Adding global unprotected resources
Create a new global unprotected resource in PingAccess.
About this task
The following steps describe how to globally make resources unprotected. Because any resource captured by the wildcard path of any entry is left unprotected for all applications, you must carefully plan these entries. You can find information on making a resource unprotected for a specific application in Adding application resources. |
Click Applications and then go to Applications > Global Unprotected Resources.
Click Add Global Unprotected Resource.
In the Name field, enter a name for the entry.
(Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the entry.
(Optional) If you want to record access requests for this resource in the audit store, select the Audit checkbox.
In the Path Pattern field, specify the path pattern that identifies the global unprotected resource.
This entry must start with a forward-slash (/) and can contain one or more wildcard characters (
), such as:-
Global unprotected resource paths are relative to the application context root. Reserved paths such as
, or/pa/*
are allowed at the global level, but will not be evaluated for applications that are configured with a context root of/
To enable the global unprotected resource, select the Enabled checkbox.
Click Save.