Uses of Class
Packages that use NeverThrowsException
This package defines the authentication framework classes for the authentication of messages
via authentication contexts and modules.
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
implementations.Support for CORS.
implementations.This package provides APIs for OAuth 2.0 services implementations.
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Provides routing functionality for HTTP requests.
Provides interfaces for managing and interacting with HTTP Sessions.
HTTP service provider API.
Provides an API for the traversal and manipulation of JSON object model structures in Java.
Classes and interfaces for JWT encryption and JWEs.
Classes and interfaces for JWT signing and JWS'.
The AM supporting classes for centrally configuring secrets.
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and
Provides a unified API for accessing secrets of various kinds.
Classes for integrating Google Secret Manager
into the ForgeRock Secrets API.
A secret store implementation that can retrieve keys from a Google Cloud Platform Key Management Service.
Secret store backend for retrieving keys from a local or remote JWK Set.
Implementations of
for accessing keys stored in Java KeyStores, such as
PKCS#11 Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and PKCS#12 file-based encrypted key stores.A Secrets API backend that can obtain OAuth 2 access tokens from a token endpoint, along with a collection of
grant type handlers.
Provides a
implementation that loads secrets from a Common Configuration
and then decodes it with a
.An implementation of the
API in Java.-
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.caf.authentication.framework
Methods in org.forgerock.caf.authentication.framework that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http
Methods in org.forgerock.http that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFilters the request and/or response of an exchange.Sends an HTTP request and returns aPromise
representing the pending HTTP response.Sends an HTTP request and returns aPromise
representing the pending HTTP response.Client.sendWithoutClose
(Request request) Sends an HTTP request and returns aPromise
representing the pending HTTP response.Client.sendWithoutClose
(Context context, Request request) Sends an HTTP request and returns aPromise
representing the pending HTTP response. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.filter
Methods in org.forgerock.http.filter that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHandles all OPTION requests to CREST resources, all other request methods are handled by theHandler
. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.filter.cors
Methods in org.forgerock.http.filter.cors that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.handler
Methods in org.forgerock.http.handler that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.oauth2
Methods in org.forgerock.http.oauth2 that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDeprecated. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.protocol
Methods in org.forgerock.http.protocol that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntity.getRawContentInputStreamAsync()
Returns a promise of an input stream representing the raw content of this entity.static <E extends Exception>
AsyncFunction<E,Response, NeverThrowsException> Responses.internalServerError()
Utility method returning an async function that creates aResponse
and the exception set as the cause.static Promise<Response,
NeverThrowsException> Response.newResponsePromise
(Response response) Returns aPromise
representing theResponse
for an asynchronousRequest
which has already completed.static PromiseImpl<Response,
NeverThrowsException> Response.newResponsePromiseImpl()
static <V,
E extends Exception>
AsyncFunction<NeverThrowsException,V, E> Responses.noopExceptionAsyncFunction()
Utility method returning an empty async function, whose goal is to ease the transformation of aPromise
type.static <V,
E extends Exception>
Function<NeverThrowsException,V, E> Responses.noopExceptionFunction()
Utility method returning an empty function, whose goal is to ease the transformation of aPromise
type.static <E extends Exception>
Function<E,Response, NeverThrowsException> Responses.onExceptionInternalServerError()
Utility function that returns aResponse
whose status isStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
and the exception attached to the response as the cause. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.routing
Methods in org.forgerock.http.routing that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.session
Methods in org.forgerock.http.session that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.http.spi
Methods in org.forgerock.http.spi that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.json
Methods in org.forgerock.json that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Function<JsonValue,
Boolean, NeverThrowsException> JsonValueFunctions.parseBoolean()
Returns aBoolean
by converting the JsonValue usingJsonValue.asLong()
, or by parsing the JsonValue string usingBoolean.parseBoolean(String)
. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe
Method parameters in org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe with type arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPromise<? extends EncryptedJwt,
JweDecryptionCheckedException> EncryptedJwt.decrypt
(ValidSecretsReference<? extends CryptoKey, NeverThrowsException> secretsReference) Attempts to decrypt the JWT using any available keys from the givenValidSecretsReference
(ValidSecretsReference<? extends CryptoKey, NeverThrowsException> validSecretsReference) SignedThenEncryptedJwt.decryptAndVerify
(ValidSecretsReference<? extends CryptoKey, NeverThrowsException> decryptionSecretsReference, ValidSecretsReference<VerificationKey, NeverThrowsException> verificationSecretsReference) Decrypts the outer JWT and then verifies the signature on the inner JWT using supplied valid secrets.Promise<byte[],
JweDecryptionCheckedException> EncryptedJwt.decryptRawPayload
(ValidSecretsReference<? extends CryptoKey, NeverThrowsException> secretsReference) Attempts to decrypt the raw payload of the JWT using any keys from the given theSecret
s contained in the givenValidSecretsReference
. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.json.jose.jws
Methods in org.forgerock.json.jose.jws that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSigningManager.newVerificationHandler
(Purpose<VerificationKey> purpose, String keyId) Constructs a new SigningHandler configured for verifying with the provided secret purpose.SigningManager.newVerificationHandler
(ValidSecretsReference<VerificationKey, NeverThrowsException> validSecrets) Constructs a new SigningHandler configured for verifying with the provided valid secrets reference.Method parameters in org.forgerock.json.jose.jws with type arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPromise<? extends EncryptedJwt,
JweDecryptionCheckedException> EncryptedThenSignedJwt.decrypt
(ValidSecretsReference<? extends CryptoKey, NeverThrowsException> secretsReference) Decrypts the inner encrypted JWE so that the payload can be accessed.SigningManager.newVerificationHandler
(ValidSecretsReference<VerificationKey, NeverThrowsException> validSecrets) Constructs a new SigningHandler configured for verifying with the provided valid secrets reference. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.openam.secrets
Methods in org.forgerock.openam.secrets that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<S extends Secret>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> SecretsProviderFacade.getValidSecrets
(DefaultingPurpose<S> defaultingPurpose, String instanceId) Get a stream of the valid secrets for aDefaultingPurpose
.<S extends Secret>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> SecretsProviderFacade.getValidSecrets
(Purpose<S> purpose) -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.opendj.ldap
Methods in org.forgerock.opendj.ldap that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <M,
N> Function<M, N, NeverThrowsException> Functions.constant
(N constant) Creates a function that returns constant value for any input.static <V> Promise<V,
NeverThrowsException> Utils.toPromiseNoError
(io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<V> single) Transforms a Single into a Promise which do not throws exceptions.Constructor parameters in org.forgerock.opendj.ldap with type arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionConsistentHashMap
(Function<Object, Integer, NeverThrowsException> hashFunction) Creates a new consistent hash map which will hash keys using the provided hash function. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.secrets
Methods in org.forgerock.secrets that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<S extends Secret>
ValidSecretsReference<S,NeverThrowsException> SecretsProvider.createValidOrNamedReference
(Purpose<S> purpose, String name) Creates the valid secrets reference from the given purpose.<S extends Secret>
ValidSecretsReference<S,NeverThrowsException> SecretsProvider.createValidReference
(Purpose<S> purpose) Creates the valid secrets reference from the given purpose.<S extends Secret>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> SecretsProvider.getNamedOrValidSecrets
(Purpose<S> purpose, String id) If the given id is not null, then this returns the single named secret that corresponds to that stable id (or a stream of valid secrets for the givenpurpose
if no such secret exists), otherwise it returns all valid secrets for the given purpose.<S extends T>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> Returns all valid secrets for the given purpose from this store.<S extends T>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> <S extends Secret>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> SecretsProvider.getValidSecrets
(Purpose<S> purpose) Returns all secrets for the given purpose which have not yet expired.static <T extends Secret>
ValidSecretsReference<T,NeverThrowsException> ValidSecretsReference.valid
(SecretsProvider secretsProvider, Purpose<T> purpose, Clock clock) Creates a reference to the valid secrets for the given purpose using the given secrets provider.static <T extends Secret>
ValidSecretsReference<T,NeverThrowsException> ValidSecretsReference.validOrNamed
(SecretsProvider secretsProvider, Purpose<T> purpose, String name, Clock clock) This creates a reference to either the named secret or all valid secrets for the purpose. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.secrets.gcpkms
Methods in org.forgerock.secrets.gcpkms that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.secrets.jwkset
Methods in org.forgerock.secrets.jwkset that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.secrets.keystore
Methods in org.forgerock.secrets.keystore that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsException -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.secrets.oauth2
Methods in org.forgerock.secrets.oauth2 that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<S extends GenericSecret>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.secrets.propertyresolver
Methods in org.forgerock.secrets.propertyresolver that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<S extends Secret>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> <S extends Secret>
Promise<Stream<S>,NeverThrowsException> Returns a stream of the active secret for the given purpose. -
Uses of NeverThrowsException in org.forgerock.util.promise
Methods in org.forgerock.util.promise that return types with arguments of type NeverThrowsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Promise<Void,
NeverThrowsException> Promises.allDone
(Collection<Promise<?, ?>> promises) Returns aPromise
which will be completed successfully once all of the provided promises have completed (successfully or not, including runtime exceptions).static <V> Promise<V,
NeverThrowsException> Promises.allDone
(Collection<Promise<?, ?>> promises, V context) Returns aPromise
which will be completed successfully once all of the provided promises have completed (successfully or not, including runtime exceptions), returning back thecontext
parameter.static <V,
E extends Exception>
Function<NeverThrowsException,V, E> NeverThrowsException.neverThrown()
Utility method returning an empty function, whose goal is to ease the transformation of aPromise
type.static <V,
E extends Exception>
AsyncFunction<NeverThrowsException,V, E> NeverThrowsException.neverThrownAsync()
Utility method returning an empty function, whose goal is to ease the transformation of aPromise