Annotation Interface IdRepoConfig

@SupportedAll @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface IdRepoConfig
Indicates that an interface describes the configuration of an Identity Repository.

The methods of the interface annotated with Attribute form the schema of the Identity Repository, which will be used by SMS to automatically generate REST endpoints for manipulating the Identity Repository instances.

All methods MUST be annotated with Attribute.

The schema created for a particular annotated method is controlled by a TypeAdapter. The adapter for a method is chosen as follows:

  1. If the method has an annotation that implies a TypeAdapter, it is used.
  2. Otherwise, the TypeAdapter is inferred from the return type of the method.

Interfaces annotated with this annotation should be registered with the AnnotatedServiceRegistry, which will result in the Identity Repository being added to the Identity Repository service and being available to be created and used.


 interface MyIdRepoConfig {
   @Attribute(order = 100)
   String myAttribute();

   @Attribute(order = 300)
   default int myDefaultedAttribute() {
     return 5;

   @Attribute(order = 200)
   CustomType anotherAttribute();
AM 7.0.0
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The key for the Identity Repository description in the i18n bundle.
    Whether the config Identity Repository should be hidden from the config UI.
    The name of the i18n bundle file (without .properties suffix), relative to the root package.
    The name of the Identity Repository.
    The resource name of the Identity Repository in the REST endpoints.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The name of the Identity Repository. If not provided, the simple name of the annotated interface is used.
      the name.
    • resourceName

      String resourceName
      The resource name of the Identity Repository in the REST endpoints. If not provided, the name of the service is used.
      the resource name.
      See Also:
    • i18nFile

      String i18nFile
      The name of the i18n bundle file (without .properties suffix), relative to the root package.

      If not provided, this will default to the interface name, with the slash-separated package prefix.

      the i18n file name.
    • descriptionKey

      String descriptionKey
      The key for the Identity Repository description in the i18n bundle.
      the i18n description key.
    • hiddenFromConfigUi

      boolean hiddenFromConfigUi
      Whether the config Identity Repository should be hidden from the config UI. Defaults to false.
      true if the Identity Repository should be hidden.