Interface IDPAuthnContextMapper

All Superinterfaces:

@SupportedAll public interface IDPAuthnContextMapper extends SAMLPlugin
The interface IDPAuthnContextMapper creates an IDPAuthnContextInfo based on the RequestAuthnContext from the AuthnRequest sent by a Service Provider and the AuthnContext configuration at the IDP entity config. The implementation of this class will be used by the IDP to find out the authentication mechaism and set the AuthnContext in the Assertion.
  • Method Details

    • getIDPAuthnContextInfo

      @Deprecated IDPAuthnContextInfo getIDPAuthnContextInfo(AuthnRequest authnRequest, String idpEntityID, String realm) throws com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception
      Returns an IDPAuthnContextInfo object.
      authnRequest - the AuthnRequest from the Service Provider
      idpEntityID - the Entity ID of the Identity Provider
      realm - the realm to which the Identity Provider belongs
      an IDPAuthnContextInfo object
      com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception - if an error occurs.
    • getIDPAuthnContextInfo

      default IDPAuthnContextInfo getIDPAuthnContextInfo(AuthnRequest authnRequest, String idpEntityID, String realm, String spEntityID) throws com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception
      Returns an IDPAuthnContextInfo object.
      authnRequest - the AuthnRequest from the Service Provider
      idpEntityID - the Entity ID of the Identity Provider
      realm - the realm to which the Identity Provider belongs
      spEntityID - the Entity ID of the Service Provider
      an IDPAuthnContextInfo object
      com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception - if an error occurs.
    • isAuthnContextMatching

      boolean isAuthnContextMatching(List requestedACClassRefs, String acClassRef, String comparison, String realm, String idpEntityID)
      Returns true if the specified AuthnContextClassRef matches a list of requested AuthnContextClassRef.
      requestedACClassRefs - a list of requested AuthnContextClassRef's
      acClassRef - AuthnContextClassRef
      comparison - the type of comparison
      realm - the realm to which the Identity Provider belongs
      idpEntityID - the Entity ID of the Identity Provider
      true if the specified AuthnContextClassRef matches a list of requested AuthnContextClassRef
    • getAuthnContextFromAuthLevel

      AuthnContext getAuthnContextFromAuthLevel(String authLevel, String realm, String idpEntityID) throws com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception
      Returns AuthnContext that matches the authenticated level.
      authLevel - user authenticated level
      realm - the realm to which the Identity Provider belongs
      idpEntityID - the Entity ID of the Identity Provider
      AuthnContext object that matches authenticated level.
      com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception - if an error occurs.