
Base DN
Receive delay
Replay delay
Disk space
Free space
There are no connection handlers setup in the server
There are no local backends setup in the server
There are no proxy backends setup in the server
No disks are monitored by the server
Connect to the server to obtain JVM information
Connect to the server to obtain disk space information
Unable to perform the search on the monitor backend. To display information, the status tool requires the remote server monitor backend to be enabled
The folder into which the files will be placed into
The instance is running
The instance is not running
Password to use to bind to the server
Path to the JDK utility binaries directory such as jstack
Specifies whether audit files are excluded
Specifies whether keystore files are excluded
Specifies that the tool should not interact with the server, that is no LDAP operation, and no jstack sampling
Specifies whether a Java Heap Dump (using jmap) should be produced. The binary file is generated at the same location as the ZIP archive before being added to it; please make sure that the target directory's volume has sufficient capacity
Maximum number of log files to collect. Ignored if --logsAfterDate is provided
Collect log files after this date. Format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" like "20161123143612" = 23 November 2016, 14:36 12s. Overrides --maxLogFiles
When the server is embedded in OpenAM, there is no PID file. Therefore this option indicates the server PID of the OpenAM application server
This tool collects support data from the OpenDJ instance it is bound to
<xinclude:include href="description-supportextract.xml" />
extract support data
Error: %s
The output directory "%s" could not be found
The number argument for "maxLogFiles" is invalid
The date argument for "logsAfterDate" is invalid
The serverPID argument is not a valid number
The --bindDN and/or --bindPassword arguments are missing
Could not collect monitoring data from the directory server: %s
Could not collect all the files
An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments: The argument --outputDirectory is required to have a value but none was provided in the argument list and no default value is available
Continuing data gathering though there was an error: %s
The following archive has been created : %s
Could not find ""
Error while loading "": %s
No monitoring data can be collected when the server is not running or no server interaction is allowed
No JVM stack dump can be produced when the server is not running or no server interaction is allowed
Could not find the "%s" command in "%s"
Skipping log "%s" (unsupported config)
Collecting the configuration files
Collecting process statistics
Making copy of the %s file before collecting process statistics
Removing file copy %s
Skipping backup of %s log (file not found)
Collecting JVM heap dump : using %s
Collecting the log files
Collecting backend statistics
Collecting the GC log files
Skipping GC logs collection because GC logging is not enabled
Collecting ChangelogDb information
No changelogDb data found (is a DS or is not replicated)
Collecting the monitoring info from cn=monitor
Collecting process thread information, sample number : %d
Generating stack dump, sample number : %d using %s for pid %d
Processor information
OS information
Extract environment variables
DS /proc files
VM environment information
Disk information
Network information
Linux release
Linux /proc info files
Collecting system node information
Listing the security stores
Adding %s
Skipping %s
Skipping java security stores
Skipping audit files
There was at least one error during the tasks execution: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_JDKTOOLS_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT_VALUENo value was provided for %s, JDK tool directory is set to %s
Cannot extract process statistics (by running "top" command) on OS '%s'. Only %s dump samples will be collected
This tool manages data synchronization between servers. For replication to work you must initialize the contents of one of the servers with the contents of the others using the '%s' subcommand
Manages data synchronization between servers
An unexpected error has been raised during execution of the tool: '%s'
Initialize replication data for the server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, INFO_DSREPL_START_INITIALIZATION_FROM_OR_TO_SINGLE_REMOTEObject> Starting initialization from '%s' to '%s' for base DNs: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_DSREPL_START_INITIALIZATION_TO_ALL_REMOTEStarting initialization from '%s' to all replicas for base DNs: %s
Starting initialization for base DN: '%s'
An error occurred when launching initialization: %s
Base DN(s) to use. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times
Server ID of the server containing the source data
Server ID of the server to be initialized
Initialize all the other servers in the topology
A mandatory argument is missing. Choose one and only one argument from '--toServer', '--fromServer' and '--toAllServers'
Invalid combination of arguments. Choose one and only one argument from '--toServer', '--fromServer' and '--toAllServers'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_INIT_TASK_WITH_LOGAn error occurred during initialization. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_INIT_TASK_WITHOUT_LOGAn error occurred during initialization. Task state: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITH_LOGError during the processing of the reset generationID task. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITHOUT_LOGError during the processing of the reset generationID task. Task state: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_EXTRACT_MASTER_KEY_CERTIFICATECannot extract the master key pair certificate with alias '%s' because the crypto-manager's key manager provider of the local server does not contain such key or does not support extracting certificates
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_EXTRACT_CA_CERTIFICATECannot find a CA certificate in the replication trust managers of the local server. Please verify the %s trust-manager-provider configuration value
Base DN(s) to replicate
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_INAPPROPRIATE_SERVER_IDInappropriate server ID '%s' for the local server: it does not represent a numeric value as required to communicate with pre 7.0 servers. Use an integer server ID without leading zeros
Inappropriate group ID '%s' for the local server: it cannot be converted to an integer, but this is required to communicate with pre 7.0 servers. Use a group ID that can be converted into an integer, or use 'default' if you do not want to set a group ID
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_SERVER_ID_ALREADY_USEDObject> Cannot use server ID '%s' for the local server because it is already used by server '%s' (configuration object %s)
Cannot read the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_READ_CN_ADMIN_DATACannot read 'cn=admin data' in server '%s'. The error was: %s
Error when reading the server IDs from all the servers in the old topology. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_DISCOVER_NEW_SERVER_CONFIGCannot discover the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_NEW_SERVER_TO_CN_ADMIN_DATACannot add an entry describing the new server to 'cn=admin data' in the remote server '%s' in the existing topology. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_RS_TO_BOOTSTRAP_REPL_SERVERSObject> Cannot add '%s' to the bootstrap replication server list on server '%s'. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_RS_TO_REPL_SERVERObject> Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication server on server '%s'. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_RS_TO_REPL_DOMAINObject, Object> Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication domain '%s' on server '%s'. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_REPLICATION_PORTCannot retrieve the replication port from server '%s'. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NEW_SERVER_TO_REPLICATECannot configure the local server so it can replicate with the servers in the existing topology. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_READ_SERVER_IDObject, Object> Cannot read server ID from server '%s' on DNs '%s' and '%s'. The errors were: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_DETERMINE_SERVER_IDObject> Cannot determine server ID for server '%s' on DNs '%s' and '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_SERVERCannot obtain a connection to server '%s' from the existing topology. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_ALL_SERVERSCannot obtain a connection for one of the servers in the existing topology. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_REPLICATION_WITH_ALL_SERVERSCannot configure all the servers in the existing topology to replicate with the new server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ERROR_WHILE_OPENING_OR_CLOSING_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXTAn error occurred opening (or closing) a connection to change the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ERROR_WHILE_OPENING_CONNECTIONSAn error occurred opening connections to the server in the existing topology or the new server. The error was: %s
Once done, restart the server for the changes to take effect
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_READ_SERVER_ID_OR_GROUP_IDCannot read the server ID or the group ID for the local server. The error(s) are: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_ENTRYObject> Cannot add the entry '%s' to the server '%s'. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_READ_ENTRYObject> Cannot read the entry '%s' on server '%s'. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_MODIFY_ENTRYObject> Cannot modify the entry '%s' on server '%s' to reconcile it with what is expected by the tool. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ADD_INSTANCE_KEYS_TO_CN_ADMIN_DATAAdding server instances keys from the existing topology into 'cn=admin data' in the new server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ERROR_WHILE_ADDING_INSTANCE_KEYSCannot add server instance keys to the new server. The error was: %s
Enabling 'cn=admin data' backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CREATE_REPLICATION_TRUST_MANAGERCreating the trust manager '%s' to be used by replication connections in the local server
Updating replication configuration on local server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CONFIGURING_REPLICATION_DOMAINUpdating replication configuration for baseDN '%s' on local server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CONFIGURING_TOPOLOGY_TO_TALK_TO_NEW_SERVERConfiguring the servers in the topology to talk to the local server
Replication has been successfully configured on the local server. Note that for replication to work you must initialize the contents of the base DNs that are being replicated. Run the following command(s) to do so:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_SUBCMDStart disaster recovery for all servers. Read the documentation on disaster recovery carefully before using this command
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_END_DISASTER_RECOVERY_SUBCMDEnd disaster recovery for all servers. Read the documentation on disaster recovery carefully before using this command
An error occurred while attempting to monitor the task progress. The error was: %s
Check the server error logs for additional details
Purges old replication meta-data from application data
Maximum duration of the command in seconds
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_MAX_DURATION_DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER{maximum duration in seconds}
Purging old replication meta-data for server '%s' for base DNs: %s
An error occurred while purging old replication meta-data: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERROR_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_DURING_TASK_WITH_LOGAn error occurred while purging old replication meta-data. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_DURING_TASK_WITHOUT_LOGAn error occurred while purging old replication meta-data. Task state: %s
Re-synchronizes the change-log change number of the target server with the change-log change number of the source server
The change number to use as the basis for re-synchronization
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_CN_DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER{change number}
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_START_MSGStart to re-synchronize the change-log change number of server '%s' from the source server '%s'
Re-synchronizing with change number '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_CSN_AND_DNChange number corresponds to start CSN '%s' and base DN '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_SEARCH_ERRORError when searching change number '%s' in the source server: %s
Unable to retrieve change number '%s' in the source server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_NO_CSN_FOUNDNo CSN found for the change number '%s' in the source server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_NO_BASE_DN_FOUNDNo base DN found for the change number '%s' in the source server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_NEWEST_CNUnable to retrieve the newest change number in the source server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_ERROR_LAUNCHINGAn error occurred when re-synchronizing the change number: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_DURING_TASK_WITH_LOGAn error occurred during the re-synchronization of the change number. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_DURING_TASK_WITHOUT_LOGAn error occurred during the re-synchronization of the change number. Task state: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_DOMAINS_DO_NOT_MATCHThe source and target server have distinct replication domains. As a consequence the change number from the target server can't be reset from a change number of the source server
Unable to find a replicated domain in the target server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_NO_MATCHING_DOMAIN_FOUNDUnable to find a replicated domain matching the DN '%s' corresponding to the change number
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_UNSUCCESSFUL_WHEN_SEARCHING_DOMAINAn error occurred when searching replicated domains in server. Result code was: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_ERROR_WHEN_SEARCHING_DOMAINAn error occurred when searching replicated domains in server: %s
Displays the status of the replication service and various diagnostics about it. The information is derived from reading cn=monitor on all the servers in the replication topology. The status of a server is one of the following. - BAD - DATA MISMATCH: either the fractional replication configuration does not match the backend data, or the initial state of the replicated data does not match other servers and this server must be re-initialized; - BAD - TOO LATE: the server has fallen further behind than the replication purge delay and must be re-initialized; - GOOD: normal operation, nothing to do; - SLOW: the server's replay delay is greater than five seconds; - UNHEALTHY: read the server health errors in the server monitoring data for details
Base DN
Base DN / DS
Base DN / RS
Base DN / RS / DS
Receive delay (ms)
Replay delay (ms)
Entry count
Server / host port
Error or diagnostic
Displays individual replicas in the output
Displays individual changelog servers in the output
Display replication group information in the output
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_STATUS_CANNOT_READ_CN_MONITOR_ON_TARGET_SERVERAn error occurred while reading cn=monitor on server %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_STATUS_CANNOT_READ_CN_MONITOR_ON_SERVERError while reading cn=monitor: %s
Cannot contact server: no admin port could be discovered in its entry %s
Server is not healthy: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_STATUS_GENERAL_ERROR_READING_CN_MONITORGeneral error: %s
Base DN(s) to display. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times. If no base DNs are provided, then all the base DNs will be displayed
Clears all replication server changelog data for the offline local server; the other replication servers in the topology will transfer any needed data when the server restarts
A problem occurred while clearing the changelog data: %s
Clearing all replication server changelog data for the local server
Nothing to do: this server does not keep any replication server changelog data
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_ALL_SERVERSCannot obtain a connection for one of the servers in the topology. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_SERVERCannot obtain a connection to server '%s' from the topology. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ERROR_WHILE_OPENING_OR_CLOSING_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXTAn error occurred opening (or closing) a connection to read or change the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s
This server has already been cleaned, there is nothing left to do
The remaining cleanup on this server cannot be performed because the administrator user '%s' in the admin backend was used to bind to the server. You should run again this command using a bind DN, such as "uid=admin", which lies outside the "cn=admin data" backend to be able to complete the cleanup on this server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_DISABLE_ADMIN_BACKENDCannot disable admin backend on the local server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_UPDATE_CONFIGURATIONCannot update configuration for server '%s'. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_READ_MONITOR_ENTRYCannot read monitor entries under '%s' on the local server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_DELETE_ADMIN_ENTRIESCannot delete entries under '%s' in admin backend. The error was: %s
All servers have been cleaned
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ALL_SERVERS_CLEANED_UP_WITH_SECRET_KEYSAll servers have been cleaned. The admin backend will remain enabled because it contains secret keys that may be used by reversible password storage schemes
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_SECONDARY_CLEANUP_DONEThe server %s has now been cleaned
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ADMIN_USER_NOT_REMOVEDServers have been cleaned, however the administrator user '%s' in the admin backend was not removed because it was used to bind to the server. To remove it, you should run the following commands on all servers using a bind DN, such as "uid=admin", which lies outside the "cn=admin data" backend:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_REMOVE_ADMIN_BACKEND_SERVERSRemoving servers from admin backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_REMOVE_ADMIN_BACKEND_INSTANCE_KEYSRemoving instance keys from admin backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_REMOVE_ADMIN_BACKEND_ADMINISTRATORSRemoving administrators from admin backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CLEANUP_CONFIGURATIONCleaning and updating configuration of server %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_SET_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIGSet bootstrap servers configuration for server %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_DISABLE_ADMIN_BACKENDDisable admin backend for server %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 WARN_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_REVERSIBLE_PASSWORD_STORAGE_SCHEME_ENABLEDSome reversible password storage schemes are enabled in the configuration, note that it won't be possible to use them in password policies since the admin data backend has been disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_SUBCMD_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_PRE_70_TOPOLOGYClean all the servers (with version 7.0 or more) that have been migrated from a topology of older servers (version prior to 7.0)
An attempt was made to configure the root DSE backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ROOTDSE_NO_BACKEND_FOR_SUBORDINATE_BASEBase DN "%s" is configured as one of the subordinate base DNs to use for searches below the root DSE. However, this base DN is not handled by any suffix registered with the Directory Server and will therefore not be used
Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the root DSE backend. If you wish to alter the contents of the root DSE itself, then it may be possible to do so by modifying the "%s" entry in the configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_ROOTDSE_INVALID_SEARCH_BASEObject> Unwilling to perform a search (connection ID %d, operation ID %d) with a base DN of "%s" in the root DSE backend. The base DN for searches in this backend must be the DN of the root DSE itself
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_ROOTDSE_INVALID_SEARCH_SCOPEObject> Unable to process the search with connection ID %d and operation ID %d because it had an invalid scope of %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the root DSE backend: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the root DSE entry to the specified LDIF target: %s
The root DSE configuration has been updated so that it will now use a new set of user-defined attributes
An attempt was made to configure the monitor backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no monitor information will be available over protocol
Unwilling to add entry "%s" because add operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
Unwilling to remove entry "%s" because delete operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the monitor backend. If you wish to alter the contents of the base monitor entry itself, then it may be possible to do so by modifying the "%s" entry in the configuration
Unwilling to rename entry "%s" because modify DN operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
An error occurred while attempting to export the base monitor entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MONITOR_UNABLE_TO_EXPORT_PROVIDER_ENTRYAn error occurred while attempting to export the monitor entry for monitor provider %s: %s
The "%s" backend does not support LDIF import operations
The monitor configuration has been updated so that it will now use a new set of user-defined attributes
Unable to retrieve the requested entry from the "%s" backend because the provided DN was null
Unable to retrieve the requested entry %s from the monitor backend because the DN is not below the monitor base of %s
An attempt was made to configure the schema backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no schema information will be available over protocol
An error occurred while attempting to export the base schema entry: %s
Unable to retrieve the requested entry %s from the schema backend because the DN is equal to one of the schema entry DNs
An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the schema backend: %s
The Directory Server was unable to obtain a lock on entry %s after multiple attempts. This could mean that the entry is already locked by a long-running operation or that the entry has previously been locked but was not properly unlocked
The task defined in entry %s is invalid because it has an invalid state %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASK_CANNOT_PARSE_SCHEDULED_START_TIMEAn error occurred while trying to parse the scheduled start time value %s from task entry %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASK_CANNOT_PARSE_ACTUAL_START_TIMEAn error occurred while trying to parse the actual start time value %s from task entry %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASK_CANNOT_PARSE_COMPLETION_TIMEAn error occurred while trying to parse the completion time value %s from task entry %s
Task entry %s is missing required attribute %s
There are multiple instances of attribute %s in task entry %s
There are multiple values for attribute %s in task entry %s
An error occurred while executing the task defined in entry %s: %s
The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to hold the recurring task ID
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the recurring task ID, but only a single instance is allowed
The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID, but only a single value is allowed
The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify recurring task schedule
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold recurring task schedule, but only a single instance is allowed
The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule
The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule, but only a single value is allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_RECURRINGTASK_CANNOT_LOAD_CLASSObject> An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided recurring task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_RECURRINGTASK_CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_CLASS_AS_TASKAn error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_RECURRINGTASK_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_INTERNALAn error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s
The specified task data backing file %s already exists and the Directory Server will not attempt to overwrite it. Please delete or rename the existing file before attempting to use that path for the new backing file, or choose a new path
The specified path %s for the new task data backing file appears to be an invalid path. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKBE_BACKING_FILE_MISSING_PARENTThe parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s does not exist. Please create this directory before attempting to use this path for the new backing file or choose a new path
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKBE_BACKING_FILE_PARENT_NOT_DIRECTORYThe parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s exists but is not a directory. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file
An error occurred while attempting to determine the new path to the task data backing file: %s
The completed task retention time has been updated to %d seconds. This will take effect immediately
The path to the task data backing file has been changed to %s. A snapshot of the current task configuration has been written to that file and it will continue to be used for future updates
New entries in the task backend may only be added immediately below %s for scheduled tasks or immediately below %s for recurring tasks
This file contains the data used by the Directory Server task scheduler backend. Do not edit this file directly, as there is a risk that those changes will be lost. Scheduled and recurring task definitions should only be edited using the administration utilities provided with the Directory Server
Unable to add recurring task %s to the task scheduler because another recurring task already exists with the same ID
Unable to schedule task %s because another task already exists with the same ID
Unable to add completed task %s to the task scheduler because another task already exists with the same ID
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_ERROR_SCHEDULING_RECURRING_ITERATIONAn error occurred while attempting to schedule the next iteration of recurring task %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_PARSE_ENTRY_RECOVERABLEObject> An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is not a fatal error, so the task scheduler will attempt to continue parsing the file and schedule any additional tasks that it contains
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_PARSE_ENTRY_FATALObject> An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is an unrecoverable error, and parsing cannot continue
Entry %s read from the tasks backing file is invalid because it has no parent and does not match the task root DN of %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_SCHEDULE_RECURRING_TASK_FROM_ENTRYAn error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a recurring task and add it to the scheduler: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_SCHEDULE_TASK_FROM_ENTRYAn error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a task and add it to the scheduler: %s
Entry %s read from the tasks backing file %s has a DN which is not valid for a task or recurring task definition and will be ignored
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_ERROR_READING_TASK_BACKING_FILEAn error occurred while attempting to read from the tasks data backing file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_CREATE_BACKING_FILEAn error occurred while attempting to create a new tasks backing file %s for use with the task scheduler: %s
The provided task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic
The provided task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the task class name, but only a single instance is allowed
The provided task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic
The provided task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the task class name, but only a single value is allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_LOAD_CLASSObject> An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_CLASS_AS_TASKAn error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_INTERNALAn error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_RENAME_CURRENT_BACKING_FILEObject> An error occurred while attempting to rename the current tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. The previous task configuration (which does not reflect the latest update) may be lost
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_RENAME_NEW_BACKING_FILEObject> An error occurred while attempting to rename the new tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. If the Directory Server is restarted, then the task scheduler may not work as expected
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_WRITE_BACKING_FILEAn error occurred while attempting to write the new tasks data backing file %s: %s. Configuration information reflecting the latest update may be lost
The tasks backend is being shut down
The root DSE configuration has been updated so that configuration attribute %s will now use a value of %s
Unable to remove pending task %s because no such task exists
Unable to remove pending task %s because the task is no longer pending
Unable to remove completed task %s because no such task exists in the list of completed tasks
Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because its DN is either not appropriate for that backend or it is not below the scheduled or recurring tasks base entry
Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with that entry DN
Unable to delete entry %s from the task backend because the associated task is currently running
Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with that entry DN
Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because the provided base DN %s is not valid for entries in the task backend
Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with the provided search base entry %s
Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with the provided search base entry %s
Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
Exactly one base DN must be provided for use with the memory-based backend
Entry %s already exists in the memory-based backend
Entry %s does not belong in the memory-based backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MEMORYBACKEND_PARENT_DOESNT_EXISTUnable to add entry %s because its parent entry %s does not exist in the memory-based backend
Entry %s does not exist in the "%s" backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_MEMORYBACKEND_CANNOT_DELETE_ENTRY_WITH_CHILDRENCannot delete entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries
Unable to create an LDIF writer: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MEMORYBACKEND_CANNOT_WRITE_ENTRY_TO_LDIFCannot write entry %s to LDIF: %s
Unable to create an LDIF reader: %s
An unrecoverable error occurred while reading from LDIF: %s
An unexpected error occurred while processing the import: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_MEMORYBACKEND_CANNOT_RENAME_ENRY_WITH_CHILDRENCannot rename entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_MEMORYBACKEND_CANNOT_RENAME_TO_ANOTHER_BACKENDCannot rename entry %s because the target entry is in a different backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MEMORYBACKEND_RENAME_PARENT_DOESNT_EXISTCannot rename entry %s because the new parent entry %s doesn't exist
An error occurred while attempting to register the base DNs %s in the Directory Server: %s
The schema backend does not support the %s modification type
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPEThe schema backend does not support the modification of the %s attribute type. Only attribute types, object classes, ldap syntaxes, name forms, DIT content rules, DIT structure rules, and matching rule uses may be modified
An error occurred while attempting to write the updated schema: %s
The server will not allow removing all values for the %s attribute type in the server schema
Circular reference detected for attribute type %s in which the superior type chain references the attribute type itself
Circular reference detected for objectclass %s in which the superior class chain references the objectclass itself
Circular reference detected for DIT structure rule %s in which the superior rule chain references the DIT structure rule itself
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_CANNOT_WRITE_ORIG_FILES_CLEANEDAn error occurred while attempting to create copies of the existing schema files before applying the updates: %s. The server was able to restore the original schema configuration, so no additional cleanup should be required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_CANNOT_WRITE_ORIG_FILES_NOT_CLEANEDAn error occurred while attempting to create copies of the existing schema files before applying the updates: %s. A problem also occurred when attempting to restore the original schema configuration, so the server may be left in an inconsistent state and could require manual cleanup
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_CANNOT_WRITE_NEW_FILES_RESTOREDAn error occurred while attempting to write new versions of the server schema files: %s. The server was able to restore the original schema configuration, so no additional cleanup should be required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_CANNOT_WRITE_NEW_FILES_NOT_RESTOREDAn error occurred while attempting to write new versions of the server schema files: %s. A problem also occurred when attempting to restore the original schema configuration, so the server may be left in an inconsistent state and could require manual cleanup
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_REMOVE_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPEUnable to remove attribute type %s from the server schema because no such attribute type is defined
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_REMOVE_NO_SUCH_OBJECTCLASSUnable to remove objectclass %s from the server schema because no such objectclass is defined
Unable to remove name form %s from the server schema because no such name form is defined
Unable to remove DIT content rule %s from the server schema because no such DIT content rule is defined
Unable to remove DIT structure rule %s from the server schema because no such DIT structure rule is defined
Unable to remove matching rule use %s from the server schema because no such matching rule use is defined
You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the Directory Server schema
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SCHEMA_CANNOT_FIND_CONCAT_FILEObject> Unable to find a file containing concatenated schema element definitions in order to determine if any schema changes were made with the server offline. The file was expected in the %s directory and should have been named either %s or %s
An error occurred while attempting to determine whether any schema changes had been made by directly editing the schema files with the server offline: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SCHEMA_CANNOT_WRITE_CONCAT_SCHEMA_FILEAn error occurred while attempting to write file %s containing a concatenated list of all server schema elements: %s. The server may not be able to accurately identify any schema changes made with the server offline
The Directory Server is not configured to allow task %s to be invoked
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, INFO_TASK_COMPLETION_BODYObject, Object, Object, Object> Task ID: %s Task State: %s Scheduled Start Time: %s Actual Start Time: %s Completion Time: %s Description: %s Log Messages:
Indexes are not supported in the "%s" backend
LDIF import and export operations are not supported in the "%s" backend
The root container for backend %s has not been initialized preventing this backend from processing the requested operation
Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a task entry. Only task entries may be modified in the task backend
Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a valid task in the server
Entry %s cannot be modified because the associated task has completed running. Completed tasks cannot be modified
Entry %s cannot be modified because the server does not currently support modifying recurring task entries
The task associated with entry %s is currently running. The only modification allowed for running tasks is to replace the value of the ds-task-state attribute with "cancel"
Task processing was interrupted by a modify request to cancel the task
The LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s only supports a single base DN, but was configured for use with multiple base DNs
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_DUPLICATE_ENTRYObject> LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s has multiple entries with a DN of %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_ENTRY_OUT_OF_SCOPEObject> LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s includes entry %s which is not below the base DN defined for that backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_MISSING_PARENTObject> LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s contains entry %s but its parent entry has not yet been read
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_ERROR_CREATING_FILEObject> An error occurred while trying to create file %s to write an updated version of the data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_ERROR_WRITING_FILEObject> An error occurred while trying to write updated data to file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_ERROR_RENAMING_FILEObject, Object> An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s while writing updated data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Entry %s already exists in the LDIF backend
The parent for entry %s does not exist
Entry %s does not exist
Entry %s has one or more subordinate entries and cannot be deleted until all of its subordinate entries are removed first
Entry %s does not exist
Source entry %s does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_MODDN_TARGET_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTSTarget entry %s already exists
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_MODDN_NEW_PARENT_DOESNT_EXISTThe new parent DN %s does not exist
Entry %s specified as the search base DN does not exist
An error occurred while trying to create the writer for the LDIF export operation: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_CANNOT_WRITE_ENTRY_TO_LDIFAn error occurred while trying to write entry %s during the LDIF export: %s
An error occurred while trying to create the reader for the LDIF import operation: %s
An unrecoverable error occurred while attempting to read data from the import file: %s. The LDIF import cannot continue
The change to the LDIF file path will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled
The change to the LDIF backend base DN will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_HAS_SUBORDINATES_NO_SUCH_ENTRYThe target entry %s does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_NUM_SUBORDINATES_NO_SUCH_ENTRYThe target entry %s does not exist
This backend does not provide support for the numSubordinates operational attribute
The backend %s is now taken offline
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid number of tokens
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid minute token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid hour token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the month token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid month of the year token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the week token
The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid tokens combination yielding a nonexistent calendar date
An error occurred while attempting to export task backend data: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> INFO_ERGONOMIC_SIZING_OF_JE_CLEANER_THREADSJE backend '%s' does not specify the number of cleaner threads: defaulting to %d threads
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> INFO_ERGONOMIC_SIZING_OF_JE_LOCK_TABLESJE backend '%s' does not specify the number of lock tables: defaulting to %d
Unable to schedule task %s because its dependency task %s is missing
%s task %s started execution
%s task %s finished execution in the state %s
Unable to remove ldap syntax description %s from the server schema because no such ldap syntax description is defined
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SCHEMA_MODIFY_CANNOT_DECODE_LDAP_SYNTAXAn error occurred while attempting to decode the ldapsyntax description "%s": %s
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid number of tokens
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid minute token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid hour token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the month token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid month of the year token
The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the week token
The schema backend does not support the Replace modification type for the %s attribute type
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_BACKEND_ERROR_CLOSING_FILEObject> An error occurred while trying to close file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The file %s written for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s is 0 bytes long and unusable
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> ERR_BACKEND_CONFIG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_JVM_HEAPConfiguration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d but the JVM has only %d available. Consider using ds-cfg-db-cache-percent
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> ERR_BACKEND_CONFIG_CACHE_PERCENT_GREATER_THAN_JVM_HEAPConfiguration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-percent has a value of %d%% but the JVM has only %d%% available
Unable to process the virtual list view request because the target assertion could not be decoded as a valid value for the '%s' attribute type
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Object, WARN_DISK_SPACE_LOW_THRESHOLD_CROSSEDNumber, Object> Disk free space of %d bytes for directory %s is now below low threshold of %d bytes. Backend %s is now locked down and will no longer accept any operations from clients until sufficient disk space is restored
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Object, WARN_DISK_SPACE_FULL_THRESHOLD_CROSSEDNumber, Object> Disk free space of %d bytes for directory %s is now below disk low threshold of %d bytes. Backend %s is now offline and will no longer accept any operations until sufficient disk space is restored
An error occurred while trying to list the files to backup for backend '%s': %s
Insufficient free memory (%d bytes) to perform import. At least %d bytes of free memory is required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE_NEEDS_MATCHING_RULEIndex for attribute '%s' cannot be created for matching rule '%s' because it cannot be found in the schema. Fix the matching rule name in the config or add the matching rule to the schema
Unable to process the virtual list view request because the target start position was before the beginning of the result set
The entry database does not contain a record for ID %s
Execution error during backend operation: %s
The backend database directory could not be created: %s
This platform does not support setting file permissions %s to the database directory %s
An error occurred while setting file permissions for the backend database directory %s: %s
The change to the DB directory will not take effect until the backend is restarted. The DB files from the previous directory %s must be moved to the new directory %s after shutting down the backend to retain the existing data
The backend database directory '%s' is not a valid directory
The entry '%s' cannot be added because an entry with that name already exists
The entry '%s' cannot be added because its parent entry does not exist
There is no index configured for attribute type '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to decode an attribute description token from the compressed schema definitions: %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode an object class set token from the compressed schema definitions: %s
An error occurred while attempting to store compressed schema information in the database: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_BAD_FILTERObject> An error occurred while parsing the search filter %s defined for VLV index %s: %s
Sort attribute %s for VLV index %s is not defined in the server schema
Database exception: %s
A plugin caused the delete operation to be aborted while deleting a subordinate entry %s
The entry '%s' cannot be removed because it has subordinate entries
The entry '%s' cannot be removed because it does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_ENTRY_CONTAINER_ALREADY_REGISTEREDAn entry container named '%s' is already registered for base DN '%s'
The entry database does not contain a valid record for ID %s
I/O error occurred while exporting entry: %s
The backend must be disabled before the import process can start
Unable to create the temporary directory %s
The import has been aborted because the entry '%s' does not have a parent entry
Entry record is not compatible with this version of the backend database. Entry version: %x
An error occurred while reading from index %s. The index seems to be corrupt and is now operating in a degraded state. The index must be rebuilt before it can return to normal operation
The following paged results control cookie value was not recognized: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODIFYDN_ABORTED_BY_SUBORDINATE_PLUGINA plugin caused the modify DN operation to be aborted while moving and/or renaming an entry from %s to %s
The entry cannot be renamed to '%s' because an entry with that name already exists
The entry '%s' cannot be renamed because it does not exist
The entry '%s' cannot be modified because it does not exist
The entry cannot be moved because the new parent entry '%s' does not exist
The database environment could not be opened: %s
Rebuilding system index(es) must be done with the backend containing the base DN disabled
The backend database files could not be removed: %s
The requested search operation included both the simple paged results control and the virtual list view control. These controls are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together
The search results cannot be sorted because the given search request is not indexed
The search base entry '%s' does not exist
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform an unindexed search
Unchecked exception during database transaction: %s
There is no VLV index configured with name '%s'
The filter value exceeded the index entry limit for the %s index
%s index is invalid and needs to be rebuilt
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_INDEX_FILTER_INDEX_TYPE_DISABLED%s index type is disabled for the %s attribute
Average number of entries referenced is %.2f/record
Free memory = %d MB, Cache miss rate = %.1f/record
Number of records that exceed the entry limit: %d
Statistics for records that have exceeded the entry limit:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Number, INFO_VERIFY_ENTRY_LIMIT_STATS_ROWNumber, Number, Number> File %s has %d such record(s) min=%d max=%d median=%d
Maximum number of entries referenced by any record is %d
Number of records referencing more than one entry: %d
The database backend %s containing %d entries has started
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_CONFIG_INDEX_ENTRY_LIMIT_REQUIRES_REBUILDSome index keys have already exceeded the previous index entry limit in index %s. This index must be rebuilt before it can use the new limit
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, NOTE_EXPORT_FINAL_STATUSNumber, Number> Exported %d entries and skipped %d in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Exported %d records and skipped %d (recent rate %.1f/sec)
Flushing data to disk
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Number,Number, NOTE_IMPORT_FINAL_STATUSNumber, Number, Number, Number> Processed %d entries, imported %d, skipped %d and rejected %d in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Setting DB cache size to %d bytes and phase one buffer size to %d bytes
Index %s phase two processing completed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_INDEX_STARTEDNumber> Index %s phase two started processing %d buffers in %d batches
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Number, NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_PHASE_TWO_REPORTNumber, Number, Number, Number> Index %s %d%% complete: remaining = %d KB, rate = %d KB/s; batch %d/%d
Import LDIF environment close took %d seconds
The amount of free memory available to the import task is %d bytes. The number of phase one buffers required is %d buffers
Total import time was %d seconds. Phase one processing completed in %d seconds, phase two processing completed in %d seconds
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, NOTE_IMPORT_PROGRESS_REPORTNumber, Number> Processed %d entries, skipped %d and rejected %d (recent rate %.1f/sec)
%s starting import (build %s, R%s)
Import Thread Count: %d threads
Due to changes in the configuration, index %s is currently operating in a degraded state and must be rebuilt before it can be used
Rebuild of all indexes started with %d total entries to process
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_REBUILD_CLEARDEGRADEDSTATE_FINAL_STATUSDegraded state of index(es) %s has been cleared
Rebuild of all degraded indexes started with %d total entries to process
Rebuild complete. Processed %d entries in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, NOTE_REBUILD_PROGRESS_REPORTNumber, Number> %.1f%% Completed. Processed %d/%d entries. (recent rate %.1f/sec)
Rebuild of index(es) %s started with %d total entries to process
A referral entry %s indicates that the operation must be processed at a different server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, NOTE_VERIFY_CLEAN_FINAL_STATUSNumber, Number> Checked %d records and found %d error(s) in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, NOTE_VERIFY_FINAL_STATUSNumber, Number> Checked %d entries and found %d error(s) in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, NOTE_VERIFY_PROGRESS_REPORTNumber, Number> Processed %d out of %d records and found %d error(s) (recent rate %.1f/sec)
The requested operation is not supported by this backend
Unable to determine the total number of entries in the container: %s
The database logging level string '%s' provided for configuration entry '%s' is invalid. The value must be one of OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, or ALL. Note that these values are case sensitive
Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d which is less than the minimum: %d
Missing ID %d%n%s
Reference to unknown entry ID %s%n%s
The entry with ID %s is associated with the wrong key%n%s
Empty ID set: %n%s
Duplicate reference to ID %d%n%s
Reference to unknown ID %d%n%s
Reference to entry <%s> which does not match the value%n%s
File dn2id is missing key %s
File dn2id has ID %d instead of %d for key %s
File dn2id has DN <%s> referencing unknown ID %d
File dn2id has DN <%s> referencing entry with wrong DN <%s>
The stored entry count in id2entry (%d) does not agree with the actual number of entry records found (%d)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_VERIFY_ID2COUNT_WRONG_COUNTNumber> File id2childrenCount has wrong number of children for DN <%s> (got %d, expecting %d)
File id2ChildrenCount references non-existing EntryID <%d>
Rebuilding index finished: no indexes to rebuild
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_OFFHEAP_MEM_BUF_INFONumber, Number> Setting DB cache size to %d MB. Using %d mb off-heap memory through %d phase one buffers of %d KB
Ignoring schema definition '%s' because the following error occurred while it was being parsed: %s
Schema definition could not be parsed as valid attribute value
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CLEARTEXT_BACKEND_FOR_INDEX_CONFIDENTIALITYAttribute %s is set as confidential on a backend whose entries are still cleartext. Enable confidentiality on the backend first
The attribute '%s' cannot enable confidentiality for keys and values at the same time
Cannot encode entry for writing on storage: %s
Input stream ended unexpectedly while decoding entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_BACKEND_CANNOT_CHANGE_CONFIDENTIALITYConfidentiality cannot be disabled on suffix '%s' because the following indexes have confidentiality still enabled: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_CONFIG_INDEX_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRES_REBUILDChanging confidentiality for index '%s' requires the index to be rebuilt before it can be used again
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_BACKEND_FAULTY_CRYPTO_TRANSFORMATIONObject> Error while enabling confidentiality with cipher %s, %d bits: %s
The import has been aborted because the data to be imported contains duplicate copies of entry '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PROXY_CANNOT_DISCOVER_REMOTE_CAPABILITIESProxy backend '%s' could not discover remote servers capabilities: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, INFO_PROXY_FAILOVER_EFFECTIVEObject, Object> Proxy backend '%s' successfully configured failover via the service discovery mechanism '%s': primary servers are %s and secondary servers are %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_PROXY_NO_FAILOVER_ONLY_PRIMARY_SERVERS_DISCOVEREDObject> Proxy backend '%s' cannot failover: only primary servers have been discovered via the service discovery mechanism '%s'. Primary servers are %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_PROXY_NO_FAILOVER_ONLY_SECONDARY_SERVERS_DISCOVEREDObject> Proxy backend '%s' cannot failover: only secondary servers have been discovered via the service discovery mechanism '%s'. Secondary servers are %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PROXY_NO_PRIMARY_NOR_SECONDARY_SERVERS_DISCOVEREDProxy backend '%s' is non functional because it could not find any primary nor secondary servers via the service discovery mechanism '%s'
Proxy backend '%s' cannot find the configured service discovery mechanism '%s'
Connection options have changed for the proxy backend '%s'. The existing connections are being closed immediately. New ones are being opened
Connection pool options have changed for the proxy backend '%s'. The existing connections are being closed and re-opened
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_PROXY_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_CHANGEDObject> Service discovery mechanism has changed from '%s' to '%s' for proxy backend '%s'. The existing connections are being closed immediately
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, NOTE_PROXY_REMOTE_SERVERS_CHANGEDObject, Object, Object> Remote servers changed for the proxy backend '%s'. The proxy was using: primary servers=%s, secondary servers=%s; and it will now be using: primary servers=%s, secondary servers=%s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, INFO_PROXY_BASE_DNS_REGISTRATION_CHANGEObject> Proxy backend '%s' automatically registered itself against the base DNs %s. It was previously registered against the base DNs %s
No backend is associated with the base DN '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PROXY_BACKEND_CANNOT_USE_BASE_DN_ALREADY_IN_USEObject> Proxy backend '%s' cannot register itself against base DN %s because this base DN is already registered against backend '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LOCAL_BACKEND_TAKES_PRECEDENCE_OVER_PROXY_BACKENDObject> Proxy backend '%s' is being deregistered from base DN %s because local backend '%s' is registering against it. Local backends take precedence over proxy backends
The change to the LDIF backend visibility will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled
The primary servers for proxy backend '%s' are now available and will be used for proxying requests
The secondary servers for proxy backend '%s' are now available and will be used if the primary servers are unavailable
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_PROXY_PRIMARY_SERVERS_UNAVAILABLEThe primary servers for proxy backend '%s' are unavailable. The secondary servers, if available, will be used for processing requests until the primary servers become available again. The last failure that prevented the primary servers from being used was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_PROXY_SECONDARY_SERVERS_UNAVAILABLEThe secondary servers for proxy backend '%s' are unavailable. If the primary servers are unavailable, or become unavailable, then it will no longer be possible to proxy requests. The last failure that prevented the secondary servers from being used was: %s
The server '%s' for proxy backend '%s' is available and will be used for proxying requests
The server '%s' for proxy backend '%s' is unavailable. The last failure that prevented the server from being used was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PROXY_PARTITION_BASE_DN_MUST_BE_SUBORDINATESObject> The partition base DN '%s' should be subordinate to one of the base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'
Backend database cache preload for backend '%s' is not supported in this release
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_PROXY_DISCOVERY_RECONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESSConfiguration of proxy backend '%s' with service discovery mechanism '%s' is in progress. Requests will not be proxied until configuration completes
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_UNINDEXED_INTERNAL_SEARCHObject> The server is performing an unindexed internal search request with base DN '%s', scope '%s', and filter '%s'. Unindexed internal searches are usually unexpected and could impact performance. Please verify that this backend's indexes are configured correctly for these search parameters
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> PROXY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_WITH_CLIENT_SIDE_RESULT_CODEInitial result code was '%s', with diagnostic message: %s
There are insufficient resources to perform the operation
The time-to-live (TTL) feature can only be enabled for generalized time ordering indexes
An unexpected error occurred while purging expired entries: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_TTL_INDEX_OVER_INDEX_ENTRY_LIMITUnable to locate all expired entries on backend '%s' because the ttl-enabled index '%s' has reached the configured index-entry-limit
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PROXY_PARTITION_BASE_DN_MUST_NOT_BE_SUBORDINATESObject> The partition base DN '%s' shouldn't be subordinate to one of the other partition base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_PROXY_WILL_IGNORE_SERVERSObject, Object> The proxy backend '%s' will ignore the discovered servers '%s' from shard '%s' because they do not expose the required base DNs '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_CANNOT_PARSE_ENV_VARIABLE_FOR_SMALL_DB_SIZEObject> Property '%s' contains value '%s' which cannot be parsed as a long. Defaulting to '%s' bytes for small DB size
An error occurred while trying to retrieve the key managers from the key manager provider `%s`
Could not stop export-ldif threads after 30 seconds. Now forcing stop by interrupting them
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_BACKUP_FS_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_LAST_MODIFIEDThe file system used by '%s' backend does not support last file modification time. Backups will still work but will take longer and consume more space in the backup storage
The index(es) cannot be rebuilt because the server failed to obtain a write lock for the entry '%s' after multiple attempts
VLV index '%s' must be configured with at least one sort attribute
Missing entry %s in index %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_BIG_INDEX_EQUALITY_MATCHING_RULE_REQUIREDBig index for attribute '%s' cannot be created for matching rule '%s' because it is not an equality matching rule
The subtree delete against '%s' is being performed non-atomically because it is deleting more than %s subordinate entries. To prevent inconsistency across replicas, the client must retry this same delete operation until it succeeds
A Server Side Sort control must be specified whenever a Virtual List View control is present
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_VERIFY_BIGINDEX_COUNT_WRONG_COUNTNumber, Number> Counter of %s reports wrong number of entries for key <%s> (got %d, expecting %d)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, ERR_TASKSCHED_CANNOT_SEND_TASK_COMPLETED_EMAILObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> An error occurred while attempting to send an email for the completion of %s task: Task ID: %s, Task State: %s, Scheduled Start Time: %s, Actual Start Time: %s, Completion Time: %s. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_INVALID_BIG_INDEX_INCLUDED_VALUEObject> Index for attribute '%s' cannot be created because the configuration contains an included attribute value '%s' which appears to be invalid according to the schema: %s
The VLV request cannot be processed because the search is not indexed. Configure a VLV index matching the request
Both equality and presence index types are defined for attribute '%s'. When no presence index exists, presence search filters are processed using the equality index. Therefore, consider deleting the presence index for attribute '%s'
An internal error occurred when accessing backend '%s': %s
An internal error was detected when accessing backend '%s'
Starting backup for backend '%s'
Starting restore for backend '%s' with backup ID '%s'
Backup completed for backend '%s' with backup ID '%s'
Restore completed for backend '%s' with backup ID '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to backup backend '%s': %s
The backup process failed with one or more errors
The restore process failed with one or more errors
An error occurred while attempting to restore backend '%s' with backup ID '%s': %s
There are no enabled backends that support backup operation
The backup command was interrupted
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_READ_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_CONTENTCannot read backup directory content: %s
Backup still in progress, new files have been created
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, DSBACKUP_BACKUP_PROGRESS_STATUSObject> Backing up file (%d/%d) '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, DSBACKUP_VERIFY_PROGRESS_STATUSObject> Verifying file (%d/%d) '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, DSBACKUP_RESTORE_PROGRESS_STATUSObject> Restoring file (%d/%d) '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, DSBACKUP_PURGE_PROGRESS_STATUSObject> Purging backup (%d/%d) '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_CREATE_REQUESTED_BACKENDS_NOT_ENABLEDThe following backends do not exist or are disabled: %s. Here is the list of enabled backends that support backups: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_CREATE_REQUESTED_BACKENDS_DO_NOT_SUPPORT_BACKUPThe following backends do not support backups: %s. Here is the list of enabled backends that support backups: %s
The backends %s cannot be restored because they do not exist or are disabled
Cannot find backup with ID %s
There are no backups for backends %s
The backends %s cannot be restored while the server is running. Please stop the server first and try again with the --offline option
'%s' is not a valid name for a directory
Found backup IDs that correspond to the same backend name: %s. Make sure each backup ID corresponds to a distinct backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_BACKEND_NAME_OR_BACKUP_ID_ARG_MISSINGEither the --%s or --%s argument must be provided
Cannot delete corrupted file '%s'
Deleting corrupted file from backend directory
Deleting corrupted file from backup storage
signature does not match
unexpected content
Problem with file '%s' : %s
IO error: %s
Operation was interrupted
File '%s' is corrupted: %s
File '%s' is missing
The directory does not exist
Not a directory
Cannot read backend files in directory '%s': %s
Cannot delete backend files from directory '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_BACKEND_FILES_REMOVED_AFTER_RESTORE_FAILUREThe '%s' backend files have been removed after restore failed. The backend is now empty
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_CREATE_BACKEND_DIRECTORYCannot create the backend directory '%s' before restoring: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_CLEAN_BACKEND_DIRECTORY_AFTER_RESTORED_FAILEDThe attempt to remove backend files from directory '%s' has failed, backend '%s' may contain corrupted data, please remove the files manually
The backup ID '%s' already exists
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_COMPUTE_BACKEND_FILE_FINGERPRINTCannot compute the fingerprint for backend file '%s': %s
Unable to access the backup storage: %s
No plugin found to handle the storage scheme '%s'
Cannot delete the backup lock file '%s', please remove this file manually: %s
Cannot acquire a shared lock for backend '%s': %s. This generally means that some other process has exclusive access to this backend (e.g., a restore or an LDIF import)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_CREATE_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKENDCannot release the shared lock for backend '%s': %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the backup process exits, so no further action should be required
Cannot acquire an exclusive lock for backend '%s': %s. This generally means some other process is still using this backend (e.g., it is in use by the Directory Server or a backup or LDIF export is in progress)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_RESTORE_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKENDCannot release the exclusive lock for backend '%s': %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the restore process exits, so no further action should be required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_RESTORE_WARN_CANNOT_ACTIVATE_BACKENDCannot enable backend '%s' after restoring: %s
Backup ID: %s
Backup Date: %s
Backend name: %s
Server ID: %s
Status: %s
Error: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_LIST_NUMBER_OF_BACKUPS_WITH_REQUESTED_PROPERTIESFound %s backup(s) with the requested characteristics
There are no backups with the requested characteristics
%s backup(s) cannot be restored
Found %s backup(s) that cannot be fully identified due to the following error(s):
Backup and restore backends, manage backup files
Backup and restore backends
{backup location}
Indicates that the command will operate independently of the server process. It will run regardless of whether the server is started or stopped. When using this option with the %1$s sub-command, the server must be stopped; also as the command will write to server files, you should run the command as a user having the same filesystem permissions as the user running the server. Using this option with the %2$s sub-command when the server is running is possible and supported. With JE Backends, the integrity of the backup is ensured by the process. With LDIF backends, avoid simultaneous changes to the backends
Backup file-system path or URI for alternative storage mechanisms. File-system paths may be expressed as absolute or relative paths and are resolved relative to the current working directory when the tool is run in offline mode, or relative to the server instance directory when the tool is run in task mode. Read the documentation for further information regarding alternative backup storage mechanisms
Location containing backups: file-system path or URI for alternative storage mechanisms. File-system paths may be expressed as absolute or relative paths and are resolved relative to the current working directory when the tool is run in offline mode, or relative to the server instance directory when the tool is run in task mode. Read the documentation for further information regarding alternative backup storage mechanisms
Assigns a value to a storage property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it
List the backups at the specified location
Show only backups taken from the provided backend
Show only backups taken from the provided server
{server ID}
Show only the last backup for each backend
Verify backups completeness, integrity and whether they can be decrypted
Take encrypted and signed backups of individual backends and send them to the desired location
The name of the backend to back up. Specify this option multiple times to backup multiple backends or skip this option to backup all the enabled backends that support backups
{backup ID}
Restore one or more backends. In order to decrypt and verify signatures on backup files, the server must have access to the master key pair used to encrypt and sign the files when they were created
Restore the backup having the provided ID. Specify this option multiple times to restore multiple backends
Restore the last backup of the provided backend. Specify this option multiple times to restore multiple backends
Delete one or more backups
The ID of the backup that should be deleted. Specify this option multiple times to purge multiple backups
At least one of these options must be declared: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_ARG_CAN_ONLY_BE_USED_WITH_OTHER_ARGThe option '--%s' can only be used with the option '--%s'
{number of backups}
The number of backups to keep per backend. Use this option to keep the n latest backups of each backend and delete the others. If n=0, all the backups will be removed
Delete backups that are older than the provided duration. The latest backup of each backend will always be kept unless the '--%s' option is also provided. Duration examples: '12 hours', '3 days', '1y'
Must be used with the '--%s' option, indicates that the last backup of each backend can be deleted if older than the provided duration
{backend name}
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_BACKEND_NAME_DESCRIPTIONPurge only backups of the specified backend. Specify this option multiple times to allow purging backups of different backends. Skip this option to allow purging backups of all backends. This can only be used with options '--%s' or '--%s'
'%d' is not allowed: the value must be equal or greater than 0
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_KEEPCOUNT_ARG_EXCEPTIONInvalid value for '%s': %s
An error occurred while attempting to purge the backup '%s': %s
An error occurred while attempting to purge backup files starting with '%s': %s
Backup purge process failed with one or more errors
Purge completed successfully
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> DSBACKUP_STORAGE_PROPERTY_ARG_ONLY_ONE_VALUEThe storage property '%s' has several values while it can have only one. The provided properties string was: "%s"
Backup id '%s' is invalid: expected to find an underscore in it
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_INVALID_BACKUP_ID_CANNOT_PARSE_TIMESTAMPBackup id '%s' is invalid: cannot parse '%s' as a timestamp
Access denied to file '%s'
Credential file '%s' not found
Failed to parse the credential file '%s'
Invalid plugin type '%s', a backup plugin must be of type '%s'
A problem occurred while connecting to cloud provider '%s' using the provided credentials: %s
No value found for property '%s'
No environment value '%s' found for property '%s'. If you are running the tool in offline mode, make sure the command has access to this variable, or else make sure the directory server has access to it
Could not find file '%s' in cloud bucket '%s'
An error occurred while uploading the file to the cloud storage: the host '%s' is an unknown host
An error occurred while uploading the file to the cloud storage. The cloud provider returned the following error message: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INVALID_BOOLEAN_VALUEUnable to set the value for Boolean configuration attribute %s because the provided value %s was not either 'true' or 'false'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INVALID_INT_VALUEObject> Unable to set the value for integer configuration attribute %s because the provided value %s cannot be interpreted as an integer value: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INT_BELOW_LOWER_BOUNDNumber> Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is less than the lowest allowed value of %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INT_ABOVE_UPPER_BOUNDNumber> Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is greater than the largest allowed value of %d
The specified configuration file %s does not exist or is not readable
An error occurred while attempting to open the configuration file %s for reading: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_FILE_INVALID_BASE_DNObject> The first entry read from LDIF configuration file %s had a DN of "%s" rather than the expected "%s" which should be used as the Directory Server configuration root
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s
Unable to determine the Directory Server instance root from either an environment variable or based on the location of the configuration file. Please set an environment variable named %s with a value containing the absolute path to the server installation root
An unexpected error occurred while trying to write configuration entry %s to LDIF: %s
The Directory Server configuration may not be altered by importing a new configuration from LDIF
There are no active access loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No access logging will be performed
There are no active error loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No error logging will be performed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_CANNOT_CREATE_LOGGERAn error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid objectclass for a Directory Server access, error, or debug logger definition
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_ACCESS_LOGGER_CLASSObject> Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server access logger: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_ERROR_LOGGER_CLASSObject> Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server error logger: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_DEBUG_LOGGER_CLASSObject> Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server debug logger: %s
Configuration entry %s does not contain attribute %s (or that attribute exists but is not accessible using JMX)
There is no method %s for any invokable component registered with configuration entry %s
The Directory Server could not register a JMX MBean for the component associated with configuration entry %s: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the Directory Server configuration to LDIF: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_TOO_MANY_FAILURESNumber> Worker thread "%s" has experienced too many repeated failures while attempting to retrieve the next operation from the work queue (%d failures experienced, maximum of %d failures allowed). This worker thread will be destroyed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_CANNOT_REGISTER_AS_PRIVATE_SUFFIXAn unexpected error occurred while trying to register the configuration handler base DN "%s" as a private suffix with the Directory Server: %s
The entry cn=Backends,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry
The backend defined in configuration entry %s is marked as disabled and therefore will not be used
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_ENABLED_STATEAn unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the backend associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_INSTANTIATEObject> The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a backend instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This backend will be disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_INITIALIZEObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This backend will be disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_CONFIG_BACKEND_ACTION_REQUIRED_TO_CHANGE_CLASSObject> The requested change to configuration entry %s would cause the class for the associated backend to change from %s to %s. This change will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled, or until the Directory Server is restarted
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_CONNHANDLER_CANNOT_INITIALIZEObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize a connection handler loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This connection handler will be disabled
Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s does not exist
Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s exists but is not a directory
Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions from directory %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to list the files in that directory: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CANNOT_OPEN_FILEObject> Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to open the file for reading: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CANNOT_READ_LDIF_ENTRYObject> Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to read its contents as an LDIF entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CANNOT_INSTALL_DEFAULT_CACHEAn unexpected error occurred that prevented the server from installing its default entry cache framework: %s
The entry cache configuration entry "cn=Entry Caches,cn=config" does not exist in the Directory Server configuration. No entry cache will be available until this entry is created with a valid entry cache configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_CACHEAn error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s for use as the Directory Server entry cache: %s. As a result, the entry cache will be disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CONFIG_LEVEL_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: the entry cache level %d is already in use
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_PLUGIN_CANNOT_INITIALIZEObject> An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s as a Directory Server plugin using the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This plugin will be disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_EXTOP_INVALID_CLASSObject> Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid extended operation handler implementation: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_EXTOP_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an extended operation handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_SASL_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a SASL mechanism handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because that DN does not have a parent
Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because another configuration entry already exists with that DN
Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because that DN does not have a parent
Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because its parent entry %s does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_FILE_ADD_REJECTED_BY_LISTENERObject> The Directory Server is unwilling to add configuration entry %s because one of the add listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to add configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the specified entry does not exist
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the specified entry has one or more subordinate entries
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the entry does not have a parent and removing the configuration root entry is not allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_REJECTED_BY_LISTENERObject> Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because one of the delete listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to remove configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because the specified entry does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_REJECTED_BY_CHANGE_LISTENEREntry %s cannot be modified because one of the configuration change listeners registered for that entry rejected the change: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to modify configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_WRITE_CANNOT_EXPORT_NEW_CONFIGAn error occurred while attempting to export the new Directory Server configuration to file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_FILE_WRITE_CANNOT_RENAME_NEW_CONFIGObject> An error occurred while attempting to rename the new Directory Server configuration from file %s to %s: %s
Modify DN operations are not allowed in the Directory Server configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_PWSCHEME_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password storage scheme as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to add a new password storage scheme entry with DN %s because there is already a storage scheme registered with that DN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_BACKEND_DUPLICATE_BACKEND_IDThe backend defined in configuration entry %s has a backend ID of %s that conflicts with the backend ID for another backend in the server. The backend will be disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_SHARED_LOCKThe Directory Server was unable to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that the backend is in use by a process that requires an exclusive lock (e.g., importing from LDIF or restoring a backup). This backend will be disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_RELEASE_SHARED_LOCKAn error occurred while attempting to release a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This may interfere with operations that require exclusive access, including LDIF import and restoring a backup
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_IDMAPPER_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an identity mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_SYNCH_UNABLE_TO_INSTANTIATE_PROVIDERObject> An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in synchronization provider configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_SYNCH_ERROR_INITIALIZING_PROVIDERAn error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server synchronization provider referenced in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_PWVALIDATOR_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password validator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_PWGENERATOR_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password generator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
No password policies have been defined below the cn=Password Policies,cn=config entry in the Directory Server configuration. At least one password policy configuration must be defined
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_INVALID_POLICY_CONFIGThe password policy defined in configuration entry %s is invalid: %s
The Directory Server default password policy is defined as %s, but that entry does not exist or is not below the password policy configuration base cn=Password Policies,cn=config
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_POLICYThe specified entry %s is currently defined as the configuration entry for the default password policy. The default password policy configuration entry may not be removed
Password policy entry %s has been removed from the Directory Server configuration. Any user entries that explicitly reference this password policy will no longer be allowed to authenticate
Access control has been disabled
Access control has been enabled and will use the %s implementation
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_AUTHZ_UNABLE_TO_INSTANTIATE_HANDLERObject> An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in the access control configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_ACCTNOTHANDLER_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an account status notification handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to add a new account status notification handler entry with DN %s because there is already a notification handler registered with that DN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_UNABLE_TO_APPLY_STARTUP_CHANGESAn error occurred while attempting to apply the changes contained in file %s to the server configuration at startup: %s
One or more errors occurred while applying changes on server startup: %s
Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-directory-permissions (It should be an UNIX permission mode in three-digit octal notation.)
Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow read and write access to the backend database directory by the backend
No default password policy is configured for the Directory Server. The default password policy must be specified by the ds-cfg-default-password-policy attribute in the cn=config entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_REGISTER_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to register backend %s with the Directory Server: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_CANNOT_CREATE_ARCHIVE_DIRAn error occurred while trying to create the configuration archive directory %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to write the current configuration to the configuration archive: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform add operations in the Directory Server configuration
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform delete operations in the Directory Server configuration
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform modify operations in the Directory Server configuration
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform modify DN operations in the Directory Server configuration
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform search operations in the Directory Server configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_PRIVS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGESYou do not have sufficient privileges to change the set of default root privileges
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_CERTMAPPER_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a certificate mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_KEYMANAGER_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a key manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_TRUSTMANAGER_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a trust manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_JMX_CANNOT_GET_ATTRIBUTEObject> Unable to retrieve JMX attribute %s associated with configuration entry %s: %s
%s.%s returned a result of null for entry %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_CHANGE_RESULT_ERRORObject, Object, Boolean, Object> %s.%s failed for entry %s: result code=%s, admin action required=%b, messages="%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_CONFIG_CHANGE_RESULT_ACTION_REQUIREDObject, Object> %s.%s indicated that administrative action is required for entry %s: messages="%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, INFO_CONFIG_CHANGE_RESULT_MESSAGESObject, Object> %s.%s succeeded but generated the following messages for entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_INVALID_SEARCH_FILTERObject> Unable to parse value "%s" from config entry "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to load an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a virtual attribute provider: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_SV_TYPE_WITH_MV_PROVIDERObject> The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but provider %s may generate multiple values
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_SV_TYPE_WITH_MERGE_VALUESThe virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but the conflict behavior is configured to merge real and virtual values
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_STRUCTURAL_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWEDConfiguration entry %s cannot be modified because the change would alter its structural object class
An error occurred while attempting to calculate a SHA-1 digest of file %s: %s
The Directory Server has detected that one or more external changes have been made to the configuration file %s while the server was online, but another change has caused the server configuration to be overwritten. The manual changes have not been applied, but they have been preserved in file %s
The Directory Server encountered an error while attempting to determine whether the configuration file %s has been externally edited with the server online, and/or trying to preserve such changes: %s. Any manual changes made to that file may have been lost
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_ROTATION_POLICY_INVALID_CLASSObject> Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log rotation policy: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_RETENTION_POLICY_INVALID_CLASSObject> Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log retention policy: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_ROTATION_POLICY_CANNOT_CREATE_POLICYAn error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log rotation policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_RETENTION_POLICY_CANNOT_CREATE_POLICYAn error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log retention policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_CANNOT_CREATE_WRITERAn error occurred while attempting to create a text writer for a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_MULTIPLE_ENTRIES_IN_FILESchema configuration file %s in directory %s contains more than one entry. Only the first entry will be examined, and the additional entries will be ignored
The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s contains an empty element. This may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CONFIG_PLUGIN_MULTIPLE_WILDCARDS_IN_ORDERThe plugin order definition for plugins of type %s contains multiple wildcard characters. All plugin definitions should contain exactly one wildcard element to indicate where unmatched plugins should be included in the order, and including multiple wildcards may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_PLUGIN_LISTED_MULTIPLE_TIMESThe plugin order definition for plugins of type %s includes multiple references to the '%s' plugin. This may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly
The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s does not include a wildcard element to indicate where unmatched plugins should be included in the order. The server will default to invoking all unnamed plugins after set of named plugins
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> Unable to initialize an instance of class %s as a work queue as specified in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_CLASS_CHANGE_REQUIRES_RESTARTThe class used to provide the Directory Server work queue implementation has been changed from %s to %s, but this change will not take effect until the server is restarted
The attempt to apply the configuration add failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was added to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration add listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s
The attempt to apply the configuration delete failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was removed from the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration delete listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s
The attempt to apply the configuration modification failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the modified entry was written to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration change listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_KEYMANAGER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the key manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_TRUSTMANAGER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the trust manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_AUTHZ_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the trust manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_ACCTNOTHANDLER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the account status notification handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_CERTMAPPER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_IDMAPPER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWGENERATOR_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the password generator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWSCHEME_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the password storage scheme defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWVALIDATOR_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the password validator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_PLUGIN_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the plugin defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_SASL_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the SASL mechanism handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the virtual attribute provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_ALERTHANDLER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration for the alert handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_ALERTHANDLER_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an alert handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to open the current configuration file %s for reading in order to copy it to the ".startok" file: %s
An error occurred while attempting to copy the current configuration from file %s into temporary file %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s
An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s
The Directory Server is starting using the last known good configuration file %s rather than the active configuration file %s
No last known good configuration file %s exists. The server will attempt to start using the active configuration file %s
An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property does not follow a singular property=value form
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_JE_PROPERTY_SHADOWS_CONFIGAn error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property shadows configuration attribute %s
An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property is already defined for this component
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_CANNOT_OPEN_FILEObject> An error occurred while attempting to open the configured log file %s for logger %s: %s
Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow write access to the log file by the log publisher
Invalid UNIX file permissions %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_DEFAULT_POLICY_IS_WRONG_TYPEThe configuration entry '%s' is currently defined to be the default password policy, however it is not a password policy
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_CANNOT_CHANGE_DEFAULT_POLICY_WRONG_TYPEThe default password policy value '%s' is invalid because it refers to an authentication policy which is not a password policy
The timestamp format string "%s" is not a valid format string. The format string should conform to the syntax described in the documentation for the "java.text.SimpleDateFormat" class
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_INVALID_USER_DN_PATTERNThe access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid user DN pattern "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_INVALID_TARGET_DN_PATTERNThe access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid target DN pattern "%s"
There are no active HTTP access loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No HTTP access logging will be performed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_HTTP_ACCESS_LOGGER_CLASSObject> Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server HTTP access logger: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_LOGGING_UNSUPPORTED_FIELDS_IN_LOG_FORMATThe log format for %s contains the following unsupported fields: %s. Their output will be replaced with a dash ("-") character
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_CANNOT_UPDATE_LOGGERAn error occurred while attempting to update a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s
Cannot configure java.util.logging root logger level: %s. java.util.logging support is now disabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an HTTP endpoint as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_UNABLE_TO_STARTAn error occurred while starting the HTTP endpoint as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_INVALID_CONFIGURATIONThe HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is invalid: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_CONFIGURATION_FRAMEWORKCannot initialize the configuration framework: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_CHILDREN_OF_CONFIGURATION_ENTRYUnable to retrieve children of configuration entry with dn: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_CONFIGURATION_ENABLED_SCHEMAUnable to load the configuration-enabled schema: %s
Backend config error when trying to delete an entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_INVALID_AUTHZ_DNThe HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is referencing a non existing authorization DN %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_CONFLICTING_AUTHZ_DNObject> The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is referencing mutually exclusive authorization DNs %s and %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_REST2LDAP_UNABLE_READObject> Unable to read the configuration from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_REST2LDAP_UNEXPECTED_JSONObject, Object> Invalid JSON element %s from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
Invalid configuration element from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_OAUTH2_INVALID_JSON_POINTERObject> The OAuth2 authorization mechanism defined in %s contains an invalid JSON Pointer %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_OAUTH2_NON_EXISTING_DIRECTORYThe authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing a non-existing or non-readable directory: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_AUTHZ_REFERENCED_DN_DOESNT_EXISTSThe authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing a non existing DN: %s
The authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing an invalid URL %s: %s
Unable to configure the authorization mechanism defined in %s: %s
The requested admin API version '%s' is unsupported. This endpoint only supports the following admin API version(s): %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PROVIDER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLEThe configuration of schema provider '%s' is not acceptable for the following reasons: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PROVIDER_CANT_BE_INITIALIZEDObject> The schema provider class '%s' could not be instantiated or initialized with the configuration '%s' : %s
The core schema provider defined by '%s' has been disabled. The core schema must always be enabled
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE_HAS_SCHEMA_WARNINGThe config schema file '%s' generated warning when trying to update schema with its content: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE_HAS_SCHEMA_WARNING_WITH_OVERWRITEThe config schema file '%s' generated warning when trying to update schema with its content, despite allowing to overwrite definitions: %s
Unable to configure the backend '%s' because one of its base DNs is the empty DN
Cannot configure new SSL protocols because the following protocols are not supported: %s. Look for supported protocols in 'cn=jvm,cn=monitor'
Cannot configure new SSL cipher suites because the following cipher suites are not supported: %s. Look for supported cipher suites in 'cn=jvm,cn=monitor'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_INVALID_REGEXP_EXCLUSION_PATTERNThe metric name pattern to exclude '%s' cannot be parsed as a valid regular expression due to the following error: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CONFIG_INVALID_REGEXP_INCLUSION_PATTERNThe metric name pattern to include '%s' cannot be parsed as a valid regular expression due to the following error: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_MATCHING_RULE_INVALID_JSON_POINTERThe list of keys defined for the JSON matching rule contains an invalid JSON pointer : %s
Cannot create the property resolver due to the following error: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_ERROR_CREATING_MAILSSLSOCKETFACTORYError creating SSL socket factory: %s
The smtp-server value '%s' is invalid: %s
Unable to resolve the host for the listen address '%s' of the LDAP connection handler %s
The latest archived configuration file %s appears to be invalid. Forcing creation of a new one
'%s' is DEPRECATED for removal since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
'%s' is LEGACY since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
Abandon requests cannot be canceled
Bind requests cannot be canceled
Unbind requests cannot be canceled
Client Unbind
Client Disconnect
Client Connection Rejected
I/O Error
Protocol Error
Server Shutdown
Administrative Termination
Security Problem
Maximum Request Size Exceeded
Administrative Limit Exceeded
Idle Time Limit Exceeded
I/O Timeout
Connection Closed by Plugin
Unknown Closure Reason
Operations Error
Invalid Credentials
Processing on this operation has been canceled because the Directory Server is shutting down
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_UNCAUGHT_WORKER_THREAD_EXCEPTIONObject> %s encountered an uncaught exception while processing operation %s: %s
%s is unexpectedly exiting when the Directory Server is not in the process of shutting down. This likely indicates that the thread encountered an unexpected error
The request to process this operation has been rejected because the Directory Server has already started its shutdown process
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_WORKER_INTERRUPTED_WITHOUT_SHUTDOWN%s was interrupted while waiting for new work: %s. This should not happen, but the thread will resume waiting for new work so there should be no adverse effects
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_WORKER_WAITING_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONAn unexpected exception was caught while %s was waiting for new work: %s. This should not happen, but the thread will resume waiting for new work so there should be no adverse effects
The work queue caught an exception while trying to cancel pending operation %s when the Directory Server was shutting down: %s
Server Error
The Directory Server is currently running. The configuration may not be bootstrapped while the server is online
The Directory Server may not be started before the configuration has been bootstrapped
The Directory Server may not be started while it is already running. Please stop the running instance before attempting to start it again
The Directory Server is beginning the configuration bootstrapping process
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_DIRECTORY_SERVER_STARTINGObject> %s (build %s, revision number %s) starting up
The Directory Server has started successfully
An error occurred while attempting to create the JMX MBean server that will be used for monitoring, notification, and configuration interaction within the Directory Server: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_SENT_ALERT_NOTIFICATIONObject, Object> The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class %s (alert type %s, alert ID %s): %s
An uncaught exception during processing for thread "%s" has caused it to terminate abnormally. The stack trace for that exception is: %s
The Directory Server has started the shutdown process. The shutdown was initiated by an instance of class %s and the reason provided for the shutdown was %s
The Directory Server shutdown hook detected that the JVM is shutting down. This generally indicates that JVM received an external request to stop (e.g., through a kill signal)
An error occurred while trying to retrieve the root DSE configuration entry (cn=Root DSE,cn=config) from the Directory Server configuration: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_ADD_OP_INVALID_SYNTAXObject, Object> Entry "%s" contains a value "%s" for attribute %s that is invalid according to the syntax for that attribute: %s
Entry "%s" does not contain any values for attribute "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_COMPARE_OP_NO_SUCH_ATTR_WITH_OPTIONSEntry "%s" does not contain any values for attribute "%s" with the specified set of options
The Directory Server is now stopped
%s has been stopped because the total number of worker threads in the Directory Server was reduced
Processing on this operation has been canceled because the Directory Server received a bind request on this connection, which requires that all operations in progress to be abandoned
Unable to bind to the Directory Server because no such user exists in the server
A fatal error occurred when executing one of the Directory Server startup plugins: %s (error ID %d). The Directory Server startup process has been aborted
Unable to bind to the Directory Server using simple authentication because that user does not have a password
Unable to process the bind request because it attempted to use an unknown SASL mechanism %s that is not available in the Directory Server
The specified entry %s does not exist in the Directory Server
The operation was canceled because the client issued an abandon request (message ID %d) for this operation
The provided entry cannot be added because it contains a null DN. This DN is reserved for the root DSE, and that entry may not be added over protocol
The provided entry %s cannot be added because it does not have a parent and is not defined as one of the suffixes within the Directory Server
Entry %s cannot be added because its parent entry %s does not exist in the server
Entry %s cannot be added because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts
Entry %s cannot be removed because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts
The maximum time limit of %d seconds for processing this search operation has expired
This search operation has sent the maximum of %d entries to the client
The entry %s specified as the search base does not exist in the Directory Server
Entry %s does not exist in the Directory Server
Entry %s cannot be removed because the backend that should contain that entry has a subordinate backend with a base DN of %s that is below the target DN
A modify DN operation cannot be performed on entry %s because the new RDN would not have a parent DN
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because no backend is registered to handle that DN
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because no backend is registered to handle the new DN %s
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the backend holding the current entry is different from the backend used to handle the new DN %s. Modify DN operations may not span multiple backends
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock for that DN
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock for the new DN %s
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because that entry does not exist in the server
Entry %s cannot be modified because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts
Entry %s cannot be modified because no such entry exists in the server
Entry %s cannot be modified because the modification contained an add component for attribute %s but no values were provided
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_MODIFY_ADD_INVALID_SYNTAXObject, Object> When attempting to modify entry %s to add one or more values for attribute %s, value "%s" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_MODIFY_ADD_DUPLICATE_VALUEObject> Entry %s cannot be modified because it would have resulted in one or more duplicate values for attribute %s: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because the change to attribute %s would have removed a value used in the RDN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_MODIFY_DELETE_MISSING_VALUESObject> Entry %s cannot be modified because the attempt to update attribute %s would have removed one or more values from the attribute that were not present: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to remove one or more values from attribute %s but this attribute is not present in the entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_MODIFY_REPLACE_INVALID_SYNTAXObject, Object> When attempting to modify entry %s to replace the set of values for attribute %s, value "%s" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s which is used as an RDN attribute for the entry
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but the request did not include a value for that attribute specifying the amount by which to increment the value
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODIFY_INCREMENT_REQUIRES_SINGLE_VALUEEntry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but the request contained multiple values, where only a single integer value is allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODIFY_INCREMENT_REQUIRES_EXISTING_VALUEEntry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but that attribute did not have any values in the target entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_MODIFY_INCREMENT_REQUIRES_INTEGER_VALUEObject> Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but the value "%s" could not be parsed as an integer
Entry %s cannot be modified because the resulting entry would have violated the server schema: %s
There is no extended operation handler registered with the Directory Server for handling extended operations with a request OID of %s
An unexpected error was encountered while processing a search in one of the Directory Server backends: %s
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the change would have violated the server schema: %s
Object class %s cannot be added to entry %s because that class is not defined in the Directory Server schema
The password provided by the user did not match any password(s) stored in the user's entry
Display general system information
An error occurred while attempting to parse the provided set of command line arguments: %s
An error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the Directory Server: %s
An error occurred while trying to start the Directory Server: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_SHARED_REJECTED_BY_EXCLUSIVEThe attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because an exclusive lock was already held on that file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_SHARED_FAILED_CREATEThe attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to create the lock file failed: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_SHARED_FAILED_OPENThe attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to open the lock file failed: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_SHARED_FAILED_LOCKThe attempt to obtain a shared lock on file %s was rejected because an error occurred while attempting to acquire the lock: %s
The shared lock requested for file %s was not granted, which indicates that another process already holds an exclusive lock on that file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE_REJECTED_BY_EXCLUSIVEThe attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because an exclusive lock was already held on that file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE_REJECTED_BY_SHAREDThe attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because a shared lock was already held on that file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE_FAILED_CREATEThe attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to create the lock file failed: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE_FAILED_OPENThe attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because the attempt to open the lock file failed: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE_FAILED_LOCKThe attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file %s was rejected because an error occurred while attempting to acquire the lock: %s
The exclusive lock requested for file %s was not granted, which indicates that another process already holds a shared or exclusive lock on that file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_UNLOCK_EXCLUSIVE_FAILED_RELEASEThe attempt to release the exclusive lock held on %s failed: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILELOCKER_UNLOCK_SHARED_FAILED_RELEASEThe attempt to release the shared lock held on %s failed: %s
The attempt to release the lock held on %s failed because no record of a lock on that file was found
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_SHUTDOWN_CANNOT_RELEASE_SHARED_BACKEND_LOCKAn error occurred while attempting to release a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should be automatically cleaned when the Directory Server process exits, so no additional action should be necessary
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE_SERVER_LOCKThe Directory Server could not acquire an exclusive lock on file %s: %s. This generally means that another instance of this server is already running
Entry %s cannot be modified because the modification attempted to update attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema
Entry %s cannot be added because it includes attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODDN_OLD_RDN_ATTR_IS_NO_USER_MODEntry %s cannot be renamed because the current DN includes attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema and the deleteOldRDN flag was set in the modify DN request
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODDN_NEW_RDN_ATTR_IS_NO_USER_MODEntry %s cannot be renamed because the new RDN includes attribute %s which is defined as NO-USER-MODIFICATION in the server schema, and the target value for that attribute is not already included in the entry
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because a pre-operation plugin modified the entry in a way that caused it to violate the server schema: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODIFY_UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_CONTROLEntry %s cannot be modified because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
Entry %s cannot be removed because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DELETE_UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_CONTROLEntry %s cannot be removed because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
Entry %s cannot be renamed because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODDN_UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_CONTROLEntry %s cannot be renamed because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
Entry %s cannot be added because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the provided entry
Entry %s cannot be added because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
The search request cannot be processed because it contains an LDAP assertion control and an error occurred while trying to retrieve the base entry to compare it against the assertion filter: %s
The search request cannot be processed because it contains an LDAP assertion control but the search base entry does not exist
The search request cannot be processed because it contains an LDAP assertion control and the assertion filter did not match the contents of the base entry
The search request cannot be processed because it contains a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
Cannot perform the compare operation on entry %s because the request contained an LDAP assertion control and the associated filter did not match the contents of the entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMPARE_UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_CONTROLCannot perform the compare operation on entry %s because the request contained a critical control with OID %s that is not supported by the Directory Server for this type of operation
The add operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
The delete operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
The modify operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
The modify DN operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server backend because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
Entry %s cannot be added because it is missing attribute %s that is contained in the entry's RDN. All attributes used in the RDN must also be provided in the attribute list for the entry
Unable to process the bind request because it contained a control with OID %s that was marked critical but this control is not supported for the bind operation
There are multiple user-specific size limit values contained in user entry %s. The default server size limit will be used
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_BIND_CANNOT_PROCESS_USER_SIZE_LIMITThe user-specific size limit value %s contained in user entry %s could not be parsed as an integer. The default server size limit will be used
There are multiple user-specific time limit values contained in user entry %s. The default server time limit will be used
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_BIND_CANNOT_PROCESS_USER_TIME_LIMITThe user-specific time limit value %s contained in user entry %s could not be parsed as an integer. The default server time limit will be used
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_DELETE_SYNCH_POSTOP_FAILEDObject> An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_MODIFY_SYNCH_POSTOP_FAILEDObject> An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_ADD_SYNCH_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_DELETE_SYNCH_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_MODIFY_SYNCH_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_MODDN_SYNCH_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_FAILEDObject> An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
Unable to add entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
Unable to add entry %s because the backend that should hold that entry is configured in read-only mode
Unable to delete entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
Unable to delete entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode
Unable to modify entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
Unable to modify entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode
Unable to rename entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode
Unable to rename entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode
Unable to process the simple bind request because it contained a bind DN but no password, which is forbidden by the server configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_UNDEFINED_PASSWORD_ATTRIBUTEThe password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified password attribute "%s" is not defined in the server schema
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PWPOLICY_INVALID_PASSWORD_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAXObject> The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified password attribute "%s" has a syntax OID of %s. The password attribute must have a syntax OID of either (for the user password syntax) or (for the authentication password syntax)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_CANNOT_DETERMINE_REQUIRE_CHANGE_BY_TIMEAn error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-require-change-by-time in configuration entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_INVALID_LAST_LOGIN_TIME_FORMATThe password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified last login time format "%s" is not a valid format string The last login time format string should conform to the syntax described in the API documentation for the 'java.text.SimpleDateFormat' class
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_INVALID_PREVIOUS_LAST_LOGIN_TIME_FORMATThe password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified previous last login time format "%s" is not a valid format string The previous last login time format strings should conform to the syntax described in the API documentation for the 'java.text.SimpleDateFormat' class
Attribute options are not allowed for the password attribute %s
Only a single value may be provided for the password attribute %s
Pre-encoded passwords are not allowed for the password attribute %s
The password value for attribute %s was found to be unacceptable: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_MUST_HAVE_WARNING_IF_NOT_EXPIRE_WITHOUT_WARNINGThe password policy defined in configuration entry %s is configured to always send at least one warning notification before the password is expired, but no warning interval has been set. If configuration attribute ds-cfg-expire-passwords-without-warning is set to "false", then configuration attribute ds-cfg-password-expiration-warning-interval must have a positive value
A bind operation is currently in progress on the associated client connection. No other requests may be made on this client connection until the bind processing has completed
A StartTLS operation is currently in progress on the associated client connection. No other requests may be made on this client connection until the StartTLS processing has completed
A SASL bind operation is currently in progress on the associated client connection. No other requests may be made on this client connection until the SASL bind processing has completed
%s must change their password before it will be allowed to request any other operations
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PWPSTATE_CANNOT_DECODE_SUBENTRY_VALUE_AS_DNObject> An error occurred while attempting to decode the ds-pwp-password-policy-dn value "%s" in user entry "%s" as a DN: %s
User entry %s is configured to use a password policy subentry of %s but no such password policy has been defined in the server configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_PWPSTATE_CANNOT_DECODE_GENERALIZED_TIMEObject, Object> An error occurred while attempting to decode value "%s" for attribute %s in user entry %s in accordance with the generalized time format: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PWPSTATE_CANNOT_DECODE_BOOLEANObject> Unable to decode value "%s" for attribute %s in user entry %s as a Boolean value
The entry %s cannot be added due to insufficient access rights
The user cannot bind due to insufficient access rights
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_COMPARE_AUTHZ_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTSThe entry %s cannot be compared due to insufficient access rights
The entry %s cannot be deleted due to insufficient access rights
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_EXTENDED_AUTHZ_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTSThe extended operation %s cannot be performed due to insufficient access rights
The entry %s cannot be renamed due to insufficient access rights
The entry %s cannot be modified due to insufficient access rights
The entry %s cannot be searched due to insufficient access rights
Rejecting a simple bind request because the password policy requires secure authentication
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been administratively disabled
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been locked due to too many failed authentication attempts
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been locked after the user's password was not changed in a timely manner after an administrative reset
Rejecting a bind request because the account has been locked after remaining idle for too long
Rejecting a bind request because that user's password is expired
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_CANNOT_UPDATE_USER_ENTRYAn error occurred while attempting to update password policy state information for user %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_BIND_OPERATION_INSECURE_SASL_BINDRejecting a SASL %s bind request for user %s because the password policy requires secure authentication
Rejecting a bind request because the account has expired
Attributes used to hold user passwords are not allowed to have any attribute options
Users are not allowed to change their own passwords
Password changes must be performed over a secure authentication channel
The password cannot be changed because it has not been long enough since the last password change
Multiple password values are not allowed in user entries
User passwords may not be provided in pre-encoded form
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_MODIFY_INVALID_MOD_TYPE_FOR_PASSWORDInvalid modification type %s attempted on password attribute %s
The user entry does not have any existing passwords to remove
The provided user password does not match any password in the user's entry
The password policy requires that user password changes include the current password in the request
The password change would result in multiple password values in the user entry, which is not allowed
The provided password value was rejected by a password validator: %s
%s must change their password before it will be allowed to perform any other operations
The user password is about to expire (time to expiration: %s)
The account has been locked as a result of too many failed authentication attempts (time to unlock: %s)
The account has been locked as a result of too many failed authentication attempts. It may only be unlocked by an administrator
The user password has been changed
The user password has been administratively reset
The user account has been administratively enabled
The user account has been administratively disabled
The user account has been administratively unlocked
The specified password value already exists in the user entry
Entry %s cannot be updated because the request did not contain any modifications
Do not detach from the terminal and continue running in the foreground. This option cannot be used with the -t, --timeout option
This utility can be used to start the Directory Server, as well as to obtain the server version and other forms of general server information
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EXTENDED_UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_CONTROLUnable to process the request for extended operation %s because it contained an unsupported critical control with OID %s
Unable to register backend %s with the Directory Server because another backend with the same backend ID is already registered
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_REGISTER_BASEDN_ALREADY_EXISTSObject> Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that base DN is already registered for backend %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_REGISTER_BASEDN_HIERARCHY_CONFLICTObject> Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is within the same hierarchical path
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_REGISTER_BASEDN_DIFFERENT_PARENT_BASESObject> Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is not subordinate to the same base DN in the parent backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_REGISTER_BASEDN_NEW_BASE_NOT_SUBORDINATEObject> Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains one or more other base DNs that are subordinate to backend %s but the new base DN is not
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_REGISTER_BASEDN_ENTRIES_IN_MULTIPLE_BACKENDSObject> Backend %s already contains entry %s which has just been registered as the base DN for backend %s. These conflicting entries can cause unexpected or errant search results, and both backends should be reinitialized to ensure that each has the correct content
Unable to de-register base DN %s with the Directory Server because that base DN is not registered for any active backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_DEREGISTER_BASEDN_MISSING_HIERARCHYBase DN %s has been deregistered from the Directory Server for backend %s. This base DN had both superior and subordinate entries in other backends, and there might be inconsistent or unexpected behavior when accessing entries in this portion of the hierarchy because of the missing entries that had been held in the de-registered backend
Rejecting the requested operation because the connection has not been authenticated
Entry "%s" cannot be added because it contains attribute type %s which is declared OBSOLETE in the server schema
Entry "%s" cannot be added because it contains objectclass %s which is declared OBSOLETE in the server schema
Entry %s cannot be modified because the modification attempted to set one or more new values for attribute %s which is marked OBSOLETE in the server schema
Object class %s added to entry %s is marked OBSOLETE in the server schema
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the new RDN includes attribute type %s which is declared OBSOLETE in the server schema
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CLIENTCONNECTION_DISCONNECT_DUE_TO_DELETETerminating the client connection because its associated authentication or authorization entry %s has been deleted
You do not have sufficient privileges to reset user passwords
You do not have sufficient privileges to access the server configuration
You do not have sufficient privileges to add entries that include privileges
You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the set of privileges contained in an entry
You do not have sufficient privileges to use the proxied authorization control
OpenDJ is configured to run as a Windows service and it cannot run in no-detach mode
Unable to decode an entry because it had an unsupported entry version byte value of %s
Unable to decode an entry because an unexpected exception was caught during processing: %s
The request control with Object Identifier (OID) "%s" cannot be used due to insufficient access rights
The connection handler %s is trying to use the listener %s which is already in use by another connection handler
No enabled connection handler available
Could not start connection handlers
Unable to process the non-root bind because the server is in lockdown mode
The Directory Server is entering lockdown mode, in which clients will only be allowed to connect via a loopback address, and only root users will be allowed to process operations
The Directory Server is leaving lockdown mode and will resume normal operation
Rejecting the requested operation because the server is in lockdown mode and will only accept requests from root users over loopback connections
Unable to decode the provided attribute because it used an undefined attribute description token %s
Unable to decode the provided object class set because it used an undefined token %s
Unable to decode the provided entry encode configuration element because it has an invalid length
Rejecting a bind request for user %s because either the entire server or the user's backend has a writability mode of 'disabled' and password policy state updates would not be allowed
The provided new password was found in the password history for the user
There are multiple user-specific idle time limit values contained in user entry %s. The default server idle time limit will be used
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_BIND_CANNOT_PROCESS_USER_IDLE_TIME_LIMITThe user-specific idle time limit value %s contained in user entry %s could not be parsed as an integer. The default server idle time limit will be used
This connection has been terminated because it has remained idle for too long
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_WARNING_INTERVAL_LARGER_THAN_MAX_AGEThe password policy configuration entry "%s" is invalid because if a maximum password age is configured, then the password expiration warning interval must be shorter than the maximum password age
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_MIN_AGE_PLUS_WARNING_GREATER_THAN_MAX_AGEThe password policy configuration entry "%s" is invalid because if both a minimum password age and a maximum password age are configured, then the sum of the minimum password age and the password expiration warning interval must be shorter than the maximum password age
An error occurred while attempting to disconnect client connection %d: %s
The Directory Server is currently running. Environment configuration changes are not allowed with the server running
The specified server root directory '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a directory
The specified config file path '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a file
The specified schema configuration directory '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a directory
The Directory Server is currently running. The environment configuration can not be altered while the server is online
An error occurred while attempting to initialize a SSL context for server to server communication: %s
Attempt to start using the configuration that was in place at the last successful startup (if it is available) rather than using the current active configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_TRUSTSTORESYNC_ADMIN_SUFFIX_SEARCH_FAILEDError while searching base %s to synchronize the trust store: %s
An error occurred in the trust store synchronization thread: %s
Error while trying to add entry %s to the trust store: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_SCHEME_DOESNT_SUPPORT_AUTHThe password storage scheme defined in configuration entry %s does not support the auth password syntax, which is used by password attribute %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_DEPRECATED_SCHEME_NOT_AUTHPassword policy configuration entry %s references deprecated password storage scheme DN %s which does not support the auth password syntax
The search filter "%s" used by group implementation %s is not indexed in backend %s. Backend initialization for this group implementation might take a very long time to complete
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_CANNOT_GET_REQUESTED_DIGESTCryptoManager cannot get the requested digest %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_CANNOT_GET_REQUESTED_MAC_ENGINECryptoManager cannot get the requested MAC engine %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_CANNOT_GET_REQUESTED_ENCRYPTION_CIPHERCryptoManager cannot get the requested encryption cipher %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_CANNOT_GET_PREFERRED_KEY_WRAPPING_CIPHERCryptoManager cannot get the preferred key wrapping cipher: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_ADS_TRUSTSTORE_CERTSCryptoManager failed to retrieve the collection of instance-key-pair public-key-certificates from ADS container "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_FAILED_TO_ENCODE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ATTRIBUTECryptoManager failed to encode symmetric key attribute value: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_DECODE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_FIELD_COUNTCryptoManager symmetric key attribute value "%s" syntax is invalid: incorrect number of fields
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CRYPTOMGR_DECODE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAXNumber> CryptoManager symmetric key attribute value "%s" syntax is invalid. Parsing failed in field "%s" at offset %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_DECODE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_DECIPHERCryptoManager failed to decipher the wrapped secret-key value: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_REWRAP_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NO_WRAPPERCryptoManager cannot find the public-key-certificate (identifier "%s") requested for symmetric key re-encoding
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_INVALID_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SYNTAXCryptoManager failed to decode the key entry identifier "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_GET_MAC_ENGINE_INVALID_MAC_ALGORITHMCryptoManager passed invalid MAC algorithm "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_GET_MAC_ENGINE_CANNOT_INITIALIZECryptoManager failed to initialize MAC engine: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_GET_CIPHER_INVALID_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATIONCryptoManager passed invalid Cipher transformation "%s": %s
CryptoManager cannot initialize Cipher: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_GET_CIPHER_STREAM_PROLOGUE_WRITE_ERRORCryptoManager failed to write the stream prologue: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_DECRYPT_FAILED_TO_READ_KEY_IDENTIFIERCryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because it could not read the symmetric key identifier in the data prologue: %s
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because the symmetric key identifier in the data prologue does not match any known key entries
CryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because it could not read the cipher initialization vector in the data prologue
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_DECRYPT_CIPHER_INPUT_STREAM_ERRORCryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because there was an error reading from the input stream: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_IMPORT_KEY_ENTRY_FAILED_TO_DECODECryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s" because it could not obtain a symmetric key attribute value that can be decoded by this instance
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_IMPORT_KEY_ENTRY_FIELD_MISMATCHCryptoManager detected a field mismatch between the key entry to be imported and an entry in the key cache that share the key identifier "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_IMPORT_KEY_ENTRY_FAILED_OTHERCryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_IMPORT_KEY_ENTRY_FAILED_TO_ADD_KEYCryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s" because it could not add a symmetric key attribute value that can be decoded by this instance
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_INVALID_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ALGORITHMCryptoManager failed to instantiate a KeyGenerator for algorithm "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ENTRY_ADD_FAILEDCryptoManager failed to add locally produced symmetric key entry "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_FULL_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION_REQUIREDCryptoManager cipher transformation specification "%s" is invalid: it must be of the form "algorithm/mode/padding"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_FULL_KEY_WRAPPING_TRANSFORMATION_REQUIREDCryptoManager cipher transformation specification "%s" is invalid: it must be of the form "algorithm/mode/padding"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_DECRYPT_FAILED_TO_READ_PROLOGUE_VERSIONCryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because it could not read the version number in the data prologue: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_DECRYPT_UNKNOWN_PROLOGUE_VERSIONCryptoManager failed to decrypt the supplied data because the version "%d" in the data prologue is unknown
CryptoManager failed to sign the wrapped key entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_MISSING_WRAPPED_KEY_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTESThe wrapped key entry is missing the following attributes: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_MASTER_KEY_PAIR_TO_UNWRAP_KEYCryptoManager failed to find the master key pair with ID '%s', make sure cryptoManager has access to the master key pair that was used at the time of wrapping the key
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CRYPTOMGR_WRAPPED_KEY_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_DOES_NOT_MATCHThe wrapped key entry signature does not match the entry content
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_CANNOT_VERIFY_WRAPPED_KEY_ENTRY_SIGNATURECryptoManager failed to verify the wrapped key entry signature: %s
The provided entry %s cannot be added because its suffix is not defined as one of the suffixes within the Directory Server
Build ID: %s
Start TLS extended operations cannot be canceled
Cancel extended operations can not be canceled
The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the new superior entry %s is equal to or a subordinate of the entry to be moved
Unable to process operation because this search scope is not allowed in this network group
Entry %s can not be added because BER encoding of %s attribute is not supported
No worker queue thread pool size specified: sizing automatically to use %d threads
Maximum time (in seconds) to wait before the command returns (the server continues the startup process, regardless). A value of '0' indicates an infinite timeout, which means that the command returns only when the server startup is completed. The default value is 60 seconds. This option cannot be used with the -N, --nodetach option
In no-detach mode, the 'timeout' option cannot be used
The search filter "%s" used by subentry manager is not indexed in backend %s. Backend initialization for subentry manager processing might take a very long time to complete
The subentry %s must have either the pwdPolicy or ds-pwp-password-policy objectclasses, which is required for the Directory Server password policy
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_INVALID_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTHCryptoManager failed to initialize because the specified cipher key length "%d" is beyond the allowed cryptography strength "%d" in jurisdiction policy files
Failed to update free disk space for directory %s: %s
The directory server is not accepting a new persistent search request because the server has already reached its limit
This operation involves LDAP subentries which you do not have sufficient privileges to administer
Invalid Credentials
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_ADD_OP_INVALID_SYNTAX_NO_VALUEObject> Entry "%s" contains a value for attribute %s that is invalid according to the syntax for that attribute: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_MODIFY_ADD_INVALID_SYNTAX_NO_VALUEObject> When attempting to modify entry %s, one value for attribute %s was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_MODIFY_REPLACE_INVALID_SYNTAX_NO_VALUEObject> When attempting to modify entry %s to replace the set of values for attribute %s, one value was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PWPOLICY_UNKNOWN_VALIDATORObject> The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the password validator "%s" specified in attribute "%s" cannot be found
The password could not be validated because of misconfiguration. Please contact the administrator
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PWPOLICY_REJECT_DUE_TO_UNKNOWN_VALIDATOR_LOGObject> The password for user %s could not be validated because the password policy subentry %s is referring to an unknown password validator (%s). Please make sure the password policy subentry only refers to validators that exist on all replicas
Could not get filesystem for directory %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DISK_SPACE_LOW_THRESHOLD_REACHEDObject> The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is between low and full threshold for the following subsystems: %s. Write operations are only permitted by a user with the BYPASS_LOCKDOWN privilege until the free space rises above the threshold. Replication updates are still allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DISK_SPACE_FULL_THRESHOLD_REACHEDObject> The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is below full threshold for the following subsystems: %s. Write operations to the backend, replication updates included, will fail until the free space rises above the threshold
The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is now above the low threshold for the following subsystems: %s
Cannot properly use SHA-1 using the java provider. Verify is properly configured
Cannot complete initialization of server's backends because the root and administrative backends have not been initialized yet
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_CONFIG_MANAGER_ADD_MECHANISMAn error occurred while adding Service Discovery Mechanism '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_CONFIG_MANAGER_LISTENERRegistering Service Discovery Manager's listener failed : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_CONFIG_MANAGER_INIT_MECHANISMDiscovery mechanism '%s' initialization failed : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_REPLICATION_MECHANISM_WRONG_REPLICAReplication server '%s' references server '%s' that could not be parsed correctly; the definition will be skipped
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MECHANISM_CANNOT_CREATE_SSL_CONTEXTError occurred while creating an SSL context for service discovery mechanism '%s' : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_REPLICATION_MECHANISM_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_REPLICASObject> Could not retrieve the list of replicas from replication server '%s' for replication server group '%s'. Exception : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_REPLICATION_MECHANISM_CANNOT_AUTO_CONFIGURE_REPLICAObject> Could not retrieve auto-configuration data from directory server '%s' for replication server group '%s'. Exception : %s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MECHANISM_PARTITION_CHANGE_REFRESH_FAILEDService discovery mechanism '%s' failed to refresh the partition information. Exception : %s",
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_REPLICATION_MECHANISM_MISSING_HOSTNAMESettings for Replica '%s' should provide a hostname
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_REPLICATION_MECHANISM_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_REPLICAObject> Cannot connect to replica '%s' for replication service discovery mechanism '%s'. The replica entry is: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_STATIC_MECHANISM_CANNOT_GATHER_NAMING_CONTEXTSCannot gather naming contexts from server %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_SCHEDULED_TASK_FAILUREScheduled discovery '%s' failed : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MECHANISM_CONNECTION_OPTIONS_CHANGE_REFRESH_FAILEDService discovery mechanism '%s' failed to refresh the connection options. Exception : %s",
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DISK_SPACE_THRESHOLDS_PER_SUBSYSTEMObject> "%s" (low=%s, full=%s)
You do not have sufficient privileges to read directory server monitoring information
There are multiple user-specific cursor entry limit values contained in user entry '%s'. The default server cursor entry limit will be used
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_BIND_CANNOT_PROCESS_USER_CURSOR_ENTRY_LIMITThe user-specific cursor entry limit value '%s' contained in user entry '%s' could not be parsed as an integer. The default server cursor entry limit will be used
Entry %s cannot be added because its parent entry %s is a subentry
Server in lockdown mode
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_CANNOT_GET_REQUESTED_MASTER_KEYThe master key with alias '%s' does not exist in the '%s' key manager. Please check that the correct key manager has been configured and that it contains the specified master keys
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CRYPTOMGR_CANNOT_ENCODE_DUE_TO_MISSING_MASTER_KEYThe CryptoManager could not encode a symmetric because the master key with alias '%s' does not exist in the '%s' key manager. Please check that the correct key manager has been configured and that it contains the specified master keys
The CryptoManager could was not able to obtain the deployment's pepper. Please check that the CryptoManager has a correctly configured key manager and preferred digest mechanism
No enabled password storage schemes in '%s' in subentry '%s'
Cannot use both pwdValidatorPolicy and ds-pwp-validator in subentry '%s'
The dictionary data could not be decompressed: %s
The dictionary validator configuration is invalid
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Object, WARN_MULTIPLE_PWD_POLICY_SUBENTRIESObject> Found %d conflicting password policy subentries for user %s, used %s
Requested cipher for a non existing cipher key: cryptographic services were not properly initialized, programming error
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_CIPHERSERVICE_DECODED_KEY_IS_NOT_SUPPORTEDType %d is not a valid secret key type. The Valid type is '0' for a cipher key. Secret key initialization cannot continue, check the data source and re-initialize if needed
The subentry %s cannot use both %s and %s objectclasses
The subentry %s using the %s objectclass cannot define validators using the old %s objectclass
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PWPOLICY_NEW_VALIDATORS_OCObject> The subentry %s using the %s objectclass cannot define validators using the new %s objectclass
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid duration
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid integer
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid boolean
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid time
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid string
The value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid attribute
The values for the '%s' attribute are not valid strings
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PWPOLICY_INVALID_STATE_UPDATE_FAILURE_POLICYThe value for the '%s' attribute is not a valid state update failure policy
A values for the '%s' attribute is not a valid attribute name
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_ERROR_STARTING_CONNECTION_HANDLERObject> Could not start connection handler %s with listen addresses "%s". The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, INFO_GROUP_MANAGER_STARTEDNumber, Number> Registered %d static groups, %d dynamic groups and %d virtual static groups. The static group cache is using %d bytes of memory
The following logging categories are defined for the server: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWSCHEME_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_MESSAGE_DIGESTAn error occurred while attempting to initialize the message digest generator for the %s algorithm: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWSCHEME_CANNOT_BASE64_DECODE_STORED_PASSWORDAn error occurred while attempting to base64-decode the password value %s: %s
The %s password storage scheme is not reversible, so it is impossible to recover the plaintext version of an encoded password
An error occurred while trying to register the JMX alert handler with the MBean server: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to encode a password using the storage scheme defined in class %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CACHE_INVALID_INCLUDE_FILTERObject> The ds-cfg-include-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are included in the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CACHE_INVALID_EXCLUDE_FILTERObject> The ds-cfg-exclude-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are excluded from the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s
A fatal error occurred while trying to initialize fifo entry cache: %s
A fatal error occurred while trying to initialize soft reference entry cache: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode the password modify extended request sequence: %s
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because it does not contain an authorization ID and the underlying connection is not authenticated
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock on user entry %s after multiple attempts
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because the server cannot decode "%s" as a valid DN for use in the authorization ID for the operation
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because it contained an invalid userIdentity field. The provided userIdentity string was "%s"
The password modify extended request cannot be processed because it was not possible to identify the user entry to update based on the authorization DN of "%s"
The password modify extended operation cannot be processed because the current password provided for the user is invalid
The keystore file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-file of configuration entry %s does not exist
An error occurred while trying to load the keystore contents from file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_FILE_KEYMANAGER_INVALID_TYPEObject> The keystore type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s
An error occurred while trying to access the PKCS#11 key manager: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILE_KEYMANAGER_CANNOT_CREATE_FACTORYAn error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of keystore file %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of the PKCS#11 keystore: %s
The trust store file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-file of configuration entry %s does not exist
An error occurred while trying to load the trust store contents from file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_FILE_TRUSTMANAGER_CANNOT_CREATE_FACTORYAn error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of trust store file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_FILE_TRUSTMANAGER_INVALID_TYPEObject> The trust store type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SEDCM_CANNOT_DECODE_SUBJECT_AS_DNCould not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate subject "%s" could not be decoded as an LDAP DN: %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because an error occurred while attempting to retrieve the user entry with DN "%s": %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because no user entry exists with a DN of %s
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request could not be processed because the associated bind request does not have a reference to the client connection
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request could not be processed because the associated client connection instance is not an instance of LDAPClientConnection
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request could not be processed because the client did not present a certificate chain during SSL/TLS negotiation
The SASL EXTERNAL bind request failed because the certificate chain presented by the client during SSL/TLS negotiation could not be mapped to a user entry in the Directory Server
StartTLS cannot be used on this client connection because this connection type is not capable of using StartTLS to protect its communication
Unable to authenticate via SASL EXTERNAL because the mapped user entry %s does not have any certificates with which to verify the presented peer certificate
Unable to authenticate via SASL EXTERNAL because the mapped user entry %s did not contain the peer certificate presented by the client
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SASLEXTERNAL_CANNOT_VALIDATE_CERTAn error occurred while attempting to validate the peer certificate presented by the client with a certificate from the user's entry %s: %s
SASL PLAIN authentication requires that SASL credentials be provided but none were included in the bind request
The SASL PLAIN bind request did not include any NULL characters. NULL characters are required as delimiters between the authorization ID and authentication ID, and also between the authentication ID and the password
The SASL PLAIN bind request did not include a second NULL character in the credentials, which is required as a delimiter between the authentication ID and the password
The authentication ID contained in the SASL PLAIN bind request had a length of zero characters, which is not allowed. SASL PLAIN authentication does not allow an empty string for use as the authentication ID
The password contained in the SASL PLAIN bind request had a length of zero characters, which is not allowed. SASL PLAIN authentication does not allow an empty string for use as the password
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SASLPLAIN_CANNOT_DECODE_AUTHCID_AS_DNAn error occurred while attempting to decode the SASL PLAIN authentication ID "%s" because it appeared to contain a DN but DN decoding failed: %s
The authentication ID in the SASL PLAIN bind request appears to be an empty DN. This is not allowed
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve user entry %s as specified in the DN-based authentication ID of a SASL PLAIN bind request: %s
The server was not able to find any user entries for the provided authentication ID of %s
The provided password is invalid
An unsupported or unexpected callback was provided to the SASL server for use during %s authentication: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-server-fqdn attribute in configuration entry %s: %s
An unexpected error occurred while trying to create an %s context: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SASL_CANNOT_DECODE_USERNAME_AS_DNObject> An error occurred while attempting to decode the SASL %s username "%s" because it appeared to contain a DN but DN decoding failed: %s
The username in the SASL %s bind request appears to be an empty DN. This is not allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SASL_CANNOT_GET_ENTRY_BY_DNObject> An error occurred while attempting to retrieve user entry %s as specified in the DN-based username of a SASL %s bind request: %s
The username contained in the SASL %s bind request had a length of zero characters, which is not allowed. %s authentication does not allow an empty string for use as the username
The server was not able to find any user entries for the provided username of %s
The provided authorization ID %s contained an invalid DN: %s
The entry %s specified as the authorization identity does not exist
The entry %s specified as the authorization identity could not be retrieved: %s
The server was unable to find any entry corresponding to authorization ID %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SASL_CANNOT_GET_REVERSIBLE_PASSWORDSObject> An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the clear-text password(s) for user %s in order to perform SASL %s authentication: %s
SASL %s authentication is not possible for user %s because none of the passwords in the user entry are stored in a reversible form
SASL %s protocol error: %s
The authenticating user %s does not have sufficient privileges to assume a different authorization identity
The authenticating user %s does not have sufficient access to assume a different authorization identity
The server was unable to find any entry corresponding to authentication ID %s
The server was unable to because both the ds-cfg-kdc-address and ds-cfg-realm attributes must be defined or neither defined
An error occurred while attempting to map authorization ID %s to a user entry: %s
An error occurred while attempting to write a temporary JAAS configuration file for use during GSSAPI processing: %s
An error occurred while attempting to create the JAAS login context for GSSAPI authentication: %s
GSSAPI mechanism using a principal name of: %s
GSSAPI SASL mechanism using a server fully qualified domain name of: %s
DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism using a realm of: %s
DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism using a server fully qualified domain name of: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to use the proxied authorization control
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_EXACTMAP_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_ADMINObject> ID string %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
The internal search based on ID string %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
An internal failure occurred while attempting to resolve ID string %s to a user entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_EXACTMAP_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_CLIENTID string %s mapped to multiple users
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SASLDIGESTMD5_CANNOT_MAP_USERNAMEAn error occurred while attempting to map username %s to a Directory Server entry: %s
An error occurred while attempting to map username %s to a Directory Server entry: %s
Unable to process the cancel request because the extended operation did not include a request value
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_EXTOP_CANCEL_CANNOT_DECODE_REQUEST_VALUEAn error occurred while attempting to decode the value of the cancel extended request: %s
Processing on this operation was terminated as a result of receiving a cancel request (message ID %d)
Password storage scheme %s does not support use with the authentication password attribute syntax
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> ERR_PWLENGTHVALIDATOR_MIN_GREATER_THAN_MAXThe configured minimum password length of %d characters is greater than the configured maximum password length of %d
The provided password is shorter than the minimum required length of %d characters
The provided password is longer than the maximum allowed length of %d characters
Configuration entry "%s" does not contain attribute ds-cfg-password-character-set which specifies the sets of characters that should be used when generating the password. This is a required attribute
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_RANDOMPWGEN_CHARSET_NAME_CONFLICTConfiguration entry "%s" contains multiple definitions for the %s character set
An error occurred while attempting to decode the value(s) of the configuration attribute ds-cfg-password-character-set, which is used to hold the character set(s) for use in generating the password: %s
The password format string "%s" references an undefined character set "%s"
The password format string "%s" contains an invalid syntax. This value should be a comma-delimited sequence of elements, where each element is the name of a character set followed by a colon and the number of characters to choose at random from that character set
An error occurred while attempting to decode the value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-password-format, which is used to specify the format for the generated passwords: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EXTOP_PASSMOD_CANNOT_GET_PW_POLICYAn error occurred while attempting to get the password policy for user %s: %s
The current password must be provided for self password changes
Password modify operations that supply the user's current password must be performed over a secure communication channel
End users are not allowed to change their passwords
Password changes must be performed over a secure communication channel
The password cannot be changed because the previous password change was too recent
The password cannot be changed because it is expired
No new password was provided, and no password generator has been defined that may be used to automatically create a new password
An error occurred while attempting to create a new password using the password generator: %s
The password policy does not allow users to supply pre-encoded passwords
The provided new password failed the validation checks defined in the server: %s
Unable to encode the provided password using the default scheme(s): %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EXTOP_PASSMOD_CANNOT_DETERMINE_ID_MAPPERAn error occurred while attempting to determine the identity mapper to use in conjunction with the password modify extended operation defined in configuration entry %s: %s. The password modify extended operation will not be enabled for use in the server
The provided authorization ID string "%s" could not be mapped to any user in the directory
An error occurred while attempting to map authorization ID string "%s" to a user entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_ERRORLOG_ACCTNOTHANDLER_NOTIFICATIONNumber, Object> Account-Status-Notification type='%s' userdn='%s' id=%d msg='%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SASLPLAIN_CANNOT_CHECK_PASSWORD_VALIDITYAn error occurred while attempting to verify the password for user %s during SASL PLAIN authentication: %s
The password modify operation was not actually performed in the Directory Server because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request
The user account has been administratively disabled
The user account is locked
Entry %s cannot be parsed as a valid static group because it does not contain the groupOfEntries, groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames object classes
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform password reset operations
The provided authorization ID was empty, which is not allowed for DIGEST-MD5 authentication
The provided authorization ID %s contained an invalid DN: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SASLPLAIN_AUTHZID_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGESThe authenticating user %s does not have sufficient privileges to specify an alternate authorization ID
The entry corresponding to authorization DN %s does not exist in the Directory Server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SASLPLAIN_AUTHZID_CANNOT_GET_ENTRYAn error occurred while attempting to retrieve entry %s specified as the authorization ID: %s
No entry corresponding to authorization ID %s was found in the server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SASLPLAIN_AUTHZID_CANNOT_MAP_AUTHZIDAn error occurred while attempting to map authorization ID %s to a user entry: %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SDTUACM_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_ADMINObject> The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
Configuration entry %s has value '%s' which violates the format required for attribute mappings. The expected format is 'certattr:userattr'
Configuration entry %s contains multiple mappings for certificate attribute %s
Mapping %s in configuration entry %s references attribute %s which is not defined in the server schema
Configuration entry %s contains multiple mappings for user attribute %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SATUACM_CANNOT_DECODE_SUBJECT_AS_DNUnable to decode peer certificate subject %s as a DN: %s
Peer certificate subject %s does not contain any attributes for which a mapping has been established
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SATUACM_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_ADMINObject> The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)
An error occurred while attempting to calculate the fingerprint for the peer certificate with subject %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_FCM_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_ADMINObject> The certificate with fingerprint '%s' could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DYNAMICGROUP_CANNOT_DECODE_MEMBERURLObject> Unable to decode value "%s" in entry "%s" as an LDAP URL: %s
Dynamic groups do not support explicitly altering their membership
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_DYNAMICGROUP_NONEXISTENT_BASE_DNBase DN %s specified in dynamic group %s does not exist in the server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_DYNAMICGROUP_INTERNAL_SEARCH_FAILEDObject, Object, Object> An error occurred while attempting to perform an internal search with base DN %s and filter %s to resolve the member list for dynamic group %s: result code %s, error message %s
The provided password differs less than the minimum required difference of %d characters
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_REPEATEDCHARS_VALIDATOR_TOO_MANY_CONSECUTIVEThe provided password contained too many instances of the same character appearing consecutively. The maximum number of times the same character may appear consecutively in a password is %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_UNIQUECHARS_VALIDATOR_NOT_ENOUGH_UNIQUE_CHARSThe provided password does not contain enough unique characters. The minimum number of unique characters that may appear in a user password is %d
The %s attribute is not searchable and should not be included in otherwise unindexed search filters
The provided password contained a word from the server's dictionary
The specified dictionary file %s does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DICTIONARY_VALIDATOR_CANNOT_READ_FILEAn error occurred while attempting to load the dictionary from file %s: %s
The provided password was found in another attribute in the user entry
The provided password contained character '%s' which is not allowed for use in passwords
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> ERR_CHARSET_VALIDATOR_TOO_FEW_CHARS_FROM_SETThe provided password did not contain enough characters from the character set '%s'. The minimum number of characters from that set that must be present in user passwords is %d
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because it does not contain a colon to separate the minimum count from the character set
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because the provided character set is empty
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because the value before the colon must be an integer greater or equal to zero
The provided character set definition '%s' is invalid because it contains character '%s' which has already been used
The virtual static group defined in entry %s contains multiple target group DNs, but only one is allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_VIRTUAL_STATIC_GROUP_CANNOT_DECODE_TARGETObject> Unable to decode "%s" as the target DN for group %s: %s
The virtual static group defined in entry %s does not contain a target group definition
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_VIRTUAL_STATIC_GROUP_NO_TARGET_GROUPTarget group %s referenced by virtual static group %s does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_VIRTUAL_STATIC_GROUP_ALTERING_MEMBERS_NOT_SUPPORTEDAltering membership for virtual static group %s is not allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_VIRTUAL_STATIC_GROUP_TARGET_CANNOT_BE_VIRTUALVirtual static group %s references target group %s which is itself a virtual static group. One virtual static group is not allowed to reference another as its target group
You do not have sufficient privileges to use the password policy state extended operation
The provided password policy state extended request did not include a request value
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode password policy state extended request value: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode an operation from the password policy state extended request: %s
No value was provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
The value provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user was invalid. The value must be either 'true' or 'false'
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the account expiration time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_EXTOP_BAD_ACCT_EXP_VALUEThe value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the account expiration time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the password changed time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_EXTOP_BAD_PWCHANGETIME_VALUEThe value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the password changed time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the password warned time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_EXTOP_BAD_PWWARNEDTIME_VALUEThe value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the password warned time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to add an authentication failure time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_EXTOP_BAD_AUTH_FAILURE_TIMEThe value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to update the authentication failure times was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the last login time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_EXTOP_BAD_LAST_LOGIN_TIMEThe value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the last login time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
No value was provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given
The value provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user was invalid. The value must be either 'true' or 'false'
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to add a grace login use time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_EXTOP_BAD_GRACE_LOGIN_TIMEThe value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to update the grace login use times was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the required change time for the user. Exactly one value must be given
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWPSTATE_EXTOP_BAD_REQUIRED_CHANGE_TIMEThe value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the required change time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format
The password policy state extended request included an operation with an invalid or unsupported operation type of %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_EXTOP_PASSMOD_CANNOT_UPDATE_PWP_STATEObject> An error occurred while attempting to update the password policy state information for user %s as part of a password modify extended operation (result code='%s', error message='%s')
The provided new password was already contained in the password history
The Directory Server is not configured with any SMTP servers. The SMTP alert handler cannot be used unless the Directory Server is configured with information about at least one SMTP server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_SMTPALERTHANDLER_ERROR_SENDING_MESSAGEObject> An error occurred when trying to send an e-mail message for administrative alert with type %s and message %s: %s
The provided match pattern "%s" could not be parsed as a regular expression: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_REGEXMAP_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_ADMINObject> The processed ID string %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
The internal search based on processed ID string %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
An internal failure occurred while attempting to resolve processed ID string %s to a user entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_REGEXMAP_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_CLIENTThe processed ID string %s mapped to multiple users
Group instance with DN %s has been deleted and is no longer valid
The SMTP account status notification handler defined in configuration entry %s cannot be enabled unless the Directory Server is with information about one or more SMTP servers
SMTP account status notification handler configuration entry '%s' does not include any email address attribute types or recipient addresses. At least one of these must be provided
Unable to parse message subject value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because the value does not contain a colon to separate the notification type from the subject
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SMTP_ASNH_SUBJECT_INVALID_NOTIFICATION_TYPEObject> Unable to parse message subject value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because '%s' is not a valid account status notification type
The message subject definitions contained in configuration entry '%s' have multiple subjects defined for notification type %s
Unable to parse message template file path value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because the value does not contain a colon to separate the notification type from the template file path
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SMTP_ASNH_TEMPLATE_INVALID_NOTIFICATION_TYPEObject> Unable to parse message template file path value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because '%s' is not a valid account status notification type
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SMTP_ASNH_TEMPLATE_DUPLICATE_TYPEThe message template file path definitions contained in configuration entry '%s' have multiple template file paths defined for notification type %s
The message template file '%s' referenced in configuration entry '%s' does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> ERR_SMTP_ASNH_TEMPLATE_UNCLOSED_TOKENAn unclosed token was found starting at column %d of line %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_SMTP_ASNH_TEMPLATE_UNDEFINED_ATTR_TYPEObject> The notification-user-attr token starting at column %d of line %d references undefined attribute type %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_SMTP_ASNH_TEMPLATE_UNDEFINED_PROPERTYObject> The notification-property token starting at column %d of line %d references undefined notification property %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_SMTP_ASNH_TEMPLATE_UNRECOGNIZED_TOKENNumber> An unrecognized token %s was found at column %d of line %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SMTP_ASNH_TEMPLATE_CANNOT_PARSEObject> An error occurred while attempting to parse message template file '%s' referenced in configuration entry '%s': %s
Directory Account Status Notification
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SMTP_ASNH_CANNOT_SEND_MESSAGEObject> An error occurred while attempting to send an account status notification message for notification type %s for user entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to encrypt a value using password storage scheme %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to decrypt a value using password storage scheme %s: %s
Cannot decode the provided symmetric key extended operation because it does not have a value
Cannot decode the provided symmetric key extended request: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode the symmetric key extended request sequence: %s
The exact match identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
The regular expression identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
The subject attribute to user attribute certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
Failed to create a SASL server for SASL mechanism %s
GSSAPI SASL mechanism handler initialization failed because the keytab file %s does not exist
The GSSAPI SASL mechanism handler initialization was successful
The GSSAPI SASL mechanism handler has been stopped
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PWSCHEME_INVALID_BASE64_DECODED_STORED_PASSWORDThe password value %s has been base64-decoded but is too short to be valid
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_CHARSET_VALIDATOR_MIN_CHAR_SETS_TOO_SMALLThe provided minimum required number of character sets '%d' is invalid because it must at least include all mandatory character sets
The provided minimum required number of character sets '%d' is invalid because it is greater than the total number of defined character sets
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Object> ERR_CHARSET_VALIDATOR_TOO_FEW_OPTIONAL_CHAR_SETSThe provided password did not contain characters from at least %d of the following character sets or ranges: %s
SASL %s authentication is not supported for user %s because the account is not managed locally
Password modification is not supported for user %s because the account is not managed locally
The password policy state extended operation is not supported for user %s because the account is not managed locally
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDAP_PTA_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUNDObject> The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the following mapping attributes were not found in the user's entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_LDAP_PTA_MAPPED_SEARCH_TOO_MANY_CANDIDATESObject, Object> The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search of base DN "%s" returned more than one entry matching the filter "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDAP_PTA_MAPPED_SEARCH_NO_CANDIDATESObject> The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search did not return any entries matching the filter "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDAP_PTA_MAPPED_SEARCH_FAILEDObject> The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search failed unexpectedly for the following reason: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDAP_PTA_MAPPED_BIND_FAILEDObject> The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the bind failed unexpectedly for the following reason: %s
The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because it does not specify a means for obtaining the mapped search bind password
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SATUACM_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_CLIENTThe certificate with subject %s mapped to multiple users
The internal search based on the certificate with subject %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
An internal failure occurred while attempting to map the certificate with subject %s to a user entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SDTUACM_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_CLIENTThe certificate with subject %s mapped to multiple users
The internal search based on the certificate with subject %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
An internal failure occurred while attempting to map the certificate with subject %s to a user entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_FCM_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIES_FOR_CLIENTThe certificate with fingerprint %s mapped to multiple users
The internal search based on the certificate with fingerprint %s could not be processed efficiently: %s. Check the server configuration to ensure that all associated backends are properly configured for these types of searches
An internal failure occurred while attempting to map the certificate with fingerprint %s to a user entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> ERR_CHARSET_VALIDATOR_TOO_FEW_CHARS_FROM_RANGEThe provided password did not contain enough characters from the character range '%s'. The minimum number of characters from that range that must be present in user passwords is %d
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because it does not contain a colon to separate the minimum count from the character range
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because it does not contain a colon to separate the minimum count from the character range
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the value before the colon must be an integer greater or equal to zero
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the range '%s' is reversed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHARSET_VALIDATOR_MALFORMED_RANGEThe provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the range '%s' is missing the minus
The provided character range definition '%s' is invalid because the range '%s' is too short
There is no private key entry in keystore '%s' used by file based key manager provider '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Ensure that keystore file contains at least one private key
An error occurred while attempting to match a bcrypt hashed password value: %s
The mapped search filter template "%s" could not be parsed as a valid LDAP filter
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDAP_KEYMANAGER_CANNOT_CREATE_FACTORYAn error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of LDAP keystore with base DN '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDAP_TRUSTMANAGER_CANNOT_CREATE_FACTORYAn error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of LDAP keystore with base DN '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PKCS11_TRUSTMANAGER_CANNOT_CREATE_FACTORYAn error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of the PKCS#11 keystore: %s
An error occurred while trying to access the PKCS#11 trust manager: %s
Unable to load JVM default keystore from system properties: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_KEY_MANAGER_PROVIDER_MONITOR_CERTIFICATEAn error occurred while reading information contained within key manager provider from configuration: "%s"
Unable to get the JVM default truststore: %s
Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user becausethe peer certificate issuer "%s" could not be decoded as an LDAP DN: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_DOES_NOT_MATCHCould not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the matching user entry with DN '%s' does not contain an issuer DN matching the certificate issuer DN '%s'
The baseDN '%s' specified as match base DN in the exact match identity mapper defined in configuration entry '%s', does not belong to a local backend
The baseDN '%s' specified as match base DN in the regular expression identity mapper defined in configuration entry '%s', does not belong to a local backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_IDENTITY_MAPPERS_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_ENTRIESThe processed ID string %s is mapped to multiple users
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_NO_KEY_MANAGER_CREATEDObject, Object> File based key manager provider '%s' failed to load content from file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Ensure that keystore file contains at least one private key compatible with the security providers. Security providers available in the running JVM are '%s'. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_MULTIPLE_KEY_MANAGER_CREATEDObject, Object> File based key manager provider '%s' has loaded multiple key manager from keystore file '%s'. Only one will be used for securing TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_NO_X509_EXTENDED_KEY_MANAGER_AVAILABLEObject, Object> File based key manager provider '%s' cannot load an X509 extended key manager from keystore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading key manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_REFRESHING_KEY_MANAGER_PROVIDERObject> File based key manager provider '%s' cannot load content from keystore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Restarting the server or the impacted connection handler may resolve this problem. Error detail: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_REFRESHING_TRUST_MANAGER_PROVIDERObject> File based trust manager provider '%s' cannot load content from truststore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Restarting the server or the impacted connection handler may resolve this problem. Error detail: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_NO_TRUST_MANAGER_CREATEDObject, Object> File based trust manager provider '%s' failed to load content from file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Ensure that truststore file contains at least one private key compatible with the security providers. Security providers available in the running JVM are '%s'. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_MULTIPLE_TRUST_MANAGER_CREATEDObject, Object> File based trust manager provider '%s' has loaded multiple trust manager from truststore file '%s'. Only one will be used for securing TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_NO_X509_EXTENDED_TRUST_MANAGER_AVAILABLEObject, Object> File based trust manager provider '%s' cannot load an X509 extended trust manager from truststore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Security providers available in the running JVM are %s. The security provider used for loading trust manager will be the first in the list which is compatible with the algorithm '%s'
The %s SCRAM password storage scheme could not be initialized because the algorithm is not supported by the JVM
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWSCHEME_CANNOT_DECODE_SCRAM_CREDENTIALAn error occurred while attempting to decode the SCRAM credential value %s: %s
SASL %s authentication is not possible for user '%s' because the user entry does not contain any SCRAM credentials
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SASL_CANNOT_GET_SCRAM_CREDENTIALSObject> An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the SCRAM credentials for user '%s' in order to perform SASL %s authentication: %s
The %s SCRAM SASL mechanism handler could not be initialized because the algorithm is not supported by the JVM
Error loading dictionary: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_ADMIN_DATA_TRUSTMANAGER_CANNOT_CREATE_FACTORYAn error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the certificates in "cn=admin data": %s
'%s' cannot list the secret files in directory '%s', all the secrets will be ignored: %s
'%s' cannot read the secret file '%s': %s
The file '%s' exceeds max size '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SECRET_FILE_CANNOT_BE_DECODEDObject> '%s' cannot decode the secret file '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_SECRET_FILE_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_PURPOSEObject> '%s' has ignored the file '%s' either because the certificate does not contain the key usage extension '%s', or because the file does not contain the appropriate key types
Invalid excluded file name pattern: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PWSCHEME_ARGON2_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORYThe Argon2 password storage scheme could not be configured because it requires %s kB of memory, exceeding the maximum available of %s kB. Configure a bigger heap or reduce the Argon2 memory requirements
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_ADMIN_DATA_TRUSTMANAGER_KEYSTORE_READ_FAILUREAn unexpected error occurred while accessing the instance keys in "cn=admin data": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_ADMIN_DATA_TRUSTMANAGER_KEYSTORE_READ_ALIAS_FAILUREAn unexpected error occurred while attempting to read the instance key '%s' in "cn=admin data": %s
A new Argon2 password storage scheme can only be added by running dsconfig in offline mode
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_EXTERNAL_LIB_MESSAGE_WITH_EXCEPTION%s with exception: %s
Error occurred while writing log record for logger %s: %s. Any further write errors will be ignored
Error occurred while opening log file %s for logger %s: %s
Error occurred while closing log file for logger %s: %s
Error occurred while flushing writer buffer for logger %s: %s
Invalid error log severity "%s"
Invalid error log category "%s"
Invalid override of severity level "%s"
Error occurred while setting file permissions for the log file %s: %s
This platform does not support setting file permissions %s to the log file %s
Error occurred while listing log files named by policy with initial file name %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LOGGER_ERROR_OBTAINING_FREE_SPACEError occurred while obtaining free disk space in the partition containing log file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LOGGER_ERROR_ENFORCING_RETENTION_POLICYObject> Error occurred while enforcing retention policy %s for logger %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_ADD_OR_UPDATE_LOG_PUBLISHERError while creating or updating common audit log publisher %s: %s
Error while adding common audit log publisher %s, the publisher has an unsupported handler type
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_EXTERNAL_HANDLER_JSON_FILEObject> Error while reading JSON configuration file %s while creating common audit external log publisher %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_EXTERNAL_HANDLER_CREATIONError while creating common audit external log publisher %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_FILE_BASED_HANDLER_CREATIONError while creating common audit log publisher %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_UNSUPPORTED_LOG_ROTATION_POLICYError while adding common audit log publisher %s, the publisher defines an unsupported log rotation policy %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_UNSUPPORTED_LOG_RETENTION_POLICYError while adding common audit log publisher %s, the publisher defines an unsupported log retention policy %s
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, this type of log publisher is unsupported
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_CSV_HANDLER_DELIMITER_CHARError while processing common audit log publisher %s, delimiter char '%s' should not contain more than one character
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_CSV_HANDLER_QUOTE_CHARError while processing common audit log publisher %s, quote char '%s' should not contain more than one character
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_INVALID_TIME_OF_DAYObject> Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, time of the day value '%s' for fixed time log rotation policy is not valid, it should use a 24-hour format "HHmm" : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS_LOG_EVENTError while processing a log event for common audit: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_KEYSTORE_PIN_FILE_MISSINGError while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore pin file %s is missing
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_ERROR_READING_KEYSTORE_PIN_FILEObject> Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore pin file %s could not be read: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_KEYSTORE_PIN_FILE_CONTAINS_EMPTY_PINError while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore pin file %s contains an empty pin
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_KEYSTORE_FILE_MISSINGError while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore file %s is missing
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_ERROR_READING_KEYSTORE_FILEObject> Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore file %s could not be read: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_COMMON_AUDIT_KEYSTORE_FILE_IS_EMPTYError while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore file %s is empty
The log file %s unexpectedly disappeared. It looks like an external system is also trying to manage the log files retention (either deleting or moving files away). This system configuration is incorrect: either ForgeRock DS manages the log file retention OR the external system does. Pick one only
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_LOG_AGGREGATOR_MESSAGE_LOGGED_TOO_OFTENObject> The message with ID %d has been generated %d times in the last second: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_ERROR_LOGGER_INVALID_SEVERITY_MULTIPLE_VALUESInvalid error log severity "%s", only one severity must be provided, the highest one at which logging should occur
The LDAP attribute description list plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s does not list any plugin types. This plugin must be configured to operate as a pre-parse search plugin
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PLUGIN_ADLIST_INVALID_PLUGIN_TYPEThe LDAP attribute description list plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s lists an invalid plugin type %s. This plugin can only be used as a pre-parse search plugin
The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s. The server startup process has been aborted
The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned a null value when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process. This is an illegal return value, and the server startup process has been aborted
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_STARTUP_PLUGIN_FAIL_ABORTNumber> The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s encountered an error when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s (error ID %d). The server startup process has been aborted
The shutdown plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked during the Directory Server shutdown process: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_CONNECT_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONObject, Object> The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s. The connection will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_CONNECT_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLObject> The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response, and the connection will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_DISCONNECT_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONObject, Object> The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_DISCONNECT_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLObject> The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_PRE_PARSE_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Number, Object> The pre-parse %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_PRE_PARSE_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLNumber, Number> The pre-parse %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_PRE_OPERATION_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Number, Object> The pre-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_PRE_OPERATION_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLNumber, Number> The pre-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_OPERATION_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Number, Object> The post-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_OPERATION_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLNumber, Number> The post-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_RESPONSE_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Number, Object> The post-response %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_RESPONSE_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLNumber, Number> The post-response %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SEARCH_ENTRY_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Object, Object> The search result entry plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d with entry %s: %s. Processing on this search operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SEARCH_ENTRY_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLNumber, Object> The search result entry plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with entry %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SEARCH_REFERENCE_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Object, Object> The search result reference plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d with referral URL(s) %s: %s. Processing on this search operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SEARCH_REFERENCE_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLNumber, Object> The search result reference plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with referral URL(s) %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated
An attempt was made to register the LastMod plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_LDIF_IMPORT_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONObject> The LDIF import plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked on entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PLUGIN_LDIF_IMPORT_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLThe LDIF import plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked on entry %s. This is an illegal response
An attempt was made to register the EntryUUID plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
An attempt was made to register the password policy import plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_PWPIMPORT_ERROR_ENCODING_PASSWORDObject> An error occurred while attempting to encode a password value stored in attribute %s of user entry %s: %s. Password values for this user will not be encoded
The plugin defined in configuration entry %s does not support the %s plugin type
The password policy import plugin is not configured any default auth password schemes, and the server does not support the %s auth password scheme
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_PWIMPORT_INVALID_DEFAULT_AUTH_SCHEMEAuth password storage scheme %s referenced by the password policy import plugin is not configured for use in the server
The password policy import plugin is not configured any default user password schemes, and the server does not support the %s auth password scheme
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_PWIMPORT_INVALID_DEFAULT_USER_SCHEMEUser password storage scheme %s referenced by the password policy import plugin is not configured for use in the server
Entry '%s' indicates that it uses custom password policy '%s', but no such policy is defined in the server. Any passwords contained in the entry will be encoded using the default storage schemes, but authentication as this user might not be possible
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_PLUGIN_PWIMPORT_CANNOT_DECODE_POLICY_DNAn error occurred while attempting to decode the value of the custom password policy attribute in entry '%s': %s. Any passwords contained in the entry will be encoded using the default storage schemes, but authentication as this user might not be possible
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SUBORDINATE_MODIFY_DN_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Object> The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SUBORDINATE_MODIFY_DN_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLObject> The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
An attempt was made to register the Unique Attribute plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
An attempt was made to register the Referential Integrity plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
An error occurred during Referential Integrity plugin initialization because log file creation failed: %s
An error occurred closing the Referential Integrity plugin update log file: %s
An error occurred replacing the Referential Integrity plugin update log file: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_PLUGIN_REFERENT_LOGFILE_CHANGE_REQUIRES_RESTARTThe file name that the Referential Integrity plugin logs changes to during background processing has been changed from %s to %s, but this change will not take effect until the server is restarted
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_PLUGIN_REFERENT_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_UPDATE_INTERVAL_CHANGEDThe Referential Integrity plugin background processing update interval has been changed from %s to %s, the new value will now be during background processing
The Referential Integrity plugin background processing has been stopped
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_PLUGIN_REFERENT_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_STARTINGThe Referential Integrity plugin has started background processing using the update interval %s
The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performing an internal search: %s
The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performing an internal modify on entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_REFERENT_CANNOT_DECODE_STRING_AS_DNThe Referential Integrity plugin failed to decode a entry DN from the update log: %s
The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performing a search because the base DN %s does not exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PLUGIN_REFERENT_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAXAn error occurred in the Referential Integrity plugin while attempting to configure the attribute type %s which has a syntax OID of %s. A Referential Integrity attribute type must have a syntax OID of either (for the distinguished name syntax) or (for the name and optional uid syntax) or (for the name and json syntax)
The 7-bit clean plugin is configured with invalid plugin type %s. Only the ldifImport, preOperationAdd, preOperationModify, and preOperationModifyDN plugin types are allowed
The modify DN operation would have resulted in a value for attribute %s that was not 7-bit clean
The entry included a value for attribute %s that was not 7-bit clean
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_PWIMPORT_NO_SUCH_DEFAULT_AUTH_SCHEMEThe password policy import plugin references default auth password storage scheme %s which is not available for use in the server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_SYNCHRONIZATION_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Number, Object> The post-synchronization %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_UNIQUEATTR_ATTR_NOT_UNIQUEObject> A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute %s: value %s already exists in entry %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_UNIQUEATTR_SYNC_NOT_UNIQUENumber, Object, Object, Object> A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute %s during synchronization (connID=%d, opID=%d): value %s in entry %s conflicts with an existing value in entry %s. Manual interaction is required to eliminate the conflict
An internal error occurred while attempting to determine whether the operation would have resulted in a unique attribute conflict (result %s, message %s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Number,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_UNIQUEATTR_INTERNAL_ERROR_SYNCObject, Object, Object> An internal error occurred while attempting to determine whether the synchronization operation (connID=%d, opID=%d) for entry %s would have resulted in a unique attribute conflict (result %s, message %s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_REFERENT_ATTR_UNINDEXEDObject> The referential integrity plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_UNIQUEATTR_ATTR_UNINDEXEDObject> The unique attribute plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_CHANGE_NUMBER_INVALID_PLUGIN_TYPEAn attempt was made to register the Change Number Control plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_PLUGIN_CHANGE_NUMBER_INVALID_PLUGIN_TYPE_LISTAn attempt was made to register the Change Number Control plugin with the following plugin types : %s. However this plugin must be configured with all of the following plugin types : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SUBORDINATE_DELETE_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Object> The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_PLUGIN_SUBORDINATE_DELETE_PLUGIN_RETURNED_NULLObject> The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
An attempt was made to register the Samba password synchronization plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
The Samba password synchronization plugin could not encode a password for the following reasons: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_SAMBA_SYNC_MODIFICATION_PROCESSINGThe Samba password synchronization plugin could not process a modification for the following reason: %s
Invalid plugin type '%s' for the Attribute Cleanup plugin
Attribute '%s' is not defined in the directory schema
The attribute '%s' has already been defined in the configuration
The mapping '%s:%s' maps the attribute to itself
The property 'check-references-filter-criteria' specifies filtering criteria for attribute '%s', but this attribute is not listed in the 'attribute-type' property
The filtering criteria '%s' specified in property 'check-references-filter-criteria' is invalid because the filter could not be decoded: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_REFERENT_ENTRY_MISSINGObject> The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not exist in any of the configured naming contexts
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_REFERENT_FILTER_MISMATCHObject, Object> The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not match the filter '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_REFERENT_NAMINGCONTEXT_MISMATCHObject> The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not belong to any of the configured naming contexts
The operation could not be processed due to an unexpected exception: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_GRAPHITE_REPORTER_INVALID_PLUGIN_TYPEAn attempt was made to register the Graphite Monitor Reporter Plugin plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_GRAPHITE_REPORTER_UNREACHABLE_GRAPHITE_SERVERUnable to report metrics to Graphite server '%s' because the Graphite server hostname resolution has failed. Ensure that the plugin configuration is correct and that the Graphite server is reachable. The Graphite plugin will be disabled until a change is performed in its configuration or the server restart
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_REFERENT_ATTR_MATCHING_RULE_UNINDEXEDObject, Object> The referential integrity plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no %s extensible matching rule index defined for this attribute in backend %s
An attempt was made to register the Entity Tag plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_PLUGIN_POST_COMMIT_PLUGIN_EXCEPTIONNumber, Number, Object> The post-commit %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_LDAP_CLIENT_SEND_RESPONSE_NO_RESULT_CODENumber> The server attempted to send a response to the %s operation (conn=%d, op=%d), but the operation did not have a result code. This could indicate that the operation did not complete properly or that it is one that is not allowed to have a response. Using a generic 'Operations Error' response
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_LDAP_CLIENT_SEND_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPNumber, Object> The server attempted to send a response to the %s operation (conn=%d, op=%d), but this type of operation is not allowed to have responses. Backtrace: %s
The Directory Server is closing the connection to this client
The Directory Server is currently in the process of closing this client connection
The connection attempt from client %s to %s has been rejected because the client was included in one of the denied address ranges
The connection attempt from client %s to %s has been rejected because the client was not included in one of the allowed address ranges
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, INFO_CONNHANDLER_UNABLE_TO_REGISTER_CLIENTObject> An internal error prevented the Directory Server from properly registering the client connection from %s to %s with an appropriate request handler: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> ERR_LDAP_DISCONNECT_DUE_TO_INVALID_REQUEST_TYPETerminating this connection because the client sent an invalid message of type %s (LDAP message ID %d) that is not allowed for request messages
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_LDAP_DISCONNECT_DUE_TO_PROCESSING_FAILUREObject> An unexpected failure occurred while trying to process a request of type %s (LDAP message ID %d): %s. The client connection will be terminated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Object> ERR_LDAP_DISCONNECT_DUE_TO_BIND_PROTOCOL_ERRORThis client connection is being terminated because a protocol error occurred while trying to process a bind request. The LDAP message ID was %d and the error message for the bind response was %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_LDAPV2_SKIPPING_EXTENDED_RESPONSEObject> An extended response message would have been sent to an LDAPv2 client (connection ID=%d, operation ID=%d): %s. LDAPv2 does not allow extended operations, so this response will not be sent
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_LDAPV2_SKIPPING_SEARCH_REFERENCEObject> A search performed by an LDAPv2 client (connection ID=%d, operation ID=%d) would have included a search result reference %s. Referrals are not allowed for LDAPv2 clients, so this search reference will not be sent
The original result code for this message was 10 but this result is not allowed for LDAPv2 clients
The response included one or more referrals, which are not allowed for LDAPv2 clients. The referrals included were: %s
The Directory Server has been configured to deny access to LDAPv2 clients. This connection will be closed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> ERR_LDAPV2_EXTENDED_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWEDThe client with connection ID %d authenticated to the Directory Server using LDAPv2, but attempted to send an extended operation request (LDAP message ID %d), which is not allowed for LDAPv2 clients. The connection will be terminated
The attempt to register this connection with the Directory Server was rejected. This indicates that the server already has the maximum allowed number of concurrent connections established
You have to rebuild the '%s' index(es) manually to get a fully functional server
Started listening for new connections on %s
Stopped listening for new connections on %s
User %s specified in the proxied authorization V1 control does not exist in the Directory Server
Unable to process proxied authorization V2 control because it contains an authorization ID based on a username and no proxied authorization identity mapper is configured in the Directory Server
The authorization ID "%s" contained in the proxied authorization V2 control is invalid because it does not start with "dn:" to indicate a user DN or "u:" to indicate a username
User %s specified in the proxied authorization V2 control does not exist in the Directory Server
The Directory Server is already processing another request on the same client connection with the same message ID of %d
Use of the proxied authorization V1 control for user %s is not allowed by the password policy configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SORTREQ_CONTROL_NO_ORDERING_RULE_FOR_ATTRUnable to process the provided server-side sort request control because it included attribute %s which does not have a default ordering matching rule and no ordering rule was specified in the sort key
LDAPv2 clients are not allowed to use request controls
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform search operations through JMX
You do not have sufficient privileges to establish the connection through JMX. At least JMX_READ privilege is required
User %s does not exist in the directory
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_LDIF_CONNHANDLER_LDIF_DIRECTORY_NOT_DIRECTORYThe value %s specified as the LDIF directory path for the LDIF connection handler defined in configuration entry %s exists but is not a directory. The specified path must be a directory. The LDIF connection handler will start, but will not be able to proces any changes until this path is changed to a directory
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_LDIF_CONNHANDLER_LDIF_DIRECTORY_MISSINGThe directory %s referenced by the LDIF connection handler defined in configuration entry %s does not exist. The LDIF connection handler will start, but will not be able to process any changes until this directory is created
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIF_CONNHANDLER_CANNOT_READ_CHANGE_RECORD_NONFATALAn error occurred while trying to read a change record from the LDIF file: %s. This change will be skipped but processing on the LDIF file will continue
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIF_CONNHANDLER_CANNOT_READ_CHANGE_RECORD_FATALAn error occurred while trying to read a change record from the LDIF file: %s. No further processing on this LDIF file can be performed
Result Code: %d (%s)
Additional Info: %s
Matched DN: %s
Referral URL: %s
An I/O error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was processing LDIF file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_LDIF_CONNHANDLER_CANNOT_RENAMEObject> An error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was attempting to rename partially-processed file from %s to %s: %s
An error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was attempting to delete processed file %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the SSL context for use in the LDAP Connection Handler: %s
The Directory Server does not support LDAP protocol version %d. This connection will be closed
Cannot decode the provided control %s because an error occurred while attempting to decode the control value: %s
Cannot decode the provided entry changelog notification control because it does not have a value
Cannot decode the provided entry changelog notification control because an error occurred while attempting to decode the control value: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> INFO_ERGONOMIC_SIZING_OF_REQUEST_HANDLER_THREADSConnection handler '%s' does not specify the number of request handler threads: defaulting to %d threads
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONNHANDLER_CONFIG_CHANGES_REQUIRE_RESTARTThe server received configuration changes that require a restart of the %s connection handler to take effect
Authorization as '%s' specified in the proxied authorization control is not permitted
The key with alias '%s' used by '%s' could not be found, which may cause subsequent SSL connections to fail. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured
No usable key was found for '%s', which may cause subsequent SSL connections to fail. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account is disabled
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account is expired
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account is locked
Use of the proxied authorization V2 control for user %s is not allowed: the account's password is expired
Unable to process the provided internal modifications request control because it did not contain an origin
Unable to process the provided internal modifications request control because it did not contain modifications
Unable to process the provided replication context request control because it did not contain a CSN
Unable to process the provided replication context request control because it did not contain an entry UUID
Unable to process request '%s' received for HTTP client connection: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_INTERNAL_CONNECTION_HANDLE_EXCEPTIONUnable to process request '%s' received for internal client connection: %s
No result received after completion for request '%s' received for internal client connection
Internal operations can't be cancelled
Unable to process request '%s' received for JMX client because this type of request is not supported for JMX
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_JMX_CONNECTION_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE_TYPEUnable to process response received for JMX client connection for request '%s' because the response '%s' is not of any of the expected types
No result received after completion for request '%s' received for JMX client connection
Unable to process request '%s' received for JMX client connection: %s
User authentication is mandatory to access server monitoring information
Could not write data to the client for %s
The connection attempt from client %s to %s has been rejected because there are too many open connections from this client
Unable to process the provided server-side sort request control: %s
An error occurred during multi-stage authentication: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_HTTP_REQUEST_PROCESSING_EXCEPTIONUnable to process HTTP request '%s': %s
Unable to write HTTP response to the client '%s': %s
Error while starting the HTTP application: %s
cancel() invoked
JMX connection %s with JMX connection ID '%s' has been disconnected because it was finalized by GC
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_JMX_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_CLOSEDObject> JMX connection %s with JMX connection ID '%s' has been disconnected because it received a '%s' notification
LDAP connection %s has been closed because the LDAP connection handler %s is shutting down
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_KEYSTORE_INVALID_KEY_NOT_YET_VALIDThe key with alias '%s' used by '%s' is not valid yet. The key will be used, but SSL connections may fail depending on the validation performed by the peer. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured with a valid key
The key with alias '%s' used by '%s' has expired. The key will be used, but SSL connections may fail depending on the validation performed by the peer. Verify that the underlying keystore is properly configured with a valid key
The connection attempt from client '%s' to '%s' has been rejected because the proxy protocol header indicated that the client used SSL but the header does not specify which SSL cipher was used. The proxy should be configured to transmit all SSL headers
The configured DN is already used by another domain
Replication Server failed to start : could not bind to the listen port : %d. Error : %s
Unknown operation type : %s
Internal Error : Operation %s change number %s was not found in local change list
Internal Error : Operation %s change number %s was not found in remote change list
The replication server failed to start because the database %s could not be read : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_EXCEPTION_REPLAYING_OPERATIONObject, Object> An Exception was caught while replaying operation %s %s (%s) : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, DEBUG_ERROR_UPDATING_RUVObject, Object> Error %s when updating server state %s : %s base dn : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_ERROR_SEARCHING_RUVObject, Object> Error %s when searching for server state %s : %s base dn : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_EXCEPTION_SENDING_TOPO_INFOObject, Object> Caught IOException while sending topology info (for update) on domain %s for %s server %s : %s
Error when searching old changes from the database for base DN %s: %s
Error trying to replay %s, operation could not be decoded: %s
Error during the Replication Server database trimming or flush process. The Changelog service is going to shutdown: %s
An unexpected error happened handling connection with %s. This connection is going to be closed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_LOOP_REPLAYING_OPERATIONObject, Object> A loop was detected while replaying operation: %s %s (%s) error %s
An Exception was caught while testing existence or trying to create the directory for the Replication Server database : %s %s
The current request is rejected due to an import or an export already in progress for the same data
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_INVALID_IMPORT_SOURCEObject, Object> On domain %s, initialization of server with serverId:%s has been requested from a server with an invalid serverId:%s. %s
Invalid target for the export
Domain %s: the server with serverId=%s is unreachable
No domain matches the provided base DN '%s'
Multiple domains match the base DN provided
The provider class does not allow the operation requested
Exception when reading messages from %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_DUPLICATE_SERVER_IDObject, Object, Object> Duplicate server IDs found: replica '%s' for domain '%s' tried to connect from '%s', but replica '%s' is already connected from '%s'. Make sure the two replicas are configured with different server IDs
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_DUPLICATE_REPLICATION_SERVER_IDObject, Object> Duplicate server IDs found: replication server '%s' tried to connect from '%s', but replication server '%s' is already connected from '%s'. Make sure the two replication servers are configured with different server IDs
Entry %s was containing some unknown historical information, This may cause some inconsistency for this entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_CANNOT_ADD_CONFLICT_ATTRIBUTEObject, Object> A conflict was detected but the conflict information could not be added to entry %s. Conflict with %s %s, Result: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_CONFLICT_ENTRYObject> An error happened trying to rename a conflicting entry. DN: %s, Operation: %s, Result: %s
The Replication is configured for suffix %s but was not able to connect to any Replication Server
An unexpected error occurred while sending an Error Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened
An unexpected error occurred while sending a Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_ERROR_REPLAYING_OPERATIONObject, Object, Object> Could not replay operation %s %s with ChangeNumber %s error %s %s
The entry %s has historical information for attribute %s which is not defined in the schema. This information will be ignored
The Replication Server socket could not be closed : %s
The thread listening on the replication server port could not be stopped : %s
An unexpected error occurred when loading the generation id of domain "%s": %s
An unexpected error occurred when looking for the replicated backend : %s. It may be not configured or disabled
An unexpected error occurred when searching in %s for the generation ID : %s
An unexpected error occurred when updating generation ID for domain "%s": %s
The following error has been received : %s
Initialization cannot be done because import is not supported by the backend %s
Initialization cannot be done because export is not supported by the backend %s
Initialization cannot be done because the following error occurred while locking the backend %s : %s
Replication server caught exception while listening for client connections: %s
While clearing the database %s, the following error happened: %s
An unexpected error occurred when testing existence or creating the replication backend : %s
An error occurred when searching for %s : %s
The base DN %s is not stored by any of the Directory Server backend
An Exception was caught while replaying replication message : %s
Caught exception publishing fake operations for domain %s : %s
ServerState recovery for domain %s, updated with changeNumber %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_RESET_GENERATION_CONN_ERR_IDObject> For replicated domain %s, in server with serverId=%s, the generation ID could not be set to value %s in the rest of the topology because this server is NOT connected to any replication server. You should check in the configuration that the domain is enabled and that there is one replication server up and running
DN sent by remote replication server: %s does not match local replication server one: %s
DN sent by replication server: %s does not match local directory server one: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EXCEPTION_FORWARDING_RESET_GEN_IDCaught IOException while forwarding ResetGenerationIdMsg to peer replication servers for domain %s : %s
Replication server received invalid initial status: %s for replication domain %s from server id %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DS_INVALID_REQUESTED_STATUSObject> Received invalid requested status %s in DS replication domain %s with server id %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_RS_CANNOT_CHANGE_STATUSObject, Object> Could not compute new status in RS replication domain %s for server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_DS_CANNOT_CHANGE_STATUSObject, Object> Could not compute new status in DS replication domain %s with server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_EXCEPTION_CHANGING_STATUS_AFTER_RESET_GEN_IDObject> Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s after reset for generation id: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_RECEIVED_CHANGE_STATUS_NOT_FROM_DSObject> Received change status message does not come from a directory server (dn: %s, server id: %s, msg: %s)
Received invalid new status %s in RS for replication domain %s and directory server id %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, WARN_CONNECTED_TO_SERVER_WITH_WRONG_GROUP_IDObject, Object, Object, Object> Connected to a replication server with wrong group id. We have group id %s and replication server id %s %s has group id %s. This is for domain %s in directory server %s
Replication broker with dn %s and server id %s failed to signal status change because of: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_EXCEPTION_CHANGING_STATUS_FROM_STATUS_ANALYZERObject> Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s from status analyzer: %s
Ignoring reset generation ID request from '%s' to '%s' for replica '%s' because the replica is being re-initialized
The generation ID could not be reset for domain %s
Cannot change the configuration while a total update is in progress
The Replication was not started on base-dn %s : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPEReplication protocol error. Bad message type. %s received, %s required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_ERR_FRACTIONAL_CONFIG_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_CLASSWrong fractional replication configuration: could not find object class definition for %s in schema
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_ERR_FRACTIONAL_CONFIG_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPEWrong fractional replication configuration : could not find attribute type definition for %s in schema
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_ERR_FRACTIONAL_CONFIG_NOT_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTEWrong fractional replication configuration : attribute %s is not optional in class %s
Wrong fractional replication configuration : wrong format : %s (need at least [<className>|*],attributeName)
Wrong fractional replication configuration : cannot use both exclusive and inclusive modes
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_ERR_FRACTIONAL_CONFIG_PROHIBITED_ATTRIBUTEWrong fractional replication configuration : prohibited attribute %s usage
Fractional replication : exception for domain : %s : %s
Warning : domain %s fractional replication configuration is inconsistent with backend data set : need resynchronization or fractional configuration to be changed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_PLUGIN_FRACTIONAL_LDIF_IMPORT_INVALID_PLUGIN_TYPEThe fractional replication ldif import plugin is configured with invalid plugin type %s. Only the ldifImport plugin type is allowed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_ERR_FULL_UPDATE_IMPORT_FRACTIONAL_BAD_REMOTEThe online full update for importing suffix %s data from remote directory server %s has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency between destination and source server : imported data set has not the same fractional configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_ERR_FULL_UPDATE_IMPORT_FRACTIONAL_REMOTE_IS_FRACTIONALThe online full update for importing suffix %s data from remote directory server %s has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency between destination and source server : imported data set has some fractional configuration but not destination server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_ERR_FRACTIONAL_FORBIDDEN_OPERATIONThe following operation has been forbidden in suffix %s due to inconsistency with the fractional replication configuration : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_ERR_FRACTIONAL_FORBIDDEN_FULL_UPDATE_FRACTIONALThe export of domain %s from server %s to all other servers of the topology is forbidden as the source server has some fractional configuration : only fractional servers in a replicated topology does not make sense
An error occurred when accessing the change number database : %s
The initialization failed because the domain %s is not connected to a replication server
Could not retrieve the configuration for a replication domain matching the entry %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_ERR_LDIF_IMPORT_FRACTIONAL_BAD_DATA_SETThe LDIF import for importing suffix %s data has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency : imported data set has not the same fractional configuration as local server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> NOTE_ERR_LDIF_IMPORT_FRACTIONAL_DATA_SET_IS_FRACTIONALThe LDIF import for importing suffix %s data has been stopped due to fractional configuration inconsistency : imported data set has some fractional configuration but not local server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_DS_DISCONNECTED_DURING_HANDSHAKEObject> A transient problem occurred while Directory Server %s was connecting to this Replication Server %s. The peer server may try to establish a connection again. The problem was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_RS_DISCONNECTED_DURING_HANDSHAKEObject> A transient problem occurred while Replication Server %s was connecting to this Replication Server %s. The Replication Server should try to reconnect later. The problem was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_ERR_UNABLE_TO_ENABLE_ECL_VIRTUAL_ATTRError when loading a virtual attribute for external change log: Attribute: %s , Error: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_RESYNC_REQUIRED_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN_IN_PROVIDED_COOKIEFull resync required. Reason: The provided cookie contains unknown replicated domain %s. Current starting cookie <%s>
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_RESYNC_REQUIRED_TOO_OLD_DOMAIN_IN_PROVIDED_COOKIEFull resync required. Reason: The provided cookie is older than the start of historical in the server for the replicated domain : %s
Invalid syntax for the provided cookie '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_INIT_EXPORTER_DISCONNECTIONObject> Domain %s (server id: %s) : remote exporter server disconnection (server id: %s ) detected during initialization
During initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred : %s
Connection failure with Replication Server %s during import
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_INIT_BAD_MSG_ID_SEQ_DURING_IMPORTBad msg id sequence during import. Expected:%s Actual:%s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_INIT_NO_SUCCESS_START_FROM_SERVERSThe following servers did not acknowledge initialization in the expected time for domain %s. They are potentially down or too slow. Servers list: %s
The following servers did not end initialization being connected with the right generation (%s). They are potentially stopped or too slow. Servers list: %s
When initializing remote server(s), connection to Replication Server with serverId=%s is lost
When initializing remote server(s), the initialized server with serverId=%s is potentially stopped or too slow
When sending a new initialization request for an initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred %s. The initial error was : %s
Resending a new initialization request for an initialization from a remote server due to the root error : %s
Error while trying to solve conflict with DN : %s ERROR : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_REPLICATION_SERVER_LISTENINGNumber> Replication server RS(%s) started listening for new connections on address %s port %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, INFO_REPLICATION_SERVER_CONNECTION_TO_RSObject, Object> Replication server RS(%s) has connected to replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, INFO_REPLICATION_SERVER_CONNECTION_FROM_RSObject, Object> Replication server RS(%s) has accepted a connection from replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, INFO_REPLICATION_SERVER_CONNECTION_FROM_DSObject, Object> Replication server RS(%s) has accepted a connection from directory server DS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, NOTE_NOW_FOUND_SAME_GENERATION_CHANGELOGObject, Object, Object> Directory server DS(%s) has connected to replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s with generation ID %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, WARN_NOW_FOUND_BAD_GENERATION_CHANGELOGObject, Object, Object, Object> Directory server DS(%s) has connected to replication server RS(%s) for domain "%s" at %s, but the generation IDs do not match, indicating that a full re-initialization is required. The local (DS) generation ID is %s and the remote (RS) generation ID is %s
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to any of the following replication servers for domain "%s": %s
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to any replication servers for domain "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_REPLICATION_SERVER_PROPERLY_DISCONNECTEDObject, Object> Replication server RS(%s) at %s has closed the connection to this directory server DS(%s). This directory server will now try to connect to another replication server in order to receive changes for the domain "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, WARN_REPLICATION_SERVER_BADLY_DISCONNECTEDObject, Object, Object> Directory server DS(%s) encountered an error while receiving changes for domain "%s" from replication server RS(%s) at %s. The connection will be closed, and this directory server will now try to connect to another replication server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, NOTE_NEW_BEST_REPLICATION_SERVERObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Directory Server DS(%s) is switching from replication server RS(%s) at %s to RS(%s) for domain "%s" because it is more suitable. The previous replication server evaluation was: "%s", and the new replication server evaluation was: "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FROM_REMOTE_STARTObject> Starting total update: importing domain "%s" from remote directory server DS(%s) to this directory server DS(%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FROM_REMOTE_ENDObject, Object> Finished total update: imported domain "%s" from remote directory server DS(%s) to this directory server DS(%s). %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Object, NOTE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FOR_REMOTE_STARTObject, Object> Starting total update: exporting %d entries in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to remote directory server DS(%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Object, NOTE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FOR_REMOTE_START_ALLObject> Starting total update: exporting %d entries in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to all remote directory servers
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FOR_REMOTE_ENDObject, Object> Finished total update: exported domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to remote directory server DS(%s). %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FOR_REMOTE_END_ALLObject> Finished total update: exported domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to all remote directory servers. %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_DIRECTORY_SERVER_CHANGED_STATUSObject> Directory server DS(%s) for domain "%s" has changed its status to %s
Directory server DS(%s) is closing its connection to replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" because it could not detect a heart beat
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, WARN_BAD_GENERATION_ID_FROM_RSObject, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) at %s presented generation ID %s for domain "%s", but the generation ID of this replication server RS(%s) is %s. This usually indicates that one or more directory servers in the replication topology have not been initialized with the same data, and re-initialization is required
The generation ID for domain "%s" has been reset to %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_TIMEOUT_WHEN_CROSS_CONNECTIONObject, Object> Timed out while trying to acquire the domain lock for domain "%s". The connection attempt from replication server RS(%s) at %s to this replication server RS(%s) will be aborted. This is probably benign and a result of a simultaneous cross connection attempt
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, WARN_BAD_GENERATION_ID_FROM_DSObject, Object, Object, Object> Directory server DS(%s) at %s presented generation ID %s for domain "%s", but the generation ID of this replication server RS(%s) is %s. This usually indicates that one or more directory servers in the replication topology have not been initialized with the same data, and re-initialization is required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, ERROR_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_RSObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from replication server RS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_RSObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to replication server RS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_DS_BAD_DATAObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_DS_BAD_DATAObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to directory server DS(%s) at %s because its generation ID %s is different to the local generation ID %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_DS_FULLUPObject, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because it is currently performing a full update
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_DS_FULLUPObject, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to directory server DS(%s) at %s because it is currently performing a full update
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_RS_BADLY_DISCONNECTEDObject, Object> The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_DS_BADLY_DISCONNECTEDObject, Object> The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to directory server DS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_NO_CHANGELOG_SERVER_LISTENINGObject> Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to replication server %s for domain "%s". Please check that there is a replication server listening at this address
Directory server DS(%s) timed out while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_EXCEPTION_STARTING_SESSION_PHASEObject, Object> Directory server DS(%s) encountered an unexpected error while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_EXCEPTION_STARTING_SESSION_PHASEObject, Object> Directory server DS(%s) encountered a transient problem while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s". Directory server will try to connect to a replication server again. The problem was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, INFO_SSL_SERVER_CON_ATTEMPT_ERRORObject> Replication server accepted a connection from %s to local address %s but the SSL handshake failed. This is probably benign, but may indicate a transient network outage or a misconfigured client application connecting to this replication server. The error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_LOAD_BALANCE_REPLICATION_SERVERObject, Object> Directory Server DS(%s) is disconnecting from replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" in order to find another replication server in the topology and distribute load more equally
The attribute value '%s' is not a valid synchronization history value
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CANNOT_OPEN_DATABASE_BECAUSE_SHUTDOWN_WAS_REQUESTEDCannot open database %s because shutdown was requested from replication server RS(%s)
RS(%s) has no generation Id, but at least one other RS has the same generation Id %s as DS(%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_RS_HAS_DIFFERENT_GENERATION_ID_THAN_DSObject, Object> RS(%s) generation Id %s does not match DS(%s) generation Id %s, but at least another RS does
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_RS_HAS_DIFFERENT_GROUP_ID_THAN_DSObject, Object> RS(%s) groupId '%s' does not match DS(%s) groupId '%s', but at least one other RS does
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_RS_LATER_THAN_LOCAL_DSObject, Object> RS(%s) newest change %s is behind DS(%s) newest change %s, but at least another RS is at the same point or ahead of the DS
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_RS_LATER_THAN_ANOTHER_RS_MORE_UP_TO_DATE_THAN_LOCAL_DSObject, Object> RS(%s) newest change %s is behind another RS which is ahead of DS(%s) newest change %s
RS(%s) is not on the same virtual machine as DS(%s) but another RS is
RS(%s) is on a different host than DS(%s), but at least another RS is on the same host
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_DISCONNECT_DS_FROM_OVERLOADED_RSDS(%s) disconnected from overloaded RS(%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_DO_NOT_DISCONNECT_DS_FROM_OVERLOADED_RSDS(%s) not disconnected from overloaded RS(%s), other DSs will disconnect
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_NO_NEED_TO_REBALANCE_DSS_BETWEEN_RSSDS(%s) not disconnected from current RS(%s), since there is no need to rebalance all directory servers to other replication servers in the topology
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> NOTE_DO_NOT_DISCONNECT_DS_FROM_ACCEPTABLE_LOAD_RSDS(%s) not disconnected from current RS(%s), because RS is underloaded or its load goal is reached
DS(%s) will connect to RS(%s) because it has the biggest weight among all the replication servers
DS(%s) stayed connected to RS(%s) to avoid the yoyo effect
RS(%s) has been evaluated to be the best replication server for DS(%s) to connect to because it was the only one standing after all tests
RS(%s) could not be contacted by DS(%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_REPLICA_DB_BECAUSE_CHANGELOG_DB_SHUTDOWNCould not create replica database because the changelog database is shutting down
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_COULD_NOT_ADD_CHANGE_TO_SHUTTING_DOWN_REPLICA_DBObject> Could not add change %s to replicaDB %s %s because flushing thread is shutting down
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_READ_STATE_CANT_READ_DOMAIN_DIRECTORYError when retrieving changelog state from root path '%s' : IO error on domain directory '%s' when retrieving list of server ids
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_REPLICA_DBObject, Object> Could not get or create replica DB for base DN '%s', serverId '%s', generationId '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CN_INDEX_DBObject> Could not get or create change number index DB in root path '%s', using path '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_GENERATION_ID_FILEObject> Could not delete generation id file '%s' for DN '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SERVER_ID_DIRECTORYObject> Could not create directory '%s' for server id %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_GENERATION_ID_FILECould not create generation id file '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_SERVER_ID_FILENAME_WRONG_FORMATCould not read server id filename because it uses a wrong format, expecting '[id].server' where [id] is numeric but got '%s'
Could not read generation id because it uses a wrong format, expecting a number but got '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_LOG_FILECould not open log file '%s' for write: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_READER_ON_LOG_FILECould not open a reader on log file '%s': %s
Could not decode a record from data read in log file '%s'
Could not delete log files: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LOG_FILECould not create log file '%s': %s
The changelog '%s' has been opened in read-only mode, it is not enabled for write
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_ADD_RECORDObject> Could not add record '%s' in log file '%s': %s
Could not synchronize written records to file system for log file '%s': %s
Could not seek to position %d for reader on log file '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LOG_DIRECTORYCould not create root directory '%s' for log file: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_DN_FROM_DOMAIN_STATE_FILECould not decode DN from domain state file '%s', from line '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_READ_DOMAIN_STATE_FILECould not read domain state file '%s'. The replication server cannot continue, it should be restored from a backup. Cause was : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_INCOHERENT_DOMAIN_STATEThere is a mismatch between domain state file and actual domain directories found in file system. Expected domain ids : %s. Actual domain ids found in file system: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_DOMAIN_STATE_FILEObject> Could not create a new domain id %s for domain DN %s and save it in the domain state file. Replication will continue, but if the domain state file cannot be written when stopping the server, it should be restored from backup. Cause was : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_KEY_FROM_STRINGCould not decode the key from string [%s]
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE_LOGCould not initialize the log '%s' : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_KEY_BOUNDS_FROM_FILECould not retrieve key bounds from log file '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_READ_ONLY_LOG_FILES_LISTCould not retrieve read-only log files from log '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_LOG_FILE_WHILE_PURGINGWhile purging log, could not delete log file(s): '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNREFERENCED_LOG_WHILE_RELEASINGThe following log '%s' must be released but it is not referenced
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_INVALID_REPLICA_OFFLINE_STATE_FILECould not read replica offline state file '%s' for domain %s, it should contain exactly one line corresponding to the offline CSN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_READ_REPLICA_OFFLINE_STATE_FILECould not read content of replica offline state file '%s' for domain %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_FILE_LENGTHCould not retrieve file length of log file '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_RECOVER_LOG_FILEAn error occurred while recovering the replication change log file '%s'. The recovery has been aborted and this replication server will be removed from the replication topology. The change log file system may be read-only, full, or corrupt and must be fixed before this replication server can be used. The underlying error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, INFO_CHANGELOG_LOG_FILE_RECOVEREDNumber> Log file '%s' was successfully recovered by removing unreadable records. The file changed size from %d to %d bytes.
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform a search request on cn=changelog
An error occurred when searching base DN '%s' with filter '%s' in changelog backend : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_BACKEND_ATTRIBUTEObject> An error occurred when retrieving attribute value for attribute '%s' for entry DN '%s' in changelog backend : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LAST_LOG_ROTATION_TIME_FILECould not create file '%s' to store last log rotation time %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_LAST_LOG_ROTATION_TIME_FILECould not delete file '%s' that stored the previous last log rotation time
Cursor on log '%s' has been aborted after a purge
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_CANNOT_READ_NEWEST_RECORDObject> Could not position and read newest record from log file '%s'. Current thread is '%s'. Error was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_CHANGE_NOT_PRESENTObject> The change number index could not be reset to start with %d in base DN '%s' because starting CSN '%s' does not exist in the change log
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_CSN_TOO_OLDThe change number could not be reset to %d because the associated change with CSN '%s' has already been purged from the change log. Try resetting to a more recent change
Change number indexing is disabled for replication domain '%s'
Cannot decode change-log record with version %x
Cannot start total update in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s): no remote directory servers found
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_FULL_UPDATE_MISSING_REMOTEObject> Cannot start total update in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s): cannot find remote directory server DS(%s)
New replication connection from %s started with unexpected message %s and is being closed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_WRITER_CHANGELOG_CURSOR_ABORTED_FOR_REMOTE_DSObject, Object> The directory server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then it will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_WRITER_CHANGELOG_CURSOR_ABORTED_FOR_REMOTE_RSObject, Object> The replication server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory servers connected to this replication server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then the directory servers will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CANNOT_SET_BROKER_SOCKET_TIMEOUTError while setting replication listener socket timeout to 1 second for domain '%s', server state may be reported as being a bit late with respect to other servers. Cause was: %s
Invalid operator '%s' specified in historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule assertion
Specified assertion '%s' for historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule does not conform to expected syntax. The assertion must specify a CSN range
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CSN_RANGE_INCLUDES_MORE_THAN_ONE_SERVERSpecified CSNs '%s' and '%s' have two different server ids. The historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule requires CSNs to have the same server id
Specified operators '%s' and '%s' do not specify a range for historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule
Could not restart the Replication Server, bind to listen port %d failed : %s
The replication server has detected that the file system containing the changelog is full. In order to prevent further problems, the replication server will disconnect from the replication topology and wait for sufficient disk space to be recovered, at which point it will reconnect
Disk space for the replication changelog is getting low. The replication server will continue to operate, but will stop in the event of a full disk
The replication server has detected that the file system containing the changelog has sufficient disk space to resume operation. It is now reconnecting to the rest of the replication topology
An I/O error occurred while reading replication messages from %s. The connection will close and replication server (%s) will not process any more updates from it. Reported error is: %s
%s is disconnecting from this replication server %s
The replication server connector thread could not be stopped : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_READER_UNABLE_TO_POSITIONObject> Unable to position reader to key '%s' using strategy '%s' on log '%s'. Changelog may be corrupted. Directory servers connected to this replication server may need to be reinitialized
Assured replication is not supported anymore, it should be disabled on the topology
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_UNEXPECTED_DSReplication Server '%s' expected to negotiate with another Replication Server but got information for Directory Server '%s' instead. The connection will be closed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, WARN_REPLICATION_DELAY_ABOVE_HEALTH_THRESHOLDNumber> Replication delay for '%s' is above %dms, current delay: %dms
The replication server has detected that the file system containing the changelog has sufficient disk space to resume operation
Detected one or more corrupted records in log file '%s', this replication server will be removed from the replication topology. Recover the server from a valid filesystem backup if available or re-create it
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_LOG_FILE_IS_NOT_READABLEAn error occurred while verifying integrity of log file '%s' : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_REPLICATION_SERVER_ID_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_VERSIONCannot enable replication to server '%s' as this server's ID '%s' is not a number between 1 and 32767
An error occurred in session '%s' when trying to send a message to the socket: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_BACKEND_CANNOT_CONVERT_TO_LONGCould not convert value '%s' to long
Could not find replica update message matching the index record. No more replica update messages with a csn newer than %s exist
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CHANGELOG_BACKEND_EXCEPTION_ENCODING_ENTRYObject> An exception was encountered while trying to encode a replication %s message for entry "%s" into an External Change Log entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_BACKEND_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_TYPEUnexpected message type when trying to create changelog entry for dn %s: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_UNROUTABLE_MESSAGE_BECAUSE_ROUTING_TABLE_IS_EMPTYObject> %s in Replication Server=%s, an initialization message of type %s cannot be sent to its destination server. Details: routing table is empty
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_UNROUTABLE_MESSAGE_CAUSED_BY_EXCEPTIONObject> %s message of type %s cannot be routed. Details: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_RS_SESSION_PUBLISH_UNABLE_TO_PUSH_MSG_TO_SEND_QUEUEError when trying to publish a message in '%s'. The connection is going to be closed and reopened
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_RS_SESSION_PUBLISH_INTERRUPTED_EXCEPTIONError when trying to publish a message in '%s'. The connection is going to be closed and reopened. Error: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_RS_SESSION_WRITER_SUBSCRIPTION_WHILE_SESSION_IS_CLOSEDError when initializing publisher of messages in '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_RS_SESSION_WRITER_SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_EXISTING_SUBSCRIBERError when initializing publisher of messages in '%s'
Directory server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s
Replication server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOB_BACKEND_ERROR_ENABLING_CN_CHANGELOGError when enabling external changelog: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_DS_DURING_HANDSHAKE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGEObject> Directory server %s stopped the handshake process with replication server %s because it received the unexpected message '%s'
Cursor on replica '%s' invalidated
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_CANNOT_WRITE_DOMAIN_STATE_FILEThe domain state file cannot be written. The server will shutdown but it should be restored from backup. Cause was : %s
Some data in the domain state file '%s' in not of the form <domainId>[csn:csn]:<domainDN>, the replication server cannot start. Restore the server from backup
Task '%s' to initialize domain '%s' failed to contact the source server. The task will be retried because the current server may be in the process of re-connecting to the best replication server for itself
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, INFO_TEMPORARILY_UNREACHABLE_SERVERObject> The server '%s' may retry the initialization process because the server '%s' in domain '%s' is temporarily unreachable
Error when purging historical information for entry %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Object> ERR_COULD_NOT_SET_LISTEN_SOCKET_TIMEOUTReplication server failed to start because setting socket timeout on port %d caused error %s
A transient problem occurred while DS(%s) was connecting to RS(%s), Directory Server will try to connect again. Problem was: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_UNROUTABLE_MESSAGE_INITIALIZE_ALLObject> %s for domain %s cannot route message of type %s to all the replicas in the topology because none are reachable
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, ERR_UNROUTABLE_MESSAGE_INITIALIZE_REPLICAObject, Object, Object> %s for domain '%s' cannot route message of type %s to replica %s because it is unreachable. Reachable replicas: %s
Server %s should be initialized but is not connected to the topology
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_CHANGELOG_UNKNOWN_LOG_FILE_VERSIONNumber> Changelog file %s should be version %d, but found version %d. Likely causes for this error: the server binaries were accidentally downgraded, data was restored from a file system backup taken on a more recent version of the server, or the changelog file was corrupted. If the server was downgraded, upgrade it. If the data was restored from a file system backup, restore it again from a recent, valid file system backup taken on the same version of the server. Otherwise, as last resort, remove the changelog by running the 'dsrepl clear-changelog' command and restart the server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_UNRESOLVED_CONFLICT_DELETE_CHILDRENObject, Object> An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a DELETE of "%s" as child entries exist (renaming child "%s" to "%s"). Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting the renamed child entries
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_UNRESOLVED_CONFLICT_ADD_NO_PARENTObject> An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying an ADD of "%s" as the parent entry is missing (adding as "%s"). Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting the new entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_UNRESOLVED_CONFLICT_ADD_EXISTSObject> An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying an ADD of "%s" which already exists (adding as "%s"). Consider reviewing both entries and either merge the contents manually or delete one
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_UNRESOLVED_CONFLICT_RENAME_NO_PARENTObject> An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a MODIFYDN of "%s" as the new parent entry "%s" does not exist. Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting this entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, NOTE_UNRESOLVED_CONFLICT_RENAME_EXISTSObject, Object> An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a MODIFYDN of "%s" to "%s" which already exists (renaming as "%s"). Consider merging the two entries manually, or deleting one of them
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_RS_HAS_GROUP_WITH_LOWER_PRIORITYObject> RS(%s) groupId '%s' has lower priority than groupId '%s' which matched at least one other RS
Peer '%s' has sent an update, but it is not allowed to do so by the configuration of this replication server. This update will be discarded. Check the configuration of both this replication server and its peer to determine if they have to be adjusted
Replication peer certificate verification failed with error: %s
Digest algorithm '%s' of fingerprint '%s' is not supported by the JVM
The following replication server listener threads were unexpectedly stopped: %s. A server restart may be needed
Cursor on log '%s' has been aborted after a clear
Initialization of domain '%s' interrupted: no data received from the remote exporter '%s' for %s
Recovery interrupted because shutdown of replication domain has been requested
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_FORCE_CLOSE_RS_ON_STUCK_CONNECTIONThe replication server domain connection for '%s' will be forcibly closed because the peer replication server '%s' is unresponsive
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_FORCE_CLOSE_DS_ON_STUCK_CONNECTIONThe replication domain connection for '%s' will be forcibly closed because the peer replication server '%s' is unresponsive
ChangeTime Heartbeat publisher '%s' for domain '%s' will be forcibly stopped because the peer server is unresponsive
Publish of a replication message to server '%s' was interrupted
Changelog on replication server '%s' no longer contains changes for domain '%s' which are required by replica '%s'. The replica will no longer receive replicated changes and must be re-initialized
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_TOO_LATE_DSObject, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) is not sending update %s for domain '%s' to directory server DS(%s) at %s because the replica is too late and must be re-initialized
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_TOO_LATE_DSObject, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) is ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because the replica is too late and must be re-initialized
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, WARN_RS_HEARTBEAT_FAILUREObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) is closing its connection to %s at %s for domain '%s' because it could not detect a heartbeat: time since last message (%s) is greater than the timeout interval %s ms (heartbeat interval is %s ms)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CNI_CANNOT_ADVANCE_REPLICA_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGYChange number indexing cannot advance because some replicas do not seem to be part of the topology anymore. The changelog will not be able to purge old files until replicas reconnect or their reference is deleted from user data. The following replicas are referenced by replication, but they are not connected to the topology or they have not been properly stopped: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_CNI_CANNOT_ADVANCE_MISSING_UPDATE_FROM_REPLICAChange number indexing cannot advance because replica '%s' has not sent any messages since '%s'. The changelog is temporarily unable to purge old files. Verify whether the replica is still running or is connected to a replication server
Replica '%s' seems to have disconnected from the topology while it was being re-initialized, initialization will stop
Initialization of replication domain '%s' interrupted because the domain is shutting down. The domain still needs to be re-initialized
Change number indexing will resume since replica '%s' is now sending messages again
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_CHANGELOG_SERVER_UNKNOWN_HOSTObject> Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to replication server at %s for domain '%s': unknown host
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, INFO_REPLICA_COMPUTING_GENERATION_IDNumber> Directory server DS(%s) did not find a generation ID for domain '%s'. A new generation ID will be computed by exporting the first %d entries in the domain
Replica '%s' for domain '%s' tried to connect but the replication server is still processing messages from the previous replication session and considers the replica already connected. The connection will be closed, the replica will connect again
%s: received message <%s>
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_DS_NOTIFIED_STATE_IS_BAD_DATA_GEN_IDObject> This replica `%s` has received a notification from its replication server `%s` to stop processing updates for domain `%s` as part of a disaster recovery procedure. This replica must be reinitialized as part of the recovery procedure
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CHANGELOG_BACKEND_CHANGE_NUMBER_INDEXER_NOT_ENABLEDThe search cannot be processed because the external changelog is not configured to generate change numbers. Change the replication server configuration if change numbers are needed
The purge delay has been set to: %s
Purging is disabled (delay set to 0)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SEARCHING_FRACTIONAL_CONFIGURATIONAn unexpected error occurred when loading the fractional replication configuration of domain "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_DS_BAD_FRACTIONAL_CONFIGObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) ignoring update %s for domain "%s" from directory server DS(%s) at %s because the peer DS reported to be in BAD_DATA status. The generation ID matches, (DS is %s, RS is %s), there may be a problem with fractional replication configuration. Check the DS error logs for more details
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, WARN_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_DS_BAD_FRACTIONAL_CONFIGObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Replication server RS(%s) not sending update %s for domain "%s" to directory server DS(%s) at %s because the peer DS reported to be in BAD_DATA status. The generation ID matches, (DS is %s, RS is %s), there may be a problem with fractional replication configuration. Check the DS error logs for more details
JAVA Version: %s
JAVA Vendor: %s
JVM Version: %s
JVM Vendor: %s
JAVA Home: %s
Class Path: %s
Current Directory: %s
Operating System: %s
JVM Architecture: %s
System Name: %s
Available Processors: %d
Max Available Memory: %d
Currently Used Memory: %d
Currently Free Memory: %d
JVM Information: %s by %s, %s architecture, %d bytes heap size
JVM Host: %s, running %s, %d bytes physical memory size, number of processors available %d
JVM Arguments: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, NOTE_JVM_HOST_WITH_UNKNOWN_PHYSICAL_MEMNumber> JVM Host: %s, running %s, unknown physical memory size, number of processors available %d
Installation Directory: %s
Installation Directory: unknown
Instance Directory: %s
Instance Directory: unknown
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the last non-space character was a comma or semicolon
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Character, ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_ILLEGAL_CHARNumber> The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because character '%c' at position %d is not allowed in an attribute name
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_ILLEGAL_INITIAL_DASHThe provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the hyphen character is not allowed as the first character of an attribute name
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because it contained an RDN containing an empty attribute name
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_ILLEGAL_PERIODThe provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the parsed attribute name %s included a period but that name did not appear to be a valid OID
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAMEThe provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the last non-space character was part of the attribute name '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_NO_EQUALCharacter> The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the next non-space character after attribute name "%s" should have been an equal sign but instead was '%c'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Character, ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_INVALID_CHARNumber> The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because character '%c' at position %d is not valid
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because an attribute value started with an octothorpe (#) but was not followed by a positive multiple of two hexadecimal digits
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Character> ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_INVALID_HEX_DIGITThe provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because an attribute value started with an octothorpe (#) but contained a character %c that was not a valid hexadecimal digit
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_VALUE_DECODE_FAILUREThe provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because an unexpected failure occurred while attempting to parse an attribute value from one of the RDN components: "%s"
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because one of the RDN components included a quoted value that did not have a corresponding closing quotation mark
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ESCAPED_HEX_VALUE_INVALIDThe provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because one of the RDN components included a value with an escaped hexadecimal digit that was not followed by a second hexadecimal digit
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_SUBTREE_SPECIFICATION_INVALIDThe provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid subtree specification
A schema element could not be imported: %s, %s
There should be no warnings on the schema, but instead got %d warnings: %s
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of objectclass: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of attribute type: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of ldap syntax: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of matching rule use: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of name form: '%s'
Unable to parse the OID from the provided definition of DIT content rule: '%s'
Unable to parse the rule ID from the provided definition of DIT structure rule: '%s'
There is already a server instance configured in the directory %s. Please make sure there is no configuration (config) or data (db) directory in the server instance root path
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_EVAL_PROFILE_COMBINED_WITH_NON_EVAL_PROFILEYou have chosen to combine an evaluation profile with another profile that is intended for production. Applying an evaluation profile after others can compromise the security of your server. Review the server configuration carefully before deployment
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_INSTANCE_LOC_FILE_FOUNDObject, Object> The file '%s' is referring to an invalid instance (%s). You must remove this file before setting up a new instance in the directory %s. Please use either the --%s option in non interactive mode or the interactive mode to setup an instance elsewhere
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_INSTANCE_INSTALLED_FROM_FILEA server instance (%s) has already been setup in the directory %s
Setup has failed, see the errors in the messages below. The process also failed to automatically remove the files that it created during setup. Please manually remove the 'db' and 'config' directories from the instance directory before trying to run the setup again
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_SETUP_REMOVING_FILES_AFTER_FAILURE_WITH_INSTANCE_LOCSetup has failed, see the errors in the messages below. The process also failed to automatically remove the files that it created during setup. Please manually remove the 'db' and 'config' directories from the instance directory and the '%s' file before trying to run the setup again
The file based keystore password cannot be empty
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_FILE_BASED_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_IS_MISSINGYou must specify the keystore password of the file based keystore. You can use either --%s or --%s options to specify it
Path of a JCEKS keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL
Path of a JKS keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL
You must specify a valid port number
Trust remote server certificates
Use existing PKCS#12 truststore
Use existing JCEKS truststore
Use existing JKS truststore
Truststore file
Truststore password
PKCS#12 truststore path:
JCEKS truststore path:
JKS truststore path:
Truststore password (leave empty if the truststore has no password):
How should the server trust certificates from SSL peers?
Use the JVM truststore
Use a PKCS#12 truststore
Use a JCEKS truststore
Use a JKS truststore
Blindly trust all certificates (evaluation only - unsafe for production)
No password provided
Use existing PKCS12 truststore file for validating peer SSL certificates
Use existing JCEKS truststore file for validating peer SSL certificates
Use existing JKS truststore file for validating peer SSL certificates
Blindly trust peer SSL certificates
The provided password file '%s' must be an existing readable file
Unable to read password in file '%s'. A password file must contain a single line with the keystore password, details: %s
Invalid content for password file '%s'. A password file must contain a single line with the password
password is empty
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_WRITING_PASSWORD_INTERNAL_FILEAn error occurred while storing provided password in the instance file '%s', details: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_ACCESSING_TRUSTSTOREObject> Could not access the %s truststore '%s'. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid truststore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
clear-text password cannot be empty
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_CREATING_FILE_BASED_TRUST_MANAGER_PROVIDERAn error occurred while creating the file based trust manager provider: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_ENABLING_TRUST_MANAGER_PROVIDERAn error occurred while enabling the %s trust manager provider: %s
The provided truststore file '%s' must be an existing readable file
An error occurred while creating the PKCS#11 key manager provider: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_ACCESSING_KEYSTORE_ENTRIESObject> Could not read the %s keystore '%s' entries. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid keystore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
Could not access the PKCS#11 keystore. Check that the JVM security settings have been configured to use a PKCS#11 keystore and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
No private key entry found in keystore '%s'. Keystores used for securing client connections must contain at least one private key entry. Beware: you may need to provide the keystore password to access keystore private entries
Provide the server's fully qualified host name
Welcome to the OpenDJ %s interactive setup.%n%nInteractive mode helps you quickly set up an OpenDJ server.%nProvide all required options to set up the server in non-interactive mode,%nor use the command shown at the end of your interactive session
License not accepted, %s will exit
Invalid input: keystore path cannot be empty
Invalid configuration: you must use at least one certificate nickname
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_MULTI_ALIASES_KEYSTOREThe keystore contains the following certificate nicknames: %s.%nYou will be prompted for the nickname(s) to use
The number of entries to import must be a positive integer
Value '%s' must be a valid number
Value '%s' must be a valid version (two or three digits separated with a dot)
Please select at least version %s
Listening on port %d
Customize Server With Profiles
Server security
Keystore file
Use existing PKCS#11 keystore
Use existing PKCS#12 keystore
Use existing JCEKS keystore
Use existing JKS keystore
Keystore password
Certificate nickname(s) to use
LDAP (cleartext)
LDAPS (secure)
HTTP (cleartext)
HTTPS (secure)
How would you like to secure your deployment?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_DEPLOYMENT_SECURITY_EXISTING_CERTSYou already have a CA certificate for the deployment and an SSL key-pair for this server
Provide the SSL certificate that will be used for securing server connections:
Generate a CA certificate and SSL key-pair using the deployment ID (easier to deploy, but not suitable for public facing services)
Provide the deployment ID:
Server instance path
Provide the server instance path
Provide the directory root user DN
Provide the password for root user (leave empty to use the deployment ID password):
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_CONFIRM_PROMPT_ROOT_USER_PASSWORDConfirm the password for root user:
Enable HTTP?
HTTP port
Enable HTTPS?
HTTPS port
Start server after setup
Run as Windows service
Server's fully qualified host name
Root user password
Enable LDAP?
LDAP port
Enable LDAPS?
LDAPS port
Administration connector port
Start the server when setup is complete? Note: starting with version 7.0, it is advised to only start the server once it is customized for the intended deployment. If more configuration is needed, then select 'no'
Global Parameters
Network Parameters
All Server Parameters
Set up the server with the specified settings
Start over
Equivalent non-interactive command:
Accept these choices and continue?
Unable to encode provided password because '%s'
The fully qualified host name must be a non blank string
The provided keystore file '%s' must be an existing readable file
Launch external process: '%s'
External process contains errors: %s
External process standard output: %s
External process has been interrupted: '%s'
Unable to display license because '%s'
Unable to enable windows service (return code '%d'): %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Object> INFO_SETUP_ENABLING_WINDOWS_SERVICE_OUTPUTEnable windows service command (return code '%d') output: %s
Unable to create server instance directory '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_INSTANCE_PARENT_PATH_NOT_VALID_DIRECTORYThe instance parent (%s) must be a valid existing directory
The instance path must be a directory
An error occurred while trying to read instance.loc file: %s
An error occurred while trying to write instance.loc file: %s
You cannot provide a keystore password without providing an existing keystore
You cannot specify certificate aliases without providing an existing keystore
You cannot specify truststore without providing an existing keystore
Unable to enable the file based HTTP access logger because: %s
An error occurred while writing password in configuration file: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to update the HTTP connector port: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to update the HTTPS connector: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to update the port on which to listen for LDAP communication: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT_FROM_CONFIGUnable to write configuration file '%s' (%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_ADD_UPGRADE_VERSION_IN_CONFIGUnable to write the upgrade version in '%s' file (%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_DATA_VERSION_FROM_CONFIG_VERSIONUnable to parse the version in '%s' file in order to initialize the content of the '%s' file
Unable to write file '%s' because: '%s'
Unable to edit runtime settings file because '%s'
An error occurred while copying file '%s' into '%s': '%s'
An error occurred while creating directory '%s'
Unable to set access permissions to allow write operations on file '%s'. Ensure that you have enough rights to change the access permissions on instance files
Configuring server
Validating parameters
The server can only be enabled as a windows service on a Windows operating system
Port on which the server should listen for HTTP communication
Port on which the server should listen for HTTPS communication
Path were the instance should be set up
The provided certificate nickname '%s' could not be found. The keystore contains the following certificate nicknames: %s
The keystore contains the following certificate nicknames: %s.%nYou have to provide the nickname of the certificate you want to use
Could not access the %s keystore '%s'. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid keystore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_LICENSE_NOT_ACCEPTED_NON_INTERACTIVEYou must accept the product license to run setup. Either use interactive mode or the '--%s' option
The provided server install path '%s' must reference an existing directory
An unexpected error has been raised during setup: '%s'
Administration connector port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
LDAP port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
LDAPS port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
HTTP port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
HTTPS port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, ERR_SETUP_INVALID_REPLICATION_PORTNumber> Replication port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
Port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
Value '%d' has been specified for different ports
The administrator user bind DN '%s' is invalid. %s
The root user DN cannot be empty
DN for the monitor user cannot be empty
Monitor user DN value '%s' is invalid because: %s
This utility sets up an OpenDJ server. Use the %s option to list available profiles
Enabling Windows service
Starting directory server
Configuring certificates
An error occurred creating the temporary file
Error Enabling Windows service
Error Starting Directory Server
Error Starting Directory Server. Error code: %s
See %s for a detailed log of the failed operation.%nPlease report this error and provide the log file mentioned above
An error occurred while configuring the certificates: %s
Administration connector port
Please read the License Agreement above.%nYou must accept the terms of the agreement before continuing with the installation
Root user DN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_CLI_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_WITHOUT_FILEThe --%s option should only be provided when using a file based trust store option
Provide the DN for the default monitor user
Provide the password for the default monitor user:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_CONFIRM_PROMPT_MONITOR_USER_PASSWORDConfirm the password for the default monitor user:
Define and enable a default user for querying monitoring information?
Monitor user
Monitor user password
DN of the default user allowed to query monitoring information
Password of the default user allowed to query monitoring information
When specifying a default user for monitoring a password should also be provided
An error occurred while attempting to write the monitor user entry: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIGDS_CANNOT_CREATE_MONITOR_USER_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to configure the backend for the monitor user: %s
Folder '%s' of the setup profile '%s' must be a readable existing folder
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_INVALID_VERSION_FOLDERLast folder of profile '%s' path '%s' must be the profile version (two or three digits separated by either dot or hyphen, e.g /path/to/profile/6.5.0)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_MISSING_MANDATORY_SCRIPT_FILEFolder of the setup profile '%s' must contain a '%s' readable regular file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_INVALID_PARAMETERS_SCRIPT_FILEFile '%s' from the setup profile '%s' must be a readable regular file
Configuring profile %s
The '%s' setup profile failed: %s
Setup profile to apply when initially configuring the server. If the version is not specified, the most recent version older or equal to this OpenDJ version is used. Use this option multiple times to apply multiple profiles. This option cannot be combined with data import options. %s
There are no setup profiles available for this OpenDJ version
Available setup profiles: %s
Assign a value to a setup profile parameter. Profile name must be provided if multiple profiles are provided, indicate the profile that a parameter applies to by using the profileName/parameterName format
Display all available profiles
Display profile parameters
Profiles available with this OpenDJ version are:
Use %s %s to list profile parameters
Parameter(s) '%s' provided for profile '%s' is (are) not used in the profile
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_SETUP_PROFILE_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_PROFILEParameter '%s' is provided without any profile specification which is not allowed when multiple profiles are used
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_DS_PROFILE_MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUEThe parameter '%s' is required by profile '%s', but no value has been provided
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_DS_PROFILE_CONF_METHOD_NOT_FOUNDObject> Error in profile '%s': the default value for parameter '%s' cannot be derived from the SetupConfiguration method '%s' because no such method exists
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_DS_PROFILE_CONF_METHOD_CALLEDObject, Object> Error in profile '%s': the default value for parameter '%s' cannot be derived from the SetupConfiguration method '%s' because the method invocation threw an error: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_DS_INVALID_PROFILE_PARAMETER_VALUE_FORMATInvalid profile parameter value '%s'. Supported format is '%s'
Option to setup profile parameters have been provided but not the profile name. If you want to use a setup profile, please provide its name with the '%s' option
Setup profile '%s' cannot be found. %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_DS_PROFILE_SAME_PROFILE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONSProfile '%s' has been specified multiple times. It is not possible to configure the server for multiple versions of the same profile. Please choose one version for this profile
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_DS_PROFILE_SAME_PARAMETER_MULTIPLE_VALUESSetup profile parameter '%s' has been provided multiple times with different values. Please either choose one value or prefix the option values with a profile name
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_DS_PROFILE_PARAMETER_WITH_PROFILE_NOT_PROVIDEDObject> Setup profile parameter '%s' references the profile '%s' which has not been provided on the command line. Setup profiles can be added on the command line with the '%s' option
Unable to read template file '%s'. Please ensure that the file exists and that you have appropriate permissions to read the file
Unable to read file '%s'. Please ensure that the file exists and that you have appropriate permissions to read the file
An error occurred while attempting to remove content of directory '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_RESOURCE_SUBSTITUTIONObject> An error occurred while substituting properties from profile '%s' resource file '%s': %s
An IO error occurred while running profile '%s': '%s'
Unable to create '%s' backend (%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_CREATE_REPLICATION_DOMAINUnable to create replication domain for base DN '%s' (%s)
No backend has been created in the profile
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_LOG_IMPORT_LDIFObject, Object, Object, Object> '%s' setup profile failed to import data contained in '%s' file(s) into '%s' backend. Import LDIF tool options: '%s'. Exception message:'%s'. Tool output: %s
Unable to import data
Unable to import data (%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_IMPORT_SAMPLE_ENTRIES_WITH_DETAILSUnable to import generated users (%s)
Unable to import data because some entries have been rejected
Unable to import data because some entries have been skipped
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_LOG_IMPORT_REJECTED_ENTRIESObject, Object, Object, Object> '%s' setup profile failed to import data contained in '%s' file(s) into '%s' backend because of rejected entries (listed in '%s'). Import LDIF tool options: '%s'. Tool output: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg6<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_LOG_IMPORT_SKIPPED_ENTRIESObject, Object, Object, Object> '%s' setup profile failed to import data contained in '%s' file(s) into '%s' backend because of skipped entries (listed in '%s'). Import LDIF tool options: '%s'. Tool output: %s
Unable to update server configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_LOG_DSCONFIGObject, Object> '%s' setup profile failed to update server configuration file, dsconfig tool options: '%s'. Exception message:'%s'. Tool output: %s
Unable to add index for attribute '%s' (%s)
Available profiles:
Enter profile number(s) separated by comma (leave empty to skip this step):
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_PROFILES_PROMPT_WITH_DEFAULTEnter profile number(s) separated by comma [%s]:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_SUMMARIZE_DO_NOT_CONFIGURE_DSNo profiles configured or data to be imported
Confirm the %s:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GENERIC_PROMPTProvide a value for '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GENERIC_DESCValue set for '%s'
Configure server for profile '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_SUMMARIZE_PROFILE_VERSIONConfigure server for profile '%s (%s)'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE_PARAMETER_INVALIDPlease provide a value having the following syntax: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_DS_INVALID_PROFILE_PARAM_VALUEObject, Object> The value '%s' for parameter '%s' in profile '%s' is invalid. Please provide a value having the following syntax: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_INVALID_ENUM_PARAMETER_VALUEObject, Object> The value '%s' for parameter '%s' in profile '%s' is invalid because it does not match any allowed values (%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_INVALID_PWD_PARAMETER_VALUEObject> The value for password parameter '%s' of profile '%s' is invalid (%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_ENCODE_PWD_PARAMETER_VALUEObject> Unable to encode password associated to parameter '%s' of profile '%s' (%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_PARAMETER_BLANK_DOMAIN_VALUEThe value for domain parameter '%s' of profile '%s' cannot be blank
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_INVALID_DOMAIN_PARAMETER_VALUEObject, Object> The value '%s' for domain parameter '%s' of profile '%s' is invalid (%s)
The value for DN parameter '%s' of profile '%s' cannot be empty
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_PROFILE_PARAMETER_HELP_PROFILE_VERSION_NOT_FOUNDVersion %s not found, best match is %s
Profile '%s (%s)' does not have any parameters
%s (%s) parameters
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_PROFILE_PARAMETER_SYNTAX_EXPRESSION_ALLOWED%s or configuration expression
Decimal number
Domain name
File or directory path
One of the following values:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_PROFILE_PARAMETER_HELP_DEFAULT_DERIVED_FROM_SETUPDerived from the setup global options
Unable to bootstrap the Directory Server configuration because of the following error: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_SEARCH_RESOURCE_IN_OTHER_VERSIONSUnable to find resource '%s' of profile '%s' in profile version folders
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE_VERSION_PROMPTWhich version of '%s' do you want to use (minimum %s)?
Specify the server ID for this server. An acceptable ID is an ASCII alpha-numeric string; it may also contain underscore and hyphen characters provided they are not the first character
Unique server ID (used for identifying the server in the topology)
Server ID
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_GLOBAL_CONFIG_PROPERTYAn error occurred while configuring the server ID or the advertised listen address in global configuration: %s
Server ID '%s' is not valid. A Server ID is an ASCII alpha-numeric string possibly containing underscore and hyphen characters
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_SET_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_VALUE_DEFAULT_PROMPTDo you want to set a value for parameter '%s'?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_NOT_SET_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTIONNo value specified for '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_MULTIVALUED_PARAMETER_ADD_VALUE_DEFAULT_PROMPTDo you want to add another value for parameter '%s'?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_HOSTPORT_PARAMETER_HOSTNAME_DEFAULT_PROMPTProvide hostname for '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_HOSTPORT_PARAMETER_PORT_DEFAULT_PROMPTProvide port for '%s'
This utility configures profiles in an offline OpenDJ server instance. %s
Path of the server instance where profiles should be setup
Name of the profile to be configured. If the version is not specified, the most recent version older or equal to this OpenDJ version is used. Use this option multiple times to apply multiple profiles
configure profiles in an offline OpenDJ server instance
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_CLI_NO_PROFILE_PROVIDEDYou must select at least one profile by using the option '%s'. %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_CLI_INSTANCE_PATH_NOT_VALIDInstance path '%s' is not a valid existing directory
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_CLI_NO_DJ_IN_INSTANCE_PATHInstance path '%s' does not contain an OpenDJ instance
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_CLI_INITIALIZE_CONFIG_FRAMEWORKAn error occurred while initializing tool: %s
Profiles can be setup only when the server is offline, please stop the server and retry
An error occurred while reading file '%s': %s
Unable to setup the profile '%s' because it is already configured in the server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_PROFILE_CLI_PROFILES_ALREADY_SETUPUnable to setup profiles '%s' because they are already configured in the server
The deployment ID which should be used for securing the deployment. If no existing certificates are specified using the key-store and trust-store options then the deployment ID will also be used for securing all TLS network communication
This deployment ID is using a key-pair generator which is not available in this Java environment. Retry the command with the Java environment that was used for generating this deployment ID
Unable to add certificates derived from deployment ID in keystore: %s
An error occurred while configuring replication: %s
Deployment ID password
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_PROMPT_DEPLOYMENT_ID_PASSWORDProvide the deployment ID password:
Use deployment ID
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_SETUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_ADMIN_CONNECTOR_PORTAn error occurred while attempting to update the administration connector port: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the crypto manager in the Directory Server: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the port on which to listen for LDAPS communication: %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the entry for the initial Directory Server root user: %s
Unable to bind to port %d. This port may already be in use, or you may not have permission to bind to it
Unable to bind to port %d. This port may already be in use, or you may not have permission to bind to it. On UNIX-based operating systems, non-root users may not be allowed to bind to ports 1 through 1024
Unable to write a required file. Make sure that the %s tool has sufficient permissions to create and write the file: %s
The root user password is missing, provide it with the --%s option
install OpenDJ server
The provided password values do not match
Use an existing certificate in a JCEKS keystore
Use an existing certificate in a JKS keystore
Use an existing certificate on a PKCS#11 token
Use an existing certificate in a PKCS#12 keystore
What would you like to do?
Use nickname %s?
Enable the server to run as a Windows Service?
JCEKS keystore path:
Java keystore (JKS) path:
Keystore password:
PKCS#12 keystore path:
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_NB_TRIES_LIMIT_REACHEDInput tries limit reached (%d)
Unable to resolve the server installation root directory
An error occurred while attempting to enable key manager provider entry: %s
To see basic server status and configuration, you can launch %s
Port on which the Administration Connector should listen for communication
Nickname of a keystore entry containing a certificate that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL. Multiple keystore entries may be provided by using this option multiple times
Start the server when the configuration is completed
Enable StartTLS to allow secure communication with the server using the LDAP port
Enable the server to run as a Windows Service
The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication
Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAP communication
Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAPS communication. The LDAPS port will be configured and SSL will be enabled only if this option is explicitly specified
DN for the initial root user for the Directory Server
Password for the initial root user for the Directory Server
Skip the check to determine whether the specified ports are usable
Use certificate(s) in a PKCS#11 token that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation
Path of a PKCS#12 keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL
Path of the file containing the keystore password. The specified path will be used as the configuration value in the new server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_DESCRIPTION_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_FILE_PATHPath of the file containing the truststore password. The specified path will be used as the configuration value in the new server
The deployment ID password is missing, provide it with the --%s option
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_SETUP_INTERACTIVE_SUMMARIZE_USE_DEPLOYMENT_ID_PASSWORDSame as deployment ID password
The addresses of one or more replication servers within the topology which the server should connect to for discovering the rest of the topology. Use syntax "hostname:port" or "[IPv6Address]:port" for IPv6 addresses
Port used for replication protocol communications with other servers. Use this option to configure a local replication server. When this option is not used, this server is configured as a standalone DS (no local replication server)
Replication port
Replication (secure)
What are the hostname and port number of the server to replicate with? (e.g on port 8989)
Replication server hostname
'%s' is not a valid hostname
Replication port on %s
Do you want to add another replication server
Do you want to specify a server to replicate with? This step can be skipped if this is the first server in the topology
Replicate with server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_ERROR_INSTALLING_BACKUP_CLOUD_EXTENSIONSError Installing Backup Cloud Extension for Directory Server: %s
The Directory Server shutdown process has been initiated by task %s
The Directory Server shutdown process has been initiated by task %s: %s
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because no schema file names were provided in attribute %s of task entry %s
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the specified schema file %s does not exist in schema directory %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_TASK_ADDSCHEMAFILE_ERROR_CHECKING_FOR_FILEObject> Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because an error occurred while attempting to determine whether file %s exists in schema directory %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASK_ADDSCHEMAFILE_ERROR_LOADING_SCHEMA_FILEAn error occurred while attempting to load the contents of schema file %s into the server schema: %s
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the server was unable to obtain a write lock on the schema entry %s after multiple attempts
You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the server schema
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server backup or backup purge
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restore
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF import
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF export
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restart
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server shutdown
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_TASK_ADDSCHEMAFILE_CANNOT_NOTIFY_SYNC_PROVIDERAn error occurred while attempting to notify a synchronization provider of type %s about the schema changes made by the add schema file task: %s
You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an index rebuild
Invalid DN provided to the Initialize task: %s
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may place the server in lockdown mode
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may place the server in lockdown mode
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may cause the server to leave lockdown mode
Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may cause the server to leave lockdown mode
You do not have sufficient privileges to terminate client connections
Unable to decode value %s as an integer connection ID
Attribute %s must be provided to specify the connection ID for the client to disconnect
Unable to decode value %s as an indication of whether to notify the client before disconnecting it. The provided value should be either 'true' or 'false'
An administrator has terminated this client connection
There is no client connection with connection ID %s
Add Schema File
Disconnect Client
Initialize Backend
Initialize From Replica
Leave Lockdown
Rebuild Index
Set Generation ID
Waiting on start time
Waiting on dependency
Completed successfully
Completed with errors
Stopped by shutdown
Stopped by error
Stopped by administrator
Canceled before starting
Backend ID(s)
Backup Location
Backend ID
Append To LDIF
Compress LDIF
Encrypt LDIF
Sign Hash
Include Attribute
Exclude Attribute
Include Filter
Exclude Filter
Include Branch
Exclude Branch
Wrap Column
Backup Directory
Backup ID
Backend ID
Include Attribute
Exclude Attribute
Include Filter
Exclude Filter
Include Branch
Exclude Branch
Reject File
Skip File
Skip Schema Validation
Is Compressed
Is Encrypted
Clear Backend
Task was stopped by an administrator: %s
Template File
Random Seed
Index option cannot be specified when the rebuildAll or rebuildDegraded option is used
Purge conflicts historical
Attribute %s has an invalid value. Reason: %s
Reset change number index to begin with a given number and change
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_TASK_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_CHANGELOG_NOT_FOUNDNo changelog database was found for baseDN '%s'. Either the baseDN is not replicated or its changelog has not been enabled in this server
The change number index cannot be reset because this OpenDJ instance does not appear to be a replication server
Invalid change number (%d) specified, it must be greater than zero
Unable to reset the change number index: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_TASK_ADDSCHEMAFILE_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERRORThe changes made by the add schema file task failed schema validation: %s
Storage property
Purge backup(s)
Backup location
Backup ID(s)
Keep count
Remove older than
Backend name(s)
Invalid DN provided to the Initialize Target task: %s
Invalid DN provided to the Purge Conflicts Historical task: %s
Invalid DN provided to the Reset Generation ID task: %s
List available password storage schemes
Clear-text password to encode or to compare against an encoded password
Encoded password to compare against the clear-text password
Scheme to use for the encoded password
An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments: %s
No clear-text password was specified. Use --%s, --%s or --%s to specify the password to encode
No password storage scheme was specified. Use the --%s argument to specify the storage scheme
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the Directory Server client-side code: %s
An error occurred while trying to load the Directory Server configuration: %s
An error occurred while trying to load the Directory Server schema: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize the core Directory Server configuration: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize the Directory Server password storage schemes: %s
No password storage schemes have been configured for use in the Directory Server
Password storage scheme "%s" is not configured for use in the Directory Server
The provided clear-text and encoded passwords match
The provided clear-text and encoded passwords do not match
An error occurred while attempting to encode the clear-text password: %s
Path to the LDIF file to write. All paths are relative to the server's installation directory, which can be remote
Append an existing LDIF file rather than overwriting it
Backend ID for the backend to export
Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF export
Attribute to include in the LDIF export
Attribute to exclude from the LDIF export
Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF export
Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF export
Column at which to wrap long lines (0 for no wrapping)
Compress the LDIF data as it is exported
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFEXPORT_CANNOT_PARSE_EXCLUDE_FILTERUnable to decode exclude filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFEXPORT_CANNOT_PARSE_INCLUDE_FILTERUnable to decode include filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
Unable to decode base DN string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
Multiple Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"
None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFEXPORT_CANNOT_DECODE_EXCLUDE_BASEUnable to decode exclude branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIFEXPORT_CANNOT_DECODE_WRAP_COLUMN_AS_INTEGERUnable to decode wrap column value "%s" as an integer
An error occurred while attempting to process the LDIF export: %s
Unable to load class %s referenced in configuration entry %s for use as a Directory Server backend: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_BACKEND_CLASSObject> Unable to create an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a Directory Server backend: %s
Path to the LDIF file to import. All paths are relative to the server's installation directory, which can be remote
Backend ID for the backend to import
Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF import
Attribute to include in the LDIF import
Attribute to exclude from the LDIF import
Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF import
Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF import
Write rejected entries to the specified file
Overwrite an existing rejects and/or skip file rather than appending to it
LDIF file is compressed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_PARSE_EXCLUDE_FILTERUnable to decode exclude filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_PARSE_INCLUDE_FILTERUnable to decode include filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
Imported branches or backend IDs can not span across multiple Directory Server backends
None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID or base DNs that include the specified branches
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_DECODE_EXCLUDE_BASEUnable to decode exclude branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_OPEN_REJECTS_FILEAn error occurred while trying to open the rejects file %s for writing: %s
An error occurred while attempting to process the LDIF import: %s
Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Verification is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN
Name of an index to be verified. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. Multiple indexes may be verified for completeness, or all indexes if no indexes are specified. An index is complete if each index value references all entries containing that value
Specifies that a single index should be verified to ensure it is clean. An index is clean if each index value references only entries containing that value. Only one index at a time may be verified in this way
An error occurred while attempting to perform index verification: %s
Only one index at a time may be verified for cleanliness
The backend does not support indexing
The Directory Server backend with backend ID "%s" does not provide a mechanism for performing LDIF exports
The Directory Server backend with backend ID %s does not provide a mechanism for performing LDIF imports
Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF import
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_DECODE_INCLUDE_BASEUnable to decode include branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
Provided include base DN "%s" is not handled by the backend with backend ID %s
Multiple Directory Server backends are configured to support base DN "%s"
None of the Directory Server backends are configured to support the requested base DN "%s"
Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF export
Provided include base DN "%s" is not handled by the backend with backend ID %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the crypto manager: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the subentry manager: %s
An error occurred while attempting to acquire an exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means some other process is still using this backend (e.g., it is in use by the Directory Server or a backup or LDIF export is in progress). The LDIF import cannot continue
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to release the exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the import process exits, so no further action should be required
An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The LDIF export cannot continue
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_LDIFEXPORT_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the export process exits, so no further action should be required
An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The index verification cannot continue
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_VERIFYINDEX_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the verification process exits, so no further action should be required
Skip schema validation during the LDIF import
Use the authentication password syntax rather than the user password syntax
Authentication password storage scheme "%s" is not configured for use in the Directory Server
The provided password is not a valid encoded authentication password value: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the password policy components: %s
Reason the server is being stopped or restarted
Indicates the date/time at which the shutdown operation will begin as a server task expressed in format YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the shutdown to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately
ERROR: Unable to decode the provided stop time. It should be in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time
ERROR: An I/O error occurred while attempting to communicate with the Directory Server: %s
Use quiet mode (no output)
Path to a MakeLDIF template to use to generate the import data
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENTNeither the %s nor the %s argument was provided. One of these arguments must be given to specify the source for the LDIF data to be imported
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_PARSE_TEMPLATE_FILEUnable to parse the specified file %s as a MakeLDIF template file: %s
Seed for the MakeLDIF random number generator. To always generate the same data with the same command, use the same non-zero seed value. A value of zero (the default) results in different data each time the tool is run
Path to the file to watch for deletion
Path to a file containing log output to monitor
Maximum length of time in seconds to wait for the target file to be deleted before exiting
WARNING: Unable to open log file %s for reading: %s
This utility can be used to encode user passwords with a specified storage scheme, or to determine whether a given clear-text value matches a provided encoded password
This utility can be used to export data from a Directory Server backend in LDIF form
This utility can be used to import LDIF data into a Directory Server backend, overwriting existing data. It cannot be used to append data to the backend database
This utility can be used to request that the Directory Server stop running or perform a restart. When run without explicit connection options, this utility sends a signal to the OpenDJ process to stop the server. When run with explicit connection options, this utility connects to the OpenDJ administration port and creates a shutdown task to stop the server
This utility ensures that index data is consistent within an indexed backend database. Stop the server before running this tool
This utility can be used to wait for a file to be removed from the filesystem
The provided password is not a valid encoded user password value: %s
Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the password comparison
Exclude operational attributes from the LDIF export
Server already stopped
Stopping Server...
Could not find the service name for the server
An unexpected error occurred starting the server as a windows service
An unexpected error occurred stopping the server windows service
This utility can be used to configure the server as a Windows service
Enables the server as a Windows service
Disables the server as a Windows service and stops the server
Provides information about the state of the server as a Windows service
You can only provide one of the following arguments: enableService, disableService, serviceState or cleanupService
You must provide at least one of the following arguments: enableService, disableService or serviceState or cleanupService
Next Generation Directory Server. Installation path: %s
The server was successfully enabled to run as a Windows service
The server was already enabled to run as a Windows service
The server could not be enabled to run as a Windows service. The service name is already in use
An unexpected error occurred trying to enable the server as a Windows service.%nCheck that you have administrator rights (only Administrators can enable the server to run as a Windows Service)
The server was successfully disabled as a Windows service
The server was already disabled as a Windows service
The server has been marked for deletion as a Windows Service
An unexpected error occurred trying to disable the server as a Windows service%nCheck that you have administrator rights (only Administrators can disable the server as a Windows Service)
The server is enabled as a Windows service. The service name for the server is: %s
The server is disabled as a Windows service
An unexpected error occurred trying to retrieve the state of the server as a Windows service
Path to a file to which the command will write the output
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_WAIT4DEL_CANNOT_OPEN_OUTPUT_FILEWARNING: Unable to open output file %s for writing: %s
Disables the server as a Windows service and removes the Windows registry information associated with the specified service
Clean up of service %s was successful
Could not find the service with name %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_WINDOWS_SERVICE_CLEANUP_MARKED_FOR_DELETIONService %s has been marked for deletion
An unexpected error occurred cleaning up the service %s
This utility can be used to rebuild index data within an indexed backend database
Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Rebuild is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN
Names of index(es) to rebuild. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. At least one index must be specified for rebuild. Cannot be used with the "--rebuildAll" option
An error occurred while attempting to perform index rebuild: %s
The backend does not support rebuilding of indexes
At least one index must be specified for the rebuild process
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_REBUILDINDEX_CANNOT_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to acquire a exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an lock on this backend or the server is running with this backend online. The rebuild process cannot continue
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_REBUILDINDEX_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the rebuild process exits, so no further action should be required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_REBUILDINDEX_CANNOT_SHARED_LOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The rebuild process cannot continue
The specified LDIF file %s cannot be read
Count the number of entries rejected by the server and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions)
Write skipped entries to the specified file
An error occurred while trying to open the skip file %s for writing: %s
Count the number of errors found during the verification and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions)
Remove all entries for all base DNs in the backend before importing
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_MISSING_BACKEND_ARGUMENTNeither the %s nor the %s argument was provided. One of these arguments must be given to specify the backend for the LDIF data to be imported to
%s task %s scheduled to start immediately
This tool may only be used on UNIX-based systems
Create an RC script or systemd service that may be used to start, stop, and restart the Directory Server on UNIX-based systems
The path to the RC script to create
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CREATERC_UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_SERVER_ROOTUnable to determine the path to the server root directory. Please ensure that the %s system property or the %s environment variable is set to the path of the server root directory
An error occurred while attempting to generate the RC script: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_BACKEND_DEBUG_SUBCMD_LIST_ENTRY_CONTAINERSList the base DNs in a backend
The backend ID of the backend
The base DN within the backend
The name of the index
Do not try to decode backend data to their appropriate types
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_BACKEND_DEBUG_SUBCMD_LIST_INDEX_STATUSShows the status of indexes for a backend base DN. This subcommand can take a long time to complete, as it reads all indexes for all backends
Only show records with keys that should be ordered before the provided value using the comparator for the database container
Only show records with keys that should be ordered after the provided value using the comparator for the database container
Only show records whose data is no larger than the provided value
Only show records whose data is no smaller than the provided value
Backend ID
Base DN
None of the Directory Server JE backends are configured with the requested backend ID %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_BACKEND_DEBUG_NO_ENTRY_CONTAINERS_FOR_BASE_DNNone of the entry containers are configured with the requested base DN %s in backend %s
Unable to decode base DN string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s
Key Count
Index Name
Entry Limit
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_BACKEND_DEBUG_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to release the shared lock for backend %s: %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the process exits, so no further action should be required
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_BACKEND_DEBUG_CANNOT_LOCK_BACKENDAn error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has exclusive access to this backend (e.g., a restore or an LDIF import)
A sub-command must be specified
The name of the user account under which the server should run
The path to the Java installation that should be used to run the server
A set of arguments that should be passed to the JVM when running the server
The directory %s specified as the OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME path does not exist or is not a directory
The argument '%s' is incompatible with '%s'
This utility can be used to obtain a list of tasks scheduled to run within the Directory Server as well as information about individual tasks
Print a summary of tasks
ID of a particular task about which this tool will display information
cancel task
view logs
Enter the number of a task to cancel
Invalid menu item or task number '%s'
Scheduled Start Time
Actual Start Time
Completion Time
Failed Dependency Action
Log Message(s)
Last Log Message
Email Upon Completion
Email Upon Error
Task %s canceled
Error retrieving task entry %s: %s
There are no tasks with ID %s
Task Details
%s Options
No tasks exist
None Specified
Immediate execution
Error connecting to the directory server: '%s'. Verify that the connection options are correct and that the server is running
ID of a particular task to cancel
Show only tasks of this type
Show only tasks with this status
Error canceling task '%s': %s
Error accessing logs for task '%s': %s
Task at index %d is not cancelable
There are currently no cancelable tasks
There are no tasks defined with ID '%s'
Task '%s' has finished and cannot be canceled
State for task '%s' cannot be determined
Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately
The start date/time must in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, INFO_TASK_TOOL_TASK_SCHEDULED_FUTUREObject> %s task %s scheduled to start %s
You have provided options for scheduling this operation as a task but options provided for connecting to the server's tasks backend resulted in the following error: '%s'
Task Scheduling Options
Task Backend Connection Options
Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once
Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once
ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_DESCRIPTION_TASK_FAILED_DEPENDENCY_ACTIONAction this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of %s. If not specified defaults to %s
The option %s is only applicable when scheduling this operation as a task
The value %s for option %s is not a valid email address
The failed dependency action value %s is invalid. The value must be one of %s
The failed dependency action option is to be used in conjunction with one or more dependencies
Error: task %s is not in a cancelable state
%s task %s has been successfully completed
%s task %s did not complete successfully
An error occurred while attempting to initialize server components to run the tool: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_COUNT_REJECTS_REQUIRES_OFFLINEThe %s argument is not supported for online imports
Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_TASK_TOOL_RECURRING_TASK_SCHEDULEDRecurring %s task %s scheduled successfully
Exporting to %s
The specified start time '%s' has already passed
The specified stop time '%s' has already passed
The timeout of '%d' seconds has been reached. You can use the argument '--%s' to increase this timeout
Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during LDIF import
Number of threads used to read LDIF files during import. If 0, the number of threads will be set to twice the number of CPUs
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_LDIFIMPORT_CANNOT_PARSE_THREAD_COUNTThe value %s for threadCount cannot be parsed: %s
The password to encode or to compare against an encoded password is interactively asked to the user
Please enter the password :
Please renter the password:
Provided passwords don't matched
Cannot read password from the input: %s
Rebuild all indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the "-i" option or the "--rebuildDegraded" option
Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during index rebuilding
When this argument is specified, the status command will display its contents periodically. Used to specify the period (in seconds) between two displays of the status
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_WINDOWS_SERVICE_ENABLING_ERROR_STARTING_SERVERThe Windows Service was successfully configured but there was an error starting it. Error code starting Windows Service: %d
Do not display backend data, just statistics
The provided schedule value has an invalid format. The schedule must be expressed using a crontab(5) format. Error details: %s
Rebuild all degraded indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the "-i" option or the "--rebuildAll" option
Indicates that indexes do not need rebuilding because they are known to be empty and forcefully marks them as valid. This is an advanced option which must only be used in cases where a degraded index is known to be empty and does not therefore need rebuilding
The version of the installed OpenDJ could not be determined because the version file '%s' could not be found. Restore it from backup before continuing
The version of the installed OpenDJ could not be determined because the version file '%s' exists but contains invalid data. Restore it from backup before continuing
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' does not match the installed configuration version '%s'. Please run upgrade before continuing
Ignores any errors which occur during the upgrade. This option should be used with caution and may be useful in automated deployments where potential errors are known in advance and resolved after the upgrade has completed
Forces a non-interactive upgrade to continue even if it requires user interaction. In particular, long running or critical upgrade tasks, such as re-indexing, which require user confirmation will be performed automatically. This option may only be used with the '%s' option
Upgrades only application data. OpenDJ configuration must have been upgraded before
Upgrades OpenDJ configuration and application data so that it is compatible with the installed binaries.%n%nThis tool should be run immediately after upgrading the OpenDJ binaries and before restarting the server.%n%nNOTE: this tool does not provide backup or restore capabilities. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the OpenDJ administrator to take necessary precautions before performing the upgrade
The upgrade failed to complete for the following reason: %s
Performing upgrade
OpenDJ Upgrade Utility
OpenDJ cannot be upgraded because the server is currently running. Please stop the server and try again
OpenDJ has already been upgraded to version %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to display a notification: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to display a confirmation : %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_UPGRADE_CHANGE_DONE_IN_SPECIFIC_FILE...Change(s) done in %s (x%s)
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_UPGRADE_NO_CHANGE_DONE_IN_SPECIFIC_FILE...No change applied in %s
An error occurred while performing an upgrade task: %s
%s.%nDo you want to make this change?
The upgrade is ready to proceed. Do you wish to continue?
The upgrade has been canceled
No %s with OID %s exists in the schema
An error occurred when trying to upgrade the config/upgrade folder: %s
Preparing to upgrade
This tool cannot be used for upgrading versions of OpenDJ which are older than '%s'. Please upgrade to the latest 6.5 revision first before attempting further upgrades
Do you accept the License Agreement?
An error occurred while copying the file '%s' to '%s'
An error occurred while deleting directory '%s'. Check that you have the rights to delete this directory and that there is no other application using it. Error was: %s
An error occurred while deleting file '%s': %s. Check that you have the rights to delete this file and that there is no other application using it
The upgrade failed because %d errors were encountered. Please check log for further details
An error occurred while copying the schema file '%s': %s
An error occurred while adding one or more attributes to the schema file '%s': %s
See '%s' for a detailed log of this operation
Replacing schema file '%s'
Archiving concatenated schema
Adding '%s' configuration file
An error occurred while adding configuration file '%s': %s
Rebuilding index(es) %s for base dn(s): %s
Rebuild index task ends
Performing post upgrade tasks
Post upgrade tasks complete
An error occurred during post upgrade task. Process aborted. Please check log for further details
You have to rebuild all indexes manually to get a fully functional server
Invalid log file %s
The rebuild index tool arguments are %s
Rebuilding all indexes
End of the upgrade process
'%s' is missing or empty, it is probably corrupted
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_UPGRADE_NO_INDEX_TO_REBUILD_FOR_BACKENDNo indexes to rebuild for backend '%s'
The classes folder has been renamed to '%s' to avoid compatibility issues
List the pluggable backends
List the low-level databases within a pluggable backend's storage engine. This subcommand may take a long time to complete depending on the size of the backend
List the indexes associated with a pluggable backend. This subcommand may take a long time to complete depending on the size of the backend
Dump records from an index, decoding keys and values. Depending on index size, this subcommand can generate lots of output
Dump the raw records in hexadecimal format for a low-level database within the pluggable backend's storage engine. Depending on index size, this subcommand can generate lots of output
Raw DB Name
An error occurred while listing the base DNs: %s
An error occurred while listing indexes: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_BACKEND_TOOL_ERROR_INITIALIZING_BACKENDAn unexpected error occurred while attempting to initialize the backend '%s': %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to read and/or decode records from an index: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_BACKEND_TOOL_NO_TREE_FOR_NAMEObject> No index exists with the requested name '%s' in base DN '%s' and backend '%s'
Cannot specify a minimum key both as a string and as an hexadecimal string
Cannot specify a maximum key both as a string and as an hexadecimal string
An error occurred while processing arguments: %s
An error occurred while trying to execute %s: %s
Total Keys
Keys Size
Values Size
Total Size
Uses SI Units for printing sizes
Write hexadecimal data on a single line instead of pretty format
%nTotal: %d%n
%nIndex: %s%n
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_LABEL_BACKEND_TOOL_OVER_INDEX_LIMIT_KEYSOver index-entry-limit keys: %s%n
%nTotal Records: %d%n
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> INFO_LABEL_BACKEND_TOOL_TOTAL_KEY_SIZE_AND_AVGTotal / Average Key Size: %d bytes / %d bytes%n
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Number> INFO_LABEL_BACKEND_TOOL_TOTAL_DATA_SIZE_AND_AVGTotal / Average Data Size: %d bytes / %d bytes%n
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Number,Object> ERR_BACKEND_TOOL_CURSOR_AT_KEY_NUMBERAt key number %d, %s:
Key (len %d):
Value (len %d):
Data decoder for printing is not available, should use hex dump
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_BACKEND_TOOL_NO_TREE_FOR_NAME_IN_STORAGENo storage index exists with the requested name %s in backend %s
This utility can be used to debug a backend
The raw database name
An error occurred while initializing server backends: %s
An error occurred while initializing plugins: %s
Subsystem %s should be initialized first
OpenDJ configuration will be upgraded from version %s to %s
OpenDJ data can't be upgraded because the configuration has not been upgraded yet. Upgrade the configuration first before upgrading the data
OpenDJ data will be upgraded from version %s to %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DATA_UPGRADE_FROM_DEFAULT_VERSION_SUMMARYOpenDJ data will be upgraded to version %s
OpenDJ data was successfully upgraded to version %s
OpenDJ data has already been upgraded to version %s
OpenDJ configuration was successfully upgraded to version %s
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' does not match the installed data version '%s'. Please run 'upgrade --dataOnly' before continuing
Upgrade failed to delete the obsolete file '%s'. Reason: %s
This utility can be used to debug changelog and changenumber files
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_CHANGELOG_STAT_SUBCMD_DUMP_CHANGE_NUMBER_DBDump the change number DB
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_CHANGELOG_STAT_SUBCMD_DUMP_REPLICA_DBDump the replica DB for a given domain and replica
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_CHANGELOG_STAT_SUBCMD_DUMP_REPLICA_DB_FILEDump a replica DB file
The output directory for the dump files
The lower bound of the range of change numbers to dump
The upper bound of the range of change numbers to dump
The lower bound of the range of changes to dump
The upper bound of the range of changes to dump
{change number}
The base-dn of the changes contained in the provided replica DB file
{base dn}
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_STAT_ERROR_WHEN_READING_RS_ENTRYAn error occurred when reading the replication server configuration entry '%s': %s
The replication domain '%s' is not found. Make sure the domain is replicated
Replica DB folder '%s' not found
The provided change number '%s' is not valid
The provided CSN '%s' is not valid
The output folder '%s' cannot be created
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_STAT_PROVIDED_FILE_DOESNT_EXISTThe provided output folder '%s' doesn't exist
The provided DN '%s' is invalid
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_STAT_CANNOT_LIST_CHANGELOG_FILESCannot list the changelog files in '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_STAT_CANNOT_CONVERT_FILENAME_TO_CNCannot convert the filename '%s' to a valid change number
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_STAT_CANNOT_CONVERT_FILENAME_TO_CSNCannot convert the filename '%s' to a valid CSN
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_CHANGELOG_STAT_ERROR_WHEN_DECODING_CHANGELOG_FILEError while decoding the changelog file '%s' : %s
Arguments for changelogstat: %s
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' is older than the configuration version '%s', it usually means that an older version has been unzipped over the previous binaries. Unzip a more recent version than the configuration version and run upgrade again
The OpenDJ binary version '%s' is older than the data version '%s', it usually means that an older version has been unzipped over the previous binaries. Unzip a more recent version than the data version and run upgrade again
OpenDJ will be upgraded from version %s to %s
OpenDJ was successfully upgraded to version %s
The upgrade will not be performed because the configuration file config.ldif could not be parsed
Removing file '%s'
Unable to access the LDIF file %s to import. Please check that the file is local to the server and the path correct
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_REMOVE_MONITOR_PROVIDERS_CFG_ENTRIESRemoving configuration entries for the monitor providers
Setting global server ID
Setting new global server ID
Could not find a server ID to set for the server. Verify the configuration references a valid server ID for domain cn=admin data
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_SET_GLOBAL_GROUP_ID_FROM_REPLICATIONSetting global group ID and removing per domain values
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_TRUSTSTORE_BACKEND_NOT_FOUND_USE_DEFAULTUnable to find configuration for truststore backend "%s", using default values instead
Unable to find configuration for crypto manager "%s", replication SSL configuration will use default values
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_UPDATE_REPLICATION_SSL_CONFIGURATION_VERBOSEUpdate replication SSL configuration from crypto manager and trust store backend to dedicated key and trust manager provider configuration elements
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_UPDATE_REPLICATION_SSL_CONFIGURATIONUpdate replication SSL configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MOVE_SSL_PROTOCOLS_AND_CIPHER_SUITESMove SSL protocols and cipher suites configuration from crypto manager into each configuration element where they are used
Removing global server ID from replication domains and replication server
Adding Mail Servers
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_CONSOLIDATE_BOOTSTRAP_REPLICATION_SERVERSConsolidating bootstrap replication servers from replication server and replication domains into Multimaster Synchronization provider
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MIGRATE_TRUST_STORE_BACKEND_VERBOSEMigrating truststore backend configuration to crypto manager
Migrating truststore backend configuration
Migrating security settings
Crypto manager configuration entry not found
script to manage OpenDJ as a service on UNIX
encode a password with a storage scheme
export directory data in LDIF
import directory data from LDIF
manage server administration tasks
rebuild index after configuration change
start OpenDJ server
display basic OpenDJ server information
stop OpenDJ server
upgrade OpenDJ configuration and application data
check index for consistency or errors
register OpenDJ server as a Windows Service
gather OpenDJ backend debugging information
debug changelog and changenumber files
<xinclude:include href="description-upgrade.xml" />
The server has not been configured. Please run the 'setup' command first
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 SUPPLEMENT_DESCRIPTION_BACKEND_TOOL_SUBCMD_LIST_INDEX_STATUS<xinclude:include href="variablelist-backendstat-index-status.xml" />
Rebuild index aborted: an error has occurred while rebuilding indexes for base DN '%s'
<xinclude:include href="description-recurring-task-info.xml" />
An error occurred while reading configuration file: %s
An error occurred while copying data from '%s' to the server instance configuration directory. Error details: %s
WARNING: OpenDJ %s removes support for the PDB Backends. The upgrade tool will reconfigure all PDB backends as JE backends. After the upgrade the new JE backend(s) will be empty. It is therefore very strongly recommended that any data that was in the PDB backends be exported to LDIF so that it can be re-imported once the upgrade completes
Reconfiguring PDB backends to JE backends
Renaming PDB backend directory '%s' to '%s'
You must reimport all your data into the JE backends in order to have a fully functional server
Replacing low durability settings in JE backends
Replacing high durability settings in JE backends
Replacing medium durability settings in JE backends
Renaming 'ds-cfg-json-schema' object class to 'ds-cfg-json-query-equality-matching-rule'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_UPGRADE_COPY_OPENDMK_JAR_FILE_TO_EXTLIBObject> An error occurred while copying OpenDMK jar file '%s' to '%s': %s
Migrating root DN '%s'
Removing root DN users from configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_UPGRADE_TASK_MIGRATE_ROOT_DN_CANNOT_CREATE_DB_DIRRoot DNs could not be migrated because the '%s' directory could not be created: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MIGRATE_ROOT_DN_CONFIRM_RENAMEOpenDJ 6.0.0 drops support for Root DNs and replaces them with standard user entries which are stored in LDIF backends. The root DN '%s' does not have an alias name so it must be renamed to '%s' so that it no longer resides inside the configuration. Do you want to proceed with the upgrade?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MIGRATE_ROOT_DN_CONFIRM_ALIAS_REMOVALOpenDJ 6.0.0 drops support for Root DNs and replaces them with standard user entries which are stored in LDIF backends. The root DN '%s' has multiple alias names, but only the alias name '%s' will be kept. Do you want to proceed with the upgrade?
The upgrade will not be performed because some Root DNs need to be migrated
Segregating mutable and immutable files
The directory '%s' could not be created: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_UPGRADE_TASK_CANNOT_RENAME_FILEObject> The file '%s' could not be renamed to '%s': %s
Update admin-backend.ldif file location
Update tasks backend file location
Replacing all pin related configuration attributes by a single pin configuration attribute
The attribute has been removed because it was referring to a file that does not exist. You should replace it with the attribute %s before being able to enable the object corresponding to the configuration entry
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_REMOVE_WINDOW_SIZE_FROM_REPLICATIONRemoving send and receive window size configuration in replication
tool exit with error return code '%d'
Migrating replication changelog files to 6.5.0 format
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UPGRADE_TASK_CANNOT_READ_CHANGELOG_FILESAn error occurred reading the changelog files: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UPGRADE_TASK_CANNOT_RENAME_CHANGELOG_FILESAn error occurred while renaming the changelog files: %s
An error occurred while migrating replicas' offline states to the changelog files: %s
Adding configuration entry '%s'
An error occurred while trying to modify %s : %s
Replacing compute change number setting in replication server
OpenDJ 6.5.0 changed the indexing algorithm for replication metadata. Its index must be rebuilt which may take a long time; without a working index every server start will take longer than normal. Do you want to rebuild the index automatically at the end of the upgrade?
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_REJECT_UNAUTHENTICATED_REQUESTS_SUMMARYReplacing "reject unauthenticated requests" policy in global configuration
Removing configuration for assured replication
Removing generation-id data from configuration
Removing synchronization state data from configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_RENAME_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MECHANISM_TO_SHARDRenaming the proxy backend configuration property 'service discovery mechanism' to 'shard'
Adding objectClass to JSON, CSV, and External access logger configurations
Server is running. Please stop the server before running this tool
Removing configuration for replication monitoring
An error occurred when trying to read the configuration version in %s : %s
An error occurred when trying to read the upgrade version in second line of file '%s' (%s)
Set the proxy backend configuration property 'hash-function' to MD5
Use the old JE backend caches instead of the new shared cache
Renaming ds-cfg-connection-pool-* attributes to ds-cfg-bind-connection-pool-*
Set the database cache mode 'ds-cfg-db-cache-mode' to 'cache-ln'
Add 'inheritFromDNParent' attribute type to the 'inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry' object class
Could not find 'ads-certificate' entry in the truststore '%s'. This entry is required for the correct behavior of the directory server
Unable to retrieve the keys from the truststore
Unable to look up server key id '%s' in the admin backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_HOSTNAME_FROM_ADMIN_BACKENDUnable to retrieve the hostname from the admin backend using the truststore as source of keys; 'advertised-listen-address' attribute in global configuration will use the local hostname as value. Cause: %s
Unable to retrieve the local hostname, the 'advertised-listen-address' attribute in global configuration must be set manually
Adding 'listen-address' and 'advertised-listen-address' attributes to the global configuration
Removing 'listen-address' attributes that are redundant with default value provided by the global configuration
An error occurred while removing some 'listen-address' attribute values from the configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_INDEXES_TELEPHONENUMBER_EMR_SMROpenDJ 7.0.0 changed the indexing algorithm for TelephoneNumber equality and substring matching rules. All TelephoneNumber syntax based attribute indexes must be rebuilt which may take a long time. Do you want to rebuild the indexes automatically at the end of the upgrade?
Add ACI to make Root DSE fullVendorVersion operational attribute user visible
Removing references to 'backup' backend
Removing 'backup' backend
Remove External change log domain configuration entries and migrate information to the domains and the replication server configuration entries
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MIGRATE_SOURCE_ADDRESS_TO_REPL_SYNC_PROVIDER_CONFIGMigrate source address attribute from replication server configuration to replication synchronization provider configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MIGRATE_REPLICATION_DOMAIN_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTESMigrate common replication domain configuration attributes to replication synchronization provider configuration
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARNING_UPGRADE_MULTIPLE_VALUES_TO_MIGRATE_FOR_REPLICATION_DOMAIN_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTEObject> Configuration attribute %s has distinct values in replication domain configuration entries. Migration to replication synchronization provider configuration will keep only one value, '%s' and discarded '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_UPGRADE_REMOVE_REFERENCES_TO_DS_TASK_BACKUP_ALLRemoving '%s' attribute(s) from backup tasks
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UPGRADE_CANNOT_REMOVE_REFERENCES_TO_DS_TASK_BACKUP_ALL'%s' attributes couldn't be removed from backup tasks
Removing restore tasks
The restore tasks couldn't be removed
DS 7.0.0 breaks restore tasks compatibility, all existing restore tasks will be removed
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MIGRATE_ISOLATION_POLICY_ATTRIBUTEMigrate isolation policy attribute to replication synchronization provider configuration
Merge replication-purge-delay and conflicts-historical-purge-delay attribute into a single replication-purge-delay attribute in replication synchronizer provider configuration
An error occured when trying to read the configuration file %s: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, WARN_UPGRADE_CANNOT_FIND_TASK_BACKEND_FILEObject> Unable to find the task backend file location in the configuration file %s, entry '%s' or attribute '%s' is missing
Removing profiler plugins
Removing max-work-queue-capacity
Migrating encrypted replication changelog files
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UPGRADE_TASK_CANNOT_UPGRADE_ENCRYPTED_CHANGELOGAn error occurred while migrating encrypted changelog files: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_RENAME_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_PATH_INTO_BACKUP_LOCATIONRename attribute 'ds-backup-directory-path' to 'ds-backup-location' in entries of objectClass '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UPGRADE_CANNOT_RENAME_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_PATH_INTO_BACKUP_LOCATIONAttribute 'ds-backup-directory-path' could not be renamed to 'ds-backup-location' in entries of objectclass '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_RENAME_MUTUAL_TLS_TO_SASL_EXTERNALRenaming the 'use-mutual-tls' configuration property to 'use-sasl-external'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_RENAME_REPL_SERVER_TO_BOOTSTRAP_REPL_SERVERRenaming the 'replication-server' configuration property to 'bootstrap-replication-server'
The path to the systemd service file to create
An error occurred while attempting to generate the systemd service file: %s
Gives an ID to the task
Gives a description to the task
Allowing dsbackup purge tasks
Removing empty configuration for groups
Replacing non allowed comma in groupID definition with a dot
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_REMOVE_PROXY_BACKEND_LOAD_BALANCER_ATTRIBUTERemoving 'ds-cfg-load-balancing-algorithm' attribute from the proxy backend
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_RENAME_BIND_CONNECTION_POOL_ATTRIBUTESRenaming 'ds-cfg-bind-connection-pool-*' attributes to 'ds-cfg-connection-pool-*'
Removing 'ds-cfg-request-connection-pool-size' attribute,'ds-cfg-connection-pool-size' will be used instead
Add 'ldapSyntaxes' to attribute list which can be read in the schema access global access control policies
Renaming replication changelog files from .log to .cdb suffix
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_UPGRADE_INVALID_SEQUENCE_FOR_TASKS_VERSIONObject> Invalid sequence for task version: task %s tried to register for version %s but the previous task used a higher version: %s. This suggests there is a copy/paste error in the version number
Renaming proxy 'ds-cfg-heartbeat-*' attributes to 'ds-cfg-keep-alive-*`
"Error parsing existing schema file '%s' - %s"
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_REBUILD_DUE_TO_DUPLICATE_ENTRY_IDSOpenDJ 7.2.0 fixed an indexing bug that may cause searches to return duplicate entries in certain circumstances. All indexes have to be rebuilt. This could take a long time to proceed. Do you want to launch this process automatically at the end of the upgrade?
Removing look through limit from the configuration
Renaming 'ds-cfg-cursor-entry-limit' to 'ds-cfg-max-candidate-set-size'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_DELETE_VLV_WITH_BASE_OBJECT_SCOPE_CONFIGRemoving VLV indexes with base-object scope from the configuration
Migrating JE environment properties to configuration attributes
Removing replica degraded status threshold configuration
Remove LDIF change record remnants from the configuration
Changes in Unicode string normalization require that all indexes are rebuilt. Do you want to rebuild the indexes automatically at the end of the upgrade?
Removing LDAP send reject notification configuration
Removing debug logging configuration
Replace multiple severity values by a single one in logging configurations
Changing syntax for 'inheritAttribute' attribute type to IA5String
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_ENTRYUUID_INDEX_DUE_TO_DATA_CORRUPTIONOPENDJ-9550 on 7.3.0 caused static groups to lose their operational attributes on modify operations, corrupting data and the entryUUID index which needs to be rebuilt. Do you want to rebuild the indexes automatically at the end of the upgrade?
The name of the group account under which the server should run
You must provide either the --%s or the --%s argument
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_MAKE_FILE_BASED_ERROR_LOGGERS_ASYNCHRONOUSMake the File-Based Error Loggers perform asynchronous logging for optimal performance after merging the debug and error logger
Enabling change numbers in the replication changelog
Removing 'ds-cfg-argon2-migration-memory' and adding 'ds-cfg-argon2-memory-pool-size' which specifies the size of the memory pool allocated for concurrent Argon2 password hashing computations
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_ADD_JSON_ACCESS_LOG_PUBLISHER_EXCLUDE_VALUES_OF_ATTRIBUTESAdding 'ds-cfg-exclude-values-of-attributes' with the list the attribute names which values will be excluded from the list of requested modifications
Continue to allow invalid certificate lists, certificate pairs and postal addresses
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_RENAME_BIG_INDEX_MATCHING_RULE_ATTRIBUTERenaming 'ds-cfg-big-index-matching-rule' attribute to 'ds-cfg-big-index-extensible-matching-rule`
The value %s cannot be decoded as a hexadecimal string because it does not have a length that is a multiple of two bytes
The value %s cannot be decoded as a hexadecimal string because it contains an illegal character %c that is not a valid hexadecimal digit
Unable to parse line %d ("%s") from the LDIF source because the line started with a space but there were no previous lines in the entry to which this line could be appended
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because the line "%s" does not include an attribute name
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because the first line does not contain a DN (the first line was "%s"
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because an error occurred while trying to parse the value of line "%s" as a distinguished name: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Object, ERR_LDIF_COULD_NOT_BASE64_DECODE_DNObject> Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the DN on line "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, ERR_LDIF_COULD_NOT_BASE64_DECODE_ATTRObject, Object> Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the attribute on line "%s": %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Number, WARN_LDIF_DUPLICATE_ATTRObject, Object> Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d includes a duplicate attribute %s with value %s. The second occurrence of that attribute value has been skipped
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_LDIF_MULTIPLE_VALUES_FOR_SINGLE_VALUED_ATTRObject> Entry %s starting at line %d includes multiple values for single-valued attribute %s
Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d is not valid because it violates the server's schema configuration: %s
The specified LDIF file %s already exists and the export configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because the value of attribute %s was to be read from a URL but the URL was invalid: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Number, ERR_LDIF_URL_IO_ERRORObject, Object, Object> Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because the value of attribute %s was to be read from URL %s but an error occurred while trying to read that content: %s
The specified reject file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Number, ERR_LDIF_COULD_NOT_EVALUATE_FILTERS_FOR_IMPORTObject> An error occurred while attempting to determine whether LDIF entry "%s" starting at line %d should be imported as a result of the include and exclude filter configuration: %s
The provided sender address %s is invalid: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EMAILMSG_INVALID_RECIPIENT_ADDRESSThe provided recipient address %s is invalid: %s
The specified e-mail message could not be sent using any of the configured mail servers
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain the necessary :// component to separate the scheme from the rest of the URL
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a protocol scheme
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a host before the colon to specify the port number
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a port number after the colon following the host
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the port number portion %s cannot be decoded as an integer
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the provided port number %d is not within the valid range between 1 and 65535
The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the scope string %s was not one of the allowed values of base, one, sub, or subordinate
The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the percent character at byte %d was not followed by two hexadecimal digits
The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the character at byte %d was not a valid hexadecimal digit
Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because it does not contain a colon to separate the name from the set of characters
The named character set is invalid because it does not contain a name
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Number> ERR_CHARSET_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID_NAME_CHARThe named character set is invalid because the provide name "%s" has an invalid character at position %d. Only ASCII alphabetic characters are allowed in the name
Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because it does not contain a name to use for the character set
Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because there are no characters to include in the set
%d seconds
%d minutes, %d seconds
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Number,Number, INFO_TIME_IN_HOURS_MINUTES_SECONDSNumber> %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Number,Number, INFO_TIME_IN_DAYS_HOURS_MINUTES_SECONDSNumber, Number> %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds
Unable to set permissions for file %s because it does not exist
One or more exceptions were thrown in the process of updating the file permissions for %s. Some of the permissions for the file may have been altered
The provided string %s does not represent a valid UNIX file mode. UNIX file modes must be a three-character string in which each character is a numeric digit between zero and seven
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg5<Object,Number, WARN_LDIF_VALUE_VIOLATES_SYNTAXObject, Object, Object> Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d includes value "%s" for attribute %s that is invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
The specified skip file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file
Skipping entry %s because the DN is not one that should be included based on the include and exclude branches/filters
The embedded server with server root '%s' cannot be started because it is already running
Skipping entry %s because the DN is excluded by the exclude branch "%s"
Skipping entry %s because the DN is excluded by the exclude filter "%s"
Skipping entry %s because the DN is not included by any include branches
Skipping entry %s because the DN is not included by any include filters
Rejecting entry %s because it was rejected by a plugin
Rejecting entry %s because it was rejected by a plugin: %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it has an invalid binary option for attribute %s
Skipping entry %s because the following error was received when reading its attributes: %s
An error occurred while attempting to obtain a list of the files in directory %s to include in the backup: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_SETUP_EXTRACT_ARCHIVEObject> An error occurred while attempting to extract server archive '%s' before setup of embedded server with server root '%s': %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_REBUILD_INDEX_FAILUREAn error occurred while attempting to rebuild index of embedded server with server root '%s': %s
An error occurred while attempting to start the embedded server with server root '%s' : %s
An error occurred while attempting to upgrade the embedded server with server root '%s' : %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve an internal connection to the server with the user DN '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_ARCHIVE_SETUP_WRONG_ROOT_DIRECTORYThe setup from an archive can only be done with a server root directory named after the root directory contained in the archive: '%s'. The provided server root was: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the configuration framework or to read the configuration file '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_IMPORT_DATA_NOT_SUCCESSFULObject> An error occurred while attempting to import LDIF file '%s' into embedded server with server root '%s'. Import LDIF task state was '%s'. You can look at the task logs printed on the embedded server output stream for more details
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_IMPORT_DATA_FAILUREObject> An error occurred while attempting to import LDIF file '%s' into embedded server with server root '%s': '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_REBUILD_INDEX_NOT_SUCCESSFULAn error occurred while attempting to rebuild index of embedded server with server root '%s'. Rebuild task state was '%s'. You can look at the task logs printed on the embedded server output stream for more details
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the configuration version of the directory server: '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the data version of the directory server: '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_INITIALIZE_CONFIGURATIONAn error occurred while initializing configuration of embedded server with server root '%s': %s
The directory to move %s does not exist
The directory to move %s exists but is a file
The target directory %s already exists
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_EMBEDDED_SERVER_SETUP_REQUIRE_LDAP_OR_LDAPS_PORTConfiguration error: an LDAP port or an LDAPS port must be configured before finishing configuring the embedded server
Embedded Directory Servers are NOT SUPPORTED in production
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, ERR_DIFFERENT_DATA_SET_NEED_RESYNCObject, Object> The Directory server DS(%s) and Replication server RS(%s) are working on different dataset regarding the domain '%s' : the Directory server DS(%s) will reject all modification operations and must be re-initialized
You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the sort request
Renaming 'ds-cfg-log-control-oids' attribute to 'ds-cfg-log-controls'
Removing SNMP support
Performs disaster recovery on the local server. The subcommand has two forms. The first form verifies each replica has the same data after recovery: on a replica, run dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --generate-recovery-id The command prints the identifier to use on all other servers with the --generated-id option: dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --generated-id {identifier} The second form uses an identifier you provide. It lets you automate the recovery process when you cannot use the first form. Do not use this form if the topology has standalone replication servers. With this form of the subcommand, you must ensure you recover each replica with the same data. Run the same subcommand on all servers. Example: dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --user-generated-id Recovery_Date_20240101 Read the documentation on disaster recovery carefully before using this command
Generate a disaster recovery identifier during recovery. Use this for the first directory server in a replication topology with standalone RS servers. For all subsequent servers to recover, omit this option and use --generated-id {generatedRecoveryId} with the generated identifier
Use the disaster recovery identifier generated on the first server. You must use the same identifier for all servers involved in the same disaster recovery procedure
A mandatory argument is missing. Choose one and only one argument from '--generate-recovery-id', '--generated-id' and '--user-generated-id'
Disaster recovery must be started on a directory server or a combined directory/replication server
An error occurred while computing the disaster recovery id for base DN '%s': %s
Disaster recovery for base DN '%s' ended successfully on this server
The disaster recovery process completed successfully for the first server. The next step is to restore the same data using the same procedure on all the remaining servers in the topology and run the following command on each server:
The disaster recovery procedure cannot be continued on this server because the domain '%s' does not contain the expected data. Make sure the server has been restored using exactly the same procedure used on the first server
An error occurred while rewriting the base entry of the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which already have received the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem is writeable and there is some free disk space, and try again. The error is: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_DR_CANNOT_CLEAR_CHANGELOGObject> An error occurred while clearing the changelog for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which have already completed the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is readable with delete permissions and try again. The error is: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,Object, ERR_DSREPL_DR_CANNOT_REWRITE_REPLICATION_DATAObject> An error occurred while rewriting replication data for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which already have received the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at %s is writeable and there is some free disk space and try again. The error is: %s
An error occurred while clearing the change number index. The change number index on this server will expose erroneous data. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is readable with delete permissions and try again. The error is: %s
The server is neither a replica nor a replication server for base DN '%s'
Disaster recovery for base DN '%s' failed on this server
The local replication server never received changes for base DN '%s'. Make sure you are running the disaster recovery on the right server
Base DN of the domain to be recovered
The disaster recovery id '%s' is invalid. Verify the value of the disaster recovery id parameter matches the value printed when '--generate-recovery-id' was run on the first server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> ERR_DSREPL_DOMAIN_DR_ID_INCONSISTENCYThe provided base DN '%s' does not match the disaster recovery id '%s'. Please verify that the base DN and disaster recovery id correspond to the base DN and id from the first recovered server
Starting disaster recovery on local server for base DN '%s'
The replication changelog file '%s' could not be deleted. Check file permissions and filesystem status. The error is: %s
The replication changelog files could not be retrieved. Check file permissions and filesystem status. The error is: %s
Disaster recovery will erase replication metadata on this server. This server will then only be able to replicate changes with other recovered servers. You will have to run the recovery procedure on every other server of the topology. Servers which have not been recovered will not be able to connect to recovered servers anymore
Continue the disaster recovery procedure
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_DSREPL_DR_COMPUTED_ID_FULL_COMMANDdsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn '%s' --generated-id %s
Disaster recovery id: %s
The disaster recovery process has been canceled, no operation was performed. This server may still not be operational
Decodes one or more CSNs and displays them in a human readable JSON format
csn [csn ...]
The CSN cannot be parsed as a valid CSN
The current 7.4.0 server is configured to use an incompatible confidentiality setting which prevents automated upgrade from working. Follow the procedure detailed in the Upgrade Guide to upgrade this server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_PEER_REPLICA_IS_TOO_LATEObject, Object> Peer replica '%s' is too late compared to changelog '%s' for domain '%s'. It asked for changes that are not present in the changelog or have been purged. The peer replica will no longer receive replicated changes and must be re-initialized. Diagnostic information follows: %s
Peer replica asked for changes from replica '%1$s' starting from %2$s (CSN '%3$s'), but changelog DB only contains changes starting from %4$s (CSN '%5$s'). The last recorded purge information in 'domains.state' is: last update CSN: %6$s, last message CSN: %7$s. The replica DB description is: number of files: %8$d, replica offline: %9$b. The replica DB newest file content is: oldest CSN: %10$s, newest CSN: %11$s, number of updates: %12$d, number of ReplicaOfflineMsg: %13$d
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg7<Object,Object, WARN_REPLICA_NEWEST_CSN_IS_OLDER_THAN_RECORDED_PURGED_CSNSObject, Object, Object, Object, Object> Peer replica asked for changes from replica '%s' starting from %s (CSN '%s'), but the changelog DB has purged this change, and the last known generated change timestamp is %s (CSN '%s'). The last recorded purge information in 'domains.state' is: last update CSN: %s, last message CSN: %s
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.ArgN WARN_REPLICA_NEWEST_CSN_IS_OLDER_THAN_OLDEST_CSN_IGNORING_RECORDED_STATEPeer replica asked for changes from replica '%1$s' starting from %2$s (CSN '%3$s'), but changelog DB only contains changes starting from %4$s (CSN '%5$s'). The administrator explicitly decided to ignore the recorded purge information in 'domains.state' by setting the 'org.forgerock.opendj.allowReplicaPastPurgeDelay' system property to 'true'. The replica DB description is: number of files: %6$d, replica offline: %7$b. The replica DB newest file content is: oldest CSN: %8$s, newest CSN: %9$s, number of updates: %10$d, number of ReplicaOfflineMsg: %11$d
The provided disaster recovery id had version %d, but only version 1 is supported. Verify the value of the disaster recovery id parameter matches the value printed when '--generate-recovery-id' was run on the first server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> WARN_REPLICATION_DOMAIN_STATUS_NOT_HEALTHYReplication domain '%s' status '%s' is not healthy
Updating existing Prometheus endpoints to keep using the legacy format
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,Object, WARN_DEPRECATED_PROPERTYObject, Object> Property '%s' in %s '%s' is DEPRECATED for removal since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
Property '%s' in %s '%s' is LEGACY since %s. Its usage is highly discouraged
There is no data in domain '%s' to run disaster recovery on
Set the identifier for this recovery to {userGeneratedRecoveryId}, a string of your choice. Do not use this option if the replication topology has standalone RS servers. You must use the same identifier for all servers involved in the same disaster recovery procedure.
Base Dn '%s' is not a replicated domain on this server. Disaster recovery must be run on a directory server or a combined directory/replication server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_DSREPL_DR_WITH_VERSION_ALREADY_RUNDisaster recovery for domain '%s' has already been run with recovery ID '%s'. Verify all servers in the topology are being recovered with the same recovery ID
An error occurred while decoding a replicated request control: %s
An error occurred while decoding a internal modification control: %s
Add a new HDAP authorization mechanism '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,Object> INFO_UPGRADE_REPLACE_HDAP_ENDPOINT_AUTH_MECHANISM_CONFIGReplace the authentication mechanism of the '/hdap' endpoint '%s' with the new HDAP authorization mechanism '%s'
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_UPGRADE_DELETE_HTTP_AUTH_MECHANISMS_CONFIGRemoving deprecated HTTP Basic DN and JWT authorization mechanisms. The HDAP authorization mechanism '%s' replaces them
The entry '%s' specified in the request does not exist in the Directory Server
public static LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_SEARCH_CANNOT_MIX_PAGING_AND_PERSISTENT_SEARCHESThe requested search operation included the persistent search control together with either the simple paged results control or the virtual list view control. These controls are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together
EXPERIMENTAL virtual threads support has been enabled. DO NOT USE in production
Cannot continue the restore process, errors were encountered while reading the list of available backups: %s
Cannot continue purging backups, errors were encountered while reading the list of available backups: %s
This server received a replication message to signal a disaster recovery. This means that this server is part of a mixed topology where the deprecated start-disaster-recovery command is used. The operation will continue, but it is not supported anymore and the disaster recovery procedure for mixed topologies must be used instead.
Method Details
Returns the name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class. The resource name may be used for obtaining named loggers, e.g. using SLF4J'sorg.slf4j.LoggerFactory#getLogger(String name)
.- Returns:
- The name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class.