Custom PingGateway image
The default PingGateway configuration provided for use with ForgeOps deployments is an example and is not meant for use in production. Replace this configuration with your own routes before using PingGateway in your environment.
Refer to the PingGateway Deployment Guide for configuring routes.
To build a custom PingGateway image and deploy PingGateway:
Verify that your ForgeOps deployment is up and running.
Configure PingGateway by creating, modifying, or deleting rules in the /path/to/forgeops/docker/ig/config-profiles/my-profile/config/routes-service directory.
Identify the repository to which you’ll push the Docker image. You’ll use this location in the next step to specify the --push-to argument’s value.
Build a new
image that includes your changes to PingGateway static configuration:$ cd /path/to/forgeops/bin $ ./forgeops build ig --config-profile my-profile --push-to my-repo Generating tags... - ig → ig:0a27bdfea Checking cache... - ig: Not found. Building Starting build... Found [minikube] context, using local docker daemon. Building [ig]... Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.81kB Step 1/5 : FROM --→ ba6f8150204e Step 2/5 : ARG CONFIG_PROFILE=cdk ... Step 5/5 : COPY --chown=forgerock:root . /var/ig --→ c173995218a3 Successfully built c173995218a3 Successfully tagged ig:0a27bdfea Updated the image_defaulter with your new image for ig: "ig:c173995218a3c55dbca76fff08588153db0693a51ff0904e6adee34b7163340a"
Uninstall the previously deployed PingGateway from your ForgeOps deployment:
Set the active namespace in your local Kubernetes context to the namespace in which you have deployed the PingGateway.
Delete PingGateway:
$ ./forgeops delete ig "cdk" platform detected in namespace: "my-namespace". Uninstalling component(s): ['ig'] from namespace: "my-namespace". OK to delete components? [Y/N] Y secret "openig-secrets-env" deleted service "ig" deleted deployment.apps "ig" deleted
Deploy PingGateway using your customized PingGateway image:
$ ./forgeops apply ig --cdk Checking secret-agent operator and related CRDs: secret-agent CRD found in cluster. Checking ds-operator and related CRDs: ds-operator CRD found in cluster. Installing component(s): ['ig'] secret/openig-secrets-env created service/ig created deployment.apps/ig created Enjoy your deployment!
Run the kubectl get pods command to check the status of the PingGateway pod. Wait until the PingGateway pod is ready before proceeding to the next step.
Verify that your PingGateway routes work.